LOCALS. Will M'Ky has 1,'' onJoyhiK ft Vnt from lil" HlHl,'r nf O"'"1'"' lll 1bi week. pr. V. M. KlliiK lectured nl Wnyno No. trnnkn. Innt Friday, bofnro tho ti'iialwrH' (idoclniloii. Dr, Renter I Imolc from HoldloborK, nnd m been mndo temporary nnHlHtnm In ,hodumUl laboratory. A "I'lilvt'iHlty or Nebraska" tablet Ih the kind lo umi, when you wrlto homo. Tl, co-op linn a Inwn Hiipply. ProfoHMor Hwoi'ay lectured boforo tho Ifijco rlub of tho IiIkIi hcIiooI Wodnr-H-y rvonlim. on tho planot Mrirn. Then' will I"' ll 'miMH moot Inn Homo tlmo jtotiilnv to Mini out tho Monlliuont of tho ,nuli'iiiH in rowird lo tho antl-rnotbnll Minn Ailo Urnhnin ontnrlnlnml n fuw cf'hpr fil"l" Wodnomlny ovonliw In lion tt of lir" fotiMln MIhh .lohnmm of North ll(ml tiiomo prt'Kont wore: Mohki'h. Kll llan, H''''.v. JonoM, Smith, Davis; and yitn' HliodcH, rnoknrd, Pollack nnd Smltli. The friii liuvo boon buny tho piiHt week. glcnm t'hl Inltlatt'd throo moil, Hwnrt, Ousllii noil Motno Holnnp. lletn Thotn rilnltlni'd C. R. Whlto. l'hl Doltu Thota Wfblirr It l rnmord that two moro inHlnlloii" nro to ho hold boforo next ivefk A lotur Iioh boon received from tho mannRor of tho Iowa Htnto university football imrn. nHklnK to linvo tho animal pmo playd with uk iih usual noxt your. So tlila N Hottlod whothor Iowa HtayH In (be lonrtif or not. yol'Nn MKN Who tin- uVxIiouh of IiiivIiik tlii correct thine I" "i"' colored BlilrtH HhotiUl attend ,l,o Kirai advance smlo of Manhattan hirtoui ihi Armstrong Clothing Co. At tho last ttU'OtlnK of tho Union boys' dobotliiK club, resolutions woro adopted commt'iiiliiii: Sponkor Oullln'H untl-foot-ball bill, and a committee, Holf-nppolntOd has lmd tlKin published In a city paper mO taken l. fore the members of the lun ula turo There wero riliout twenty law nudum inicent at the inootliiR. and tho rrt !' ixademleft. People linvo been nomlcrlms f Into, whut Ih iiffcclliiK the Union bo. Several of them have prom ised the N-tiimku that thoHO resolutions Mil rccitvi a severe reconsideration at the next nioetliu?. MAXWKl.Ii CLUB AGA1I The Maxwell club bnd Its llrst mootlm? Sturun .wnlUK slnoo Us susponsln by ihi clmm.llur. Ollloors woro olocted for iht mh oinl turn. D. I. Wilson defeated N R. dr. . niielrt for president. Tho frnt trnlty no n seem to havo lost Interost In the cluli a was manifest by the fact that Mvwu.iii ut their number wero absent. Tin- election of Mr. Wilson Is dtsplenalUK to them, ami they and tho "consorva- tlus" Iiiim .pressod their dotonnlnatlon not to a;t ml any moro muQtliiKS of tho tluh l.Sl.lAM. rilOSPKCTS. At tin- all of Captain Packard, (liiltu anmnliir f cnndldutoH for liosltlons fin the baseball team, showed up at tho arm ory, Ian Saturday afternoon. Tho now material l . specially wood this year, and tho lari number of old mon who aro out. mak"' the prospects brlKht for a win ning team MauaKer Pace has arranged an east, in trip, for tho third weok In May. Date with the university of Iowa, Xorthwf-ii-rii, and tho university of Il linois, has, boon closed. This trip will lake the nam through Iowa, Indlnna nnd Illinois mill there Is no doubt but that a much Ian., i- number of Romos will bo so cured, 1m fori- the tlmo sot for tho depart ure of tlu te.un. I? tho proper arrange ments (.in be mode with university club i?am of Dmnlm, nnd their co-oporntlon soured thin Mr. Pnco says ho can In duce tin tennis of tho stato universities of Iowa, Missouri, nnd Kansns, to como ne. It Is tho Intontlon this yonr not to rtoy otlur than college teams. A. minstrel show will bo given about March 20, for tho bonollt of tho team. THE KOOTDAL.lv HIM... Thai football bill which has boon the tautc of ho much comment nmong unl uraity people for somo tlmo, has not yot Passed the house as has beon rumored. When Speaker Gaflln wns again boon by Nebrnskan reporter ho said: "Tho bill has been referred back to the commlttco. U seems that there is somo defect in It, that It applies to all alike, and should bo amended so ns not to npply to small Khool children. It will probably be changed so ns to apply to men over 17 years of age. It will como again In a fow days." There Is hardly n doubt now but that the bill will pass tho house, nnd Its op ponents aro considering killing It in tho 8nate. It qulto posslblo that this can be lone. HOARD OF REGENTS MEET. Tho board of regents wero In session the first threo days of this week. Besides Wending to routine business, somo 1m- Tmt..