The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 18, 1896, Image 1

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Vol .V. No. 12
Prick 5 Cknts.
School of Agriculture Branches Out
with a Dairy School.
New ' iNirunoni Ib Opened Undor tho
'school or Agrloulturo-It prom
, . io Heeomo a StronK
I'nlverslty Course.
The Jci'iriinont of agriculture win havo
wW i ,m-n of study this your. It will
a ,1.1 .nineiit of dairying. 1'1 t-
jrtHjwii i- Riven Instruction In tlio cure
tftnllk ''',1 w"1 ,mvo ncUml ,rot,uo m
lhe mKu. coloring nnd Judging of but
tt Ti, .1.- ami Judging of ilwlry stock
,rtil al i' feature of tlio work.
,11 tin n.eessury modem appliances of
thdalr.v will bo provided for tlio uso of
the school in order that scientific dairy
ing may l'1' taught d fu,,y understood.
The M'lool f agriculture of which tho
dalryitiK 1 larl w,n bB,u Heeember.
a,anJ.'iuo twelve weeks. No exum
toatlons for entrance will be required ami
the restoration feo Is only one dollar.
This thin of year was punosoly selected
(or the holding of tho school because tho
mxy ork of the farm woum do over.
taa.grti"K te farmers' boys and girls
opportunity to nttond. Tlio methods
dtnstrwtlon have been nrranRed In such
a way as to be comprehended by all stu
ctnts whither they have had a special
training or not. It Is not necessary to
hive had n college education before enter
tif this line of study.
A dairy building, forty by forty-four
!t and two stories hlgl. lias Just been
trteted 01. a level piece of ground near
the road, about 300 feet to tho southeast
cl tho other buildings. It Is admirably
adapted In every way to the purpose for
which It Is to be used. On the ground
floor Is a large room, twenty-four by forty
fojr feet, having a cement tloor that
alanw to tho center where there Is a per
forated cinie over a sewer pipe. In this
way the tloor will always bo clean which
Is a necessity to a good dairy-. This room
a provided with hot and cold water by
six faucets that are suspended from the
f4Ilnr at intervals over the room. Two
inks ultli w.Urr connections are arranged
along the w.ill In which to wash the Men
ds after ti- Off of this room Is an Ice
bw and .1 cooling room. A hallway and
office complete the first floor.
Chi tlk- "Miond Moor aro two largo class
TOimt. on. of theso will bo used for a
Wiure r.. m and the other for testing
aUk. Th. building Is Unshed through
m in .... pino furnlsned with all tho
saoJtrndjirx conveniences. Tho main ob-
cu of Hi. .laity- school are to teach the J
undents t vw to make good butter thus
ratting tl standard of Nebraska home
44ri-s 'I., give tho studi its such In
ttructloii in dairy stock, feeding and ear
ns for r ih will be of practical Iwiiellt
th f.un, and to show what great Ks-riMHtk-s
,: profit there are for the farm
, In li .roKr management of the
itiry ,.t..ii . r&.
Tee tnsi ruction will be given by means
t lectur. - and actual practice. Each
ttwlMit n Ih- shown how milk should be
eittd for from the time it Is milked, till
tt bun. t if lacked for shipment. Es
pwtal an. i,tn will he called to matters
f ekanln-M. that make milk and butter
VTe Lnl wholesome,
mn i . milk reaches the dairy, each
dnt v ill I? given a certain ata&uiit ol'
. v-r..i time a week. He will put It
UtfwiRh Mi. ix-purator, rlion and chum
It Sv. t i .Iifftrent kinds of separators
4cbun. have been provided that each
H4nt n,.,y try them and loarn by ex-
Mrtenc which Is the moat successful.
Afiw the cream It churned tho butter
J transfer r-4 to the butler worker. Then
itudVi i u taught how to properly
uk, call print and pack It and If necoa-
T to color it. He Is taught also the
"M of m-rtt in butter and how to Judge
kciun-i. will be given on the compost-
and heinlcal proportion of milk In
that the student may understand
tae sour. .- -.. . i...i .i,ii. iu
- . WlllflllllllUllUll. .
of tl.i principal caunos of the making
' Kor butter. They will be shown how
minui particle of milk lodged In the
f"rator Wit gatlior germs from the air
d a dornpositlon or souring sot In.
