The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 18, 1896, Image 2

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    J-u I
Tjik ebraskan.
A Weekly Nowapapor Issued Every Fri
day Noon, by tlio Students of tho Un
lvorslty of Nobrnskn.
Entored no 8ocond Clnss Mali Mattor.
P. T. niloy, . . . .
Edith SohwnrU, .
It. It. Unkor Editorial.
Kulo Snow Walker - - Fraternities.
Oliver Ohnmbors Athletics
E, B. Perry Loonl.
O. W. Meier I'Oonl
J. C. llltcbmnn Local.
D. J. Flaherty Lnw
A. E. Pnrmolcc, .......
son, wns. Hint a number of u.iim- wvro
played with ioU.-kcm, thnt wo did n euro
whotlior wo boat or not, consequently. Hm
gumos did not Imvo it pitying alloiKlanco,
Tho kind of footlmll a tonm piny". Is tiol
what draws a coIIoko crowd. 'I'bey ko
to nliout for a victory over a rival coI
Ioko. If tlioy do not Hliout, (boy nro ln
toiiHoly interested. Tho league gninea nro
Intonsoly so. All rejoiced when wo bent
Managing Editor.
Am'I M'glng Ed. iissom-l. i, tbo victory over tbo inodloal
eollogo of KaiiHiiM City, wns ovor-idindnwcd
by tbo defeat by Kansas. University stu
dents cannot bo expected to attend games
that are played merely for prnotleo, or
for tho tlnanelal prollt. College students
KO to a footbnll gnmo, because they luivo
their enthusiasm aroused to bent a nolKh
borliiK nnd rival college. If the manage-
ment schedules such games, there will
I dnained that I was In tho deeps of hell
Amidst tho tortured mllllotm of tho
1 beaid tho wnllhiKS of tbo hopeless host
That In the, hollow hideous bole wore
I thoiiKht tho din would drive mo gibber
Iuk mad,
1 drove my shaking lingers In my or,
Vol still 1 benrd the walling rlso nnd full
The sound will hnunt mo all my coming
At last when my otulurnnoo soomed to oml
II, I'. tlngC, . ,i,lv tin ntinniTli iiiilroiiML'o to ldneo '
Harry W. Doubravn. Ass't business Mtfr. K00(v , , ,hc lronMlpy. j
Tho Nobrnsknn will bo sont to any ad- ,,foro ,)l0 pxt to of the NVbi iknni
Mr, L. A. Bumstead retiring from the firm
And through my brain tbo pains began We nave placed UUT btOCK OH Sale at a
to shoot I
I nwoko to llnd the sound was miule next
By a callow youth who prnotlced on
dress upon rocolpt of tho subscription ))0 Hn(i, ,PK!,lnir0 wm , Minnn
price, which Is one dollar a yenr. v-on-
trlbutlons nro solicited from all.
Address all communications to Tho No
braskan, Unlvorslty of Nebraska.
Thoro ajo strango events that hnppon In
tbo rogular grind of college life. Some of
them are extremely pathetic. Hut they
happen unknown to anyone, and some poor
luckless fellow has departed with his
troubles kept to blmsolf. A city merchant
tolls an Incident Hint touches tho heart
of everyone who bears It. One evening.
Just before clot-lug a university student
approached him, and asked to borrow his
push cart. After sonio preliminary In
quiries, tho boy said thnt ho wanted to
haul bis trunk down to tbo depot. No,
It wasn't vacation, but ho was going home.
Tho fact Is" ho told tbo merchant. "1
Imvo boon on tbo ragged edge for a couplo
of weeks, and am Just toppling over." It
was tbo most cheerful way ho could put
It. Tho cart was returned boforo daylight
tho next morning. Cards marked "with
drawn" were subsequently seat to the ex
ecutive olllco, and tho educational career
of one young man was tomparurlly
cheeked. Wo will expect to see him agnln
noxt September, when he bus more money,
but such Incidents should servo to show
us what advantages we ore enjoying, and
make us appreciate them.
nld chapel boll, thy work Is done;
session. The needs of tho university must Tlly M0K. , mn(T( )y B,ory won
be Impressed upon tho minds of the leg- No nu.0 ,, wo nc0l, yo()( ohapel Hell!
