w THE NEBRASKAN. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LlNCOLN, APRIL 9. 1807. Vol.. V. No. 24 Prick 5 Cunts. jJDOOR CONTEST A SUCCESS Good Records Wero Ma-o in Every bvont. WERE HIGHER THAN LAST YEAR Th ji vnt. Mati'li Ends In u Ddruw Tli,. 1 huh Jump Record of Last V i 18 Raised Two Inches Homo Other Records, I! 5 B $ r g 71 ? n p & 3 1 A 1 uluriim 745 i)3! fj.4 29.7j CM The so. oiul nnnuiil Indoor contoat provod uucesf . ipociully on tho purt of tho con loiianiH Tho throu mun thut took pur jnlaai ur'H conioat mutfo tho gains ovor ihcir r rdH of lust year, una still hold the championship on their ovonts. Tho niimluT of men thlH your, wns two jrea.cr .lum hint your. Whll' making ullowuneo for tho higher icalo of marking, tho records wore do cldcdlj strong gain over thoso ol lum jear. Tin- murklng was cons.derably high er on the rope Jump than any other ovont, A It 1.111111- liiHt and tho unfortunate con iMtants were compelled to Jump with only jie gas l.glu from tho gallery, the ovont nas rather unsatisfactory. Whllo tho cronil was not very large, tho Interost wns tot St-V'pi fimii iIiohi' present. Tlu- program opened by ti throo round boxInR muti'li hy two pupils of Juck Host, E. V Curtain and A. Glaze. Just before ihe aniioum-i'iiu-nt of tho opening, a twen ty. four fuoi r.ng was marked off on the floor and tin- i-rowd knew what It meant. Curtain .m.l Ulnzo took Heats In chairs In tbo ili.iK"iuil corners of tho ring and pulled on ill. lieu vllv padded gloves. Wot tel acted a- n-feroo ami culled tho men to ihako luii'ls. Ho.h men Jumped up and lost no t hi. in starting. Klrei ioi. il -Both mado jiasses with no hardl)lu- (ila'.e continued to follow Cur tain aroiin-1 tho ring. Whllo they wero ap parently nfiald to go at It, they kept u Uuly tno. back ami forth. Glaze lead and lanJi d several blows on tho sldo of Curtain's lu-ad, and In return received heavy both blows. Second ruiind This round was mostly running .n..und ohnslng and gottlng away from i-ii. h ntlior us If thoy .ntended to Ugh! tw.nu or thirty rounds. Curtuln enangul ii - luetics und guvo hund blows, Qlaie eon. nmd to follow Cur.nln up with bo:h liu.n' and body blows. Third i. Mind Curtuln opened and wus follow cu , cJlnze giving h.m u trunk Wu. A- i,i. izt- made n sldo hit, Curtuln Save him a pretty straight blow on tho Chin. m.l'S. .11.1 m, 1r.. ...... ... I .. B., . ..... ,,wv lunu itttj i.ii.u ,, uu,ll "18 l).uk nul Curtain succeeded in giv ing Ql.iz, three successive faco blows. Curtain's fICc showed that ho hud re ceived po !., f,,co blows, as ,ho time was tailed Hi. . force announced tho match a draw. The lift,, i mt.n divided Into four clusscB "la i sen was keitt busv trvlmr to "f them. vault of last year was replac-i-ng bar snap and was won by at 9 feet 8 Inches, with a close '.' fee. CVi Inches by Hill. Shot feet 0 Inches which was a lec- Brothors GroQn IIuiiHim Hill Lowrlo Mhrtz Mel ford Peurso 1'cpoon Strnhorn Warner Waterman Wilson 4S 72 8-10 72 7-1 30 B-10 0 0-7 18 G-10 0 7-1 30 5-10 24 C-7 IS 0-4 12 7-7 42 7-1 30 104 til 47 70 83 Gl 8-8H 1-11 23-2 81 CS 21 7-fi 4-714. 20 , Ml 53 45 117 1G4 C33 117 6S5I! 03 6-2 20 43 C3 O-IS',6 4-fiVi 20-0 101 40 41 0-0 4-lVj 2.-,.2 17 30 20 8-0 4-11 33-0 Ci G8 70 8-9& 3-8 33-U4 83 S 01 7-814 4-7Vi 34-1 G7 63 fil 4-GVi 29-G 45 4G G-10Vi l-6,4 2G-1 37 46 28 8-10 4-11 27-4 81 OS 37 0-2 1-11 32- U G9S 02 CS GO 90 0-10 4-GVt 2G-9 605 30 40 35 9S 4-61i 33-9V4 487 44 029 11G G3I 07 G20 00 40S I e P 023 113 G70 135 407 430 369 277 172 321 113 203 1S2 202 91 212 330 357 215 WEATHER BUREAU FACTS Mr. G. A. Lovoland Talks to Members of tho Pol. Econ. Club. TELLS THEM ALL ABOUT IT Tho Practical Advantages of tho Systom Kxplulnod and Proved The Dlffor- out Methods UrtCd, and Do- vulnpmonts Attained. watch ,i The ten M by ti,. Andrea-., wcond .. shrow i.i llll- , higher Broth, i Tlu I, ihe goo. 