!ui UTILITAIUAN. I hold her dainty hand In mlnu 'TwnH (lolloiitoly tinted oh a llowor, Hut nil" won of tlilH utllltnrlnn ngo And naldi '"Young mini, 'twill coat you ilfty "o" pr hour." William nnw nuNitov. HAIHS FKOM A HALI) H10AD, Tho plunmtron of IlvtiifT In a llftt aro manifold. Tho dwollor Hiiilrt lilniHolf dwullln'g nonr or to heaven tlmn It will probably nt nny tlmo nftor bo IiIh prlvUgo to iiMcond. Thorn romim to lilm 11 fooling that tho world Ih ho honoath him nnd tho hoiiho ninkoi hint ulnioHt too proud nnd haughty to bo tol(irubli) nnyvvhoro outHldo hlu Hat doiu. Ho grown nutoorntloi ho thniHlH his muddy fwit out tho front window and HcrnpoH tho mltu from hlx hIiouh onto ihu hondH of pnHMirHby. nnd bo IIkowImu omp tlcm his lopx nnd romnnntH of tnlilnlKlit lunohofl down the hiuiio oonvonlnnt nouttlo. At nny ruto ho Ih not protorimturnlly modoHt, nnil hnH no nct'd for u uurtnln n thoro uru iiono to look In on him iih ho HleiipH hiivo tho moon nnd Morn, Kllim novor bother him: tboy ennnot llvo In thni upper fttntoHpburo iloublo charged with ohlmntiy imoko nnd tumllng vapory Htonm. In wlntor ho huh jio .11 run to build, but 1Uh nbod of the morning Idly waiting, nnd Inventing nomo new form of luinthi'inn to burl nt tho Janitor bocatixo of hi lack of foresight In not Mlnrtlng tho llron on tho night boforo. Then whon n gontlo oIuhIvo hunting comes purring to IiIh earn ho beguiles hlm-tolf with tho notion that it comoH from IiIh radiator, but on Invost iKatlon IlndH It as cold as a chunk of 'ami ycar'8 leu, and tho gontlo hissing of stenm to bo tho exhaust of an enrtlno acronn tho streot, percolation In through tho twisting Htrnta of tho wlntor winds out Hldfi whllo throuKh tho open tratiHom conn" such biting tftBtes of Arc tic Boreas that ho daro not leavo tho half froien covors and llwt convulsed with wenk Hhlvere till help nrrlvcn. Klata UHiially havo no elevators, and tho dwollor climbing hlghor than over cllffdwollurs did, always audibly thanks tho builder for the exorclHo ovcry tlmo ho climbs up what ho has christened" "Jacob's ladder", In going up, and "Inferno's des cent" In the downward going. And so on, there aro xxt ends of romantic conceptions to bo derived from tho Hlmplo consequences of nn uvory day life In ft stacked up Hat. Doolln's bull pup, Mike, Is a beautiful "awato basto". Ills Jaws aro heavy and solid, his lips short and mnllcloitflly grin ning. Ills tooth, white sharp and llrm add a cold cruelty to his general llerco as pect. Mlko's slim little body Is covered with short white hair that bristles standing, like tnngled masses of jungle whon ho Is angry. Ills legs aro like bars of pliant steel, sot struttlngly far apart, lie is a perfect typo of the canlno bully. "Hcgob, but iho's a love, that pup of mine," praises tho fond Doolln, but when Doolln came Hying down tho street, late on a recent night, yelling In pain, with that lovo of a pup llrmly tlxed to the pos torlor portion of his scudding anatomy, all former eulogies were turned to fer vent curses. Still the well trained pup hold his first good hold until Doolln In voluntarily dividing, ho dropped off like a satiate leuch, nnd nil blood besmeared, yot with a glow of satisfaction In his wicked eye, waddled swnggerlngly back to his watch. A budding blossoming green little youth camo rushing Into tho barber shop. Ho slammed tho door and striding Into the centra of tho room paused a moment to look at the clock, (then compared tho time with his watch, and took In at the next glance the row of tilled chairs and the other row of waiting customers. When his Investigatory stare had at last como to satisfy him ho called Inpatlently to the burbor, "How long will It take you to shavo mo." Tho barber glanced up, then ho smiled a little smllo as his oyo caught tho barely appearing fringe of fuzz about ho face o his questioner, and answered, "Ilout ft minute and a half," Then every one grinned, somobody coughed sugges tively and another laughed aloud. Tho youth, disgusted, balanced himself on tho window ledgo and drummed tho panels with his swinging heels as he stared