.HE NEBRASKAN Vol. V. No. 21 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, MARCH. 5. 1F07. Pkice 5 Cents. -- DR. ROSEWATER SPEAKS Addresses tho Pol. Econ. Club on "Difficulties of Charter Making." WAS A SCHOLARLY TREATISE Ho 1'i.Huntccl Knots with Caroful Pro clatioi Outltno of tho Various Ele ments Whloh Aro TroubloBOmo In Charter Making, Undei tho auspices of tho Political econ omy cluli, Dr. Vlotor Rosowftter of Omaha dd.ven 1 a lcoturo on "The Difncultlos of City Charter Making" Inst Tuesday oven ing in ilio university ohapol. Presldont E, U Perry In a fow words introduced Dr. Ilosowator said In substance: In oi'l'T to understand tho difficulties o( chnru-r making, It Is flnst necessary to understand what a chnrter is and what is Its primary off out. Its purpose Is thu government of a municipality, Into which enter four lending elemonts. Tho first re quirement Is n community of people, which must necessarily exist before there can bo a munlr.pullty. Second, tho municipality must be properly organized, Th'rd, It must submit to tho control of the stu.p, there must bo subjection to some cenrni auhor lty .0 which the city Is responsible. The fourth 1 lenient Is Incorporation nnd al most every city Is n municipal corporation. The ong-nnl form of chnrtor making wns In the form of grants from tho sovereign. This is the enrlicst way In which charters were handed down. Tho power of chnrter jiving Inter wns Invested In pnrllament ami tho early cononles of America re ceived their oharters from partlr iint. After this tho colonial government had the right of charter making and later still this ower was given to tho legislature. Every change In the municipality had to receive the indorsement of the legislature This system however was not satisfactory and lawn were, passed providing incorpor ations of municipalities by special legis lation. After this, cities had to bo Incor porated under general nets of incorpor ai on Ths w the llrs. advance in charter ' nuk ik mil the tendoncy wns to do nwny wi:h in- i,ioriilions !. special legislation. Hui ill .id not chock thu uliuge of the pii-m .u.il general nets of Incotporn..on him- pi.i, eully failed. The clnssitlcn tion df ci 11 s has practically made or Kf-ner.ii: inmlp thu acts of the siuni- effect as u epi c al iic. For Instance, there are lawn 1 N liruBka providing for cit'es of thi m. ;t ipii'-.m class, but It might Jut as s V !-i. c fy Omnhn, as that city Is the only nun c pulity of thu; clnss. In Ni York, In regard to whether the r ties 4hiiu d have absolute home rule or shouM ii. wholly under the supervision of the sic. 1 .if legislature tried .o take a m.dilli KMiiind. This plan did not succeed vt-r w, 11 li.nvt-ver. In S.ui Kr.mcisco, another plan bus been tried The proposed charter may be drawn up l .1 board of free 'holders and then su!m;'il ;j ,he peoplo and approved by 'he U hi.iure. The people however, vot ed ntr.i ix 1 ho charter and so this plan fa U 1 Tin ;,i i,vhH of charter milking under u 'arm -11. h as Is In force In Cnllforntn nnd Msn.iui i)as been shortened by not sub m ' i- li charter to tho approval of the leRiid.it in., but it Is adopted by tho peo ple tin mp, Ives. "" -i a irter was to be formed for an 'deal m uniolpallty, the task would be comp.ii... vely easy, but there are thous ands disturbing elements which must be tuk. n into consideration. New York for instance Is composed of all classes and nui.onalltles of peoplo and this Jm Portnn state of things must bo tuken InU consideration by New York charter mak ers, Much of our churtor making is experi mental. The success of charter making In one city causes this charter to be Intro duced in another. It does not meet lm med.aie success and Is soon dropped. Thus there Is little certainty as to the result of what In some localitiei mlgh. bo a good charter. Ifdcultles of charter making fall under Ave heads; partisanship, officialism, con tactors, frar.chised corporations, and health or tux shirking. The pernicious features of pur.isunshlp have been cm Phasled again and ugaln. But only in ,ew Instances has tho fact been po.nted ut what tho bano of partisanship Is In Its elects on charter making. Changes In tho chartorhave often been made with tho