The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 11, 1896, Image 4

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Chanel attendance at the' university of
Chicago has been made compulsory ono
dn In tha week.
Garrett Cochran has boon re-elected cap
tain of tho Princeton football team for
next year. Harvard has chosen Norman
Tho university of Chicago will debate
with Iowa on tho question, "Resolved,
That the cities should own and operato
street railways."
Tho Pennsylvania receipts for tho foot
ball season Just ended amount to $i9.0T0.
Tho attendance at tho thirteen games
played was more than 77,000.
The Pennsylvania team after tho Cornell
game, elected John II, Minds, who has
been playing full back this season, enp-
taln of next year's football team.
Consideration of tho Kyo In Us Various
Condltlons-Tho Crystallne l.ens
' and tho Ciliary muscle.
In a former paper tho action on tho oye
balla of tho six pairs of extra-ocular mus
cloa was touched upon. In this tho sev
enth muscle, which Is quite distinct from
tho rest In Its action and use, can receive
only a brief mention. It Is an Interest
ing study In Itsolf.
As In tho opera rIuss the thumbscrew
adjusts tho focua by making the lenses
approach or rccedo from each other and
thus Increase or diminish their power Just
so does the ciliary muscle act upon the
lens of tho eye, and, by contracting or re
laxing, chnngo tho 8luiH of the lens so
that the rays of light passing throiiRh the
Will Cllve.n Concert In the University To
, . mor'raw evening.
In the' chapel tomorrow evening. Mr.
Leopold Oodowsky. the famous Russian
plr.nlst, will Rive the second of tho series
of artists concerts arranged by Director
Kimball of the school of music. Mr. do
dowsky, although but twenty-six years
of age. Is one of the most famous pian
ists In the world. The admission fee
has been nut nt the low price of fifty cents
which will enable every student tOibe
present If ho Is a lover of Instrumental
music. Director Kimball says that the
way tho seats are selling, one will have
to come early If a sent Is desired. Other
wise ntandlng room only can bo afforded.
Mr. Godowsky has gained some of the
most flattering press notices. At the age
'Improvement tbe Order of tfoe Age."
The New Model
lens are brought to a focus on the retina
whether they come from an object near of three years Ids remarkable talent for
or far. This Is the Intended condition of music showed Itself, and at live years
President Pntton of Princeton unlver things, but If the crystallne lens has lost he beRan his musical studies. When hut
slty, made a., ofllclal denial of the rumor ' Its elasticity so that the ciliary muscle xeven years old. he composed piano pieces
cannot act upon It. or can do so only by . some or which meioaies were so tinti"""
continuous efTort, or If the lens Is not the and mature that they have found their
right distance from the retlnn-owing to way to a number of his later compost
undue lengthening .f the eyeball, or the tlons. He studied at Berlin, at the Royal
that President Cleveland had laeen asked
to accept the dennshlp of Princeton law
Mr. II. C, Ilrunor left J1.CV0 to Columbia
university to provide a gold medal, which
will Ik given to any.studeut In tho univer
sity who writes the best essay on a liter
ary subject.
The order In which the leading college
football elevens have been rated as fol
lows: Princeton, Pennsylvania, Harvard,
Yale, Dartmouth. Hrown, Michigan. Wil
liams, Cornell and Wcsleyan.
Some of thojalhlettc authorities of Yale
and Harvard met and talked over future
athletic meetings between the two univer
sities. In n quiet way. It Is probable that
there will be n reconciliation before next
Representatives from Michigan. Minne
sota. Illinois, Wisconsin. Chicago. North
western and Purdue universities met In
eyeball Is too short then the result will
be pain, sometimes In the eyes, sometimes
In the head and temples, with others
neuralgia or headache. Instances of par
alysis of this muscle are known as a re
sult of these conditions; In which case
the pupil cannot contract on exposure to
11 bright light and the optic nerve becomes
Inflamed thereby.
