m The Nebraskan. A. Weekly Newspaper Issued Every Fri day Noon, by tlio StudontB of tho University of Nobrnskn. En'orcd as Second Class Mall Matter. P. T. Riley ... - ManaRlnK Editor ASSOCIATES. R, II. Hakor Editorial Kate Snow Walkor - - Fraternities Oliver Chambers ...... Local O. W. Moior .Uocal D. J. Flaherty Law E. Mellfca .......... Loo A I Sam Sloan ...... Y. M. C. A. Iloportors, A. 13. Prtrmolco - - II. V. Gpgo Edith Sohwnrlis - - Ass't M'glng Etl. Tho Nobrnsknn will be sent to any ad dross upon reoolpt of the subscription prlco whloh Is ono dollar a year, or fifty oonts a somostor. Contribution!! aro solicited from all. News Horns such us locals, pergonals, roports of meetings olo. are especially do Blrod. Tho Nobraskan will bo Kind to Drlnt any contribution relatlvo to a gon oral university subject, but tho namo wust accompany all suoh. iiu- pieces they merit. Whle we have liml.eil necoinotlntlonn, there Is no oxouso for nnyono who hopes to become n mom lior of the team, neglecting the itymnns- lum work necessnry for effective nlnylng, THE NKllRASKAN ADVKRTISKU8. Wo wish to can the attontlon of the Profossors and stidonts to tho local mer chants who advor.lso In Tho Nobraskan. Hvory llrm ropreiented here Is guaran teed reliable, and patromwo that la ox HT Nebraska lins tho best baseball material tonded thorn, will bo approolated b. tTio ,his yonr In her history an.T If the boys "in"fter "! When l "J , as convenient, lot .hem have yaur patron- stiok to rltcltl training and prllm.nnry nK0 yu w,u bo(oU by u n9 mUflh ft work we will OOrno out on top at tho ond ny ono of tho season. The lino eastern trip that TU13 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. has been arranged should be a g-ont In-' Successors to browing klng and Co. duooment to bring- the boys out, and wo PAINE & WAUFEli-Clothloni And furn- isnirtff gooas. aiorcnani inuors. noo j PAINE & WARFEL'S meet. Your shaos shlncd free. wnnt thoso boys to come back victorious, Tho boys who uro responsible for the anti-football resolutions passed by tho Union boys' deballnR club, owe an npoloy to tho student body of the unlwrsly. TJioy falsely roprosont In thojo rosoluilons that they o.vpross tho sontlnisnt of the unions of Ihls unlvoralti. HrsllM be-, Ing preposterous, this Is the essence of DON CAMKUO Lunch counter and snort order noiist. us ooum mn 01. I HU.MSTKAD AND TUTTLE-Gonts Till" nlshlngs and tailoring. 117 S. 11th St. I PERKINS ik SUELDON-Tho reliable shoo storo of Lircoln. 1129 O street. 13VAN8 LAUNDRY COMPANY-Rest ' service greatest courtesy. 325 N. 12th. i I FRANCIS HROS.-Rostaurant and short order houso. 121 N. 11th streot. YOU WILL ALWAYS KINO THAT VK ARK RKLLMUily AND THE MOST nUASONARLE HOUSE IN LtNCOLN TO, DEAL WITH. Address all communications to Tho Nebros""U), University of Nebraskn. NOTICE All subscriptions should now bo pall and collection will bo commenced ac cordingly. Any ono wishing to avoid tho Inconvenlonco of being "dunned", should notify tho business mnnngcr beforo Jan uary IB. Mnny of our exchanges bring reports , of tho splendid exorcises hold on Wash-j Ington's birthday. We regret to say that In our university ;he birthday of the great American patriot could not be told npart from any other day. Our exor cises were droidodly simple. They were limited to one song America. To bo sure, wo sung It with a good will tho same as ithoy do elsewhere on this eventful da. Within llfteen minutes this groat univer sity paid trlliuto to tho Father of our country. Of course, we aro a vory busy people, nut would It not have