The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 08, 1897, Image 4

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Manloy has a now stilt !l
You muy scoff und you may luff.
It was brought ut Browning King's
For th'f'ee dotlnrs, air Und u huff.
Thero la a young Fulla City Htudont
who had a rather Ineonvenlont oxper
lonco last Sunday evening, lie was bound
for Lincoln, but aa IiIb train slowed up
at a smull station to allow another ono
to pass, ho noticed ar old feminine ac
quaintance through tho car window. lie
Immediately loft the car to bid her "Hap
py New Year" and other things. In his
ecstacy ho did not notlco tho train that
loft tho station, carrying with It his grip,
overoo.xt, rubbers and Christmas goodies.
Ho saw that ho was In for It however,
and mndo tho best of his enforced stay.
Ho awakened his roommate tho next
morning at three-thirty, with tho ntory
that his train was delayed by snow drifts.
He said nothing about his long wait In
the cold for a freight.
A rather facetious crowd had gathered
In the Joint. They had been talking friv
olously of most things In general, when
ono of tho number exclaimed, "Well I
don't know whether It Is more fashion
able to commit suicide or have appen
dicitis." "I don't seo why a fellow can't have
that opertitlon performed wlillo lie la
well and sound, and ho would bo In much
better shape to stand It" observed an
other. "I think ' spoke up Snyder, "that It ir
i".".t the iiiie as dehorning cattle, and I
don't seo why, after HUcccdhuv, genera
tions, we cannot breed a race, that would
be removed from the possibility of hav
ing appendicitis."
Our genial und inderous coach gener
ally knows enough to come In out of tho
wot but lust week ho got Into a box whero
ho couldn't pull out and tho funny part
of It was that he didn't know anyone was
on to It.
It was about 8.30 Now Year's night and
tho Kunko opera houso was Jammed 'nil
of the most heterogenous rabble. It
looked as If every seat was taken and
there were people packed In tho alslci and
the orchestra pit. Everyone who went
there was anxious that no ono else should
know they were thcro nnd everyone was
sneaking behind tho back seats and pul
ling their overcoats around their faces.
Tho play was "Woman against Wowan,"
the management watching two of their
female ranters for a llnlsh light. The cur
tain was Just ready to go up hut thuro
seemed a dead calm as If something was
being waited for. Just then a shrivelled
little usher came down the aisle all the
length of the house followed by tho coach
who looked as big as a. church. This
sort of wholesale ogling did not seem to
please "Hobby" and he turned all the
hues of a revolving prism. The usher
soon found him his little scat and after
stepping upon eight or ten harmless peo
ple he sat down like a crushed mass of
apologizing misery.
The revival of "King Lear" by Mr.
Wante at tho Lansing on Saturday should
awaken delightful metneork's, nnd arouse
an active Interest oven among those who
Iwivo given Shakespeare little mote
thought than they bi-stow on any of tho
other old poets. UullUe many of the other
Shakespearean plays, this one has been
little abused, at least on the American
atngo. It has been associated with great
names, and tho archaic style of the trage
dy and vast opportunity of tho title char
acter has kept tho play out of the hands
of tho (Philistines. The only American
actor slnco Forrest's time, whoso nnmo
was prominently associated with tho
character of King Lear was William 10.
Sheridan, who tiled In Australia some
seven years ago. Lear and Louis XI wore
his great roles, and lit held u potent
sway for years through his splendid rep
resentation. During his last tour ho w.s
supported by Ids charming wife. Louise
D.ivonnort. Slnco Sheridan's death tho
piny has 'been neon a few times. Etlwln
Hooth played It occasionally during tho
boason of 1SNJ-87, and, while his perform
ance of tho old king was an admirable
one tho Iwst the American stage has
ever soon, some (declare tho Mil was
never so popular with the public as were
several of the others of his repertory.