Islators. And there Is certainly no ren- 10 rooum ,, dosed, no more will
sou why this nil-Important mattor should V0(ory.8 banging blows dent your bloom
be In any way neglected. Tho regents at ,K lmroH; ,, , ,,, mlst ,,on try.
their regular meeting In Uocember pre- ,K (0 oa , from 10 j,,,,,,, Km!s
pared a statement of tho llnanelal status , MnWnK (, ,iny, no more like sheep
of the university nnd estimated that an ' ,,0 K H,rny ju n00i mookly In from
opproprlntlon which was ton thousand dol- Ul0 ctm, ,0 10 ,, B,,tPU c,npel halls,
lars less than that of two yeais ago would So , sl)K your ,rK0 o(, i(ras8.0KU0.
meet out pirsent m.ds. It Is noodloss to wmj ,msl ,Ung. g(, ,nn(f ),0V( U!) 0M0
say that the sum asked for Is extremely ' , 10 coW , t,MinkloSM nebulous fame,
low. compared with what wo could use m.oy , our toWm am, , wy curm s
to a good purpose. Tbo university must iriinimlnuM
; Discount of 10 to 33 per cent on Winter Goods
11 36 O Street,
Successors to Paine, Warfel & Bumslcatl.
keep pneo with tho londlng Institutions
of tho country In tho fncllltles cf thorough
educational work. This means that wo
Years hast thou seen die and wept many
a silent solemn tonr for them whoso knell
yo could not ring. Tho moon thou hnst socn
must have etllclent Instructors nnd ample I ,. iroHBh , BOssnmor heavens-
room and laboratories, 'l no marvelous ,ini,(iM n,,,,, i,Ht .,., ,i, i,,nn,.
,.., ,..-,, wt.wt-w . .....J. -.. W IIU.'!!
loked lllrtu-
hnst also
" '"" ...... .- j you, uouuiioss thou nnsi seel
growth of tho Institution lias placed It aul 10 8tlirs wh ler w
where It Is unable to stop or recede. The wlnklB .ulyi )ou
Tho university oxtenslon course offered
In political economy. Is iccelvlng favor
able recognition by tbo general public.
Tho class consists at present of tbo lead
Ins business and professional men of tbo
city. The earnestness with which they
take up tho work Is certainly commend
able and frlutful results mny be antici
pated. Tho department of economics
hopes to make this course ns olllclont as
that offored In tho curriculum proper.
Thero Is no reason why It should not bo,
but every reason why It should. Tho aim
of the university Is to oxtond Its educa
tional Inlluoneo ns far as possible. Alio
every effort Is being inado by tho profes
sors through their public lectures to
arouso Interost In every department of
higher education. TbU step Is takon by
tho economic department under the di
rection of Instructor Steams, and Is a
now departure. But tho course will un
doubtedly bo a permanent thing In uni
versity work. Tho lending collogos of tho
country linvo rocogplTicd tbo necessity
and wisdom of such work, and wo certain
ly are not going to bo far In tbo rear, In
making It an offoctlvo sorvlco, Is our wish.
XI Is at this tlmo moro than an other
that tho eyo of tho public aro directed nt
the university. Therefore ovoryone should
sec that ho docs nothing In nn way that
could attract public criticism. Class
"scraps" aro ono of tbo ways that re
sult In drawing tho vulgar gaze to tho
doings of our students. Wo refer of
course to tho tho unsoomly notice thnt
has been drawn to tho law class. "What
does the public care about barb and
frats" Why Is It nocossnry for anyone
to write an open lotter of n column to In
sert In ono of the largest state papers?
What good did It do the writer? Nono, but
somo wary and crnbld legislator has prob
ably pasted It In bis scrap book, and is
preparing a impar on favoring "such go
ings on." More foolish arguments than
thetM were brought up two years ago.
If anyone has any grievance, his coller;
paper should be the first place be should
go to correct a mlsnpprebonslon. To In
sure, the Nebraskan might have not con
sidered such articles as have been pub
lished, yet they woro presented to neither
of tho college pnpors. Wo cannot correct
the editorial management of othor papors
but, studonts at loast should see that thoy
have no band In bringing uitfavorablo
comment upon tho university.
