fcsm The Nebeaskan. A Weekly Newspaper Issued Every Fri day Noon, by the Students of tho f University of Nebraska. Entered as Second Class Mull Matter. F. T. U.loy - - - Managing Editor Edith Schwartz - Ass't M'glng Ed. ASSOCIATES. R. H. Baker Editorial Kato Snow Wnlkoi - - - Fraternities Oliver Chambers .Local O. W. Molor -ocal D. J. Flaherty Law E. MoIIza L.oaiu Sam Sloan Y. M. C. A. Reporteia. A. E. Parmolco . ... II. F. Case The Ncbraskan will bo sent to nny ad dress upon receipt of the subscription price which is onu dollar a year, or fifty cents a somestcr. Contributions arc solicited from all. Nows items such as locals, pergonals, reports of meetings etc. are especially de elrod. Tho Ncbraskan will bo glad to Drlnt any contribution relative to a gen oral university subject, but the name must accompany all such. Address all communications to The Nobraskan, University of Nebraska. NOTICE All subscriptions should now bo Pali and collection will be commenced ac cordingly. Any one wishing to avoid the inconvenience ot being "dunned", should notify tho business manager before Jan uary 15. Tho histoiy sfiiiium room wan apparent ly set apart for 'tin- uso of those saiultnu who nro cngugvd In seminar work. For that puriKHo It Hhould bo distinctly uhk1 If It is to retain Its novol nnms. However of laxe. Instead of bcliiK used as 41 inuuiiH of study and reference, It Is ued for re ception purposes, 00-eduo.itlon and a so cial good time. Such use Is 4111 Intrusion I women. By " doing, all possible criti cism will be avoided. From the manner In which the members of the Junior promoimdo committee- aro working In order to soil enough tickets to pay oxpenses of the entertainment, It can bo Inferred that members of tne Junior class nre not nwnre of the significance and prominence of this event which oc curs but once In the life of the college man. Junior should tnkc hold of this matter with more Interest. It Is a notor ious fact, that any upper or lower cluss mnn, can attend this entertainment If he wishes to buy his ticket. Out of a class of 150 or more Juniors, It would seem that n member of unothel class would huvo to put In his application early to secure the privilege of purchasing a ticket. Many members Of tho Junior clnss nro lel'lng an opportunity slip by. that thoy will nev er meet ngnln. In another column, tho Nobraskan re produces entire, tho lust edition of tho other college paper published at the uni versity. This edition Is supposed to have been the "alternate sixteen page liter ary edition" as advertised. The Nebras knn has made no promise that It hns not fullllled.We print this last edition so that our renders may eompnre what thoy are getting for their money. Make the comparison, not only as regards quantity, but quality, and If the verdict Is not In our favor, wo will yield the title of being "the all 'round college newspaper' of the university. After tho half year has passed, tho sen iors 'have secured their class Insignia. It happen with nil classes thtit half the year Is wasted In wnangllng. and order ing their class insignia. Consequently. It there is anything to be gained In wearing them, tho greater part of It Is lost. Now wli would It not bo wise for the mem bers of the Junior clnss o get together be fore the cloe of tiiv present semos-ter, and decide upon what tht-y wutut. Then the orders can be sent the first of next year. The Political economy club Is keeping up the record established In years past. This club Is one of the most netlvo and THE NEHUASKAN ADVEHTISEHS. Wo wish to call tho attention of the Professors and students to the local mer chants who advertise 1 Tho Nebraskun. Every linn represented here Is guaran teed reliable, and patronage that Is ex tended them, will bo appreciated by tho manager of this paper. When It U Just as convenient, let them have yuur patron age. You will bcncllt by It as inuoh as any one. PAINE & WAHFEI-Clothlers and fill it- tshing goods. Mei chant tailors. 1130 O sttcot. Your shoos shlned free. PERKINS & SHH1..DON Tho reliable shoo store of Lincoln. 1129 O otroot. EVANS LAUNDRY UOMPANY-Host service greatest courtesy. 323 N. 12th. FRANCIS BROS. Itestaurant and short order house. 121 N. 11th street. DON CAMERON-Lunch counter and short order house. 118 South 11th St. II. W. UROWN-Drugglst, books and stationery. 12T South 11th streot. MILLER t PAINE Dry uoods and fur nishing goods. 12S) to 1231) O street. THE MODEL DINING llALli-Meals 15 cents. Sunday dlnnor 25. 31G S. 12th. CHARLES H. aUEOORY-Conl. Oillco at 1100 O street. GEORGE CONSTANCEtt'S Barber shop located at 1010 O street. TOM RUSH -Barber shop, located In the Sanitarium building. 14th and M streets. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Loea'ed ai tho cornor of 10th ami o streets. THE HOOK DEPARTMENT OF Herpol shelmer and Company. 12th and N st. SMITH PRUMIER-Typewrlter Com pany. Lincoln olllce, 137 S. 11th St. T. J. THORPE &. CO-Rubbor stamps, seals etc. 30S S. 11th street. HUTCIUNS & HYATT Coal, olllce lo cated at 1014 O street. C. EH LERS Tailor. Suits made to ord er. Repairing done. 12C S. 11th. LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY-C. L. Spoil- cer. '08, manager. 