The crystallne lens Is beautiful, clear
as the crystal It Is named from, and,
could It lie Inld out on a printed paper,
would magnify the letters Just as a strong
conservatory. He came to America at
the age of fourteen and played In a num
ber of the larger cities. He returned to
Europe and secured the privilege of taking
lessons under the great Salnt-Snens. He
remained with him until ISM, when he
went to !ondon. He created a sensation
there, and the doors of the royalty, aris
tocracy, and the prominent concert rooms
were at once opened to him.
During his short stay In this country
he has already played wltl. the Thomas
Orchestra In New York, the New York
Nos. 2, 3 and 4t
ImprGyed Letter Spacing Mechanism
Adjustable Paper Feed
Automatic Ribbon Reverse
Marginnl Stops at any Point
Ball Bearing Throughout
(It Is positive, reliable, rapid and ,
running.) 8"
(Adjustable to any width of paper aa
mlts of writing to the extreme bottV
of paper.) """
(Tho primary feed of the ribbon Is ncm,.
Its width with a step by step movem!
In tho direction of Its length win, .
perfect AUTOMATIC reversing mecW
ism ) "
(A ball bearing Is the minimum of frlc
Hon; It requires less oil and attention
than any othrr bearing. That quick
action nnd ei'.sy touch of the Smith lr
mlor Is due to ball bearings. No othtr
typewriter has them.)
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co.
137 South Eleventh street.
convex lens does. It being equal In mag- j Philharmonic Orchestra. Walter Dam
nifying power to a lens of ten dioptres , rosch. Conductor: Boston Festival Or-
(or four Inch focus), nnd In brilliancy It ehestrn; Knelsel Quartet of Boston, and
far surpasses the llnest crystal. numerous other prominent musical organ-
Insteud of the crystallne lens (or pupil tuitions. His reinriolre Is enormous, etn
as It Is commonly called) being black, as bracing everything of note In piano lit
It looks to be. It Is perfectly clear and ernturu. He has also comosed over one
Chicago on Friday last and formulated ,r"slnri,,1t and It Is only the absence of hundred pieces of his own. some of which
rules for the government of western Inter
collegiate athletics. The rules agreed up
on by the conference will te referred to
the athletic itoards of the Institutions
above named for action.
A Mlssourlan legislator Is prewiring a
bill prohibiting the playing of football
with tho state, which he will prveent to
the legislature at Its next meeting. It has
been well-said that the Missouri stats uni
versity team oould not have been convict
ed upon this charge Judging from tholr
season's work. Missouri ought to be very
thankful if such a bill should be passed,
even If It does come a little lute.
light on Its posterior side which makes have found their way to the repertoire of
it look Mack, lly throwing a bright light great artists.
Into the eye from a reflector held by an-
There Is a good Joke going around on
DavenjMjrt. "Tlae Hoy Sergeant.'- In the
other person, (the reflector having a small
aperture in Its center through which to
look the whole retina with Its arteries,
blood vessels, the macula luten (or plain,
of most distinct vision! and the optic nerve
can be plainly seen. Should these not
all be In a perfectly healthy condition the
defect will be readily discovered should
tho opthalmoscoi- Ik In the hands of an
Commencing at about tho age of forty
(sometimes curlier) tho crystallne lens
hardens and loses Its elasticity, thus not
allowing the ciliary musolu to act tiHn It
readily, as a result tho look or ih.t Is
held farther away from the eyes In order
to bt read, then Is the time no matter
class in ZooloBy. there Is an honor roll w,ml ,ne aR maybe-that s '""
which I mad.- up of students who stand "t,,,wI t0 lnake u deficiency become
between ninety-five and one hundred on j "1- Neglecting it only Increases
examinations. After every fiam. the list " t,M nitl'?r-
is written on the UUc-k ttoard to excite I
the admiration of the less fortunate maj- !
ority. "Davvy" had lorn hltm-rtf up the
back a coujile of times trying to
touch this roll but was not quite able to
cut It. Just before the last examination
however, he t-wore deep down in his heart
that his aristocratic title would deeorate
that honor roll once If It never did again.