Tho dologatos to tho annual mooting of
the Western Intor-colloglato football
league moot at Lawrence, Kansas, tomor
row. Tho rogular business of scheduling
games will be done, and minor mattors
brought up. This year, tho Kansas and
Missouri gamos come to Nobraska, and
may bo played by us at any place we may
designate. Thero Is no question but that
Lincoln can patronlzo tho two games suf
ficiently to mako thorn both financially
successful. But wo should not schedule
more thnn ono moro game, if wo aro going
to have these two. Tho trouble this sea-
luereaoo In tho number of undents, the
higher and more etllclent educatlounl
methods of teaching, tho splendid labor
atory facilities and the advantages of a
largo and well erected library, all attest
the wondorful advance and the splendid
possibilities of the unlvorslty.
Wo are contldent that the university
will recelvo a liberal appropriation from
tho legislature In splto of tho Indebted
ness of the stnto and tho necessity of
practicing rigid economy. No taxpayer
In Nebraska will over regret the mite bo
spends to aid tbo freest and fullest devel
opment of a typical university. To hin
der a normal growth of tho many depart
ments of educational work for tho sake
of funds Is purely educational suicide. By
doing everything to mnko tbo members
of tbo legislature familiar with oven the
details of tho workings of tbo sevornl do-
imrtmonts, will Impress upon them tho
importanco of giving tho demands of tho
regents duo consideration. What Is plain
ly tho duty of every loynl student? It Is
evidently to let every legislator under
stand the exact status of affairs In this
Institution. Do not go home nnd think
only of having a good time during tho hol
idays. But tell your parents, your neigh
bors nnd most of all tell your ropresontu
tlvo of tho prldo our university Is to tho
state, of tho Important work It Is doing
and whnt Is nocossnry to Increase Its pres
tige. Tho students while at homo wlold
a mighty Inlluoneo not only upon tho log
Islntois, but for higher education, hot
us not bo wayward In our duty and we
will have no reason to complain.
G. 11. Forbert hns been elected cnptnln
of the Michigan team. Ho has played
football threo years on tho llrst oloven.
Minnesota and Iowa will debate the
question, "Shall the United States Sen
ators bo elected by direct vote of tbo Peo
ple?' Tho Olympic gnmes In 1!KK) will bo held
In Paris, nnd In ISO I tho commltteo will
chooso botweon Now York, Berlin nnd
Representatives of Michigan and Chi
cago universities met with the coliseum
owners last week nnd discussed arrange
ments for the annual Thanksgiving game
to bo played at that plnco noxt yenr.
At a must! melting of Ynlo students
hold to dotermluo the collogo sentiment
concerning the rosumptlon of nthletio re
lations with Harvard, 038 students votod
to resume these relations, and S voted I
against it. An agreement between the
two colleges will soon be reached.
Word has been received from headquart
ers of the Cuban army at Guolmro, Cam
aguey. under dato of October, 20. wbloh
confirms tho report of the death of W. D.
Osgood, tho famous Pennsylvania half
back. According to the corrospondont,
Osgood was struck in th forehead by a
Manser bullet during tho second dny of
tho solgo of Gulnmaro, whllo training ono
of his pieces on tho forts. Death was ln
stanteous. Osgood, whoso sympathies hnd
been oxcltcd by tbo nows of tbo strugglo
In Cuba, Joined ono of tho expeditions
from Philadelphia for tho little Island a
fow months aftor his graduation from the
unlvorslty of Ponnsylvnnla In ISM. ma
servlcos wore gratofully accepted and bo
causo of his ability and capacity for lead
ership, was promoted from tlmo to time
till, at tho tlmo of his death, bo had at
tained tho rank of major. Ho was a per
sonal friend of many Omaha boys who aro
now attending the university of Nobraska
glimpsed tbo slurs.
Eclipses have shut off thy sight: Time
has cast tunny an Insult Into thy Inoffen
sive mouth, but stilt thou stnyest here
In enforced taciturnity, becnuse nuothei
holds your tongue; thou hnst borne It
nil, but now thou m.iyest go old boll to
Join thy sisters and thy mints among the
bells of llelldom.
