The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, January 08, 1897, Image 3

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Attend Hip Kwlng Clothing Co's great
Mrs. Minnie Mnnnnhnn has been visit
ing lcr Trl Dc"a B,8tcr8 tn,a weok.
If you nro I'1 nccJ of underwear attend
Bwing Clothing Company's great sale.
Arthur C. Panconot will toaoh aovoral
history classes at the high eohool next
Miss Amy Robinson has returned to Lin
coln and will resume her work In tho
John ! Kind, 'OS, of Croto, waa Init
iated by Delta Tau Delta frautornlty, Do
comber 23.
Tho NngMsli club 'will meet with Miss
Bruncr at 445 Nortli Thirteenth street
next Saturduy ovonlng.
Ir. Harr and Mr. lilen will not bo In
the university tho rest of the year. Mr.
Brr Is leaching school.
Professor Luckoy will lecture before
tho teachers' association at St. Paul,
Kcbr., January 8 and 0.
Fraiil'lln Hall of Palmyra brought an
ox yoke to tho historical socloty which
he mudf of Nebraska cottonwood In 1870.
JuJr" J-ccso recently sent a nlco con
tribution of books to tho college settle
mwit. Contributions of books arc com
ing rapidly.
Kx-Governor Furnas Is going to place
Ms valuablo collection of woods, silks and
books and other relics In the historical
society rooms.
Prof. I. M. Qlodgman will glvo a re
ception next Saturday evening to all
the committees In connection with tho col
lege settlement work.
Perkins and Sholden have received re
cently a new stock of regulation gym
nasium shoes. The training class Is In
vited to Inspect them.
Proftwsor Shcnmn glviJ the annual ad
dress before the Nebraska press associ
ation this year. Tho meeting will bo held
at Grand Island, January 14.
Many of tho students were snow bound
whllo returning to Lincoln Monday, con
sequently somo of tho Classen presented
a vacant appearance that day.
Henry Greenlleld a law student waa
elected book-keeper of tho senate. Geo.
Hammang another university boy was
elected door-keeper of tho house.
Roland Hulla '02, who has been work
ing on a country paper at Schuyler, has
received .m offer from the Chicago Rcconi
io write sketches and short stories.
Prof. W. 0. U Taylor will address tbo
Political economy club Tuesday evening.
He will give a report of tho recent meet
ing of lie American economic association.
Professor Fling lectured before the
class In pedagogy on "History In tho
High School." Professor Caldwell will
address the same class Thursday oven
lng on "American History In the
For careful, thorough, compotent work
In correcting all forms of eye-Strain, go
to H. M. Ileus, room 32 Richards block,
corner of nth and O streets. Hours; 0
io 12 a. m. 1 to 4 p. m. Examination
and consultation free.
Professor Bessey has received a largo
Photograph of Professor Thompson who
was the llrst agricultural professor" of
the university of Nebraska. Dr. Bessey
111 write up a biography of Professor
Thompson Who died recently.
In the January number of tho Annals
f tho American Academy of Political
Bclenco Is an article by Prof. "W. 3. L.
Taylor of tho stato university on "Tho
first Apportionment of Federal Represen
tatives in tho United States."
prof. k. h. Barbour has Just returned
1 from Washington whoro ho attended a
meeting of tho Amorlcnn geological as
Mdat'on. Ho lo much gratified at his
'lection to that body as It Is a vory sel
ect body. Tho honor was conferred upon
Mm entirely unexpectedly and unsought.
Professor Fossler attended tho late
meeting of tho modern language assoc
ktlon hold at St. Loils. Ho was very
Pfomlnont in some of tho discussions be
fore, tho association. Among tho new
Members admitted wero Prof. J. W. Ad
ams ami Miss Clara Conklln of the uni
versity, Borne mallclons person or peroons dis
"fured cortnln hats in tho ladles' cloak
room Wednesday afternoon. Splendid
Plumes and birds wero stripped off and
farted away. Tho provision Which has
en mado for checking clothing at tho
c"eck ooms would seom to bo sufflclent
Io do
away with tho thieving which haB
een prevalent, but Jt lhas not yot suc
ceeded. Tho work was evidently done
somo ones outsldo of tho university,
tho boldness of It Is most extraor
dinary. Somo think that it was tho work
of a "crank" on tho subject of adorning
hats with blrdu,
William Axllng was all day Monday,
and Monday night coming twenty-five
miles to Lincoln on a train. Tho snow
stopped tho trnln so that tho passengers
woro compelled to wait for a snow plow
to opon up tho road. Coal ran short
nnd tho passengers wero kept busy try
ing to keep warm. On tho whole ho says
thoy had a good tlmo nB 'thoro woro ilvo
studonts and three senators on tho
Tho r.thletlo bonrd mot at tho usual
tlmo and plncc, December 19, with pro
fessors Ward, Caldwell, Owens, Clark nnd
cnptnln G-ullfoyle, tho faculty members
of tho board, and students, Cnmoron, Wil
son and Snxton. Tho discussion of so
curing a baseball coach was brought up,
and a committee empowered to propose
terms to Mr. E. N. Robinson. Manager
Pnco wns called In nnd sot forth what
plans ho had mado for trips, dates and
so forth. Ward dullfoylo nnd Pace woro
appointed as a committee to confer with
tho chancellor atoout securing grounds
nnd tho schcdulo of homo games.