out. In ft momont ho had started up and stand ing again behind tho barber, grumbled, "Say now, I'm In a hurry: got a class noxt hour. How long before you can get to mo?" Then tho barber frowned, as ho replied, "Aw, oomo oft your stilts now, go rub your chin against the plastering nnd quit bothering me." The town clock struck twelve. Wen doll, lounging on tho bed, sighed and moved hh oyes slightly from tho figure on tho celling which ho had been studying for tho past hour and a half. Ho lndol ontly relighted his cigarette stump, with out rising, grumbling the while about the studios for tho next day, upon which ho promised soon to begin. But it was a shame and an Imposition to make a fol- low work till three o'clock ovory night to got his lessons. Johnston heartily sympathized with Wendell for ho also wnH a miffcrpr from thliiKH existing. Ho waH propped In ft cor ner on tho lloor, Hllllly drawling ooinlopiu. sages from ft l novol In order to forgot Ills troubles. Hmlth who got IiIh Iohhoiih without Htudy, leered pityingly upon tho two un fortunates front whoro ho wt bolHtorously Hinging ft hymn to tho tune of "Ta-ru-ra-boom", accompanying lilniHolf an bout bo could with tho whoozy groan of tho con Htimptlvo old organ In tho corner. Woarlod by tho tamonoHH of his Im pronitu orehuHtrii ho smashed all tho koys down together In ono long Jarring dlnohord Itlokod over his ohnlr ami with Iih scat eiiHhlon, biiknn to pound the stupulled Wendell about tho head. Johnston, Inter cHtod In any diversion, threw tho novol at them nnd engaged In tho assault, thou become a Hcrlmmngo. Thu IiowIh and ynwlH, the blows and boisterous laughter, tho Hhuillo and Harnpi of hiiivv foot, tho compllmontaiy ourso. tho crack and crush of hroiikltig furniture and tho shaking of tho btilldlng'H vary walls told, to hurrying pasHorsby that thu students were busily working upon the morrow's Iohhoiih. Mlko was In that hilarious stitto of mind and body commonly comprehended In tho very expressive term, "full." Iloninwy. too, was In nn Idontleal condition. Knoll steering his erratic course as bent he might, the one, up, tho other, down the street, their wobbloy limbs navigated thorn eventually to a face to faco position. Then and there tho troublo began. Way down In tho tnngled labyrinth of tho con volutions of HonnoHuy'H corebollum, or mayhap his cerebrum, there sprang up a mastering and uncontrollable desire to greet Mlko aH cordially as old acquain tances should; which desire growing to a resolve as Is curvetted and twisted about the muddled tangles of his brain, tlnnlly camo to act, though unsteadily, on bin muscles. Mlko simultaneously engendering tho same wild doHlro, It happened that thoy both swung their right hands far out, and this action too, colncldont, and swung thorn In again for a. guml old fashioned hnndshako; but the "best laid plans'" etc. and the whimsical whims of drunken men gang nft qulto amiss of tho mark: Mlko swung too low, Hennessey swung too high. Mlko, following tho swing of his arm wont reeling and lurching till ho thumped tho pavement a stunning blow on bis bead, while Hennessey having swung too high, came later to earth and landed usprawl of the prostrato Mike. Tho latter having his optical facilities momentarily beclouded and dazed by a wholo Hood of dancing planetary Illusions, merely followed along tho lines of a grow ing rngo whon ho struck us spitefully as tho circumstances would permit, at the prostrate face of the recently como-down llonnossoy. Honnssoy's turn now to re view tho solar constellations, nnd his turn to grpw exceeding wrathful and land with vim on tho offondlng Mike. Tbon a bump and a thump; ft clinch, a strain; a yowl, a howl, and a grullled growl; and a swift short ride for two, In a rattling wagon with clanging boll, and llvorled footmen solomn nnd stern. The character sketch llend Is roaming at largo. With pencil and pad ho steals along with stealthy troad and a slinking glance in his shifty eye. Llko a sleuth on tho trail bo noses about for nil that Is legitimate prey. Ills greatest ambitious lllght Is to turn