He siKnt as much as an hour and a quart
er preparing for the exam and sure enough
when he got his paper laaek. he liad a
grade of ninety-five.
The next reeiuallon was the regular
time for the honor roll to be written, nnd
Dawy went arly to class wit la the vision
of bis name written in colore chalk, and
sat in front where everyone oould mh
him. It hapened that the professor eith
er decided not to write the roll, or for
got all !out it and Davvy had the satls
faction of knowing that he was the only
person in the room who knew -jf his bril
liancy. If you ask Davvy what he thinks
of honor rolls now lie will tell you they
ar not what they are cracked up to be.
Mrs. Elderlelgh Do you love your teach
er Johnny? Johnny Yes ma'am. Mrs.
Elderlelgh Why do you love her? John
nyCause the Bible ays we're to love
our enemies. Puck.
Wcstcrfleld. the iaarber. Has done work
for students for seventeen years.
Have you seen the New Model No. ;
Smith Premier? If not. examine before
1 know there's a cross ilout Nornh's blue
lint that fact ih?love ennnot smother:
For her eyes are so pretty. No wonder
they thry
To be gnzln round Into each other. Ex.
She Did you know that Maud has a I
dark room on purpose for pro.Hals? He
Well rather. I duvetoMd a negative '
there myself, last night. Kx.
"Yes grandma, when I graduate. I in- j
tend following a literary carver write for I
Great Clearing Out
Continues to be the
You Should Inyestigate the Bargains in
Christmas Goods.
THE NO It It I EST I, 1 N E O F N K C K W E A It.
Actually below manufacturer's cost We must give up our store February I
"Doosn't he have a cute way of tipping
his hat?" The two young ladles looked ad-
Itl 1 rt . I fll ..... au.ll... -...... ... a. I . . a- .. .... .......
" " ". ;us 1111111, as lie umiie.v. -u kdow. wily Willie, inv
liaseil tham on the library steps. At the dear, you haven't done anything lse since
gate he met his chum and they contln- you have Iwn at college. Kx.
Ued down Eluventh fnp..tti.if Th-.. I
had pal four or five steps beyond a n Xo : SnUl i'1' A "
young lady, when his chum made a mo- of ,""ul' " l-rfwillon. IK South Kiev
Manufacturs of..
tlon toward hts head, scratching the same.
OfT came the hat of that polite young man
again. In that same rule way. They were
now quite a laalf Woek behind .. young tried It. do so the first time you are rushed.
"Didn't you smk to her?" a:-ked the
lKIlte young man.
A mode!
Ha Klev-
mth street. C. W. Eckenmin m...r.
The university luncheon room Is crowing
In popularity wrjilay. If you have not
Rubber stamps, Seals, Stencils, Checks, Badges
General Machine Work. Model Making and
Plating. Bicycle work a specialty.
"Tho thing for voncnte to do when It ;
meats," obs-.rv.aI. the earnest dtlxpn who 1
308 South 11th St.
Wll if 1 did. I hoi your conscience Wa'3 ,a,nteR atter to a knot of Us- -
teners at a sire-!t oormr. "Is ta 1 ts the . .
Ulngley dl!l-l wvuJd y -lass the Ping- HutCnMS &
lay bill I metin of nnmv 1,1.3 n.a r. n- .
is satisfied that you llftwl ur laat. j""wrb al a lrwi nr. "Is n ts the
block after we iwd-hut I didn't sjMjak
to them anyway."
A titter lhlnd them told the nolUe , r ,u''l',i."-l!anar's Dsrar.
young man tlaat those two fair maidens j
were ending th, -cut. lu., MMng of j jjr. S.E. COOK, practice limited to
x.yr, xar. ncttBia lliscat- 1 150
He wasn't quite sur fait that n was
Have your tonsorial work done at Was- j tile ""'" ,wo who w,r rw wiVo
terfleld's. You will got the latest stylo
of hair out there.
"That youMg widow next dxor ha
bought a bleyelti." "Int that a triJle
odd? "No: she saya sbe Had to liave It
jo b could cairrj' flowers out to the cem
ttery." ('luuy;o Uiword.