Tho board brought up the matter of In
structing Chancellor MacLcan as to tho
sentiment In tho university regarding col
lcgo nthlotlcs. Tho prcaldonts of tho var
ious western stnto unlvorsltlcs meet at
Madison Wisconsin thlH weok, where
such matters will bo talked over. Tho
chancellor has not yet sent word as to
what resolutions wero adopted.
In regard to acting as baseball coach,
Mr. Robinson has accepted tho terms pro
posed by tho president of tho board, Dr.
Ward. Consequently ho will remain In
Lincoln. Ho will ontci tho law college
next week. Mr. Robinson has a better
record ns a baseball player, than ho has
as a football playor. For two years he
hold the collogo record for batting and
ono year for Holding. Ho played right
Held and pitcher on tho famous Brown
collego team, which played off the cham
pionship sorles with tho University of
Chicago team last summer.
Tho second eleven o'clock division woji
tho championship of the basket ball class
teams. Tho four teams have all played
well. As Is was announced thnt tho win
ning team would hnvo their pictures In
the Junior nnnual, It gave tho games con
siderable seasoning and tho second divi
sion of tho cloven o'clock class succeeded
In playing Just hard enough to be called
champions. Dr. Clark him taken two dif
ferent pictures of the chnmplons. The
following number of points were mado
by each team In playing tho sorles:
First eight o'clock division, 33; second,
24; first eleven o'clock division, 34, second,
Dr. Clark has selected from tho gym
nasium classes two teams of thu best
players who will practice togothcr and
prepare for n gamo of basket ball with
the city Y. M. C. A. team. Tho tcumrf
nro composed of tho following players:
Warlluld G Davis
Donnlsou G Wetzel
Morrison C Hastlo
Stcbblns C Hill
Givun G Sayor
Gutlelbon F Kyle
Pllcet F Griffith
Substitutes: Mntsou, Burks.
Thlrty-llvo new lockers nro expected
next week. Thoy will bo for tho iiho of
momburs of tho different loams and
thoso In training clnsses. Thoy will bo
put In tho football cugv along the, sldo of
tho bowling alloy. This Is tho work tho
regents permitted to be done for tho
bandit of tho football players und others.
Tho athletic bounl llrst rocooinniunded It.
Tho trainers' class for Indoor contest
will bo started uoxt Monday evening.
Just those who lutein! to tuku part In the
contest will bo allowed to enter this class.
Last your many unU'iitd Just for tho ox
erolso. This year It will bo restricted
out of Justice, to thoso who mo training
for events. Many of tho boys iiru enthus.
lastlo over tho affair uud n good Indoor
content Is itxpuctud thlH year.
Tho Class of Nlnoty-olght losos un Earn
est Member During tbu Holidays.
Tho ninny friends of Will Bridge woro
much surprised to ilnmr of his Uoath
during tho Christmas vacation. After an
illness of less than two weeks, ho died
of typhoid fever. Ivoss than threo weeks
boforo his death, ho posed boforo tho art
club as a footrocor. Physically, he wns
almost perfectly developed, last spring
at tho Hold day exercises, ho ran In tho
half mllo ovent against Bhoo, who boat
him by only a few feet. Ho seomed so
woll and strong, that when It was an
nounced ho was sick Just boforo tho hol
iday vacation, his friends thought It
was moroly a slight ailment.
Mr. Bridge camo to tho university a
year ago last September, from Qrinnell,
wfaoro ho would bavo graduated In tho
ol'ass of '87, but lrt tho university lie was
a Junior with eomo advance credit. Tho
Saturday before the Thanksgiving va
cation, bo was Initiated Into Delta Tau
Delta fraternity. This la the second loss
of tlhls chapter by death, u, ft por0d 0f
losa than a year.
Tho deceased wan u cousin of Grace
Bridge, '05, and Imra Bridge who Is at
present an undergraduate.
The holidays afforded nn opportune
tlmo for tho assistants of tho geological
department to add their mlto to tho al
ready largo collection of the department.