Wow at one of tho Uittner shows every i The last revival of Lour was made during
Tho pretty girl In the picture, half bur
led In a wlldernobS of (lowers, smiles down
upon mo as I write and 1 know Hint I am
not alone. I like to have her there. What
matters It though her reputation la notor
loty and her morals freo as the curls of
hor wind blown hair? A thing of beauty
la u dlv'iiH ercatlu.i, a tiling to worship
If tho Ideal bo not de-Idealized by famll
larty. When 1 gazo on her 1 am no stu
dent of character; no exponent of damna
tion, but a mere God-created man admir
ing In half awe, a creative masterpiece.
I have no deslro to know this woman;
tho picture holds mo at a proper distance
wherefrom 1 am shielded of any coarse
ness or repulsive ungrace of manner which
might appear to shock and shatter fond
fancies on closer knowledge.
I will not look beneath this lovely exter
ior. I caro not to know what thoughts
howevor low or lofty aro born of her intel
lect. I will think for her; 1 will furnish
intelligence, ehuraetur, morals, and prop
er environment; hers only to give that
Incomparable gift, beauty. Let her smile
forovor that same broad, generous, soul
Involvlug smllo, Its presence Is like u
light, and holds In It nothing but blessing.
right minded person goes out during the
acts and come In between times to see
the vltnscope but the coach couldn't do
this li"j5c te was hemmed In on ono
side by a box and on the other by a
dozen women and he had to sit In chilly
perspiration and see the light of "Woman
against Woman" to Its happy ending. Ho
had the pleasure of knowing that every
one in the house was aware of his pres
ence and also that he couldn't get out
unless he chopped a hole In the lloor and
fell through. When "Woman against Wo
man" comes to town again the coach will
try to Unci something else to do with his
thirty cents.
Ho stands so stilt and straight by the
steps ut tho sleeper, that huughty colored
Tho pomposity of his bearing Is ludrl
crous In the extreme. He stands so un
bending In his unbending lean stretch of
vertlclo altitude, pridefully certain of the
glitter and dash of buttons and uniform.
Frowning upon questioners und directing
them with a pro-umptory wave of his
hand. Ho Interposes his advlsu with alac
rity to tho woman with tho pretty daught
er, and olllclously conducts them to their
train. Ho stops tho hurrying travelers
demanding a sight of their tickets, well
nigh to burst from tho elation that tho
sense of tho petty right gives him. Ho
calls tho proposed destinations of the trip
In a Jangle enough to bewilder even a
dutch Interpreter. Ho strikes an atti
tude to awe tho old lady who Is not sure
of her train, and who hurries Hushed and
no'-vous from ono buttoned olllclnl to an
other, Tho porter Is a ridiculous combination
uf buttoim, unadulterated gall, petty con
ceit, and overbearing olllclousness, bound
up In rams' wool well fettered with brass.
Ho was a lad who lived In dreams and
oamo to llvo on oarth but In brief and llcot
lug spells.
Ho dreamed himself a great and world
famous traveler. Every day with a reg
ularity that was pathetic ho camo about
tho depot platform, strutting from ono
train to another In order to attract atten
tion and sot tho people wondering whlth
or ho went. But always his train stood
upon tho north track. In a few minutes
It would pull out for tho west, tho golden
west enshrined In its halo of mysticism.
Ho would mount tho stops and track
through tho car and llnally And a seat
to his liking- put his hat In tho rack and
loan back upon the cushions with a spec
ious assumption of lndefferonco to things
local whllo ho studied out his proposed
route In tho train guide. When tho train
started ho would Jump, scud out tho door
and leap down tho steps, cramming the
railway guide into his pocket as ho walked
away, and ordinary commonplace boy
agp,ln. O. E. T.
Miss Hattlo LoGrange of Fullerton wHio
was In tho university last year, was tho
company of Miss Besslo Tynan during
the toaohers' convention.