A full liu- of typewriter aupplltas l
waye on hand at the Smith Premier oillee.
room 90 Itonn-ll Mwk. TeJephone .
"I've noticed an Indian hanging around
the ejjtxaniMj for Bovzral dy," ald t
theatrical manager. "Do you knev who
he isT "I strungty tuijieot that he's a
calper," replied liie ticket agnt,-Philadelphia
"Papa," alj Ja-ky, "would you like to
have me give you a !erfOt!y teiutlful
Christmas preuent?" "Ye. Indeed."
"Then now is the time to double my ni
lowanea, ao' I'll Uavts (lie money to buy
It when Christmas oomott." Harper's Bazar.
Dejwrate Wager "If you haven't beon
lakln' a bath. I'll eat my hall" de.darad
Mr. Wear;' V-lnB. "Guftss I'll have to
own tiji." absented Mr. Dismal Dtwein.
h- bumped Into tlaat ost In the library.
He had Ju been talking to a v- of
fraternity girls, and his heart ww tilled
with that suiyerik-ial Joy of Jerformlng tla
"hewvy elt-giuit." Tlae pirlt of iHtt.nt
still domltuiteil his soul, and as he turned
Into that post "I b.g your pardon" ouni,
from bis Uts in his sw-twt umh-.
BatUMlay night wmm H amy ot rjjo,,.
Ing with George, as it wa with .v-ry out- ,
elhe. "This must le stopped" h exc-Uimed j
decidedly. "I annot afford to eat break
fast at Don's, lunch at the girls' lunch '
room, and pay this Wg two dollar and In the EailiniTient
a half every Saturday night for -umr equipment
alone." Then Ur Mnlled and aakad the
editor to go to supjH-r wllh him. And the
eilltor umlled. It Is gem-rai),- conceded that a stringed
Instrument is almost an .-ii.-.r.i,,. ,
"Slnee I have !, s of mor.- tin 7?" r't enjoyment
than oa uair i ,,. ... - "" ' urcV " ne VOW
- ,w ,-t v ur9a,u 1111
1M South Bteventh Siri.
Kin contoctiotry; Ilakary goods Dallr,
Oyt4s jwvod in any Stylo-leas
aiid Ioa Cream at S.xeiat
I'rloig r QuanUtie.
1010 O Street. Telephone 225
The Tailor-..
Suils 2cxdt2. o Order.
cleaning and Iteialring also Uuoe
126 SO. llth St.
Over Wohlent- r.' sOri
Meals 15 cts.
Table Board $3...
per Week.
of a Student's Room
xenial T'-"' I must find another name
for that araarinx-nt of my loudolr which
serves to prerv- my apparel from the
dust ami dirt." Then he 'asked Io to
come in and view his "pantry."
"Mr. WW.,,,-, if you wllJ onl. MJ. fhat
I can hv.- V(Llr .ju,.,, afn willing u
wah for iwr furtr ' "It's a go. younif
"Wliut d'ye mean by It?" "Eloetlon bet: J man, You t-ju, have hr when the time's
that's alL" Indianapolis Journal.
u.i."-DnroM Pre Press.
money will afford. Exnert ludr.
jnent jronounccs the "Bay State"
Instrument the finest In the world.
An -xc)lent instrument is the
Bay State $10.00 Banjo.
We ha.e In stock cheaper banjos
than thts. but for a substantial,
aarvlcoabie instrument, at a low
Irloe. no other instrument manu-
iactur.1 d-jin pnmniiru ...i.i.
bend for Illustrated catalogue.
John C. Haynes & Co ,
VO-V2 Waashington Street. Boston.
Meal Tickets, 21 Meals, 83.
Will be made to STUDENTS upon application.
It's the Place..
You want to go to when you want to
purchase magazines, periodicals, news
papers and novels. Always on hand.
Eleventh and O streets, Tllchards block.
C. V. SPEVCl'.R, Mirr.
First-Class Barber Shop
Speolal rate to students on baths-!
baths for a dollar.
in No. ink