The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 15, 1897, Image 3

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mend Hi" KwliiK Clothing Co'h groat
III'' .
v xt 'I'lU'cilny there will lio it social nt
flcollW HPtll.-llM'lH.
Minn Irvine ,,f f,l",m"' I"1'1'"1 visited with
J,',,, t'liiii'H '"Ht wut,1'
nn Weeks In making " pleasure trip
throiiKli ""
llluolc IIIIIh thlH week.
Ml NVlIU' I'"u fliitorliilnctl n number
Micr fiioiulH nt ii Oorninn hint Friday
iV. II. Martin, ,llv" ' ' W"M "' lr"m
porclK'1'1' nni'WliiK acquaintances UiIm
jH i!ic bound periodicals havo boon ru
inoVcj from tin- statu farm to tho iimln
I, i., ri'inorot' Unit thorn will lie ono or
io faculty oluiiiKi's nt tlio uml of Uio so-
i i Hoomor 'US, Iiiih luft llni iinlvur-
My to take IIP Hl'ltOOl touching lit Mil-
,rty Nelir.
H of our mipiih' boys' imil chlldoiu'
clothing nt '"l tlllH wwh- 1'wImk Cloth
inn Company.
Minn Mary Jackson Iiiih been compelled
15 drop p.irt f hor university work on no
count of tier health. Stelner returned to Mlnnor.pollH
t!iU week after tl pleasant vlnlt With lllii
parent!) ami friends.
Joseph l.owim has again taken tip his
Million In tlio university and will llnlnh
villi tlio cIiibk of 'U7
The faculty have voted to add plain
trigonometry to tlio rociulromonts for on
traniv In the engineering groups.
Lieut. J. ' 1'erflhliiK Is a member of
iu PoinmltUe on arrangements for tho
InauBiir.itlon of President-elect MoKlnloy
If you want Home meal tickets, cheap,
on a (,'ood hotel, mill on the Mnthewn Pi
ano Company, ISO South Thirteenth Ht
Tho KiiBllsh club will meet Saturday
evening January 10. with MIms Smoyor,
1613 I street. A full attendance la do
ilrcd. Final examinations for the pausing Ho
mester will begin oii Monday Jiimiary 2."i.
There will he two two hour examinations
each half day.
Arthur Collett left today for MadlHon,
Wis., where he will represent NebniHka
Alpha, nt u dlatrlet reunion of Phi Kap
pa INI fraternity.
minimi" at the Funku next Monday lr.ituy tl" coinimny will ,oimhiy (lr
n I, rhl f'lnv f'liiiiioiil In n tnnmlinr nf Pill PVOry day.
Kappa l' I and after tlio play tho young
men will ulvo him u "Hinohor" at tho
chapter house.
At the reeonl inwllng of Iho National
iiHMoulntlon of agricultural colleges uml
experiment HtutlotiH, a eommlttco wuh ap
poliited to dovlso a inuthod for provont
Ing the Halo of poor and udtiltoratod
seeds, 1'rofcHHor Card wuh ono of tlio com
inlttco and Iiiih tvcolvod word that u
imiotliiir will bo hold In Washing, D, 0,
Iiuiliary '20, to tako action on a sohomo
for testing Heeds,
Professor Sherman Is showing to his
frleiidH a letter from n professor In Ait
linpurtnnt eaHtorn university, who lod Urn
nttiiuk against tho mothod nf HtudylnK
lite ruttiro here lined, four yearn ago. TIiIh
professor admit frankly that ho cannot
Ki't anything llko Hiich results an nro
reached In our university, and lie pro
poses to know more about the method
which Professor Sherman tine'.
Thuiv nro Htlll a very few vauanoJuH
left In tho ranks uml any of tho old on
iIi'Ih who think HiciiihoIvus cutmlilu of Id
ling Hiuho plneeH iimy have their immuH
prcHimted for consideration, by uppy.
Ing to their coiniuiny commiinderH.