Mr. J. P. Rowo visited Deadwood whoro
ho examined tho newly discovered gold
Held at Ragged Top. Tho Interesting
feature of this locality It that tho oro
Is refraotory and found In a peculiar sl
llclous llmcstono and bids faro to ccllpso
any gold mines yot discovered In tho
IHlls. Ho also visited Lead, a great min
ing center, nnd gathered whllo there somo
Hno specimens of Rhyollto with dentrltlo
Mr. C. A. Fisher visited tho Hills for
tho first time and during a short stop
at Edgomont, examined tho largo and
profitable Razor Grindstone quarries
that nro found nt that place. The qual
ity of this stono Is conceded to bo among
tho best In tho United State. From
there ho made a Hying trip through tho
Big Horn mountains -to Sheridan, Wyo.,
Where ho examined tho magnificent coal
It Is certainly of Interest to ovory stu
dent of the university to know that
through the untiring zeal of Professor
Barbour, tho geological department hns
been raised to a high rank among tho
llko departments of other universities.
O. E. Jones again spent his vacotlon
with "relatives" out of town.
D. W. Livingstone, ono of tho law lights
of '06, visaed with college friends Tues
day. Beach Coleman represented tho law
fraternity. Phi Delta Phi, In tho conven
tion nt Chicago during tho holidays.
Wo uko pleasure In correcting tho ru
mor that Hugh Daly's spell of Illness
brought on by eating too much Christmas
turkey was only three days' duration In
stead of a week ns at first reported.
Tho Maxwell scrap seems to have got
ten to something like nn Issue than can bo
understood by outsiders. Tho Barbs want
to have tho election contest decided by
tho samo thirty-one who constituted tho
meotlng the night of tho election or at
least accept tho testimony of tho eighteen
who voted for Kllllan. Mr. Abbott's
supporters think tho proposal absurd.
They say that In cither caso it Is putting
dependence on tho samo Individuals who
so often have given reason to question
their voracity. They call attention to
tho untruthfulness of somo of tho eigh
teen In tho first senior class election, tho
contradictory accounts of the number of
votes found In tho b&skot, and finally
tho dccvpllon tho s..m select few In offer
ing to veto wish tho opposition for a di
vision of iho offices of tho senior cla3S,
and Maxwoll to tho expulsion of their
moat anient supporters. Mr. Abbott at
presont fills the chair and from nil ap
pearances has his 03lt!on Impregnable,
On Inst Monday morning It was an
nounced In clmpcl that check rooms had
been provided for tho students' wrnps
This action wns taken to prevent further
thefts which hnvo been so numerous
recently In the cloak rooms,
Tho now checking system will doubtless
bo appreciated by thoso who nro still so
fortunate ns to possess an overcoat or
oloak, but It comes u trlllo late for sever
al who huvo already lost their overcoats.
Tho boys' checkroom Is situated In tho
basement of tho university building. Tho
room for In- girls is In tho west end of
tho samo building.
It is hoiH-d that Iho students will tuku
advuutiign of tho check rooms ami thus
put an end to nil complaints us to loss
of properly. A careful Investigation hint
shown that ilix locent tlilovlng has licnti
duo to sneak thulvos who hnvo conm In
from nuiHldu and Is not.iono by any Htu
duuts of tho university.
During thu vacation, tho teachers' In
Htitiilo was held In (lie university. Among
tlioso who attended woro seen syvornl
f'Hinur students nnd graduates, At tho
giiiieial Hussion, J. W. Crabtreo was oleot
itil provident.
b. A. Bumstead, formorly of Pnlno
Wurfcl and Uumstcad, and cutter and
nmnagor of tholr tailoring department Is
now preparing to open a Hno store In tho
Funko block nt 1133 O slrcot. Tailoring
and furnishing goods will bo tho stock
and cspeclnl attention will bo paid to tho
wants of Uio students. Tho now store
will 1)0 open about Fobruary 15.
Y. M. C. A.
The band that went to' Staplohurst to
hold a series of meotlngs, returned Tues
day. Thoy wero hold over a day longer
thnn thoy oxpected on account of tho
storm. Tho boys say that thoy had
grand meetings and think that a great
doal of good camo to Staplehurst during
their visit thoro
All of our mens' boys' and chlldens'
clothing at cost this week. Ewlng Cloth
ing Company.
Table Board $3...
per Weok.
Meal Tickets, 21 Meals, $3.
Will be made to STUDENTS upon application.
By taking ho ,
And Norfolk Branch.
All Points in Kansas.
Keep this in mind when going on foot-bnll trips or any vacation.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Streot.
II. C. Towwkkni), Oum'I P. fe T. A.
P. D. Cmcnki.1., O, P. k T. A.
When you take
The Nebraskan
First National Bank,
N. 8. HARWOOD, President.
OnAB. A. HANNA, Vlco-Prosldont.
F. M. COOIC, Cashlor.
H. S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashlor.
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
316 S. South Twelfth St.
Meals 15 cts.
Don Cameron's lunch counter, 118 South
Eleventh street.
Chas. B. Gregory C
U. of N., '91.
Office A
At uooo st, s
Lincoln, Neb. H
You are getting a good
For overy ono at tho Sanitarium. First
class work and latest styles In hair cuts.
Long full cuts a specialty.
Phavo , , 10 cents
Hair cutting 25 cents