ob ject of Increasing tho salary of certain of- fleers who havo been warm partisans of a cortaln cause, Changes aro ofton forced upon a city by a logislaturo Wholly Ignorant of un mindful of city needs. Partisanship ob structs changes, vital to munlolpal reform and ndvocatcs changes detrimental to the bent Interests of tho olty. Officialism Is olosoly allied with partis anship, and Is used for official preserva tion. This Is ofton manifest when certain offices1 aro to bo dono away with. TIiIb Is tho moro dangerous forco, becauso It Is so difficult of discernment. Tho Intrusion of franohlscd corporations does not stop at tho primaries or poles. It has a great effect on tho making of municipal char tors. They often force through tho legislature valuable franchises in splto of tho protosts of tho public. These corporations work not only through private ngonts but through public officials and political par ties. Tho Influenco of franchlscd corpor ations Is to advocate favorable legislation and to opposo unfavorable legislation. Tho contractor Is also ablo to tako a hand In charter making. The contrac tors In different line of business com blno nnd exert a great deal of Influenco In forming that part of tho charter which nffects their Interests. Wo must also tako Into account tho dis position of a certain class to shirk tax es. Tills class always opposes any at tompt to establish a. tax commission which would to some extent remedy this ev.l. Tho power of a municipality to Impose licenses or foes, 'has caused tho porsons taxed to opposo such tax, and these peo plo comblno In thoir dlfferont Interosts. Tho hesult Is that they aro lnvinclblo from lack of a counter organization. A charter bill Is usually framed under tho supervision of a citizens' committee. Here is whoro the first conflict takes placo as the committee Is composed of men of all occupations and their business Inter ests clash A second squabble takes place in the committee of the legislature. A third chance for Interruption occurs when tho charter is tnken before tho committee of the upper house and there Is s.lll (moth er chance If It Is recomm'tted. Such steps In the muklng of a charter aro points of great dungur. and the fewer of them tin bet. or. The acceptance or rcjficioii of a o.ty chnrter should not bo allowed to have any weight, but the tux payers should bu the llnnl Judge of It. T'loro . only one way in whloh to bring the c.ty chnrter to the condition of absolute home rule and that is by making the frnmors of the charter responsible to tho tuxpayois. HOW WE STAND. Professor Uatus saws some pret.y nice things in an article In thu Outlook about the university of Nebraska. Extracts from his article follow. Tho universl.y of Nebraska .h but twenty-seven years old, yet it hus over twelvo hundred students In college clatses; and thu last remnant of Its preparatory school, a rudimentary appendage, w.ll be dropped at .he end of this year, lis bu.ldlngs, six In all, Include besides the regular lect ure rooms, a modern library well equ.pped chemical, physical and electrical luhor utor.es, nnd a large gymnnslum. It has a faculty of over a hundred men, graduates of tho tlrst universities of this country nnd Europe. In shor., In numbers, both of students and faculty in all the externals of scholarship, It ranks ahead of Pr.nce ton, Brown, or Amherst, and stands ap proximately on a level with the .Massa chusetts Ins.itute of Technology. Yet we of the east know that numbers und size are no cr.torlon. We usk Instinct ively, "Bui Is this great school a 'un.ver sity"? Does .. not teach, under the name, only what Is taught In our eastern h.gh schools and ucudemlesV" This ciuestlon is eas.ly answered. Tho examlnat.ons for entrance equal, even exceed In severity those for admission to Vale or Harvard. Indeed, trigonomo.ry and solid geometry, not required In the latter are required .n Nebraska. In classics and modern lung, uages tho requirement Is severe. And the average ago for entering is the same as In collies In the ensw In the beginning the university of Ne braska had comparatively little either of accurate scholarship or of lnsplr.ng cul. ture. It began In the seventies, ut a paint at which tho eastern colleges