The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 29, 1897, Image 4

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Ho carved a casket of rich design
With Arabesquo scrolls on lid and Bided,
And bound It with silver and hammered
And sot It with precious Jewels besldos.
Ho lined It with volvot, crimson nnd rich,
From tho looms of tho far away orlont,
And made for It locks of curious shapes
Whoso secrets, alone he could unpont.
Ho guarded It well from tho vulgar gaao,
And novcr displayed It to mortal soul,
For In It was hidden all sato and sound
His winter's supply of priceless coal.
Tho wrinkled corpso nnd I wero eating
together as tho villago clock, afar out In
tho frost cold of tho bitter night, tolled
shlvcrlngly tho long drawn strokes of
He, though my subject, was yet my guest
and lay out on tho boards, with his arms
crooked In aid his logs crooked up, anil
head thrown back, yawning wide and deep
nt tho murky colling.
The lamp was Dickering low and burn
ing dim, conniving at tho wlord daneo of
gnost shadows along tho wall, and ovor
the faco of tho solemn corpse, the sad
Marys and little Infant Josusos from their
dust shadowed pictures about the wall,
stared with an empty stare, while- the som-
bro burial robos rustled, murmuring lit mo
tion sympathetic with tho wind that
howled and growled ab.m outside, and
screeched the stliToned sign ovor tho dingy
door. Tho embalming Dutd blubbered on
tho broken lid of the rusted stove. Its fumes
curling smoklly up and fading.
I was hungry: I ate from tho,
which conveniently rested In tho crook
of the other's arm, whllo he, tho shriveled
corpse, grinned at mo from his sallow face.
Ho looked so thin and hungry with his
Jaw dropped from tho supiwrtlng bandages
nnd lips curled on yellow teeth, as ho
watched mo stralng from around tho do
nated pennlos of relatives, that half slid
from his bulging oyos. So Jestingly, yot
with a fooling of ilt., I put a loose grapo
Into his mouth. It lopped from sldo to
side, and rolling, slipped from sight, and
with ear close by I heard It gurgling and
gurgling down, starting nnd catching, llko
the last hard drawn breath as It groans
out from tho nostrils, till as from the
depths of the far unseen, 1 hoard It plunk
coldly Into tho yawning maw of his stom
ach. I believe he smiled, a half grin, half
smile. In a gratllled sort of a way, further
wrinkling the yellow bone-pinching lle-sh,
A3 an encouragement to roll more grapes
down him. Now thoroughly understand
ing each other, we continued our meal, I
Joking tho while and urged on by the eem
ing appreciating of my compulsory guest,
told gruesome talcs for his edification till
my head muddled by the fumes of tho
cooking brow on the stove, drowsed heav
ily and I sank forward snoring on tho
rigid breast of my vigil companion.
j cursed pie. Takcst mo for a dog, that t
would cnt such? Go, glvo It to tho beg
gars on tho boulovnrd." In his angor ho
seized tho plo and hurled It at her head,
It missed and struck tho wall, a shapeless,
spattered mass.
Ho gazed stupolled, his eyes staring from
their sockots, "Mon DIoul" he cried. "Sco
thero, on the wall I Am I mad?
Maria, my fortune Is made!"
In a week tho Parisian shop-windows
woro illicit with tho latest successful iostor
which tho critics said outshono anything
over before attempted. The poor nrtlst
rides toilay In his carriage, and on tho door
Is emblazoned his coat of arms, a cluster
of blackborrlos from tho slopes of Dubreo.
h. 11. 11.
In the repntolre of Thomas W, Keen
tho omnlnont tragedian, Delavlgnc's play
of "Louis XI" may be regarded as n com
panion to "Rlchnnl HI." Both aro strong
ly marked by tho pecullartlcs of char
acter, and as a character actor Mr. Keeno
has no rival. Hut few stars of omlnoneu
Sanctn hnvo added "Louis XI" to their list with
J pronounced success, but with Mr. Keeno
It has not only been ono of his noted tri
umphs but has been endorsed by tho press
as ono of tho most brilliant of his Imper
sonations. During 'ho last season, when
Mr. Keeno covered nearly seventeen
thousand miles of travel, Louis XI be-
Mroprovemcnt tb Order of tr)e Age,
The New Model
Nos. 2, 3 and 4.