boon lil ting to hnvo had an address dollverid by i Vou all know how It was of yore egotism. How much Indeed hnvp these gentlemen given In support of athletics in this university How much Mr. Molor, you and your followers? It Is a very small amount. And how can you claim thiw you roprosont the sentiment of tho student body? Is rtioro not ground for offering an apology, hero? THEY'RE AFTUR YOU. Howaro you Httlo w'oked frnts They'ro nftor you. Thoy think you're all orlsioorois, They'ro nftor you. Tho legislature's on to you And It may Imp beforo It's through, 'Twill pass that nntt-frnt bill too, They re after you. You'd be. tor meet upon the sly. They're after you. He careful no b'g cop Is nigh They're after you. For soon It may become a sin. For whloh you may be all run in, And lined a lot of good hard tin, They're nftor you. I own the trick would bo quito raw, They're after you. To make you barbs by forco of law, They're after yon. Hut still you've all been barbs beforo, II. W. BROWN-Drugglst, books and stationery. 127 Ssuth llth troot. MILLER & PAINE-Dry goods and fur nishing goods. 1!29 to 1239 O street. THE MODEL U1N1NG HALL-Meals IB cents. Sunday dinner 25. 316 S. 12th CHARLES H. GREGORY Coal, at 1100 O street. Oftlci GEORGE CONSTANCER'S-Harbcr shop located at 1010 O street. FIRST NATIONAL HANK Located the corner of 10t"i mid O streets. a THE NOOK. DEPARTMENT OF Herpol sholmor and Company. 12th and N st. SMITH RRKM1HR Typowrltcr Com pany. Lincoln oUco, 137 S. llth St. T. J. THORPE & CO-Rubbor soals etc 30S S. llth streot. stamps. HUTCHINS & HYATT Coal, olllce lo cated nt 10U O s.reet. Suits made to ord 126 S. llth. C. EHLlonS-Tollor. or. Repairing done. LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY-C. L. Spon cor, '9S, manager, llth and 0 St. DR. S. E. COOK-Eye throat. 121G O street. car, nose and H. CAPES Hoo.s and shoes repurod YAH South Twelfth street. a scholarly orator on somo theme appro priate for tho occasion? Tho addresses dollvored on Mint day aro uniformly of tho highest character. If wo hnd laid aside our studies for an hour and llstoned to the stirring evonts of tho past from the lips of those who know whoroof ;bey speak It would certainly hnve proven Interest ing, Instructive and ecctlvo In arousing among tho students, their Interest in tho r country and Its history. We have been taught In tho public sohools to slug praises to Goorgo Washington. Our love for his nnme and deeds do not conso when wo got In collogo. Tho zoal of patriotism still burns in our hearts. Let us In the future llko o;her groat universities, pay a lilting tribute to this eventful dny and wo will never regret It. Thp cloak room which has boon sot apart for the uso of students, should bo opened every day In tho week. To oloso It Saturday Is almost as bud as to close It on tho regular days. There uro many students who do work In the library and have recltntlons on Saturdays. Ilonco thoy should have their apparel put tindor safe keeping. Last Saturday wo regre. to say, a valuable ovorcout wns malicious ly stolon from a student who Is unablo Ilnanolnlly to replace It. Of course, this Is nothing unusual. Similar thefts havo boon of frequent occurrence this yoar and of suoh character that thoy call for earn est and dools'.vo action on part of tho au thorities In tho way of suppressing thorn. If wo havo to put our cloaks, overcoats and tho llko under look and koy, le. the cloak room bo opuned .whenever tho stu donts are on tho grounds. What Is a few dollars and conts compnred with the nuissanco that this potty thieving has