wero at thu beginning of the century, There was lit tle attempt to teach more than was con ventionally expec.ed In collego Instruc-1 tion. There was, Indeed, little call for more. Tho west was then plowing its I (Continued on fourth page.) PREPARE FOR SENIOR PROM Class of '97 Holdf an Important Meeting and Tajiks Business. THE COMMENCEMENT MATTERS Tho Presldont rules Tint n "Slate" noes not Go and Memb rs of tho Com mltteo are Solccitcd Separate ly Othor C mmlttocs. Tho class of '97 held nn Important meot- ing last Tuesday In room .1, university hall. President Phillj rick in calling the mooting to order staled that its object was to start several projects which pre- vlous classes hud us Jnlly left until too lato to mako them str-cessful. The com- mlttco on clnss piny hnd nothing to ro port as yet, but It Is i ndorstnod that con- sldornblo progress has Ing tho play. been made In writ- On motion power v as given the pros dont to appoint a. e, mmlttce of flvo to look aftor tho commencement printing. Tho members of tho 'committee wero; G. F. Warron, chalrmat, Misses Guile, and Ilclso, Messrs Korsmiycr nnd Nlenhois. Aftor tho .regular rorm had been com plied with tho prosldmt appointed tho fol lowing as a committeo to mako arrange ments for "Senior photographs"; H. E. Reagan, chairman, Miss O'Sulllvan and Clmrlcs Kuhlman. Mr. Uowe then t)ok tho floor and brought up tho subject of tho senior prom. Ho stated that heretofore the classes had given the prom so Into In tho spring that tho weather was to warm for comfort. Furthor tho tlmo at, commencement is so filled that it would bo wise to get this ovent out of tho way at an earlier date than usual. ' In view of theso fails he moved that the class give their prom April 23. This mo tion was seconded and curried. Mr. Shedd then proposed 'a'tfiit'iHtttmeB for the com mitteo to take chargo of the arrangements for tho prom, and moved tho election of those names. The president ruled such a n.ot'on out of order s the committee could be chosen either by the president or elected one nt n .Ime by the clnBB. Th motion was then cnrrled that the clnss proceed to tho election of said commit tee. R. H. Manley was elected chairman. The o.her members were: Misses Griggs and Camp, Messrs. Rlcketts, Cameron. Howe, Gr'ggs, Llndquest, Packard nnd Wilson. Tho mattor of tickets for commencement wns then discussed a committee appoint ed to confer wi.h the powers that be In regard to this; Alexander, chairman, Miss Rhodes and Leo C. Smith were appointed. Severnl members stated that they would l.ko to purchase a clnss pin und It wns de cided to see the Jeweler who had ordered tho pins In regard to ordering a new sup ply. The committee was Cumeron, chair man, Miss Byam and Count Lindqucst. The young Indies were Invited to re main nfter adjournment. At this nf.er meeting the co-eds accepted the invitation of Misses Anne and Jessie Spurck to spend Saturday exening at thoir home In North Lincoln. TH10 LAW OF LIBEL. D. M. Uutler of the Nebraska Ix-gul News spoke before the class In Journalism Thursday and Tuesday, on the law of 1 -bol. Ho succeeded in making clear to the mombors what Is not generally understood In u great many newspaper ofllces. Ho said tliflt llbo) may beflned us a censor ious or ridiculous writing or picture made with a mischievous and malicious intent .owards governmentes governments or In dividuals It is not necessary to charge a person with a crimo of any kind but If nn article holds a man up to ridicule it Is sufflolent forn libel suit. The fact that tho published urciclu is true does not ex empt It from being libellous, It must also bo proven that it was not printed with ovil Intent. In iho case of publlo ofllclnls tho right to criticise is moro privileged than In the case of Individuals, To avoid tho libel suit, tho publisher must bo sure that ho prints but the truth. Ho should never give publication to a charge made by a third person unless ho knows the facts. Especially is this true whnn an irresponsible person mnkus the churge. ABOUT THE SOMBRERO. Tnere hs "een a Breat amount of mis- understanding In regard'to the Annual of late. The question Is being asked dally, S "When will tho Annual bo out?" Another question Is, "Is