IM The Nebuaskan. A Wookly Nowspnpor Issued Every Fri day Noon, by tho Students of tho University of Nebraska. Entorcd as Second Class Mail Matter. F. T. Ulloy - - - - Managing Editor Edith Schwartz - - Ass't M'glng Ed. ASSOCIATES. R. II. Baker Editorial Kate Snow Walker - - - Fraternities Ollvor Chambers ------ Local O. W. Meier Iocal D. J. Flaherty I-aw E. MoIUh Local flnm Sloan Y. M. C. A. Reporter. A. E. I'nrmcleo - ... II. F. Gago Tho Nebrasknn will bo sent to any ad dress upon rocolpt of the subscription prlco which Is one dollar a year, or fifty cents a semester. Contributions uro solicited from all. News Items such as locals, personals, reports of meetings etc. are especially de slrod. The Nebraskan will bo glad to print any contribution rclatlvo to a gen eral university subject, but tho namo must accompany all such. Address all communications to The Nobrauan, University of Nebraska. NOTICE All nubscriptlonB should now bo pali and collection will be commenced ac cordingly. Any one wishing to avoid tho Inconvenience of being "dunned", should notify tha business mnnagcr before Jan uary 15. From all that can 1k lenrned. the other colleges of tin' stntc are lonving to the student of the university of Nebraska, the task of defeating the anti-football bill. The Nebraska!) wishes to suggest to Its exchanges, that wo are not the "only shirt In the laundry" If we do think so and students of other colleges should talk the mntter over with senators and represen tatives from their district. There are hardly requisite words In the English language that are competent to express the amount of ridicule the aver age fraternity man would like to unload, at the resolution Introduced Into the house of representative- by Hyatt of Platte. To attempt to check tho greut American college Greek letter fraternity system, Is laughable In the extreme. Tho system has been In vogue for several enrs, but the ridiculous reasons set forth bj Mr. Hyntt for nbollshlng fraternities from the university of Nebraska, well Just Imuglne. The only reason thnt the gentleman hns. that nppears on tho sur face, Is. that If Major McKlnley la n frat man. that Is enough to condemn the sys tim in his eyes. ture are taking In tho wolfaro of tho uni versity, lint It fnllH to seo tho necessity of upending energy and tlmo In consider lim tho wisdom and oxpodloncy of cor Inln college eimtonm nnd practices. TIiobo nro matters which are purely of a local nature and undoubtedly come within tho provlnco of tho unlvorslty autl.orltles. If t'.istoniH and organizations prevail among the students which to somo are ethically wiong, there Is no ono who will sooner renllzo It than the fnutilty. Wo doubt thu advisability of bringing college rtolngt Into the domain of legislation, unless It Is an urgent necesMlty for our preservation anil development. Tho antl-frntemlty bill wiih I'irtalnly Introduced without forethought and Investigation on tho pnrt of the auth or. To bring such n question Into tho realm of politics Is uncalled fi r nnd pro duces unnecessary common. 'e do not doubt thu right of ilui hif.l-'lntoi" to look Into all college practices To l sine, some eastern collugus have Ih-oii accus tomed to bolsterousuosH and In fewer In stances allowed college spirit to go so fur as committing nets which aro disgraceful to an Institution of learning. Hut (his doos not hold true with western univer sities. The students of tho latter always have had a loftier conception of coltego doings. We are far from criticising the action of the legislators In university af fairs, If their policy Is conducive to grout - ot elllolcncy In educational work. A DARWINIAN'S MEMORY. Mothlnks I have a faint remembrance of my youth When I a protozoan, swum a green he mantled pool, And darted with my tiny tadpole cousins through Tho pond, the Jolllest one among tho wriggling school. Sometimes we roved among the tangled. slimy weeds, Again we basked In some big lily's sliver bowl Where rich perfumes would well nigh smothor us with sweets And thuro wo'd rock above tho water's milled roll. Then nges after. I recall another day, When I had older grown, and swam tho surging sea A sprawling crab, or Hipped and sidled on tho sand hen somo big llsh, with horrid maw would make for me. And when the coast was clear, I'd some times take a dive To view the wonders of tho weedy wan dering deep, And out of mischief, tickle some bjg oct opus Iicncnth his arm", as he lay fast In wa tery sleep. universities of Mlohlgan, Wisconsin, Chi cago and Northwestern has beon formed. ( Tho now compact is to go into effect in 1893, ns at present all tho .principals ate conncotod with other debating leagues. Harvard tm Yalo are again united, Af ter a wearlsomo period of secret n ,o tlatlons, tho two universities