'or .wo Andrea - t J 1. 1 JUNIOHS WIN. Tho Juniors and seniors played n Joyous gnmo of bnso ball yostordny uftemoon. noth sides plnyed their best, und kept the score down protty low. Tho Juniors nt one time held the score, 8 to 1, but the sonlors plckod up und mudo u totnl of seven scores boforo tbo gnmo was over. Every man us ho wont to Imi, was In structed by ut least two hundred by. Htnmlors, who did not cense yelling from tho time Manager Portor throw tho first bull, till nil the players had left tho Hold. On ono occasion a kick was registered by ono plnyer and In a moment tho wholo crowd wns stampeding on tho diamond. Juniors Position Sonlors Klndlor C Plllsbury Portor p Munloy Oreen 1 b Allen Morrison 2 b Wilson Poiirson 3 1 Hedge Mollzii s. s Saxton Ilngguid r. f Jorgonson Stone 1. f Cameron Wilkinson c. f Howe Juniors Seniors Umpire Molford, and Saxton. I 0 2 3 10 0 0 Homo 1 1 3 runs, 11 2 7 Klndlor wd Ureal i, wus thrown by Martz. vault wus raised two Inches M last your by lionedict, and ulio mnde 8 feet 10 inches. Jump which Is coming up near 1 i-ords was brokon In good shnpo lies bottor than lust year by who broko his own record of which was nt that time two Pnoa ' vlier than uny othor Jump ,n r . - Jump was taken by Uenedlct 'ho s,, , j on ln.H 0JJ0 UV01U 1B.J poln.s, nien !. ,w. ,m (l ,iucii01j ipaii of over "ny-ttt., points, over the other contos- '""' rim three ovonts thut wero tho "me nh i.isl year wore brokon. Tho ovon '"& traiiiinK ciaB8 wlll COntlnuo Its work 10 'he , n.i 0f tM0 ycnr aa an intorcolleg 1416 fleia Ineot s being planned for be n iJoane, Wesloyand and tho unlvor '''' After such rocords as wero mudo, the "nivirslty la now able to go out sldo "o campus with' her athletes. By a Ut ,le more training It Is thought thut tho We vault can bo easily raised to nine feet or over. The high Jump to live foot six aches. and practice work on shot putting cah bring up tho record. 'hero ure many othor men who by prac tice- can bo made to do excellent work, Hlljjvh0 haB mado his first attempt at iin,., . . . .. ., ..,,.u Tfrm'- "' wont can Dy iroimnK no mum. HU muscles aiand out full and ""07 and It was a fine sight to see him ,naP from the bar. LAW SCHOOL. PLAY BALL. Tho Junior and senior classes of tho law school played a lively four Innings of base bull on tho campus Saturday. Tho Jun iors managed to pile up two moro scores than tho seniors. The seniors had sovoral old timers, but thoy, like tho rest of their team, were unable to tiud the bull. Sing house, who pitched for tho Juniors, played the game for them also, striking out Hay ward und Crelgh. Thompson mado u four bagger and brought In two runs for tho seniors In the third Inning. The seniors did not put up a good game and tho plny ors who are considered tho best, plnyed tho worst. Klllcn who pluyed left Held wns conspicuous with a pair of tight short pants of light blue, and u cutaway coat. Instead of being tho mnsco., ho proved himself tho hoo-doo, und tho seniors went down under tho lowor clussmon. Tim fol lowing are tho pluyors und scoro: Juniors Position Senior Wilson 3 b Thompson Wallace c. f Iirown Stuteville I. f Smith Sockott s. s Itldgloy nounlson 2 I Crelgh Tuokor , o, Greon Humphroy 1 b Hayward Slnghouse....... p True Wnrllold r. f Klllen Score by Innings: Juniors 1 C 0 1 8 Soniors 10 2 3 0 Umpire Wells, Scorokecpor, Greonllold, Mr. G.A.Lovolund guvo n short but very Interesting talk boforo tho political econ omy club Inst Wcdncsdny evening nnd the practical workings of tho weather bureau, and Its applications to QVoiy day life. Ho suld in purt: "The wonther bureau today is a diioct dovolopmont of .ho slfrpat corps of tho army, and Is nn outgrowth of tho signal service of tho lute war. It represents ap plied meteorology, anil lis yet Is not fully dovolopcd as tho sclenco of meteorology has only bueu studied during ,ho lust twenty-llvo years. . "The results and advantages of tho woathor bureau aro often underestimated by thoBO who know nothing about tho sub ject. Tho woathor bureau has 1G0 s.atlons nmploylnir 300 men nnd repnlven nnd an nual appropriation of about $$00,000. It saves every our. property ninny times moro valuable thuu tho cost of tho bureau Itself. "KorecasJng sovoro storms Is tho roul and principal purpose of tho bureau. Of all tho forecast!! mado, over eighty-two percent mny bo considered us certain of fulfilment. 