"" contaminating all the milk which
J through the separator tho next
Jn will bo given In deep setting of
7 atao. Hero the milk Is placed on
P cans and kept at a certain temper-
Ur till ule cream ralsos when It is
sklmmod off Instead of being taken rrom
the milk by a separator.
Ton graded Jorsoy cows have boon pur
chased to furnish milk for the school.
Thoso t'uwo woio bought in Wisconsin, and
selected by Professor llnokor, who has
had many yearn of experience. All tho
cows are young only two yours old, but
will undoubtedly develop Into excellent
dairy n"Iinula.
Another font tiro of this sohool will be
tho Instructions In Judging stock. The
students will be taken to neighboring
farms whero flno stock Is kopt and loarn
tho nrt of Judging animals. Tnoy will bo
provided with score curds that have a
corlaln number of points marked for nu
Ideal head, shoulders, limbs and so on.
The animal that Is being Judged will bo
compared, division at a time, with the
Ideal one. and marked' down wherein It
Is Imperfect. In this way tho whole mil
mnl will bo a number of points short be
cause no perfect ones are to bo found.
The good resulting from tho use of tho
ltabeook milk test and scales will be
thoroughly demonstrated. With these ap
pliances It Is easy to determine the exact
per cent of butter fat contained In tho
milk from each cow. As statistics show
that a quarter of tho cows are kept at a
loss, this Is of great Importance to a dairy
man, lie knows in tins way wnat enen
cow Is doing for him, and can dispose of
those that arc losing him money, and
also be constantly Improving the breed of
his nnlmnls.
Tho agriculture department like all
others of the university, Is open to wo
men. A list of alternate studies having
been prepared for them, as they will prob
ably wish to substitute them for certain
studies In tho regular course. The alter
nate studies are; food, Its nature and pre
paration; cleonlnr mechnnlcal and chem
ical, and general care of the house from
a sanitary point of view.
A. It. Hneker a skilled Instructor has
been secured to take charge of the dairy
school. Prof. T. L. Lyon, the head of
tho agricultural department, has been
untiring In his efforts to make this new
branch a success, and It promises to be
come one of tho most practical branches
In th whole university.
Dr. Charles D. Chandler read a paper
on "Appendicitis" before tho University
Preparatory medical club Wednesday cvo
nlng. He reviewed tho anatomy of the
vermiform process and surrounding struc
ture. The exact location was only of in
terest to the physician, he said. As to
function; It Is a useless but dangerous llu
tie organ. He then gave some of the path
ological condition of syroptons of the dis
ease. As tho name Indicates, it Is the in-
flamanon of the appendix. It Is not a new
jigse. but as old as the appendix. The
old theory' that the disease was caused by
lodgment of foreign bodies, has been en
tirely abandoned. As only two percent of
the patients show such fiathologlcal con
ditions, Sterkel's theovy, that the patho
logical condition Is due to foetal matter
passing Into the appendix from the cae
cum and the pressure of the concretions
causing a rupture, this Is the circulation
theory' now universally adopted. Appen
dicitis Is always a surgical disease, var
ious types recurring and cxtednlng over
a long period, or fulminating and very rap
Id. V. M. C. A. NOTES.
Dr. Ward has been elected to the state
committee of college associations. This
gives the university two members, as Pro
fessor Condra is chairman.
Tho meeting next Sunday afternoon
which will be the last before the holidays,
will be addressed by Dr. II. S. Rowlands
of the First Baptist church of this city.
Tho glee club will sing next Sunday.
At the afternoon meeting last Sunday,
J12.C0 was pledged by the members toward
tho work of the international committee.
The mombers will follow out the sugges
tion that Dr. Ward presented to raise the
money by small subscriptions from
The associations will bo well represented
in Christian work during tho vacation.
Mr. Axling accompanied by H. S. Evans,
who will assist in music, will go to David
City Saturday for two weeks of revival
meetings. W. T. Elmore, R. A. Cornell,
J. If. Bayer, J. F. Stoltz and Mr. and Mrs.
McMlchael will go to Sterling a week from
Saturday for a week. D. M. Davis, P. H.