Tho sultan waved his sword violently.
"I a I was was"
Two of his wlvus, uuxlous to oscupo,
throw themselves from tho window, whllo
three more crawled under tho bed.
"I always was a harem-sonroVm sort of
n chap."
And tho grand vlzlor forover forfeited
tho favors of tho sultana by laughing.
eamo n popular demand with tho mana-
; Improved Letter Spacing Mechanism
As an ovidonee or tno g-owtn in puuu-
favor to which Mr. Keeno has attained,
wo ciuoto tho following tribute paid this
netor by on" of tho stoniest critics of the I
south. "Mr. Keono Is a rlpo nrt.vsi whose Alltftrnfltirt PjhhMI RflVP.rSA
.j Adjustable Paper Feed
Thoy talk and fritter tho llvo-long day.
Soma good they might do If thoystaldiiway.
Visitor to guldo In tho library Aro tho
shops close by?
Quldn Oh, no, that pounding you hear
Is only tho librarian rapping on her desk.
Sammy skinned up Into the apple tree,
In vain endeavor to ascend beyond tho no
tice of tho wrathful ower of the trees, and
Incidentally the man who claimed to own
the apples thereon.
As Sammy skinned upward, the tree
skinned Sammy all tho way downward,
while Toweor, below, grinned and batted
his Utile red eyes, and tho man with his
Jack-knife cut down one of the largest
trees and trimmed It of Its boughs, then
went aftor the strangely reluctant Sammy,
brought him down a notch to the earth and
most ungently skinned him up and down
the velvety sward of tho omorald lawn,
through tho side path, through tho wlro
fence and Into the road.
Black Sarah, the lusty swinger of the
kitchen towel, nnd blacker John, the keop
er of the barn, sat on a bench In the corner
of tho yard. It was a warm evening In
midst of summer, so I thought John was
sluing closer to the bewitching maldon of
shiny Jet, than under tho circumstances
was entirely necessary, but I made no aud
ible commont, neither did 1 rudely Inter
rupt, for In the dim recesses of my memory
were recollections though faint, of similar
circumstances. The shadows like ragged
village loafers wero beginning to loungo
about the ooinors, so I may have beon mis
taken when I thought I saw a bare blsek
arm circling about Sarah's ample form,
and 'It may have beon the crackling of the
twigs or the spat of warring cats that
popped j clear from out of the dense,
where l tit snadows, were thickest.
G. E. T.
The poor nrtlst sat, his omaclated elbows
pressing the bare table, his head burled In
his hands. The door oponed and his wife
softly entered.
"Francois," she exclaimed. "Behold,
Franools. We will not yot starve. I
prayed to our lady of the golden tresses,
and see, Francois, I t.Mind a beautiful
white franc piece. Look up, see what I
have brought for you."
The artist slowly raised his hollow eyes,
"What Is It that It Is?" he demanded In
She unwrapped the bundle. "See, Fran
cols, a beautiful pie made from the black
berries of tho slopes of Dubree. Eat, and
uy not that "
With n cry of rage he sprang to his feet.
"Saore bleu!' he screamed, "I hungor for
bread, and you have brought me that ac-
Zoko had his own vlows on political
economy. Ho declared -that If every man
In the world spent every cent ho enrned,
that tho laborer would always have work.
So ho Indulged In luxuries, often, going
really further than his limited means
would permit but always consoling him
self with the fact, that his expenditure
hnd aided someone and that If thero were
more men like himself, thero would not
be so many men begging for work. His
altruistic spirit predominated In his nat
ure ono night last week. Ho had some
frlpnds In his room, nnd they had played
whist for some time. Suddenly thoy were
Interrupted by the cry "Red hot!" Every
man remomborod thnt ho was hungry.
Zoke leaned out of tho window and invited
the tamalo man to como up. He was soon
before them, with his tin basket, and
char-coal stove some sputtering "wlon
nles" In n pan on top. With a broad smile
he waited on them explaining that ho
was on his way home, after n fairly busy
night. Before he left not a bun remained
in his tin basket, or a wlennle In his
sputtering sauce-pan. Zekc handed him
over every cent ho had, sixty cents.
"Ho must make a prcttty good thing of
that," ventured one of the numbor.
"Looks llko a pood deserving darkey,"
chimed In another.