bo como tho past year. Tho amount of prop orty that hns beon stolen this year is startling and wo vonturo to say Its act ual cost would more than pay tho ex penses of two or three olerks. It Is high tlmo that tho guilty parties bo brought to Justice and all tho necessary stops ink en to prevent this Unhappy dlsregurd of properly, Th's Is tho tlmo that men who aro aanill. dates for places on tho pasobull team, should be put undor thorough and rigid training. Tho preliminary wprk mater ially adds to tho success of tho 'team and Insures that the most deserving recolvo 'Twon't hurt you, tho" 'twould bo a bore, They'ro after you, W. R. D. H'AYDEN Photographer. 1029 O streot. New location When bilious or ccst.vo, eat a Cnsenrot, Candy catharlc, cur guaranteed, 10c, 23o. You can get all tho news nil tho tlmo by subscribing for Tho Nobraskan 113 O Stx-oet, PAINE & WARFEL FOR THE bhh. LATEST STYLES in SEBSQHDBLE SB FOR MEN and WOMEN.., GO TO Perkins & Shelddn Cd, 1129 O STR66T, i Afei B i IF THE WORK IS YONE RIGHT You nevor havo any trouble with n point ed too shoe. I make a specialty of ropor ing pointed and round too shoos, having .he special apparatus to work with. It will pay you to take your work where It will be done In the right way. II CAPES. Practical shoemaker. I3S South Eleventh Street. COLLEGE NOTES. Tho university of Romo has beon closed on account of rioting among tho studonis. Tho total receipts of Yale's promonado wore about $6,100 and the total oxponsos, r..ioo. Tho state university or Georgia has ro ee'vod an appropriation of $H,000 from .ho legislature. Forty orations have been received for the preliminary oratorical contest at the university of MIohigan. A handsomo gnto at the entrance to Franklin Hold Is to be erected by tho Btu dont of the univers'ty of Pennsylvania. Tho college Greek letter fru.ornltles In tho United States havo a momebrshlp ot 100,000, with about H) active and aV) In active chapters. Cnspor Whlinoy suggests a change 'n the football rules In regard to tho distanc es to be gained in four downs, making I, ten yards instead of live. Robert Louis Stevenson, Prof, Henry Drummoud and Ian MacLaron wore class, mutes ut Edinburgh university, and It Is said, no ono of the thruo gained distinc tion us u student. Luther C. Rood, of Harvard has os.ab lislied a new world record at houvy dumb bell lifting. The previous record was 201 pounds and live ounces. Ho ra'sed the record to 211 pounds. Lord Dartmouth bus presented Dan mouth college with a sot of volumes of lie family pupors. Theso papers throw miieh light on the feelings of Englishmen to ward America during the revolution. Cornell has ubollshed the ilogroo of I'll, n., 15. S. and R. L., unci has coalesced tho four general coursos Into one leading a tho degree of A. R. All work In that course bolng eleotlvo during the entire four years. Tho committee on Intoroolluglato debates has llnally choson tho following question for tho Harvard-Yale dobato; "Rosolved. I hat tho United States should adopt do- ,. rrl1cFs '"l been scaled down ns nreHiiltnf the Unlink- Mm nlni-i,, .,i,i .. . i i ' 'v n?l,l,un enormous popularity so tlmt now you nniioiy tno single gold standurd and cuiituym;emiineVai,libiiriii.fii1i.vHrviNiiwi,ins1,., Don't Tobacco Spit nud Smoko Your LIfo Awny. If you want to unit tobacco using onslly iiiul forovor. boiuti.lu woll.blr. ng, magnetic, i till ol rnnv life and vigor, ttiko Is'u-'Ju-Riio, tho wonder-worker, that makes weak men ft'i'ong. Many grin ton pounds In ten du Ovor .100,000 cured. lJuy No-To-Rne or youi druggist, under gtmrunteo to euro, f0o ot $1 ('0. Rnoklot mid stinipln mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or Now York. W ). FORRES. Liverey, Baggage, And Hack Line 121 North Eleventh Street. HACKS Ncs. 3!i, .2. 