it too Into for copy?" Now lot us say to theso people and all others that tho Sombrero of 'OS is coming oui sure nnd that before wry long, but thoro Is a. great amounc of work to bo dono In tho meantime nnd tho clnss of 'OS In par ticular and tho college In general must us slst If they would do aredlt to themselves nnd the unlvursi.y. In muny departments the book Is f.tll, but In others thero is yot grout gnps to till. It Is not yot too Into to hnnd In good copy, especially such as docs not require Illustration, and It Is such copy that is most needed now. Tho proposition wo wish to mnke is this: every Junior can llnd ft Joke, funny Illustration or some ono or somo thing, or perhaps something tha; has sentiment In It; and ho enn cither llx his llnd up, or got someono else who can do It, nnd then ho enn turn In his mlto to holp mnko tho book which ho in tends to show to 1.1s rolatlvin nnd friends and sny, 'Our clnss go; this book out.' Now Miss Junior or Mr. Junior, can you do that with a clear conscience if you havon't dono a blessed thing to help? Don't sny you can't do onyth'ng good enough. If you cun; find u good thing and toll someone who enn wrlto it nnd you will bo doing Just us well. Then to tho other students of tho unl vorslty, you nro Interested too. Can't you lend a hand? Your help would bo appre ciated. To make tho Sombrero Interest ing to all parts of the university, thero must bo contributions from nil parts, nnd this enn only bo had by ge.tlng students from all parts Interested In It. Do some thing and holp to make this Sombrero a credit to tho university. With regard to copy from organizations which ahvo already cnguged space, this must como In at once. If It Is not In by next Wednesdny the srmco will probably bq filled by other matter for a large part of this is such ma.ter as requires more accurate proof reading and moro consul tation etc., before It is finally reudy for tho press and wo must got It into typo Immedin.ely. Wo do not wish to Imply by this thnt thu Sombrero board have not accomplished anything ns yet, for they huve done a great deal nnd there Is mii.erinl enough now for n very creditable Sombrero bu. It in not gencrul enough tnd wo must hnve moro to choose from. Allow us to closo with u llnnl nppcal to tho loyal. y of the class of 'OS, and the pride of the student body In affairs of the university. Respectfully, WILL L. McKAY P. J. P.ARRON Editors-in-chief. SIGMA ALPH8 ENTERTAIN. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity enter tnined u few of choir lady friends Satur day evening by an Informal dance. The hnll wns tnstcfully decorated with the fraternity colors and palms. Music was furnished by Miss Willoughby. Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter chaperoned the party. Those present were: Misses Risser, Wat kins, Sluughter, Cropscy, Farwell, Har ley, Nance, Houtz, Lonnio Stunrt, Han sen, Iowe, Woods, Lansing, Anna Stunrt, Cnrscadden, Hargreaves, Outcult and Messrs. Green, Farwell, Corby, White, E. Sawyer. R. Sawyer. Haynoy, Dufresno, Morrill, Harmon, Davidson Clupp, Wort-ester, Ivonney, Reugun, Hurtle. t, Hntlleld und Stopher. WISCONSIN'S UNIVERSITY. The Investigation of tho affairs of tho university of Wisconsin by a legislative committeo ehowa that the university has overdrawn Its account at tho state treas ury to the amount of $145,044.76, says the New York Tribune. The Investigation was begun ut tho request of certain cltl zons who want President Charles Kendall Adams to resign, and It may possibly have that result The dissatisfaction with Dr, Adams aroso soon after ho became presl dont, according to tho Chicago Record, when It wns discovered that he was under contract to edit an encyclopedia. Tho re gents of the unlvorslty, knowing of this contract, agreed that he should not be obliged to glvo more than two hours a day to tho duties of the presidency. For this ho was to recolvo J7.DO0 a year and house rent. For his llvo years' services on tho encyclopedia ho was to receive $40,000. It Is now said that ho did not give oven two hours a day to his college duties, and It Is felt by many that ho ought to resign In the Interests of tho university. George Constancer's barber shop is lo cated at 1010 