11th and O St. DR. S. E. COOK Eye ear, noae and throat. 1115 O street. $ HT PAINE & WARFELS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THAT WE ARE RELIABLE AND THE MOST REASONABLE HOUSE IN LINCOLN TO DEAL WITH. I 113 O Street, PAINE & WARFEL FOR Trie fiir"t LATEST STYLES in SEASONABLE SB FOR MEN and WOMEN.., GO TO Dr. S.E. COOK, practice limited to eye. car nose and throat. 1115 O street. .'Perkins & Shelddn Co, upon the rights of thoso who liavo It sot ' aggressive organizations In the unlver apart for their special study. At no time ' slty, and u wonderful amount of good Is of the day can one outer the room without being accomplished by It. It Is not only finding someone laughing, telling Jokes the members but the whole university and relating his most recent exporloncos. who arc dorlvlug the benellt from the Moreovor thoso who have no work In tho j public lectures which have been given, eomlnar, tnink they are entitled to tho It Is to be hoped thnt the club continue privileges which it offers. This is a mis- , to exorcise the zonl that It has thus far taken Idea. When students perslsx In run- mnlntnined. ning back and forth into the room, it Is annoying and destroys its uso for read ing purposes. Let those students who are not Interested In seminar work avoid un necessary omnincc and disturbance, and It Is to be urged that seminar students will sot a better example by refraining from talking and uncalled for rudunoos. It is certainly not necessary 'to ostabllsh a code of rules to govern advanced stu dents. Let everyone do his part well and further complaint of untimely use of the seminar will bo avoided. The Maxwell debating club will "hold regular sessions during tho second semes ter, If the dove of peace can bo mado to hold sway. It is beneath 'the dignity of law school students to persist in unnec essary scrapping for spoils of office. There is no occasion to revive the '"barb-frat" feeling. Thoso who are here for business cenaii ly will unequlvoeably condemn any attempt to renew the uncalled for pro ceeding of last semester, and those who are here for a past time and do not I The members of the Lndles" faculty club arc to bo congratulated upon tho success of tholr reclption, last Saturdny evening. It was appreciated by numbors of stu dents Who nre loud In their praises for the treat accorded them. It will live long In their memory ns one of tin mo-t enjoyable occnslons of their college life. COLLEGE NOTES. Lack of funds will prevent Columbia from putting a crew on the water this season. A proposition lias been made to the re gents of the university of Wisconsin by n numbor of Insurance companies to on dow a chair of Insurance in tho univer sity. Missouri expects to have a good base ball team this year. Six of the old play ers are back, and a numbor of now men aro coming out to practice, who are show ing up well. Tho Young Men's Christian association of Missouri, have nsked tho board of cur- find themselves occupied with tho work ators of tho Missouri unlvorslty, for an given in tho law course, will discover It appropriation of $40,000 to erect a build- in the Equipment of a Student's Room It is generally conceded that a stringed Instrument is almost an absolute ncces blty. To secure the greatest enjoyment from tho purchase get the best your money will afford. Kxpert juug ment pronounces the "Bay State" Instrument the finest in the world. An excellent Instrument is the Bay Slate $10.00 Banjo. We have in stock cheaper banjos tlmn thin. Iml for n suhstnntlril. R serviceable Instrument, at a low ik t price, no other Instrument manu factured can compare with It. Send for illustrated catulogue. John J. Haynes & Co , 453-4C3 Washington Street. Boston. 1 I 1 i A. G. SPALDLNG & BROS., The name the guarantee. Outfitters to all the leading colleges, athletic clubs and preparatory schools. Every Requisite for Athletic Sports and Pastimes. SPALDING'S BASEBALL SUPPLIES. Managers should send for samples and special rates on uniforms and supplies before purchas ing. Every facility for the bos,t value at loast cost. TENNIS silly In tho extreme to renew any such tactlcB. Tho law boys need the training of debate, and of parliamentary practice. And It Is to bo hoied that they will throw aside their boyish play und get down to business. Tho college papors and city press c-uv nothing for tho nows which untimely scraps call forth. Wo very much prefer to see tho olub got along harmon iously. Ivf. tho club bo rovlved with the old time vigor and with tho determina tion that proper debating decorum shall bo respected. And tho good resultB that aro sure to follow will bo beyond our con Jocturu. It Is naturally HupjKwed that when young mn become students of tho univer sity, that thoy have passed tholr dlstriot school days, and will conduct themselves accordingly. In spite of this supposition there are some who persist In dofaclng and disfiguring notlcos and signs, which nro put on tho bulletin boards by tho ap proval of tho chancellor. Not bolng sat isfied with that, thoy