The Nebraska A Weekly Nowspnpor limned Every Frl- ilny Noon, by llio Studonts of tho University of Nobmskn. Entorod ns Second aam Mall Matter. r. T. Itlloy - Managing Editor Kdlth flchwnrt Ass't M'glng 13d. ASSOCIATES. It, H, Baker Editorial Kato Snow Walkor Fraternities Oliver Chambers Local O. W. Molor kocat D. J. llnhorty Law Bnm Bloan V. M, C, A. Iteportorn, A. 15. I'lirmelee .... II. V. Gago The Nobmsknn will bo sont to nny ad dross upon receipt of the subscription prlco. willed In one dollar a year, or fifty cents a somostor. Contributions nro solicited from all. Now Item mich an locals, personals, report of meetings ote. are especially de sired. The Nobrnsknn will bo glnd to print nny contribution relatlvo to a Ren oral university subject, but rho namo must accompany all mich. Address all communications to The Nebroskan, Unlvemlty of Nebraska. NOTICE All subscriptions should now bo pall and collection will bo commenced ac cordingly. Any ono wishing to avoid tho Inconvonlcnco of being "dunned", should notify the business manager before Jan uary 15. Tho steps taken by the agricultural school In promoting diversified farming deserves a word of praise. The university authorities are sparing no efforts to make this work thorough and effective In bring ing about good results among tnp farm ers. And the Interest the farmers over the state are taking In this work, shows that they arc conscious of the need of more scientific knowledge In tilling tho soil. The time has come wften Industrial classes should bo Impressed with the Im portance of training In tho different meth ods of carrying on their respective cal lings. Scientific knowledge Is no less adapted to a successful management of ii farm and In securing greater returns for labor expended, than It Is In mechan ical or professional work. The facilities afforded by tho state farm for Instruction In diversified farming cannot be sur passed. All that Is needed Is sufTlclent funds to meet the expenses. There Is nothing that Is more In need among agri cultural classes than n knowledge of tho results reached In the various experiments made nt the school. This opportunity Is now open to the 'boys of our state, and It Is hoped no effort will be spared In arous ing Interest among them. The time for the oratorical contests Is now nt liand. Despite of tho fact thnt enthusiasm In this phase of college llfo Is upon tho wane, 'we cannot afford to neglect doing our part toward those who deslro to contest for honors. That ora tory has a place In college doings, no ono denies. But for some reason or other It has not received the support and encourage ment It deserves, among tho students. The societies promise to give fairly good contests this yeav In spite of these ad verse conditions. Let us bo on hand to give the contestants our support and en couragement. Tt Is very deslrablo that a fit representative be. chosen to orato for tho university In the state contest. So long as we are a member of the state as sociation, let us see that tho most de serving Is our representative. Some objections have been raised by many studonts, who think their profess ors who do not require an examination, aro placing too much work upon thorn for examination week. It seems that this objection Is well founded. A professor really has no right to require his stu dents to put moro than two hours of work upon a subject during examination week. This Is putting It rather forcibly, yJt no student can go through tho or deal of examinations In oi.e or two sub Jccts, and put In full time on somo others where examinations are not required. As long as there Is no recess between the semesters, the professors should take this Into-consideration. The table of Harvard catalogue esti mating average expenses gives four scales of annual expenditures. Low average ex penses nro put at ?372; moderate at $472; liberal at J622; very liberal at $1,010. COLLKOIB NOT1CS. Oxford unlvorstty, of Knglnnd haw an annual Incomo of six million dollars, Thoro are live hundred and twonty-flvo Young Mon'n Christian associations In tho colleges, Thorn arc three women on tho board of trustees of tho American unlvemlty nt Washington. Prof. Joseph I.eConto of the University of California lelobrated his goldon wed ding January 10, Doiihtlos many of our geology studonts will wlih him many hap py returns. ' The students of tho university of Mis souri nro very Indignant nnd greatly ex cited over tho action of tho faculty In ox polling from college Captain flhnwhan and Manager English of the football team. This action was taken lrocauso ono of tho law of tho university was violated by al lowing men to play on the team who wero not 'students of the university, and also because tho team made a trip Into Mexico without gaining permission from the faculty. The faculty 1iave nlso or dered Coach Patterson discharged and that he shall not be nllowed to have any connection with the university