O street. Four of the best workmen In tio city aro to be found here. ' THE ORATORICAL CONTEST Will Bo Hold in tho University Chapel This Evening. EVERYTHING IN READINESS The ProHTiim !m Vnrled by Musical Sel ections nnd 1s Hound to be Interest ing Personell of tho Orn tors The Program. Tho oratorical association will hold forth this ovoning In the ehupol. The orntor to ropresont tho university In the stnte con test will bo chosen. Tho orntlons huvo been In tho hnnds of the Judges on mnnuscrlpt for over n. week and those who havo scon them say' that .hoy are on the wholo, tho best ever presented. Tho contestnnts this your are especially strong. R. C. Roper who came Into prom inence suddenly by winning tha Palladlan Chaso and Wheeler contest Is an excellent speaker of whom tho Palludlans are proud. Miss Esther V. Smoycr, a member of the elocution department and of tho English club, has a good local reputation. A. L. Deal who is n new student 'n tho universl.y this yenr, a member of tho Ju nior class, will undoubtedly hold his own nmong the others with whom university students aro better ncqunlnted. He haa won many prizes from dlfforcnt schools olsowhere. The law school w'll bo repre sented by C. O. Brown nnd J. D. Donnt son. Mr. Brown's orntlon on "John Ad nms" will bo of an Interesting nature. The Union society as well as the debat ing club will be represented by G. 13. ling er, who hnB won first plnco In the Union society contest. J. D. Dennlson who Is one of tho three debaters who are to go to Kansas Is picked out as tho winner by many who know him. His oration Is reported as being excellent. There Is some objection to Mr. Dennl son entering tho content ns tho const'tu tlon of the stnto orntorlcnl association pro vides that ;he contestnnts shall be an un dergraduate student of an academic col lego. Mr. Dennlson hold his degree from nn lown institution nnd also, Is not nn nendemic student or Is he in the law school. Ho probably will not be bnrred from on.ering tho locnl contest. Following Is tho program. Instrumental music Idenl Mndoliu ciuo. Oint:on The Author Hero of the Revol ution, R. C. Roper. Oration The Prnctlcnl Truth of Thcos ophy, A. L Deal. Oration Herr Slohzch, Esther V. Smoycr. Vocal solo Miss Barnaby. Orntlon Municipal Reform, G. E. Hager. Oration A Triumphant Democracy, J. D. Dennison. Judges on mnnuscrlpt; Professors Wolf, Shormnn nnd W. O. Jones: on deliver". Judgo Field, Superintendent Snylor and Professor Wilson of the inw school. LANCASTER COUNTY TEACHERS. The tenchors of Lancnster county hod their educntlonnl mooting In the 'univer sity tomorrow. Chancellor MacLean and Professor Luckey aro among the apoakcrj. The Chancellor will mako tho address to tho afternoon session, and in the forenoon Professor Luckey will speak on "Recent changes In education." Tho school of mechanic nrt3, under tho direction of Professor F.!ch?rds will be open to visitors from 8 to 10:30 a ir,,, where tho students who ore taking the u-gulnr oourso may bo seen at work at the forgo nnd lathe, learn'ng practical mechanics. Othor dopar;ments will be open, und uni versity guides will show ylsltors througn tin- museum. The following Interesting stntlstlcs con corning six leading Institutions were re cently published by tho Berkleyun of the unlvorslty of California. 1. Amounts Invested in build. ngsOai -fornla spent $64(5,000 with l,fi.V students, Ullno's spoilt $070,000 with Jilfi students. Missouri spent $64n,COO with 723 students. Michigan spent $951,000 with 2,001 students Minnesota spont $l,02G.fi00 with 2,100 stu dents; Wisconsin sp-ni $1,109,(T0 w th 1 COO studonts. 2. Provision made for curren: expensis Nobraskn, 1,100 s-udents, fvfte: Wisconsin l.COO students, 4Hc; Colorado, 207 students 2o,, Michigan, 2.H22 students, 1 2-3"; Wy oming, 85 studonts. Itye; Ohio, Ofiif) students lo; Indiana 879 s udents, 2 3c. 3. Annual Incomes und number of stu dentsHarvard. $1,093,846 with 3 COO stu donts; Yale, $729,681 with 2,000 s'udents, Cornell, $525,703 w'th UOO students; Col umbia. $1,283,870 with 1,800 students; Mich igan, $403,697 with 2.900 studonts; Wiscon sin, $400,000 with 1.600 students. Chlcngo, $578,8C8 with 1,881 students; Cnrfornln, $2C0, 601 with 2,274 students.