go further, and show tholr lll-ninnnors by scribbling tholr namos upon bulletin boardB and university prop erty generally. Such uncalled for aots iu.vo oojurred so frequently of lato that thoy huvo produced Just commont. Why do students Jnslwt upon dofaclng notlcos and tho like? If dt ds a ambit, the tlmo lias coiiki when It should ho broken. No one likes to road notices when marked up by some thoughtless porson. And still worse, when thoso who visit tho different dopantmentu eo and In truth road tho writing put ujon the bullotln boards and doors by oomo reckless ntudont, ithoy nat urally ask tho question, whether 'the stu dents have any mannors and regard for property rights. Wo should lay aside our lng nenr tho college campus for rollglous purposes. The Carlisle Indian footbnl team will be greatly wonkened noxt year by the loss of many of their best players. Metoxen goes to Prlncoton, Lone Wolf and Cayou to Chicago university, nnd two more of their players to Wisconsin. The sophomores of tho unlvorslty of Il linois who woro engaged in tho disgrace ful attempt to break up tho freshman social, have been summarily dealt with by tho faculty. A number of them huvo been expelled, and others turned over to the city authorities. GOLF, CRICKET, TRACK, AND FIELD SUPPLIES. Gymnasium Equipments Catalogue Free. Spalding's Athletic Library contains books on every form of athlotlc sport. Published monthly. Price ten cents. THE SPALDING BICYCLE. Strong, light, easy running. Perfection of mechanical skill A. (J. SPALDING & BROS. New York, i'Iip ago Pnlladolphla. 1129 O STR66T, BEST VORK Best Service Established 1889. ( Telephone 199. EVANS LAUNDR COMPAN H 1 i I Most Complete and Modern Equipment. Greatest- Courtesy. YOU'LL FIND IT'S A GOOD PLAGE. 321 North 11th St "ANY OLD THING." Fair One Who I that cadet over there, dreesed In suoh . distinguished manner Ho Whloh one. Fair Ono Why that our who wears no stripes of any kind. Thero aro many things that are capable of stirring up ono's internal wrath, but the man who has been tundlng out in tho cold, pushing vigorously a nail-head, wth tho Idea that the boll 1b ringing In tho kitchen, is apt 'to pormlt somo of his pent up feollngs, to float upon tho frosty air in tho form of a sulphorous blue after ho has found out hlB mlstako. NOTICE-Wo offer" tho following terms to managers ot dinky college papor-to print ono Issue of such each week on .ho back pago of this paper, for tho sum of four dollars, per Insertion. -v .-.- Ar'AWjy' It&nM a HAMiatBH" "When you have finished your looturo," said tho toucher of olooutlon to young Dulle, "bow gracefully and leave tho plat form on tip-too." "Why on tip-too?" queried Dulle. "So as no to nwako tlm our childish 'hublw and act like men and audience," repllud ti1L toucher. Ratnlil. i Ho Home ie Really Complete Without a new 1897 Model Washburn SSSriftsK I'rlcpit lme been KCtlH'd down im u result of the Wunliluiru'h rnorinmm popularity mi Unit now you cun buy uifenulne WuhIiIhini uf the very lutuht design From $15.00 Upwurd. The new 'Washburn Mumlolln U 11 radical depart ure from former t.t leg. It In the iieuteKt, daintiest and llitliteHt Mandolin Imaginable, und lit. tone ap prouclieg very near to tlmt of a tine old Cremona Violin. Wukulnirm, lire void at fixed und uniform prices by nil firit-cliih iiuinlc deulern everywhere. Wuishhiiriu ure the acknowledged Ktundurd of the wiiati. ArtUtH, FRANCIS BROS., jsi!L Capital Cafe. OyntcrH, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. Tliey ure iihed exclusively by tho leading ). reucheru lltwl Clrn i Mlilm. Our iihiv Wtiull. burn catalogue containing portraits of over 100 ArtUtHimd full Information, Prices, endorsements, etc., will he Kent free on receipt of application. If your local dealer cannot supply you we will neiid M HHliliunib C. O I), with privilege of exuutlnutloii, direct from the fuctury. A Washburn Improves with nge and makes a alft that Increusci In value as the years go by. It ii really worth many times its cust. LYON & HEALY, Corner Wubmh Ave. and Adame St., Chicago. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books, And u comploto Htouk of Stundurd und MincollunoouH Books. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. EXPERIENCED TRAVELLERS IF YOU "WANT TO GET GOOD TREATMENT AND REASONA BLE PRICES, PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS OF THE NE BRA8KAN. THEY ARE JOAj RELIABLE AND GUARANTEE TO QIVE SATISFACTION oay they know they're on the Burlington the mo ment they strike it. bo smooth-so eaey-so flf llshtfully free from Jw and Jar and udden tarto and stops. Another proof of w truth of what we try w bring home to you every week In the year-tn for right down oolld com fort, the Burlington m no real competitor anion tho railroads of the west. Omaha, Peoria, Cliiw- go St. Joseph, . City, St. Louii., Den" and Deadwood are only few of the points to wnlcn It will! pay yu t0 u the Burlington. For time cards, tickets and Inforrottion apply at B. and M. depot or city ticket floe, corner of 10th and O streets. Q. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A- k