Thompson, C. J. Allen and W. J. Hunting
will go to Staplehurst, a town about fifty
miles west of Lincoln.
The Final Debars Will be Held in
iho University Chapel.
Tho Seleot.ou of the Three Men Who Are
to Uepr -n. Nebraska In tho Joint
Dobh.' Willi Kansas Will
be a Grout Eovont.
Kveryonu anticipates an Interesting and
lively dobiite tomorrow evening. Wo aro
all anxious Chat tho most efficient and
creditable speakers represent tliu univer
sity In tho Kunsus-Nobniska debate. And
If wo may Judge from the talk going on
In the hulls tho trlends of each deba.or w.ll
bo out lu full force to cheer and encour
age him In his elTort. Never before has
there been diich real enthusiasm manifest
ed among the students generally us there
Is this year. The societies have made ar
rangements for reserved scats In the chap
el and expect to m.ike a good showing in
numbers and enthusiasm.
It Is Indeed commendable that so much
earnestness be shown in such a worthy
undertaking. Tho debaters havo rau-
sacked every library In the city to got In-
formation upon the subject to bo discussed.
Those who want to llnd out the compar
ative merlts"of Amer.can and Uusllsh sys- '
tenia of legislation should certainly not
fail to bt mvsont at tho Una) deba.e. I
Excellent music has been provided and
a good time generally Is assured. The ad
mission 3 only 11 ft co n cents. And no one
will over miss tho mite, when ho compares
tho Instruction and entertainments he Is
getting out of It. The question for the
Kansas-Nebraska debate has already
been selected. U is stated: Resolved that
the policy of the United Slates should be
to extend her dominions. Who will repre
sent us on this debate, Is being asked on
every hand. Let everyone ly aside his
work, that evenlnc anJ jssuro the debaters
that they will have a large and enthus
iastic audience .o greet them.
The chapel was comfortably tilled las;
Saturday, by a music loving audience, who
came to hear the famous Russian pianist. J
Tho artist fully met the expectations of
his audience. They appreciated his won
derful technlc, his great versatility, and
marvelled a; the dexterity with which he
made the Instrument respond to his touch.
The only criticism that could be offered,
is that he was a little too classical for a
majority of .he audience, and to them the
program became a little tedious.
R. D. Anderson has been suffering from
an injured linger. Baske; ball Is not whol
ly without Its crippled followers.
The eight o'clock division played a prac
tice game Saturday after noon.
The second division of the eleven o'clock
class leads the class teams by two points.
Dr. Clark says that he will make those
players who objec. to decisions of the um
pire, try umpiring a game themselves
kickers stop your noise.
The sophomores will hold forth tonight
at Harris hall The grand march at 8.30
will open the enjoyment for the evening
games will be furnished In the upper hall.
nofnr.flhments will be served durimr the
evening. The committee consisting of L.
V. Patch, Carl Shuff. Will Boose. Rena
Chapell anl Nelle Randall have spared no
effort to make it a pleasant evening. Tick,
ots may be secured from the committee.
Contrary to the usual custom, the mem
bers of the football team who have a vote
on the captain for next season, have not
convened and elected thelt captain yet. '
Studonts of the university hive been wait-
Ing for the announcement of this event
for some time, and much disappointment
Is expressed, that the matter has not been
Unless he has changed hit mind during
the last six hours, Coach Robinson will
remain In Lincoln and enter tho univer
sity law school the first of next year. Ho
hes been ln a state of Indecision for the
past few weeks, making up and unmaking
j up his mind with startling rapidity. He
. has at last reports, accepted the offer of
the baseball management to act aB coach
for tho team during tho coming season.
now life Into baseball In tho
nnd If Mr. Hobluson proves as
. - ..!.. .11 ........1. - 1.. .11.1 m. 4 1.A '
goou a lmisuuiiii viini'ii u nu urn -. inu
football tenm, thore Is no question but
that tho university will have tho oluunplon
team this year.