The new 1SD7 Washburn mandolin Is
creating a perfect furor among artists
and amateurs. It is so far ahead of any
mandolin ever heretofore constructed
that It never falls to awaken the most
cn.husrastlc encomiums and expressions
of surprise mingle with the praise, for
tho now Washburn mandolin fairly over
steps tho lino of expectation, nnd with
Its rich inellcr tono murks out a Held
of 'leu own. How the rankers of the
Washburn achieved this triumph Is an In
teresting story. It seems that a year ago
thoy began a scries of experiments, hav
ing In vlow the production of a mandolin
tono liner than anything tho world had
yet heard. First, all the experts In their
employ were called upon for Ideas and
designs. Then having gotten a special
studio llllcd with plans nnd models, Invi
tations wero sent oin to prominent man
dolin players, teachers and connoisseurs
to assist In the work. Expense was not
spared. Some of the most valuable Ideas
came from the great mandolin solo'.sjs
such men as Tomaso, Sluiefter, Wells,
Rest, Stitorlous, Huzen, Bouton, Turney,
1'age, etc., and It Is (hardly too much to
say tluu nearly all the available! mando
lin talent of the country contributed
somuthing ,fo the now 1897 Wn-hburn
Model Mandolin. So today It stands ujion
a pinnacle raising a now standard of
mandolin excellence. For tho tlmo It
'has been before the public Its sales aro
phenomenal. A beautiful new catalogue
(fully Illustrated) telling more about this
mandolin, and nlso giving full particulars
of tho 1&97 models of Washburn guitars,
banjos und zithers muy be had by ad
dressing Lyon and Healy, Chicago Chi
cago Musical Times.
During tho holidays, the halls of the
university wero not ompty. Aside from
the teachers, mnny alumni visited their
former classmates.
Otis Weeks '!, loafed In the Co-op us
ho used to Jo, when mllltury nffulrs did
chilm his attention. Ho Is working at
Portsmouth New Hampshire.
Harry Harbor '91, and Allen Fling who
Jointly run tho Nebraska City high school
visited their friends.
Eugene Sherman 'O.'i and wlfo did not
forgot that there wore people on the
earth, and made their friends glad by
u short visit.
MIbs Myrtlo Wheeler visited friends In
Lincoln a few dnys heforo she left for
hor new Hold of work, as teacher of his
tory In the Omaha high school.
Miss Emma Booso '06 visited In Lin
coln during the holidays.
Tho proprietors of tho university lun
cheon room announce that thoy are bet
ter prepared than ever to servo strictly
'homo made goods with convenience to
all. A sample bill of fare is:
Soup 5 cents
Oysters, one dozen 20 cents
Oysters, one half dozen 10 cen s; :::::::: IS
Sandwich 3 cents
Bread and butter ...... '......,. 2 cents
two iouBhnuts':;7.:,.:'.y.::y.;::: 12
the llrst year of the Uoolh-Ilarrett com
bination, Mr. Booth acting Lear und iMr.
Barrett playing Edgar. It was given only
a comparatively few times, nowover, be
fore It was withdrawn, and a Joint-star
repertory conllned to four or live plays.
If 'Mr. Wanlo's revival Is as elaborate,
and If his characterization of Leur Is us
great as rcKrt says, he should llud the
tragedy a prolltablo one, for It has been
so long absent from the theatre that It
now possesses the merits of a novelty.
It Is not surprising to know that Mr.
Warde has been successful as King Leur,
for ho Is a student of great earnestness
and an actor of great force; and to these
(tualltles it is said that ho has added a
much liner discrimination than he pos
sessed In tho days when he conllned him
self almost exclusively to heroics.
Speaking of these revivals reminds mo,
thut In spite of all the obituaries and
epitaphs that aro being written those days
for Shakespeare, tlie bard Is very much
alive on tho 'English speaking stage. .
Henry Irvlng's revival of Richard HI, I
and "Cymbellni'" will be the great legltl-,
mate events of the London dramatic sea
son. In New York Mr. 'Manslleld's pro
duction of "Richard HI" and "Tho Mer
chant of Venice" are holding their own
with his other revivals of familiar dra
mas. Daly has glvyn a great setting to
"As You 'Like It," nnd the devotees of
his theatre are again sighing over's
Rosalind. 'Mr. Daly has in preparation a
revival of "Cymbellne" and 'Murgivt Ma- .
ther-Pabst has selected the same play for
her reappearance on the stage. 10. J.