Tho Pershing ItllleH nn now eomporrd
of tho following! captain, Heliwnrssi llfHt
lloutonant, Ouryj second llotitutiunt, 1'ur
tnolooi wmeantH, WuokH, llydu. Grant,
ItedK", OiiKi'j corporalH; llolimp, A. h,
Urown, Cohkiovo, lloddy, Ilantlu, Jlarr,
Wnvonport, MorrlHon; prlvutuHi O. Drown,
UhrlHtlo, Clark, ClemuntH, Collott, Uiivld
hoii, Ktllnir, aiirrliier, Oordon, IIiiKKurtl,
llondy, Ilnrmon, IIollliiKHWorth, HcHHlor,
Holmrod, Lohnlioff, McCronry, Mumfoid,
NoyoH, OHborn, l'hllbrlolc, I'iiIIh, l'lnkor
ton, lllokottH, Ityan, HumhcII, Haxton,
Hhurr, Hiimnor, StobbliiH, Shedd, True,
VnnViilln, Taylor, Wonliiur, White, Who
don and Wetzel.
Indoor training wuh bcKun In the Kyni-
nitHlum for Held day on hint Mtimluy
eVenliiK. CJulte a numlwr haw entered
thin tralnliiK cIiihh, and mivcrnl more
It wiih In order durliiK tho pant week
to have pletiirofl taken. Tho olllcern of
tho battalion had iiohhohhIoii of the lOlltk
Studio over two bourn, Monday afternoon, llllVo HlKiillled their luteiitloii of ho iIoIiik.
p'or aiiout two wm1h tlio tralnliiK will
coiiHlHt of all nrotiiid exerelneH. After
trio delay beliiK ciuiHed by tlio non-nppear-iiiioo
of tlm big captain of eoinpany "C"
who had to be routed out of a cIiihh be
foro ho appeared. Tho companlcH will
each have their plcturim In the anniiiil.
fiioli picture ocoiipyliiK' a pnm.
Profosfor Shvrinan will kIvo a talk to
the youiiK lailleH of the Y. V. C. A. In
the mimic room of tho conservatory. Sun
day nfternoon at 3 o'clock.
Miss Jotu'H Hiiyn that Hhould tho ciikIii
eer nee somebody turning the llRhtH up
fide down. In the library bulldliiK that
he, the engineer woulu liuve a lit.
AbbotltGH and KIlllanltcH Still KIkIHIiik
Kor I'renldency of tho Mnxwolls.
The Maxwell Hcrap Is Htlll dollglitfully
ItitcrcHtliiK'. In tho hint mcotlnR boforo
the holldayH tho club went Into a commit
tee .of tho whole to decldo on tho morltn
of the clalniH of Abbot and Kllllan for
the presidency. They decided In favor of
Orcenlleld (Kllllaultc) nerved notice that
he would have tho motion rccoiiHldercd.
Tho Abbott .crowd then promptly had tho
million recomldcred and nRiiln derided In
favor of Abbott. TIiIh out off dlnciiHHlon
on the point absolutely and left Abbott
In imti.HCHrilou of tho chair.
Tlio secretary Ih a Kllllanlto and did
not record tho reconsideration nor Oreen
lleld's notice In the minutes. Laxl Sat
urday nlKht 'tho KIlllanltcH were In ma
jority. They then proposed to reconsider
but this required a two-thlnW voto as It
Hiisponded tho usual order of business.
Tho vote wus lost and decided lost by Ab
bott then in tho chair. The decision of
tho chair was appealed from and carried.
Mr. Abbott then left the chair, as It
was his right to olllco that was beliif? con
sidered and Mr. Green (Kllllanlto), the
vice-president took charge.
M. Green made little pretence at hon
esty but tho ridiculous blunders of his
constituents kiivo his opponents nil they
could have asked for.
this the boys will no Into tralnliiK for
tho special ovcntH In which thoy Intend
to coniiKito oil Held day. This class In
Indoor tralnliiK Is open to all who w1hI
to enter except that all who enter aru
expected to conipeto on Held day and It
Is not Intended simply to afford exercise
to thoMo who nave no intention of otiUir
liiK these contests.
lY. M. C. A. NOTES.
Tho Y. M. C. A. Is planning to havo a
social during Charter weak.