J' 111
and WOMEN.,,
Perkins & Shelddn Co,
The drummer hod Just como In; ho had
eaten his supper and now lounged against
the counter lighting his cigar, prepara
tory to a chat with tho tired fneed clrl
who shulUed out tbo weeds to all who ap- ((
Tho drummer talked and Joked and
laughed long and loud In tho narration of
his nowly acquired stock In trade. Tho
stories gleaned from tho fumes of a smok
ing car wer highly amusing to him nnd
bo was Bind to intva a protty girl to tell
thorn to. But she, leaning against the
caso was not listening; all tho long day
tho woary hours bad tolled from off tbo
vibrant pulse of Time, nnd tilled her
with a dondncss not to bo bound lit words.
Her eyes were heavy and lllmed dull with
fatigue; her smllo was utmost ghastly as
sho smiled the iiullo a joke always ox
acts from a hotel employe. Sho did not
see tho drummer nor the lounging crowd
of smokers, neither did sho hear his coarso
chuckling laughter. Tho glow If tho lights
blurred Into one hnzy glare and In tho
donso smoke -rom tho firo tipped weeds
sho kerned borno whirling nnd faint
through dizzy space. Sho wanted to go
homo; sho watched tho clock; but It
seamed then to stop and staro at bor. Her
trembling lingers, clutching, set for hor
wan face, prossed back with grasp on
throat tho hnlf sobbing sigh thnt was
forced from her weary soul.
Tho drummer was not half through.
whllo sho doomed by manager's orders to
appear pleased nnd bo ploasnnt. still
smiled, and tho drummor tnlkod and
talked Into the fnco of that mechanical
K Telephone
Best Service
Most Complete and
Modern Equipment.
Three times a day Is gathered hero
In old accustomed places,
A goodly sot of gentelmen
With healthy genial faces.
And wo try to movo among them
Whllo our patrons help to boom
The best meals in Nebraska,
At tho Francis dining room.
Tho wintry waves piled over the
"Maiy's" heavy snub nose as sho plowed
sturdily through tho rushing leu-oapped
waters. Around tho hook of Bodices Is
land, where Liberty's towering pllo shad
ow oil our moonless course, wo dragged
our struggling tow and mndo for the
river's harbor.
Our whistle quavered Its honrso noto
of lost warning through the wild waves
of the mad night. The captain, all Ico-
armored and foam Hocked, anxiously
cllnRlng in tliH bows, strained with troub
led gaze to penetrate the night; tho pilot
allowed his windows to frost thickly whlto
and with cloned oyos guided his olinrgo in
stinctively. The huge bulk of tho ocean lined be
hind us. gronnlng nnd sawing nt tho ca
bles, was piled iih with groat boulders
of spectra! ici; our dock ovor whoso mln
Intu'o hummocks tho gurgling wator
hissed, wns liko nn Arctic (loo growing
higher and deopor In Its crystnllno com
ing With oack Ovnr.lniinltifT li,lnnn
Thon tho pilot brought hor sharply I ml a COI"I'oto stock or Stnndanl and
nliout and ihivorlng in tho wind that ' M,'BCoHaneouB Books.
snrieKed across her bow sho pushed to.
121 North
nth st.
Prorr'c,ors Capital Cafe.
Oysters, Fish and Game in Season.
Also Restaurant at 1 4 1 8 0 St. LINCOLN, N I2BR.
Open all night. Give us a call.
Books and Stationery,
College Text Books.
ward his gaoss for tho river's mouth.
Though churned dizzily in tho troughs
of tho seething seas and laying from sldo
saw tho first faint twinkling light to mark
to sldo In perilous rollings we know,
when soon from a billows summit wo
aaw by the first faint twinkling light to
mark our way, that wo had cheated the
WaVCB' O. E. T.
eay they know tin 're on
tho Burlington tie mo
ment they strike i;. It
so smooth so easy -so de
lightfully free from J"
and jars and sudden
maru and stops.
Another proof of the
truth of what we try to
bring homo to you every
week In tho year th
for right down solid com
fort, the Burlington n
no real competitor anaony
the railroads of the west.
Omaha. Peoria. Chic'
go St. Joseph, KansM
City, St. Louis, Denver
and Deadwood are only
few of the points to whlcn
it wllll pay you to ttk
A1 tho Burlington.
For time cards, tickets and Information
apply at B. and M. depot or city ticket o''
floe, corner of 10th and O streets.
G. W. Bonnell, C. P. & T, A.