'Tho marine warnings aro tho most Im portant Issued by tho weather bureau. Thcso are forecasts of severe storms on tho sea shore, or tho groat lakes, and aro vory useful In showing tho sea captain who. her It Is safe to put to sen. "The value of theso forecasts Is easily shown by tho fnct thnjthousauds of soa cuptuliiB consider the warnings of Kuropo Important enough to Justify their staying in port, a day or two longer than thoy o.herwlso would. "The cold wnvo signal Is next In Impor tance to tho storm wnrnlngs. No cold of unusual Intensity now comes unheralded und thousands of dollars worth of proper ty huvo been saved by those forecasts. Tho cold wave signal affects nil clnsses of people nnd when It Is seen, preparations for cold weather aro mado by tho furmer, cnttlo raiser, frui. grower, florist nnd others. "In connection with tho weather bureau are the weekij crop bullotlns. They have been established for the purposo of get ting reports of tho crop conditions nnd thus frustrating tho designs of specula tors who wilfully misrepresent tho con dition of tho crops In order to affect tho market. "Much of tho work of tho weather bur eau Is done wholly without pay. It Is wero not for this, on uccoun, of the small appropriation for this purpose, tho bur eau could not cover the wido Held which t now docs." Mny 8, Donne May 11, Kansas fitnto uni versity Mny 20, Drake of Dos Moluos In,, Juno 1, Northwestorn university of llvuns town, Juno 10. Tho schedule of the eastern trip Is ns follows s Drako ut Don Moines May 14, Iowa stato at Iowu City May 1G, Ilush Modlcnl Chicago, Mny 17, Northwestern at Kvans town May IS, Illinois state unlvorslty, Chanipuigno Mny 10, Chicugo university Muy 20. From horo thoro aro two orfoin on tho wny west, between whloh a choleo has not yot boon mnde, Our team plays out to Wosloyun Mny 10. Or course wo will win, bttc Wosloyun promises to mnko our boys work for what thoy got. Wo will huvo tho fustost In-llold In the west. Klndlor or Greon at first uro both big man but vory notlvu. Iloncdlot at second bnso can mnko uny tonm In tho collego world. Creigh nt shon plnys so fust you got dizzy. pAoKnrd or Wolls at third baso nro streaks of lightning. Km ugy and Wells ns catcher throw In per fect form nnd tho formor Is a strong hit tor. Tho out Hold wlll bo selected largely because of hitting (itialUIes. Tho band has consented to mnko a street parade accompanied by the contest ing loams before each gumo, nnd furnish music uii thu fluid whllo ihu uiotvds 'aro gathering. All games will bo played on the campus. BASE BALL MINSTREL SHOW To bo Given Tomorrow Night nt tho Chapel. TO BE SOME GOOD LOCAL JOKES Tho Show Promises to bo Hotter Than at First Anticipated The Krutoml ties Hnvo All Organized Par ties Tlu Program. THE EXHIBITION DRILL. Tho Pershing Rifles will glvo an ex hibition drill In tho armory on Thursday evening, April 15. For a month past, tho Rifles havo been drilling nard to preparo themselves for this ovont The cavalry, buglo and dlleni manual squads havo each been drilling every day aid promise to furnish an Interesting exhibition. As tho armory wlll not accomodate all who would wish to attend the ,frlH, six tickets havo been Issued to ench member of the compnny, for distribution. Evon by lim iting tho attendance In this manner, the armory will doubtless be taxe to Its full est