havo readied a definite understanding and for live years ai least, tho crimson and bluo will con tend on water, track and Held, Just as they did in tho good old days before tho broach win mado In the summer of 1M.". Tho Dual agreement directly resulted from tho visit of Walter L'omp of Yalo to Dr. William A. llrooks, Jr., of Harvard, Sutur ilay evening. After evcral hours' confer ence, these two dologates of tho athletlo Interests of tho two leading universities, I signed tho following agruomont: "It Is hereby agreed by anil between tho Har vard and the Yale athletic management that there shall bo annual contests In row ing, football, hasuball and track athlotla between tho representative organizations of Ynle and Harvard beginning March 1, 1SU7, and ending Match 1, 1!02, tho details of these contests to be left to tho malin ger and captains." f f HT PAINE & WARFELS YOU WILL. ALWAYS FIND THAT WE ARE RELIABLE AND iMIE MOST REASONABLE HOUSE IN LINCOLN TO DEAL WITH. You can got all tin nows nil tho tlmo by subscribing for Tlw Nobrnskatt THE NEBRASKAN ADVERTISERS. Wo wish to call the attention of tho l'rofc3sors nnd students to the local mer chants who advertise In Tho Nebraskan. Every Arm represented here Is guaran teed reliable, and pattonugc that Is ex tended them, will be ipprcclatcd by the manager of this paper When It It Just as convenient, let them have yaur patron age. You will benefit by It ns much as any one. THE ARMSTRONG CLOTHING CO. Succcssors to Browing King nnd Co. PAINE & WARFEL-Clothlers and furn ishing goods. Merchant tailors. 1136 O street. Your shoes shlncd free. PERKINS & SHELDON-The reliable! shoo store of Lincoln 1123 O street. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Rest service greatest courtesy. 323 N. 12th. FRANCIS BROS.-R;staurant and short order house. 121 N. 11th street. JL13G O Street, PAINE & WARFEL FOR THE LATEST STYLES in lPoRIENTfiK Waw i.w,;"WmI WoW lmittW.i 'VMM SHOES FOR MEN and WOMEN.., TO DON CAMERON short order house. Lunch counter and 118 South Uth St. Next Tuesday evening tho political economy club and wo might say. tho uni versity Is to bo favored with a leoturo by Dr. Victor Rosewater . His subject, "Tho Difllcultie of City Charter Making" t do serving of study by every student. No ono Is more competent to present this com plicated problem of municipalities than Mr. Ropc-wnter. And It Is to be hoped that the students generally will seize the op portunity of hearing this important sub ject handled In a scholarly manner. Tho political economy club has been doing ef fective work In the line of procuring good lectures upon the live topics of the day. and the club urges that the students, re gardless of whether they are members or no. should patronize the lectures. No one can fall to get some Ideas wortny of tr 'ous thought. The work of the club Is .n connection with the university work prop tr. and everyone ought to appreciate the opportunities It offer. There are a few of our brightest stu dents who persist In utilizing the class hour with unnecessary questioning nnd tedious discussions with the professors. This may be all well enough for the par tlcb concerned, but It Is decided')' weari some and unlnstructive to the rest of tho class. We go to the class room to hoar the professor lecture and not to listen to a dialogue upon a favorite topic of some particular student. The claim as a whole loses Interest and nomv of Us members even become drowsy. The student who wants to display his Intellectual attain ments before the class must bear In mind that he is doing it at the patience of his classmates. A sensible questioning is al ways allowable and certainly appreciated. Even a terse and lucid discussion may be, at times wise and appropriate. Rut in some classes these privileges are carried to the extreme, until they are productive of more harm than good. Remember there Is a limit at which forebearanee ceases to bo a vlrtut. If the professor has anything to say. we want to hear it, and not the ideas of some particular student. It is not always the student who does the mo.t talking In the lasB room that best under stands tho subject studied. The Nebraskan certainly appreciates the Interest the members of the leglsla- i I faintly recollect a myriad other shapes Wherein I grew through nges to n higher plane. Sometimes in feathers clad, or In a hairy font I roamed In divers cllnios on land and storm tossed mnln. And yet once more my mind turns back, but not so fur. When I with many hairy mates In forest glndes. Plucked half-ripe cocoanuis for my chim panzee bride. And swung from tiee to tree amidst the gloomy shades. cozy homo within a banyan upon thu nearby We had a tree And somullme Milled chattering apes: We had a slight acquaintance with the savage tribes That roamed beneath our tree In bronzy, shining shapes, Tho myriad former stutuf that 1 have oc cupied Since first I wriggled pseudo-podlei state. Still come to haunt m like a misty, fad. lng dream. The future aluo haunts me with Its hid den fate. I cannot toll wliHt higher form I'll occupy AUint future link I'll make In life's as- eending chain. Rut that great Itw u-hlcl. guhJ.ul me through age that are gone Will never let my upward struggling be In vain. WILLIAM REED DUNROY. H. W. BROWN-Drugglst, books and stationery. 