51. 76. and 85. All calls answered promptly, day or night Polite liuek'iien always to be relied upon. I Telephone No. Ill Llneoln. Nebr. t 1 1 DunSTERD 3 JUHLE -t Have opened a new Furnishing and Tailoring Establishment with a fine new stock especially adapted to Students' wants. Everything new and nobby... Dunlap and Longley Hats. Open... Evenings. 117 South... Eleventh. lltht AtjJ ''?' bo )Wp4y' a WwtwiM- Wo Borne la Really Complete Without a new 1897 Model Washl)UfflWrir',,2"le!n should doollno to outer a blmotolllc leaguo oven If Great Ilrltaln, Franco and Ger many should he willing to enter such a league." I Prom $15.00 Upwurd. I The new 'Wiisliliiini Mandolin U n radical depart- lire (roiii former ktylei.. It Is tlio neatest, daintiest and llulitest Mnmlolln Imaginable, and Itstoim an 1 pnmclies very ne.ir to that of 11 line old Cremona mi,Q a... . . I vi"'"i "V.1" ""'" 'e sold at tixed uiul imlform a he Amor.aan university now in course prU?s 'Y "" 't-i-iusk music deulerb everywhere. of creation at WnHhWtnn ii n i 1 .ini8" .V-i"8 nre "" afknowledged Mandnrdof the uicouou ui WOHlllngton D. C Is do- 1 world, they are used exclusively by the leailliig Signed for pos.gruduutu studv anil r. .r'.V,t"'.iFilf'ler8 ni"': fJlee Clubs. Our new Wash- - - 1 .'Mil. ..kUMJUUU Clllllil 11 t.ir ,wtt-t-tt!tu ..f ...,.,- 1 flfl A.,lLtun...l f..H 1.. .." ."... w. .- .. , eiHiorsemeuts, npiillcatlon. If we will send ! uxauiliintlun, lores "of'touM Whtah WUl 00UPy n'"0ty ' n Ayfttara ,mprovM w,t" Be -1"1 mnk" uoros or ground on a ploturesquo holght I a'Jt that Increases In vulueosthe years go by. four mllos from the olty of Washington. y worth n,my tlmes lt t09t- Subscribe for Tho Nobraskan onlv II nn ' n i u ., & HEALY, mo jNourasKan, only 1.00. Comer Wabash Ave, and Adams St., Chicago. flonrnh A I mkn ..... . . , . . as from somo i...tiM , .'...., I f'f.'.vfr' ,1?.!!.'' V receipt of ......,,,.., t .tmBHiwi "'".. "cmrrtiiiiiioi supply you Standing. Tlioro Will m, ,ntv.lv ., .?.!!! !,,;"r".t . with privilege ol ----,. w v.. ..Tr .. '- iiirtrtL iriiiii iiii ittri.t YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. CDAMIC CSI3wt- iil North I 1VAV1XIC3 ErV-C3., Pronnctor, Capital Cafe. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. We make a Specialty of 15 cent Meals. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And (i comploto stock of Stundurd and MiBcollanooiiB Bookb. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. EXPERIENCED TRAVELLERS IP YOU WANT TO GET GOOD TIUDATMENT AND REASONA BLE PRICES, PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS OP THE NE BRASKAN. THEY ARE ALL, RELIABLE AND GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION eay thoy know they're on the Burlington the mo ment they Btrllcs It. It so smooth so easy-si de lightfully free from Jolt and Jars and sudden murta and vtops. Another proof of tM truth of what we try to bring home t you every weok In tho year ta' for right down solid com fort, the Burlington nw no real competitor among the railroads of the wet. Omaha, Peoria, Chica go St. Joseph, Kan" City, St. Louis, Denver and Deadwood are only few of the points to irhlon lt wllll pay you te tM the Burlington. , Por time cards, tickets and Informatiw apply at B. and M. depot or olty ticket or- floe, corner of 10th and O streets. G. W. Bonnoll, C. P. & T. A. LW1