Tho kIco club will sing at tho devotion
al meeting of tho association next Sun
day aftoruoon.
Tho Rico club was ln demand last Sun
day, going out to tho asylum and singing
for tho Inmatos for nearly an hour and
then sIiirIiir at the devotional meeting ot
the association later.
There will bo a bnslness meeting Sat
u rady evening In tho room In tho base
ment of the main building. Important
busless will como up for- cosldoratlon, and
It Is necessary that every member bo
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Qents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
316 8. South Twelfth St.
Meals 15 cts.
Tabic Board $3...
por Weok.
Meal Tickets, 21 Meals, $3.
will bo made to STUDENTS upon application.
By taking the
You will always llnd that at Constan
cir's barber shop. 1010 O street, you will
get thv most satisfactory work tho
cleanest shave the neatest hair cut.
Alfred Savllle. of Omaha returned to
the university last week, and will resume
his work on IiIh thesis which ho oxpeots
to llnlsh In time to Rraduato with "J7,
The force of tho weather bureau has
ton Increased. Mr. 10. M. Havonscraft
of the weather bureau station at Dodge
City 1ms been ordered as assistant to
the Lincoln Mtatlou.
The Yale News gives tho following in
teresting account of tho American school
In Homo:
Tho American school of classical stud
ios In Homo opened this year on tliu 1C of
October. Professor Mluton Warren of
Juhns Hopkins Is director, and 1'rofcssor
Allen Mariiuanil of Princeton bis assis
tant. These gentlemen succeed PiolVssor
Halo of the university of Chicago, and
Piofessor KYothliighiim of Princeton, who
l'lie minutes wero adopted as amended wr coniicotod with tho American school
And Norfolk Branch.
All Points in Kansas.
Koop thiB in mind when going on foot-bull trips or nny vacation.
Classes were dismissed at tho ten
ocloek period yesterday, as an address
was delivered liy Dean Kdgren of tho
graduate school, The chancellor also
Rave an ntertalnlng talk.
The ln.-Diod of examinations as pub
lished nppears to give goneral satisfac
tion. Tii chancellor's exhortation to
"lake a brace" during tho noxt two weoks
will meet with hearty response.
KdKar Clnrk Is wearing his overcoat
again after tilto a legal strugglo with
Adler the pawnbroker. After Adler had
l03t about twelve dollars by fees, and tho
like, ho gave In, turned over the coat and
paid the costs.
I'rofessor Hlchards has been conduct
ing a nuies of experiments in order to
ascertain the fuel value of corn. Tho re
sult of tho undertaking will bo made
known later by tho publication of a bul
letin on the Biibject.
Several of tho professois intend to
'tart beginning classes tho first of noxt
semester, Instead of waiting until noxt
September. Among thoso offered aro:
beginning Shakespeare, general literature
(English Lit. 5.), beginning German and
American history,
Corwln Haggard a former student, and
member of Phi Delta Thota fraternity,
"as united In marriage to Althea Rob
er". '95, and mombor of Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Tuesday morning at ton o'clock.
The young couple havo taken up tholr
residence on South Tenth street.
The members of Phi Kappa Pal frator-
will occupy three boxes at Clay
Clement's presentation of the "Now Do-
but C. I. Wilson (Abbottlte) voted with
the opposition and then moved for n re
consideration. To the Intense amusement
of his cowd tho chairman did not put
tho motion. As tho reconsideration of
tho contest depends on the minutes, the
wholo question Is left precisely whoro It
was before the mooting commenced. All
tho Abbott crowd havo to do Is to got out
tholr wholo following next time, recon
sider tho amendnionts of tho minutes and
as ihey havo tho majority the proceed
ings of last tlmo "ill be undone. They
may amend the inlnutos to show the mo
tions reconsidered last time had been once
reconsidered and the last state of Kllllan's
position will bo worse than tho llrst.