-. . ... l.v. Mia n, changes In connection w . ... university management wero Instituted, It wuh dpolded, that, as It scorned so convenient for tho regonlH to got togother during tho chartor.tlay oxorolsos, that horoftftor nn nnnual mooting would bo hold at this tlmo. It was further deolded lo onnfor dogrooH In oonneotltin with tho ohartor-day oxoroliicH, as well as at tho Juno comtnonooniont. A ro-arrnngemnnt of the standing com mittees, mndo neeosimry by tho clootlO'ii of Hon. Thomas Ilnwllngs to liho board, wan off cot oil, Wio oommlttoos now fttantl Ing oh followit Mxoontlnvo Coinmlttoo Morrill, Knloy, nnd Wcfllon. Uourwo of Study Ilndloy, Hnwllngs, nnd WoHlon. Vlnnnco WoNton, Cloohl nnd llnwllngs. Uinlvorwlty nml. library Knloy, Ooold nnd Had ley. Tho rooommondnitloiiB of tho faculty OirU tho wnnln "In oleotiicnl onglnwr Ing," "In civil onirlncorltWi" and "Jn mo ohanlNil ongtnocirlng," bo InntTtod In it ho diplomas granted to students taking tho bnohnlor's degroo In fhoso dopnrtmonls wnn ndoptod. A volo of thanks wnt tondrirod to C. H. Morrill, provident of tho board for his donation to oontlnuo tho geological OXIKsllllOllH. 'Pho board apiiolntod n commlttco to Inqulro Into tho condition of tho co-opor-ntlvo book storo with o. vlow to making It still moro offootlvo In meeting tho needs of 'tho university. Tho gift of Mrs. J. II, Prlohott of 1C9 acres of land In Hod Willow county was accepted wlion tho pnpors should bo put Into legal form. II. N. Sentor, Ph. 1., who hns Just completed his ntudlos In Germany, was tompornrlly appointed nn nsslstnnt In tho ohomlcnl depniitmoivt. Hosolutlons of thanks to th ooloty of electrical engineers for thdr nrtluous labors nnd their micccxnful olootrlcal ex hibit wero ndoptt-d. Hosolutlona woro passed concerning 'tho nnlnfnl accident on Chnrtor day roatlltlng In tho loss of an oyo to Mrs. Iawson. Tho chancollor upon hearing of tho nccldont Immediately ordored an Investigation, i Tho rogonts henixl tho witnesses. It was mndo clear that tho occurrence was puroly on nccldont. Tho bonrd expressed tholr heartfelt sympathy for Mrs. Law son nnd her family and decided to tnko Btops 'that pecuniary relief In somo form bo extended 'the sufferer. "Whereas, During tho military exorcises at tho university of Nebraska on tho af tcri'oon of charter day, a sad nnd most do plorablo accident happened to Mrs. Law son, which resulted In tho loss of an eye, and TlllO AUT KX11UUT. Perhaps tho most pleasing exhibit dur ing tho charter-day celebration was that mndo by Miss Pr.rker's nil pupils. That so much tnloMt and, artistic sons- wu hidden within tho '.vails of tho lhrary building, was a gratifying discovery to visitors, nnd the crowds wlwoh Mpiiercd before tho paintings and sketches gave evidence of tb"lr appreciation. Tho artist whose work demnnded most nnd favorable comment was Marian Can lleld Smith. Her character sketches were full of life and grace. Inherent to a stylo peculiarly her own. Ono unlmio wash drawing of n senior girl's head wns ex ceptionally good. Mary Hrldgc exhibited some character sketches of rare merit. Myrtle Urown's water color paintings were dainty bits of art. Her sense of color nnd shading Is good and her prductlns nre bright and full of light nnd cheerfulness. Ilnrry Ongo showed a few pen sketches. He has talent which If developed promises to transform him Into a clover