hereafter. Tho other members of the team wore al lowed to go unpunished hut wero severe ly reprimanded by the president. The students have posted notices nnd called n mnss meeting to see what Is to be done In tho matter, nnd many of them have threatened to leave the university If the decision of the faculty Is cnrrled out. A PITCHING MACHINE. C. H. Hlnton one of the Instructors In mathematics at Princeton, has Invented a pitching machine. Properly speaking It Is not n machine, but a gun which a man carries In his arms, with which he can shoot a baseball nt nny speed and give an out-curve, an ln-curvc. n drop, nnd a rise, tho last, however, being practi cally a very swift straight ball, for Mr. Hlnton has not yet succeeded In overcom ing tho law of gravitation. lie thinks It possible to produce a genuine rise, but to do so would require such a speed that It would be out of the question: For several years Ingenuous men have been trying to Invent something which might take tho place of the 'pitcher. So far" as Is known at the patent ofllce, none succeeded until Mr. Hlnton went to work. And he makes no such claim for his gun, his present one nt least, for he designed It solely for the purpose of giving prnctlce to batsmen without wearing out the pitchers. He Is now nt work on another machine of n very different character, except In so far as the actual making of the curve Is con cerned, which he thinks will bp not only suited for prnctlce work, but for games also. The gun Is of the simplest descrip tion, hut the results are surprising. In a space of seventy feet Mr. Hlnton gets n curve of fourteen Inches. This curve be gins about twenty feet from the miusilo of tho cannon, and Is sharp, though not a perfect one, with a decided drop at the end. By wind sights placed on tho can non n person can get so expert In a short time thnt he can hit n small mark four out of six times, and send the ball over the plate five out of six times, and this with tho clumsy experimental can non now used. Kx. HIB RECOMMENDATION. "Ho dances well," so said tho lookers-on Who wntched lilm In tho masy walls; Knlr woman smiled nnd waved their Jew eled fans; "Mo dances well, whiitover clso his faultr," And all through llfo ho danced his thoughtless way Was wolcomed by tho Idlo laughing throng; Tho open sesame "Ho dances well'," As o'er tho llowor-strcwn path ho tripped Along. But death reached out nnd clutched tho danccr'H feet Tho merry muilc changed to dlrgo nnd knell, Anil to tho gate of heaven ho carried In his hand, Tho verdict of tho world-"Ho danens well." St. Peter eyed the dancer's recommend And slowly scratched his good right car And said "You'd hotter lake n lower berth, Through oversight, wo have no danco hall here." WILLIAM REM) DUNItOY. REVERIES OF A BKNHDICT. "Thou thrice blosxed nleotlnol" thought Mitchell, ns the blue, filmy veil of cigar smoke floated In fantastic cloudlets or swung Into long transparent lines In the lire light glow. He extended his feet to wards the grate, g.izod straight Into tho red coals, and under the tobacco's sooth ing Influence he mused: "If now in that chair yonder were seat ed a sweet faced girl, with a pretty little foot lying out upon the hearth, a bit of lnce running around the swelling throat, the hair parted to a charm over a fore head fair as nny of my dreams nnd If I could rench an arm around that chair back without fear of giving offence, nnd suffer my fingers to play Idly with thoso curls that escape down the neck and If I could clasp with my other hand those wnlte taper fingers of hers that " "You horrid wretch!" screamed his wife, "you're burning a hole In the curtain with your nasty cigar!" And tho smoke with nil Its drenmy vis Ions swept up the chimney In disgust. L. H. n. f KT 4- PAINE & WARFEL'S YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND THAT WW ARM RELIABLE AND THE MOBT REASONABLE HOUSE IN LINCOLN TO DEAL WITH. 113G O tx-eest, PAINE & WARFEL Successors to Paine, Warfcl & Bumstcad. FOR THE LATEST STYLES in hFohientIIH JB Ml F jKj 8 m FDR MEN and WOMEN,,, GO TO RANDOM SHOTS. A lie In time saves nine. Policy Is tho best honesty. Dirt Is both cheap and plentiful. "Sand" Isn't. A cannibal Is a parasite He lives off of other men. Ono can get used to anything Kven to an alarm clock. Love Is an Itching of the heart which you can't scratch. Marriage Is nbout the only lottery thnt cannot ho suppressed. There Is only one girl In the world for me. She Is tho maid on tho silver dollar. The Cuban war has proved beyond a doubt that typewritten dispatches aro greater than the sword. The most lasting footprints on the sands of time are not always made by the fel low with tho largest feet. It seems rather strange nowadays, when everybody rides n wheel, to speak of tho different "walks of life." The eternal fitness of things was once considered Important. But by this fin do selcle generation,' the external .fitness is much more