the souls of men Inside out and to Haunt thorn unmasked In tho naked light. Tlio character sketch Hond wears a shamed and furtive hang dog faco. His character Is nuido up after a fashion of all the supposed Impressions that he has stolen from others. So accustomed Is ho mercilessly to dig out and oxposo for tho edltlcatlon of tho public racy views of his own Interpreting, showing the private and the, hidden tilde of private persons, that the Impressions of those views havo stamped themselves In Ineffaceablo delln o.imeuts on his own face. Whenever In the course of his huntings ho discovers a promising subject, ho sets himself to lay It baro. An analyzer ho calls himself, others regard him as a ter rorlzur. A sign of nervousness, with him Is Invarlablly a certain Indication of a guilty conscience, an abstracted stare he notes ns tho preying of uneoufessed mis deeds upon a pang-ridden consciousness. Tho man who laughs Is n Jolly rogue, ho who smiles Is a hypocrite; tho man that never smiles Is a sinister wrotch and tho man with nerves Is a coward. So tho fiendish work of the wretch goes on, though It makes wrath full and freo but llttlo bo cares for tho anger of men whllo there are men to sktch. Tho day's work was done; wearily yot with a sigh of relief ho slowly gathered up his books, Jammed his noto pad down Into his iwckot, and with lingers fumbling buttoned his coat. His serious almost frowning faco wearing a puzzled preoccu pied expression told of thoughts still with tho books Just closed. Reaching absently for his hat ho moved haltingly down tho busy library. A aulck step behind and a light touch on his arm brought him to himself with a start; "Pardon mo but you havo taken my hat". "O, why yes to bo sure. Then you havo mlnol No? Search of tho book shelves, tho tables ami Urn studontH' property corner failed to bring forth the inhslng lint. Mite a blinking owl oomo out too noon, he stood In tho rent of t'io Htudy rnuin jostled by men and women hurrying I'V and happy In the poHHossion nf haw. He began to think Unit perhaps ho had tint worn his hat that day after nil, nib' (,x' peeling to go honifl bnrohundod lie walked to tho door. "My, my, what a wot rain till I ') 1m sure. I must run down to the cloak room for my umbrellu.-Woll, how ever did" tlmt hat of tnlno come t Jlnd tho umbrella?" Thou ho put on bin lint nnd holHtlng tho umbrella wont nut Into the rain with an oxproHHlon more puzzling oven than be fore. O. W. T. Tim football player Ih played out Kor ho nn longer goon about With hair ilniioltng Kront nullity And look of ennui mo linbeolllty. Uiiiirny. Mnry bud n ilttlo wheel, It wobbled ho ut ltntidom, Hho gavo It up and hired a mun To haul hor on a tuiulein. Two young IndloH woro talking In tho nloovo of the library tho other day. "lld you havo ono of thorn- gold IioKhV" united tho dnrk one. "Yohh" wiih tho iiintwor. "but my brother Is n Hophonioro now nnd ho out It up to make oIiovioiih." I'ulr ono Does a post olllco order for four dollarH cost Junt iih mtloh iih duo for llvo dollars? Clerk-Yes. Knlr ono Well then, I might Junt iih well got ono for llvo. "So you do not think a minister ought to rldo ft bicycle?" "No, I didn't say that at all. Hut I do think ho ought not to taoklo It unless ho Is sure his religion can stnnd tho strain of learning." Indianapo lis Journal. THK liUNCIIKON ROOM. The proprietors of tho university lun ohoon room announce that thoy aro hot ter prepared than over to Horvo strictly liomo made goods with convenience to all. A sample bill of fare Is: Soup 5 contH Oysters, ono dozen 20 cents Oysters, ono hnlf dozen 10 centB Plum pudding G cents Sandwich 3 conts Dread and butter 2 cents Pie 4 cents Coffee, ten. or cocoa 4 cents Milk 3cents Two Joughnuts ., 3 cents YOUTH'S COMPANION CAIjKN'DAH. Tho Youth'H Companion Art Calendar for '!" has Just made. Its uppeariiuco. and a delightfully original and urtlstlc one It Is too. Tho Companion's yearly calen dars promise to become u feature In tin country. Tho one for 'H7 Is thu most cost ly ono of Its kind Tho Companion bus ever offered. It Is printed