cartoon ist. The oil paintings occupied ono end of tho art room. Mrs. Upplncotfs work do sorvos cspecinl mention. Sho shows ex cellent tasto, belli In tho selection of sub jects nnd In their rendering. All of the Htudles exoeutcd by tho class woro from life. Miss Vnrker deserves much credit for tho careful training of her pupils and no bettor proof of hor success could .bo found thnn In tho work dono by thorn. DON'T WANT TO HK nOTHKRKD. A conference wns held on last Wednes day morning between tiro board of ro gonts nnd Mnnagor Oury of tho Studonts1 Co-oporntlvo Hook Co. Thoy discussed the condition of the Co-op, nnd tho bnsls on which It wns conducted. Tho roport of Mr. Oury semed to bo vory Manufac tory, Judging by the subseciuont notion of tho rogontH In laying on tho tnblo the pe tition of somo of tho students mni iuxi books bo furnished thorn nt cost by tho stnto. THE JUNIOR TROM. Tho junior promonado given by tho clnss of '98, was held at tho Uncoln hotel last Friday night. It was as pleasant and brilliant, as tho Ingenuity and brains of twelve mombers of tho class could make It. Appropriate decorations woro to bo soon on all sides, and the programs noatly engraved, formed fitting souvenirs of tho high social character of tho ovont. It wns 9:30, when Mrs. 'Wllloughby's or chestra of ten pieces, struck up tho grand march, and from then till 1:30, tho big dining hall wns a perfect fairy land i,n,itifii! women and brave mon. Those , ---- patronesses; present wu i Chancollor and Mrs. Mnnl.rnn, Professor mi(i Mrs. llnrhonr, PrornsHor and Mrs, rtlohnrds, Captnln and Mrs, Ouilfoylo, Dr! and Mrs. I.ndd, Mr. mid Mrs r , Mor ill, Mr. nnd Mrs, C. H, Here, Pmfoilsrr and Airs. Wlllard Klmhn.ll. MIhscs llowen. Omaha! .laynes, Omnhai Orlggs, Polk, i. flpro, Vnnell, lloavor, Minor. Woods, Wuoks, Hohlnsnn, littrn ham, Wright, Ilandall, Conk. MaoKnr land, 10. Here. HehulU, llttrks, llcatrlpe; Chllcott, Welch, Nnroni Hunuier, Tuttlc, Clarten, Parks, llarllott, btnahiii Hmlth, Williamson, t'laik, Nebraska city; Duff, ColoHon, Hiiyinnnd, Hansen, Carscadden. Hi'owii, I'Vchet, hatiHliu, llartlgan, Hast Ingsi 1' Maul, Anthony, McKay, Omahn; Millar, Hohwartc, Clark lloniuill, Morgan, Hnrgronves, Wilson, liottildgo, PfollTor, Una Hlcketts, Mniido ICinimniid, Hlaught or. (Ireon, HitHkoll, MioMlllan, Cropsoy, Klllotl, l.owe, Nanon, N. hau, llarloy, Hlchards, Kisser, Clara Hammond, llolon I. an nnd Maul. Mossis.lturgel, Wlgjronhoni, Weeks, Davcnporl. True. Helnlp, Oury, Norton, Korsmeyer, Hhedd, Wlhon Haokor.llrown Collelt, Kcohet, Duff, llobard, Sheldon, Saxton, Doubt ava, HIsMiof, (lustln, Hur got, Clements, Culvor, Morrison, Harbor, J. lhtrks, D. Murks, lliggard, Clark, hln uuest, Hlcketts, Schick Green, Hoblnson, H. Hoblnson, Whipple, Haines, Hlloy, 8a vlllc, Manlcy. C. H. Holblns, McKay, llur rows, Hesscy, Sumner, Stone, Krwln, H. Sawyer, C. Sumner, O.uaha; 10. Sawyer, llarilgan, True, Huriiain, Ames, Who don, Honily, Haymond,Slierman, VnnVa Ion, Lull, Ijyiuaii, MoConiy, Owens, Pan ooast, Huudall and Hurley, PICKS1I1NG HIKIiKS MHUT. At a meeting of tlo Porshlng Hlllos held Wednesday night, tho following res olutions were adopteil In regard to tho accident to Mrs. Ijiwhdii on chartor-day. Whoroas, This accident Is rendered tho moro distressing to us Inasmuch as Miss Lawson, a daughter o! tho Injured lady, Is a fellow studont among us, nnd Whereas, Tho accident occurred during that part of tho drill given by tho Persh ing rlllcs, thcrcforo, bo It Hcsolvcd, That the members of tho Porshlng rlllea express tholr deep and hoartfolt sympathy to Mrs. Lawson, and their profound regrot for her Irroparablo loss. And bo It further Hcsolvcd, That tho mombers of tho com pany render any aid lying within tholr power to allovlato the distress of this sad accident. George Coustnncer's barber shop is lo cated at 1010 O B'reot. Kour of tho best workmen in the city aro-to bo found