sought after. Trere are Just two kinds of people who can be blissfully, rapturously happy. They are the supremely wise man and the ab solute Idiot. In our pursuit of happiness wo usually emulate the latter. The Olio. Tom Scribbler (desperately) "Jack, I am sick and tired of writing bad poetry for a living. I shnll not cudgol my brains any longer. I have a bettor plan." Jack Plunger "Whnt Is it?" Tom Scrlbbler-"I shall make mo a sand bag and cudgel other people's brains." Exchange. "Maria," grumbled Mr. Blllus, looking at tho greasy mess that lay on his plate, "I saw tho statement In a paper tho other day that there aro over 800 differ ent ways of cooking potatoes. I wish you would let the girl learn ono of them." "ANY OLD THING." One of the members of the dally theme class, In cnstlng nbout him for a subject to expatiate on, seized upon the chanco offered hy the establishment of tho now check rooms, nnd writ In burning words tho uselessnesof a student having his clothing stolen while such protection Is afforded. In the rush Thursday morning he hung his In tho library cloak room and Is now going nbout shivering nnd complaining. Oeorge will hereafter prac tice what he preaches. "Hunk" was volng up to see Clay Clem et Monday night. He was n little late In getting started, nnd he yelled to the "fcllns" to keep n sent for him In the front row of the henven. sure. In ten minutes he followed. With coat half but toned hp rushed up the gallery steps of the Lansing, clvlng the ticket seller n quarter, without stopping to look nt the surprise on his fnce. He panted up tho winding way, and looked nbout him for his friends. Tho audience was smaller than he thought It would be but whero wero they. Then he tumbled. The door keeper gave him a return check as he went out. hut tho ticket seller had closed his window. "That dnrn ten cent show" he muttered then he sought Pnrm, bor rowed a quarter nnd saw part of the "New Dominion" with his friends, but his enjoyment of It was marred by re curring thoughts of what might have been. Clergyman- "Fo shame! Doan' yo' know dat honesty Is de bes' policy?" Parishioner: "Mohbo so; ibut, anyhow, chickens urn do bos' ontln'." Puck. damp? & gHWHN 'nrf toYMipiiy' cnt anAwmi' Ho Home it Really Complete Without new 1897 Model Washburn SKiSa?' ..Wees have been scaled down as a result of the Washburn's enormous popularity so that now you can buy a genuine Washburn of the very latest design Prom $15.00 Upward. The new Washburn Mandolin Is a radical depart, ure from former styles. It Is the neatest, daintiest and lightest Mandolin Imaginable, and Itstone ap proaches very near to that of a fine old Cremona Violin. Washburns are sold at fixed and uniform prlfes py all first-class music dealers everywhere. Washburns are the acknowledged standard of the wii .' Jhe? nre used exclusively by the leading Artists, Teachers and Glee Clubs. Our new Wash burn catalogue containing portraits of over 100 Artists and full information, prices, endorsements, etc., will be sent free on receipt of application, li your local dealer cannot supply you we will send Washburns , C. O, D. with privilege of examination, direct from the factory. n A W.i,!,",rn '"Proves with age and makes a UIU ttiat increiuci In value as the years go by. .-.-.,; nuiu many umu lis cost. LYON & HEALY, Corner Wabash Ave. aad Adams St, Chicago. Perkins & Shelddn Cd, 1129 O STR66T. JgEST VtfDRK aasV!13 II rtsjvssys, Best Service ' Established 1889. EVANS LAUNDR ( Telephone - . ami "' UOMFAN Most Complete and Modern Equipment. U. Three times a day Is gathered horo In old accustomed places, A goodly set of gentelmen With healthy gonial faces. Greatest... Courtesy. And we try to move among them While our patrons help to boom, The boat meals In Nebraska, At tho Francis dining room. 121 North 11th St FRANCIS BROS., .Proprietor, Capital Cafe. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NBBR- Open all night. Give us a call. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a comploto stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. EXPERIENCED TRAVELLERS IP YOU WANT TO GET GOoii TREATMENT AND REASONA BLE PRICES, PATRONIZE THE ADVERTISERS OF THE NE BRASKAN THEY ARE ALL RELIABLE AND GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION. say they know they're i en tho Burlington the mo ment they strike It. It so smooth-so ensy-so -llshtfully free from j" and jars and sudden taxtu and stops. Another proof "' truth of what we try w bring home to you tvtn .-eok In the yf-"1 for right down solid com fort, Che Burlington W no real competitor whom the railroads of the west. Omaha, Peoria, CM go St. Joseph, ": City, St. Louis, Denver and Deadwood are only few of the points to wW it wllll pay you to t the Burlington. . For time cards, tickets and InfonnftU"' apply at B. and M. depot or city ticket floe, corner of 10th and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T. A. IjfllH S pisf