127 South 11th street. MILLER & PAINE-Dry goods and fur nishing goods. 1229 to 1239 O street. THE MODEL DINING IIALL-Meals 15 cents. Sunday dinner 25. 316 S. 12th. Office CHARLES B. GREGORY Coal. at 1100 O street. GEORGE CONSTANCER'S Barber shop located at 1010 O street. FIRST NATIONAL BANK-Located at the corner of 10th 'and O street. THE BOOK DEPARTMENT OF Herpol shelmer and Company. 12th and N st. SMITH PREMIER-Typowrlter Com pany. Lincoln olllcc, 137 S. 11th st. Perkins & Sheldon Cd. 1129 O STR66T, T. J. THORPE & CO-Rubber seals etc. SOS S. 11th street. stamps. HUTCHINS & HYATT-Coal. olllce eased at 1011 O street. Suits made to ord IK S. 11th. C. EH LERS Tailor, cr. Repairing done. LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY-C. L. Spoil cor. '9S, manager. 11th and O St. DR. S. E. COOK-Eye throat. 1215 O street. car, nose ROYS! Don't fall to see the "hot thing" In now spring neckwear at tho Armsirong Clothing Co. W. O. FORRES. Liverey, Baggage, And Hack Line. 121 North Eleventh Street. HACKS Ncs. 39. . 61. 7C. and K,. All (alls answi red promptly, day or nlgl Polite hmkmen always to be relied upoi TeieplieiK ft JEST VtfORK 1 I jf( Established j 1889. lo- J. li I. (( Telephone 1 199. and Y v Best Service EVANS LAUNDRY i) A A l it i COMPANY Most Complete and Modern Equipment. Greatest... Courtesy. No I it pon. Lincoln. Nebr. ai-V -V iir i ,iiavwrKfK . -; ?rHmt''''m,y'j- r-m YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. FRANCIS BROS., '"S. Ppr,.r. Ca.pita.1 Cafe. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. Ws make a Specialty of 15 cent Meals. COLLEGE NOTES. Secretary Olney ha bean Invltul to take tho chair of International law In the Har vard Jaw school. Twenty-two American colleges and uni versities now belong: to the association that supports the Amerlean school at Athens. ' ItAltdmi Ho Home Is Keilly Complete Without a new 1897 Model Washburm SKssE" w'ff" '".ve '"" caJd down x a rult of fie watlibunik -normr,u popularity to (lut now you can buy a urnunte Wathburn of he vrry Ltet tiniga From $15.00 Upward. Tile Dew Watllburn XfaruV.lfn Ua r-..!l,-..l .I-...-. , ur '"'"'''' lylei. Jt U the ieatt. Ujntlet 1 and Ufctitekt Mandolin Imaginable, and Union., nn. Th Kansas university athletle assocl- raC!?e a? 1ASS2& atlon Is $1,100 In debt. They are irolnir m PJ? iT a" 't"' ' nulc dealers every w here. ., , . ' ,. . , , ey are h01rh l0 Vahbimiarelli at knowlJKl Uandard of the try to wipe It out by giving a play, "The 1J"'?d.' J.1"? afe earluUvely by the leadlnit nival" ArtUU, Ieachrraiid,leeaul). Our new Watli- liu"'rcaUI'(5Me coiiNlDlriK portraits of over 100 At tho Junior nmaniifa i.lin ... .,, Ii- i?ii " '"'""nation, prices tndori-emf nl , .' V.,i . VWmwvule given by the etc, will be nt free on receipt of application. W class of 'S8. of Ann Arbor. 'Mi couples par- Uwfc.'i'J?'''?.".'"'01 fu",''f. '" ,we w' "" tielpated. Daneing continued from -A D. diV'&.'.jVe frv?"" l"iviirK'' "' ulU- m. to iiSO a. m. The regular program con- A VVashburn Improyes with nee and makes a H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a cotnploto Htock 01 Standard and MiscellaneouH Books. 217 80. ELEVENTH ST. EXPERIENCED TRAVELLERS sUled of twenty numbers and ten extra werj danced. A new )! bating Jejue comprising the Oil t that Increase! In value u the yean ifo by. It Is really worth many Unie Its coit. LYON & HEALY, Corner Wabatb Ave. and Adams St., Chicago. IF YOU WANT TO GET GOOD TREATMENT AND ItEAtfONA IJLE PIIICES, PATIIONIZE THE ADVERTISERS Or THE NE BRABKAN. THET ARE ALL RELIABLE AND GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION eay they know they're on the Burlington the mo ment they strike if. It so smooth so easy- Ilghtfully free from JW and Jaro and sudden tarta asd atopo. Another proof of truth of what we try w bring home to you every week In tho year tint tor right down aolid com fort, tho Burllnston b no real competitor anion the railroads of the wet. Omaha, Teorla, Chief go St. Joseph, Kan" City, St. Louis, Denvtf and Deadwood are only few of the point to widen It will! pay you t U" tho Burlington. For tlmo cards, tickets and Informatfc apply at B. and M. depot or city ticket of fice, corner of 10th and O otreeta. G. W. Bonnell, C P. & T. A. owl