In twelve wutor-col- or paintings. Tho size Is lOij by 21 Inches. It Is ar ranged In four panels, each containing tho full length picture of u beautiful maiden most becomingly and npproprl ntiely uttlred for tho season she repre sints. It Is admirably suited for orna ment for mantel, eontro-tablo or writ ing desk. This beautiful onloudar Is given freo to all new subscribers to Tho Companion for '!)", and to all old subscribers who renew and pay their subscriptions for '!)". Il lustrated prospectus for tho year '!)" sent freo on application. Addivss Tho Youth's Companion, 207i Columbus Avenue, Hoston Mass. CHAHMINO HOOK. ON OLD VIOMNS. Violinists everywhere will hall with de light tho beautifully printed and authori tatively 'vrlltcn book about old violins JtiHt published by Lyon & Ilculy, Chicago. Tlu fact that this volume contains as nn appendix, a list of tho old violins offered for sale by Lyon & Healy, and will there fore bo sent free upon application (to vlollntnsts only), does not detract from Its literary value nor from the keen Inter est with which its fac-slmllo labels and other quaint Illustrations will be viewed. It Is snfo to say thrt any lover of tho lid dlo might st'ok a long tlmo befoio bo could llnd another volume whoso perus al would afTord him such a fund enter tainment. Tho short biographies of tho tamous violin makers are wonderfully complete and comprise n, host of fresh auccdntos that must prove vastly Inter esting to violinists, great and small. ("OLD VIOLINS"-2T2 Pnges-Freo to Violinists only. LYON & HKALY, Chi cago.) Dr. S.E. COOK, practice limited to eye, ear nose and throat. 1115 O street. In the Equipment of a Student's Room It Is gonorally conceded that a stringed Instrument Is almost an absolute neces sity. To secure tho greatest enjoyment from the purchase get tho best your money will afford. Export Judg ment pronounces the "Bay State" Instrument the finest In tho world. An excellent Instrument is tho Bay Stato $10.00 Banjo. We havo In stock cheaper banjos than this, but for a substantial, serviceable Instrument, at a low price, no other Instrument manu factured can comnare with It. Send for Illustrated catalogue. John C. Haynes & Co., 453-463 Washington Street, Boston. 1 1 1 1 la 'Improvement tf)e The New Model Nos. 2, 3 and 4. Smith-Premier TYPEWRITERS. Improved Letter Spacing Mechanism Adjustable Paper Feed Automatic Ribbon Reverse Marginal Stops at any Point Ball Bearing Throughout a MACHINK DKHIUNKD FOIt MVHKY DAY U8I0 WITH THK WOIlKlHn PA11TB KNCA8KD AND PHOTKCTKD WIIF2N DKSIItAllLK. WITH A FINISH THAT IB U N 10 Q U A Lll D. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. 137 South Klovonth street. Tolophono !) C. W. KClCKItMAN MANAQKU. T, J, Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Checks, Badges Gciiurnl Maohino Work. Model Milking nnd Plntiiig. Iiicyclo work a apoeinlty. 308 South 11th St. Hutchins & Hyatt SKLL THK BKBT QIIADES OF ALSO WOOD AND KINDLING. 1010 0 Stroot. Tolophono '225 t's the Place.. You want to go to whon you want to purchase magazines, periodicals, nows- pnpora and novels. AlwnyB on hand, Eloventh and O Btroots, nicharda block. THE LINCOLN NEWS AGENCY, U. L. HPKNanU, Mgr. YOU CAN GET THE NEBASKAN Order of tr;e Age." (It Is poHltlvo, rollablo, rapid nnd ,. running.) "" (AdJUHlnblo to nny width of pnpor xa mltH of writing to tho oxtromo bniii' ttromo bottom of pnpor,) (Tho primary food of tho ribbon Is ncro.. Its width with a stop by stop movamm In tho direction of Its lonKth with.1 porfoot AUTOMATIC rovonUnu meohw. (A bull bonnng Is tho minimum of frie tlonj It requires loss oil nnd attention thirn nny other bonrlng. Tlmt auicv notion and easy touch of tho Hmlth i I'm mlor 1m duo to bull bonrlngs. No nth,! typowrltor haa thorn,) n,r THORPE & CO,, Manufacture of.. LINCOLN, NEBR. C. EHLERS The Tailor.... i3uifs yiade fo reUr, Clonulng nnd IlopulrltiK nlNoDonu. 126 SO. 1111 St, ' '' First-Class Barber Shop AND BATH ROOMS. Special rato to atudonts on bnths-slx baths for a dollar. W. A. MILLBn 12) No. 11th. THE REST OF THE YEAR Der m in 01 el ft if A in hi lira