The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, March 12, 1897, Image 4

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A Two Years Course of Practical Instruc
tionAnswers to Some Important
Questions About the School.
Whnt Is tlio School of Mcchnnlc Arts?
Thl Is a hoIiuoI for tho honolU of Ne
braska boys, on tho farm untl In
tho shops, wlio doslro tombing In prno
ttonl moolmnlcfl lit tlio University. It of
fors a two years' course of Instruction In
moohnnlcnl work, prlmnrlly for those
young men who oxpeol to outer Homo on?
of tlio mechanical trade, niul who doslro
a lclontlflo hauls for thin lattor work.
Why was the School Organised?
Thero nro u largo number of young mini
whoso educational advantage have boon
limited, nnil who have neither iho time
nor tho tuonoy to pursue n full course at
tho untvorstty. roitlriiiK. as It 'loo, four
years of high school work for entrance
to tho lowest uiitv'rliy ia-i 'I'o roach
thoso mon and tn .'IT. r Hum in oppor
tunity of acquiring i pnii M il du. atlou,
fitting them for num. uii ful pim in Mfi
Is tho principal objut of tin S. hind
Furthermore, tho past fow yonrs Imvo
mIiowii that Nobrnskn mtiHt Imvoii greater
diversity of Industrial Interests, beunuso a
failure of cro pi niuaiiH a comploto stng
uatlou of nil IiuhIuohh In tho Htato. When
wo become u ninnufaoturlng ns woll a an
tiKrloultural Htato, thou and only thou,
can wo hope to hocomo moro nearly Inde
pendent of drouth and hot winds, and all
of their attendant ovll. To educate our
yrung men In mcchanlual work, that they
may help to bring about thesn Industrial
changes will he no Hinall part of the
work of the School.
What Subjects arc Taught in the
Mathematics, English, physios, political
it moiuy, lectures on mechanical practice,
.iml on Hti tin and electrical machinery,
mechanical drawing bench work In wood,
wood turning pattern tanking, molding and
i istlng forging In Iron nnil steel llllng
Foitaii hi top
and chipping, machine work In metal and
machine coutruotlou.
How Is this Practical Work Taught?
Hy work In the college shops. Tho Uni
versity has two well equipped shops, and
a large drawing room. The wood shop
has accomodations for forty-two students
at one time, and the forge shop for twenty-four
students at one time.
Is any one trade taught?
No. The School Is not a trade school,
although the elements of stivoml of the
more Important mechanical trades are
taught. Tho student Is thus more com
pletely familiarized with mechanical work,
nuil Is enabled to Judge what particular
bnt neb he Is best lilted for.
What arc the Requirements for En
trance to the School?
The applicant must b ot least sixteen
ears of age. and must understand arith
metic and elementary English grammar.
A written examination may not be re
(lulled lint tho applicant must satisfy
those In charge of tho school that
he Is capable of taking up tho work.
At what time docs the School open?
The next year begins September 1(5, 1S97,
and closes tho llrst week In Juno 1S98. If
possible, students should report promptly
at this date. One month after tho opening
of school Is tho Intest dato that students
will be received unless they have had
some uilvnneod work In tn.itbcmntlei aid
Can any of the work In the School b
No. Everything In tho courso la cssen.
tlal to tho course, and the various nib.
Joels must bo taken as laid down, unlcu
credit for u imrt of the work nmy bo ob.
How much will It cost to attend this
Tho registration feo Is tfoo. A depoilt
of JS.00 por year Is required to rover break.
ago and loss of tools, and wnsto of mattr.
lal. At tho end of the year most of thli
will bo returned to tho can fill student.
Knob Jtudent must buy a set ot drafting
Instruments costing about $10.00. Text
books ami otbor Incidentals will amount
to about $.'.00 per year. In a private fan.
Ily table board may bo obtained for JIM
per week. Some of tho students' clubs
give board as low ns $2.00 por week. Itoon
rent varies from $3.00 to $S.U0 por month.
It will thus bo seen that It will rcqulrt
about $150.00 por year, oxeluslvo of cloth
ing, washing and Incidentals.
Where can further information about
the School be obtained?
All Inquiries nbout tho School of Me
chanic Arts, should bo nddrossod to III
director. Prof. C. It. Richards, Tho Un.
verslty of Nebraska, Ilnooln.
The Courses of Practical Instruction Offered
Interesting Facts about the
School Expenses, etc.
This School Is a bart of the Stuto Uni
versity, It Is located on the University
farm, Just outside ot the corporation lino
or tbo city of Lincoln. Tho school term
comprises twelve weeks, beginning tbo
first part of Jnnunry and ending tho lnt
ter part of March.
Tho object ot the courso Is to give In
struction In subjects pertaining to farm
ing, and at tho same tlmo to onTor to the
student certain general studies moro ele
montary In tholr nature than those pur
sued In the Unlversltv. Tho agricultural
Instruction Is designed to be as practical
as possible, to glvo tho student something
that wU' bo of value to him when he re
turns to tho farm. The Instruction Is giv
en partially In tho class room, but largely
by means of actual practice and observa
tion. Tho practice, however, Is not In the
work ot tbo farm with which every farm
er Is familiar, but In operations requiring
skill and knowledge, nnil which arf not
ordinarily acquired on the farm.
Certain common branches aro ad
ded, because It Is believed that those will
be a great help to tho student not only In
training his mind to grnsp moro readily
tho solcntlllc principles underlying his ag
ricultural studies, but also because of
tholr tendency to broaden the mind, and
make ot him a moro Intelligent and suc
cessful citizen. It Is nlso hoped that the
stimulus received by this acquisition of an
elementary knowledge may prompt some
ot Its recipients to continue with the Uni
versity course.
Courses of Study.
There are two courses offered, one of
which may be completed In ono term, and
the other a three term courso, of which
ono term Is taken during tho winter of
each yoar. Any student after taking tho
one term course, desiring to continue with
tbo long courso, Is at liberty to do bo.
Three Term Course.
(First Torm.)
Breeding of live stock
Stook feeding
Military drill
(Second Term.)
Carpentry and blacksmlthlng
Veterinary science
Military drill
(Third Term.)
Soils, crops and their relation
Agricultural engineering and hydraulics
Agricultural mechanics
Blacksmlthlng and carpentry '
Political economy
Fnvm accounts
Farm dairying
Military drill
One Term Course.
Tho ono term courso Includes tho prac
tical studies Included In tho above list.
No examinations for entrance are re
quired, but applicants will bo expected to
have a good knowledge of tho element!
English branches as taught In the 0""
trlct schools, and must bo at least !
teen years of age. Men and women !
admitted on tho same basis.
Other Privileges.
Tho libraries, museums and other acces
sories to tho University aro available to
tho students In tho School of Agriculture.
Tho only feo Is a registration fee ot
$100. Books, dairy suit, etc., will cost
about $3.00 In tbo ono term course, some-
whnt mnrn In fhn nUinr.
Htiwlnnfa llvn In nrlvntn hnllSCS. TaW
board ranges from $1.50 to $2.00 per weet
Rent of furnished room varies from 6W
cents to $1.00 por week.
Tho probable cost por torm to each tti'
flnnt ta nhnllf na fr.lliTvu
Room rent, 12 weeks '5c M
Table board 12 weeks $2.00. !
Books etc jT'oo
Registration feo ?j-.
For further particulars address:
x..U umvt,.i, -lncolfl.