Ilenly to be 'the lachlino. Thomas W.
Keene is holding hli own playing Shakes
pear almost exclusively. Walker White
side, who has not yet acquired metropol
itan ways, Is o potent factor In the two
and throo night stands. Julia Murlow
Taber still keeps the groat 'bard In 'the
lead. These, with many others who take
up Shakespear Incidentally, are certainly
doing something to preserve to tho stage
the greatest drama, ic poetry ever written.
Thoro will lie a grand Indies' bargain
ilny matinee S.itunlny afternoon at 2:30,
when (Mr, Wnrdo .ind company will pre
sent "The IM ere hunt of Venice." Prices,
50 cents for any reserved seat In tho
house; children, 2.1 cents. Evening, "King
Lonr," prices, $1, ",c, 50c, and 2."o. Re
served seats on nlo Thursday morning,
10 a. m., theatre box oillco.
4,In)provement tbe Order of tbe Age.
The New Model
Nos. 2, 3 and 4.
Improved Lctler Spacing Mechanism
Adjustable Faper Feed
Automatic Ribbon Reverse
fflarginnl Stops at any Point
Ball Bearing Throughout
(It Is positive, Tollable, rapid and easy
(Adjustnblo to any width of pnper. Ad
mits of writing to tho oxtremo bottom
of paper.)
(Tho primary feed of tho ribbon Is across
its width with a stop by step movement
In tho direction of Its length, with a
perfect AUTOMATIC reversing median
Ism.) (A ball bearing is tho minimum of fric
tion; It requires less oil and attention
than any othor bearing. Thnt quick
action nnd ensy touch of tho Smith Pre
mier Is duo to ball benrings. No other
typowrltor has them.)
The original copy of the llrst telegraphlo
messngo revolved upon Nebraska soil was
sent to the historical society by ex-Governor
Furnas. It roads St. Joe, Aug. 23,
1800; R. AV. Furius Wf are most happy
to return your greeting. The thermom
eter Is at 100 and rising like -. You
ask the news. Duglas stock fully up to
the thermometer nnd rising as rapidly.
St. Joe drinks Nebraska's health. Pfonts
and Cundiff, editors of St. Joo Qazutt.
Tho squire Why uro your hands always
in your pockets?
No'or-do-well-I don't like going about
with nothing In thorn.
Dr. 8.E. COOK, practice limited to
eye, ear noso and throat. 1115 O streot.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.
137 South Eleventh streot.
Tolephono 439
Manufacture of..
Rubber b tamps, Seals, Stencils, Checks, Badges
General Machine Work. Model Making and
Plating. Bicycle work a specialty.
308 South 11th St.
In the Equipment
of a Student's Room
It Is generally oDnceded that a stringed
Instrument Is almost an absolute neces
sity. To secure the greatest enjoyment
from tho purchase got tho best your
wuiiuy wm anoru. Expert Judg
ment pronounces tho "Bay State"
instrument the finest in the world.
An excellent instrument Is tho
Bay State $10.00 Banjo.
Wo havo In stock cheaper banjos
than this, but for a substantial,
sorviceabla instrument, at a low
price, no other instrument manu-
iuuiuren ran ramnn mid, t
Send for illustrated catalogue.
John C. Haynes & Co.,
453-463 Washington Streot, Boston.
is 1
Hutchins & Hyatt
10i0 O Stroot. Tolophono 225
The Tailor....
uils J lade, to Wvd
Cloaning nnd Ropnlrlng also Dono.
126 So, llth SI,
Ovor Wohlcnbure's Cigar
It's the Place..
You want to go to when you -want to
purchase magazines, periodicals, news-
papora and novols. Always on hand.
Eleventh and O otreets, Richards block.
O. h, SPKNOER, Mgr.
First-Class Barber Shop
Special rate to students on baths-six
baths for a dollar.
123 No. 11th.
i !