"Yes," answered Zekc, "I suppose he
needs all ho can make, and this will help
Ivlm out a little."
Zeko seemed satisfied. He was glad his
money had not been wasted. But ho has
not made many heavy investments in lux
uries since, because he read in the Jour
nal a day later the following paragraph.
"Bill Johnston, the colored hot tamalo
man was run in yesterday. Ho was run
nlg up O street flourishing a revolver, and
beastly drunk. He has already served a
term In tho pen for assault."
Thero Is a humorous side to most every
thing, and what was really a perilous sit
uation, appeared rather ludicrous Monday
night at tho O street Are. In the third
story almost suffocated from smoke, a
man was yelling for holp. "Ladder! lad
dor! hurry up with that ladder my feet
are getting cold!" And Perry with his
neck tie carefully tied around the collar of
his sleeping robe, was brought shivering
to oarth.
"Say John," began Chesa to his room
mate, "did you flx the Are so it couldn't
go out?"
"Yos," respondod that rathor dull Indiv
idual, "I locked tho doors and windows.
nchlovomonts In tho higher walks of tho
drama hnvo won him distinction. He Is
essentially a Shakespearian nnd classic
actor and tho only ono of tho American
stngo but Edwin Booth, who has stead
fastly adhered to tho tragedies of the
master and kindred nuthors. Through
out his careor ho has novor deviated from
this courso, nnd In It ho has realized fame
and fortuno."
Mr. Keeno has not reached IiIh present
position as tho recognized leader of tho
Amerloan stngo, without labor and tho in-
cldontnl crosses which mark a successful
careor. Some who wero not tho most fav
orable to tho efforts of Keene's earlier
starring yours, have been won ovor
gracefully to his support. In his more ro
lined methods pf later years, those gen
tlemen admit that ho has deservedly won
the proud osltlou which he now holds.
Few prominent actors have been as puni
est In the study of their nuthors as Mr.
Keeno. Ho Is a retiring, domestic man. J
Klven much to reading. This habit has !
given a tone to his quiet scholarly life, i
On his travels, or In his quaint, colonial '
Knickerbocker homo on Stulen Island, ho I
Is always feeling out for something novel,
by which his stage production may more ,
effectively portray the meanings of his
authors, nnd of the times nnd scones of ,
which they treat.
In no play Is this more distinctly seen
than In "Louis XI," French history, and
Scott's Quentln Durw.ird, from which tho
play has been dramatized, havo boon
closely followed, but the French play has
been strongly re-onforced by new scenes
nnd situations, written expressly for the
tragedian. The story Is one of absorbing
interest, showing the old king In his clos
ing days, still lighting tho giant power
of tho feudal barons, and hanging his peo
ple by tho highways, to encourago tho
others. No character on tho stage de
mands more from the actor than Louis.
Feeble, but dominating, superstitious,
cringing with fear, treacherous to all.
forever pursuing the phantoms of his ha
tred, cowering at every moment nt the
thought of death, Kccne is a plcturo in
every scene.
Charles B. Han ford and a competent
company give able support to Mr. Keene.
"Louis XI" will bo presented at the
Lansing next Monday night. Regular
prices. Seats on sale this Friday morning.
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"Where are you going my pretty maid?"
"I'm going to gym, kind sir" she said,
"May I go with you my pretty mald7"
"Not on your tintype sir" sho said.
W. R. D.
Brown and Princeton, who have not met
in athletic oontest for three yarg, have
agreed to play baseball this season.
It has been proposed by several railway
presidents to establish a college for the
euuoatlon of young mon In the seleneo of
A chapter of Phi Kappa Psl fraternity
has been ro-lnstalled Pt Wisconsin, to sup
plant tho chapter that was "lifted" by
Psl Upsllon.
Thomas Garrett, captain of the track
team at Princeton, put tho shot 40 feet 4
lnahes last week, establishing thereby a
new college record.
The football team of the university of
Missouri played five games on their south
ern trip, besides two exhibition games in
Mexico. They scored 127 points to their
opponents' nothing.
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WHEN YOU MAKE your purchases
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lodlclcs your preference. Every mer
chant who Is represented In ihc col
of tho Ncbraskan Is guaranteed to be re
liable they will glvo you satisfaction.
A. G. SPALDING & 11R0S.,
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