here. While driving homo from un ovenlng entertainment Mrs. Llna Taylor of Rox Rutto county lost her way and drovo Into nn open well near a desortc-.! houso. Both horses wont down and wero killed. Judgo Curry of Vendor Issued seven marrlago llconsos Vrlduy of Inst weok to monibors of tho trlbo of Winnebago Ind ians. This rush wus caused by tho pay ment of Indian moneys which wrw to tako plnco the next day. Cedar Rapids lias boon having nn opl- domlo of somo kind of sickness like pneu monia. Tho doctors and nearly every body 1n tho town scorned stricken, tho druggists wore unublo to wait on their customers. Doctors from Albion and Greeley wero sent for to help through tho oxcltoment. "Oh, by tho wny," observed Archi medes, "did you ever try to s(iunro tho circle?" "No," nnswored Socrates. "It wns moro thou 1 could do to scpioro my self." Even ns ho spoke, tho shade of Xanthippe could bo heard demanding, from mere force of habit and without reforonco to tho exigencies of tho occa sion, why ho hadn't brought up tho conl. Detroit Journal. THE IAJNCHEON ROOM. Tho proprietors of tho university lun cheon room nnnounco that they nre bet tor prcpnrea than ever to servo strictly homo made goods with convenience to all. A sample bill of fare Is: Soup B cents Oysters, one dozen 20 cents Plum pudding E cents Sandwich 3 cents Rrend and butter 2 cents Coffee, tea or cocoa 4 cents Milk , 3 cents Two Joughnuts 3 cents Pie 5 cents Iiot Wostorllold bo your barber. CHARMING BOOK ON OLD VIOLINS. Violinists ovorywhoro will hall with do light tho beautifully printed and authori tatively written book about old violins Just published by Lyon & Healy, Chicago. Tho fact that this volume contains as an nppendlx, a list of tho old violins offered for salo by Lyon & Hoaly, and will thcrc foro bo sent freo upon application (to vlollnlnsts only), does not detract from its literary value nor from tho keen Inter est with which its fac-slmllo labels and other quaint Illustrations will be viewed. It is safo to say that any lover of tho fld dlo might seek a long tlmo before he could find anothor volume whose perus al would afford him such a fund enter tainment. Tho short biographies ot tho famous violin makors aro wonderfully comploto and comprise a hfbt of fresh anecdotes that must prove vastly Inter esting to violinists, great and small. ("OLD VIOLINS"-272 Pagies Free to Violinists only. LYON & HEALY, Chicago.) Big Bargains HI THE MODEL Tabic Board $3... per Week. Monl Tickets, 21 Meals, $3. 7X SPECIHL RRTe-l'l Will be made to STUDENTS upon application. YOU WILL By taking the . FOR MAIN LINE, And Norfolk Branch. All Points in Kansas. Kcop this in mind when going on foot-ball trips or any vacation. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1044 O Street. TWO TRAINS DAILY IIKTWKKN ii-jntgol-n -AN- Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street. H. C. TowNSKNi), Gon'l P. & T. A. P. D. Coiinkli,, C. P. & T. A. Hutchins & Hyatt SELL THE BEST GRADES OF 3 C O K L- is- ALSO WOOD AND KINDLING. 1010 O Stroot. Tolophono 225 First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Surplus $400,000.00 100,000.00 N. S. HAUWOOD, President. OIIAS. A. IIANNA, VlccProsldent. F. M. COOIC.fCashler. C. S. LIPPINCOTT, nnd H. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier. Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gents' Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1229 to 1239 O Street. 316 S. South Twelfth St. Meals 15 cts. DINING MALL SAVE TIME SUBSCRIRE FOR THE NEBRABKAN. Don Cameron's lunch counter, 118 South Eleventh street. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEBRASKAN. Clias. B. Gregory fi U. of N '91. Office A At 1100 0 St, S Lincoln, Neb. H C EHLERS The Tailor.... uifs 'lercle. f rde. Clcnning and Itcpnlrlng also Dono. 126 SO. 11th St. WoWjmburg's Clear rv? irv inc.. .Sffrt. f MITHRIUn DMDER J. M. FARKIHSEH, PROPRIETOR, jfiyi 3-