The chairman ruled out of order nearly
every motion and amondmont ot tho Ab
bott I U4 but a few that were forced upon
his recognition and voted down by his
Tho (piostlon of Investigating tho al
leged fraud was discussed but when It
camo to voting upon a commltteo tho Kll
llanltes wore careful to oxcludo the in
(Hilsitlvenoss ot tho legal profession. They
voted idown tho motion to havo Judgo
Rooso chairman of tho committee. Pro
fessors Hobblns and Wilson were also
voted out.
At a meeting of tho Pershing RUH
held on Thursday evening Jnnuary 7, It
was decided that tho Rllles should repre
sent the military department of tho uni
versity on Chartor-day by giving an ex
hibition drill. Ar the weather on Charter
day cannot bo relied upon, drills will be
worked up by tho Rllles so that thoy can
accomodate themselves to nny kind of
weather and If Indoor drill Is necessary
thoy will bo prepared to give It. If tho
drill takes placo outdoorB It will con
slat of the movements ln tho school of
th company Including tho bnyonot exer
cises which will bo somewhat of a nov
elty. Tho drill will bo concluded by tho
batt'lo exercises as has always been tho
A novel Indoor drill has been arranged
for In case the weather Is bucIi as to ren
der outside drill Impossible. It has been
decided to dovoto Thursday ovenlngs of
tho regular weekly drill to the manual
of arms and to put ln an additional
Saturday afternoon ln order to prepare
for tho Charter-day exhibition. For tho
two weeks Immediately preceding Char-
last year, 111 accordance with a regula
tion of the committee, by which tho di
rector and his assistant simply bold their
position for a sluglo year.
Up to the pivsetit tlmo tho school has
occupied the Villa Aurora with tho orig
inal occupant, the American school ot
iircblteoturo. lloth schools developed to
such proportions thai a change wus con
sidered advisable, and during the past
summer tho school of classical studies
moved to the Villa Story. This Is tho
commodlUH building on tho corner of tho
Via Palestro and tho Via Oaota, formerly
occupied by Mr. Waldo Story, tho sculp
tor. Tho upper portion Is used as a res
idence, while the lower part Is already
adnnti-d for the requirements of tho
The students who havo filtered to pur
huo a course of study tho present year,
como from a iumhcr of tho eastern col
leges and others. They must all bo col
lego graduates, a requirement requtslto
for membership In tho school. A number
of thoso IiUvmi doctors' diplomas and aro
professors In colleges. Thcro Is a regu
lar course of study vith lectures on num
ismatics, pateography, manusscrlpts, in-1
scrlptlons, archaeology and other sub
jects These prescribed studies do not
Interfere with tho advantages offered by
other schools ln Homo of which tho stu
donts may avail themsolves. Tlio suc
cess of tho school is now nssured beyond
it doubt. What It needs la an ondowmont,
and Professor Halo, tlw resident director
proposes to glvo tho question his ospec
lul attention in America during tho com
ing year. As this is only tho second year
of tho school's existence, it having been
started on the 15 of October of last year,
it is Interesting to noto tho almost ro
markablo gain It has mado ln nearly overy
department slnco that tlmo.
Don Camoron'c lunch counter, 118 South
Elovcnth Btreot.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
" ""
City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street.
II. O. Townhknd, Gon'l P. & T. A.
P, D. Coiinkll, C. P. & T. A.
When you take
Chas. B. Gregory C
TJ. of N., '01.
Office A
At 1100 0 St, S
Lincoln, Neb. H
Fhe Nebraskan
You are getting a good
Don Cameron's lunch, counter, 118 South
Elovonth street.
If you aro In need of underwear attend
Swing Clothing Company's great sale.
Tho faculty of tho university of Mich
igan refused tho use ot tho gymnasium
to tho oollego fraternities for their annual
ball, and the affair was compromised by
making It a moro of a university function.
Tho annual catnloguq of Vassar Just
issued, shows a total enrollment of 637.
First National Bank,
N. S. HAUWOOD, President,
CHAS. A. HANNA, Vice-President.
V, M. COOK, Cashier,
II. 8. FREEMAN, Ass'tCaBhlor.
For overy one at tho Sanitarium. First
clabs work and latest styles in hair cuts.
Long full cuts a specialty.
Shave 10 cents
Hair cutting ; ,, 25 cents