capacity, Tho exhibition will consist ot drilling by sneoial sauads. also a company -nnd an In- I dividual drill DOANE vs. THE U. of N. On Tuesday, April 13, Doano collego will try her luck with our baso ball team, Th.s Is our opening game, nnd our boys prom iso to show what a swift game thoy wlll put up this seuson. Tho game will bo piuyed on tho campus, nnd will be called nt 3 o'clock sharp, Thu grounds will bo u ll.tlo crumped, but the mnmigemout thought It host to play tho games on a ground handy for tho students so thut they wlll not loso any time un nuccssnrlly. No attempt will bo mado to put up u fence to shut out tho view, but tho student, It Is presumed, will co-opor- ato with tho team in making tho season u grand success. Those not wishing to pay a quarter to soo tho gamo will havo enough self respoct not to stand outside, or crowd tho windows, nnd spongo off tho team. A hint to the wise is sufficient. I'or this opening gamo tho ladies wlll be udmtttcd free, and It is hoped thoy will appreciate tho offer by turning out In u body. It Is regrottcd that a grand stand cannot be placed at their disposal, but ono wlll bo ereced as soon as tho ens ury warrants. BASE BALL BOUNCES. The following, with possibly some min or changes will bo our schedule on tho homa grounds; Doane, April 13, Wesleyan April 15 und AGRICULTURE COURSE CHANGED. Professor Lyon has Just announced sov crul lmpor.aat changes In the studies of his department. Heretofore tho agricul tural group has consisted of twenty-six nnd ouo fifth courses, of which sixteen and three llfths wero required work. It con tained u largo number of different scien tific subjects, which were thought .o bo too general for this course. It is now do signed to have a course thut will prepare students for taking the civ.l sorvlco exam inations In tho department of agrloul.uro at Washington, and also to fit them for experiment station work in tho different stutcs. In order to bring this ubou., tho agriculture group has been arranged with but very llttlo required work, which amounts to ten and one 11 Mi courses. This leuvos u grout deal of time for uny spec ialty In which tho student Is Interested. For instance, If any student is going to tuko an examination for work In ono of tho divisions of the depar.ment of ngr.cul ture, he must hnvo perfected himself along one particular lino ot work. In or der thnt ho shull hnve timo to do this dur ing his college course, It Is desired thut bo tuko as much timo ns possible In that particular branch. Tho department of ugrlculturo at Wash ington Includes tho divisions of agricul ture soils, agrostology, botany, chemistry, animal Industry, dairying, ontomology, horticulture and forestry. The appoint ment to positions In these divisions nro all mado on tho basis of the iltncss of tho applicant for the position and not by pol itical Inlluenco. Examinations aro re quired of nil applicants who naturally come from the agricultural colleges of the different states. At presen, tbo university of Nobrnska Is well represented in the agricultural de partment at Washington. Thoro nro con nected with this department tho follow ing grnduutos of tho x university; II. J. Wobor. A. F. Woods, J. G. Smith, T. A. Williams nnd P. A. Rydberg. Mr. R. A. Emorson who grnduutos .his year will al so enter upon his duties in tho office of tho oxporimont station at Washington, ut tho close of this semostor. The minstrol show given for tho benoflt of tho bnso ball teum, promises to n a greater success thnn was originally an ticipated. Tho show, as everyone knowi, occurs in tho chapel .his Saturday even ing, and the proseut ind'eatlous uro that tho room will bo orowued to Its full capac ity, All tho dlfforent societies and frat ernities will he represented In large forco. Among tho fraternities thoro will bo part ies from Sigma Chi, Beta Thota PI, Dolta Tau Delta, Alpha