W. H. Oury will loavo for Lawrence,
Knn with 1 D. Cornell this aftoinoon,
as dologato from tho university to tho
nnnunl meeting of tho league. Some Im
portant matters will bo brought up ami
decided. Mr. Oury will mnko every ef
fort to fore Missouri to pay us back tho
sum of llfiy-tlve dollars which was dis
honestly withhold from us, when oxponsos
woro sottled for tho Missouri game. If
Missouri Is disposed to act fair in the mat
ter, there Is no doubt but that It will bo
returned. The games will bo scheduled for
next season, and probably there will bo a
withdrawal from tho lei-gue.
Unless tho llnnnclal panic has reduced
tho law department much further than Is
apparent, there will bo a big turnout at
.he llnnl debate Saturday night by mem
bers of tho department.
In the senior class meeting held Friday
last for the election of officers, C. Mousel
Wfts elected president, C. L. Wilson vlce-
presldont, Thompson secretary, HIdgely
treasurer, and D. I Wilson, sergeant at
In a sec!nl meeting of tho senior laws J
held Monday evening to consider the get-1
ting out of a senior law annual, a commit-
tee consisting of Flaherty, Wilson, D. L,; ,
Babcock, Coleman and Smith were ap
pointed to give an estlmato of the probablo
cost, outline and plan, nnd report what
ever might be of Interest to the class, that
definite action might be taken ou the mat
ter before the holidays.
James II. Wallace, senior law, leaves
today for his home in Paris Idaho to spend
tho holidays. He has lately been appointed
district attorney in his state and during
his visit home "will lodk artertho respon
sibilities of his office. The unique feature
of a Mormon In tho law school, for such Is
his religious tenets, excited no little cur
iosity at first, but by his Industry, genial
good manners and straightforward txplan-
ations of Mormon principles he has done
much to dissipate .he prejudices to Mor-
monism, and endetrhln. to the class of '97.
. .
The rather obstreperous meeting In the
, ' "
.uuxweu ciuo &auiniay evening nas oeen
thoroughly aired In the columns of the
Journal and other mediums. It Is suffi- I
clem to observe that most absolute ns
tonlshment prevails among the law au
thorities that there should be a marked
difference of opinion on any question
among the students of the law depart
ment. One even admitted in the seclusion
of private conversation that some had for
gotten themselves so far In the heat of
Saturday night's discussion ns to behave
little better than the more refined of the
other clubs of the university. All feel
confident that at the next meeting the
matter will be amicably adjusted.
The Y. M. C. A. glee club becomes dally
more nnd more iopulnr. Last Sunday
night they were well received by a large
( audience at the First Presbyterian church.
The club was organized by a number of
tho university's best singers, because they
felt there was need of Just such a club.
They also felt tliat a number of slngors
would enjoy this kind of work. The en-
! thuslnsm shown by the club members
"" " " '" imi-
Intlon their efforts have met with Miow
such a club was really needed,
j The club has offers from Omaha and
other places to give concerts, which how
' ever they have not as yet found time to
accopt. The club hopes to make an ex
I tended trip during tho holidays, and if
possible will sing at some Chautauqua
during the summer. The secretary of the
, city Y. M. C. A. wishes the club to go to
Lake Geneva, to the convention In the
gprnK a elgMtfUi trp.
. Tho ,,, mt,riterliMn at orient 1. as
, . ,,
fallows: Director and mnnngei II. (
Houec. president. E. A. Gerrnrd; first
tenora;J. H. Stoltz. H. C. House, Davis,
R. S. Hunt. Second tenors: H. S. Evans.
C. W. McMlchael. F. L. Bert. B. H.
Krlng. First bass; J. II. Boose, J Kon
agy, J. H. Sayer. R. A. Campboll, W. T.
Lourle. Second bass; Wr. It. Booso. W.
Y. Thornberry. Chas. Morrison, K. F.
Warner and B. A. Gerrnrd.
After the entertainment given by tha Ot-
tumwas, the president "has figured out that
Just J2.K was nettea Dy tne venture.
Dl A VDn TA K Dili I UAI1Q1?