Thota Chi, Phi Dolta Thota, Kappa S.gmn, Phi Knppa Psl nnd Sigma Alpha Epsllon. Tho faculty will turn out in largo numbers and thoro Is a goodly number expected from down town. Tho program for thu minstrels Is ns follows: Opening ohnrii Fmm "Irish Artist" and Plrutcs of Ponznnco, hy tho cntlro company. Tell'em Your Baby's o-Comlu' to Town, Messrs. Rowe, Porter, Randolph und Mu eller. I Love You In tho Same Old Way H. J. Lohnhoff. Lucy O Loo, Ollle Randolph. A Little Rag Doll George Whaloy and chorus. The Blow Almost Killed Father (Local) R. S. Mueller. Ballad, F. S Davis. Parson Johnson's Chicken Brigade G. N. Portor. All Coons Look Alike to Me Burt Who don. Belle of Hogan's Alley, Gcorgo Burget, and L. R. Packard. Finale, by tho company. After tho minstrel show thoro will bo an Interlude In which somo now specialties will be introduced, Tho second purt wlll he a farco called "An Untimely Mnsqucrndo" In which n half dozen boys will participate. This Is something, for which you wlll kick yourself for a year If you don't see. Seo tho Yellow Kid and his girl Liz. Sco Hunk Mueller bundle bones. See Joss Rowo shako his feet. Hear Alllo Ran dolph and his original cracks on things of local nil. uro, Seo Lnwronce Packard speak "Casey at tho Bat". For once, lot tho whole university show Itself. THE GLEE CLUB. Tho gleo club loft this morning for Sow nrd whoro a concert wlll bo glvon In tho ovonlng, Lungworthy has boon wotklng up tho affair In Soward, and promises i good time, and n full house. Tho boys WOMAN'S CLUB ENTERTAINED. Saturday afternoon, March 20, an Inter esting gymnnslum exhibition wns given In tho armory for tho benefit of the mem bers of tho woman's clubs of tho city. About 150 ladles wero present. Much cred it for tho excellent program is duo Miss Burr who has so rapidly raised tho stand ard of gymnnslum work In tho unlvorslty, Intruducing the newest thoughts and methods. Miss Spurck's pnpor on "Physical Edu cation for Childron" wns much npprcclat ed as showing enroful study and a thor ough understanding of tho subjeot. Fol lowing this, the throe o'clock class of about fifty girls did work In freo hand movomems nnd bar bolls. At three-thirty tho advanced class took the floor and gavo a drill In fencing positions, using both right nnd loft hands. Tho fonture of greatest Interest came Inst, the bnskot ball gamo. Roprcsentn tlvos from two teams of tho afternoon classes wore chosen for tho gamo whloh was of a half hour's longth, and Intense ly oxcltlng. Among tho plnyors, Miss Welsh showod hersolf particularly good as ovor-noad goal tnrowor. .miss uum- wlll bo given a reception In the afternoon, and then nftor tho concert thoro will bo , cnptn,n of tho champion team, has already established her reputation for a danco. Altogothor their stny In Sownrd will bo very onjoyablo. Tho dato sot for the Lincoln concert has boon deflnltoly sottled. It wlll bo given at the Lansing theatre, May II, In con Junction with tho Sutorlous Mandolin or chestra of Omaha, which numbers sixty pieces and is considored one of tho best of Its kh.d in tho west. The Omaha con cort wlll also bo given with tho Sutorlous Mandolin on.h03tra at Boyd'B theatre, on tho evening following tho Lincoln concort, Wednesday, Mny 12. A largo numbor of Omaha boys aro contemplating going up Hold throws. Misses Chappoll and Cook played flno centers nnd Miss Lansing Is especially to bo mentioned as guard. When timo was called tho scoro stood eight to nothing In favor of tho reds. 24, Doano April 27, tho All-Unlverslty team of Omaha May 1, the Originals of Omaha with the club to attend tho concert. i Feller's French pocket dictionary, Cas sell'a French dictionary, all at reduced prices at the book department of Herpol shelmer & Company. C. C. Culver has been under troatment for his eyes during the past five weeks, but Is now able to attend bis classes.