1 UtXiUU kJ ix 1 UUu 11UUUU
Mrs. Manning's Elocution Recital
Draws Quite an Attendance.
Ably Assisted by a Detachment of tho
Pershing Utiles, Jt Proved a Orent
Success Timely Arrlvnl of
a Cheesy Crowd.
Tho ehnpol was lilted last night with a
great many people who cannot bo found
on deck at the sumo place at 10 o'oloek
every morning. Mrs. Manning's recitals
havo grown In popularity during tho past
year until now thoro Is a very largo class
of pcoplo that looks forwaixl to (heso ex
hibitions with no little expectation, Tho
performance Inst night possessed tho
smoothness which character:es all the ro
cl.als given In this department. After two
admirably rendered recitations and a
number of taking musical numbers, tho
ovent of the evening came oil In tho Bhnpo
1 of a play called "The dialing Dish Tar-
ty." This was a great event for a number
j of reasons. In tho llrst placo It was ab
j solutcly the llrst uppcaranco upon tho
stage of llertrand KIdd Imgworthy. It
was a sort of "coming out" and tho
youthful thesplan acquitted himself nobly.
Ho was specially good when ho sat down.
He was good when he stood up oo, but
he was simply great when he sat down.
iie has a large future before him.
i tho second place It was the nrst ap-
,cnrance of Jesse Rowe, In nnythlng as
light as farce. Ho has been known as
tho piercing tenor In tho McKlnley glco
club, ns the unscrupulous politician, and
as the general and willing clave in geol
ogy lab. Ho Is as much at home on the
stage as he Is off and his friends will real
ize that this Is saying a great deal. Ho
j Gave a most life llko portrayal of the part
of an abused married man. He received
no flowers.
Just before the play, rhero filed in a het
erogeneous mob of nondescripts, com
manded by "Parm" and ably and con
stantly aided by "Windy" Hyde. They
had swiped about a bushel of cheese at
J the armory and they began to throw
J 8maU chunks of It all over the audience
80 that U might be draw n to them
nml the ""once could see how Joyous
nnd free they were. Either their unac-
I . , ....,, ... ,
I customed proximity to girls or the novel
i sensation of sitting down stairs at a show
had a wonderful effect on them and at
times It was hard to tell in which end of
the chapel the largest show was going on.
Other members of the cast did their
Iarts in a most commendable fashion.
Annie Anderson was a great success as
the maid. Mr. Shreve as Bob Yardsley
was all that could be expected. He was
supposed to give an Imitation of a scrub
chef cooking a meal, when he didn't know
a thing about It. He did It thoroughly and
anyone who saw him monkeying with the
chafing dish would have sworn that he
didn't know what he was doing. When
the play was ended everyone was more
than satisfied In every' particular.
Thus far this year little has been done
by tho glee club In tho way of public en
tertainment, but shortly after the Christ
mas holidays, a concert will be given,
which accodlng to reports will be well
worth hearing.
Under tho effllcient leadership of Profes
sor Kimball, the club Is progressing very
satisfactorily and Is learning many songs
of a bright nnd catchy chaiacter, and In
addition are being taught some new drills
by Harry Reese. With me return of H. S.
Evans, the parts are all well filled and
rounded out.
The memhorshfp Is as follows: First ten
or: Howes, Burks, Davis, Evans; second
tenor; Lansing, Whaley, Whedon, Ken
agy: First bass; Porter, Langworthy,
Prwot Reedy: Second bass; Norton,
Lohnhoff, Glllisple, Mueller.
During the winter tho gleo club Intends
to tako soveral short trips out Into the
8,a,' ln ,ms mannor u,e university will
l gat tho benefit of a great deal of adver
tising In the diffeient towns where the
glee club appears.
H. II. Wilson will speak before the Pol
itical economy club, Tuesday evening, De-
ccmDor .2. 'rne lecture will be given In
room 23. library building. The subject of
! tho address is: Municipal Ownership of
Natural Monopolies. Mr. Wilson Is a close
student of economic and social move-
rnents. He Is a clear thinker and forcible
bOTt lectures that has been given before
ni'Bunvi. iiliD IMUllllBL'B lO OO OnO Ot mO
the club this semester.