LOCALS. ", . 0crnrl of Kcnrnoy, Nebr., visited wVbth )nt Saturday nn.l Suminy, h. oiirlMninn vnontlon will begin nt , Adork Wednesday evening, Docom. ,1. OCIOl" ur- Helen llnliin U I" In tho city, nn.l "mployc.l " "wk m "rown " dn,R iiorc. mi.. Klllo Uuckloy of Cond. Nerb., bus rrglSlPrc11 lor "" """"""" yet? The lettering Ib mndo from n spec Inl dyo, nrul Ujey nro tho nenlest tnblots i yot gotten out. A fair slr.eit audience heard tho Ottum wn male quartet In thu university chnivl Inst Saturday evening. Ncnrly every number was encored nnd nil wcro heart lly niip1nulpl. Dr. C. K. Uessey will deliver the. ml dross of welcome beforo tbo dnlrymen's association December 1R, In tho nbsenco of Chancellor MnoIcnn Who will bo In Min nesota on that date. C. H. Adams, Thotn PI Inflt ffccnily coune. pon Adams, brother of wn Initiated In Rota guturdny nigii Vtc, I'l.-ments nml John llnntlolnh nro rf?orto,l ,ii. bnvhiR resigned from tho unl- vMlty "1"' c,"; ...i. ih1Ir W.. linn returned from priroli "tid will take up university work (rln w' w-mewter. Mnry Horn writes from ChlcnRo tlmt rtP enj'"" her work there In tho John (wnr ut'inry very much. Tho crniliRte club will moot nt tho homo ol Dm i:dRren Snturdny nlfiht for tho purposr ir electing olllcurs. The fooibfill nnd glee club pictures linvo in tuKn. nnd proofs nro now In tho hands of the critical members. Coach Robinson hns been tnklnR some "jettlnR up exercises" nnd pays that It is nbout as cruel as a football Ramo. All the students of horticulture nro taking H " an elective. Seven different euurPio nro represented In the olnss. During the dairymen's exhibit, the or mory '1H 1,c Plv'n over to the display of fcuttir. cheese nnd such like products. The Catholic students of tho university mrt lust Monday nlRht and organized n Catholic club with twenty-flvo mombors. A volition nsklnR thnt tho library bo not closed durlnR tho chnpol service Is Wnc assiduously circulated by Rurlolgh. At LclRhion's you will nnd n complete Ftork of Christmas novelties. Useful Rifts are quoted at prices that nro wny dowr low. lnvltntlons for Mr. Peterson's weddlnR have been Issued. Mr. Peterson Is ex pected back In tlmo to take up the work of the tlrst yenr's Bhnkespouro class, the beRlnnlns of tho second semester. Al Cochran, tho. machinist who hns chnrRo of ithc euro of tho Journal lypc settlnR machines, promises tho Nebrnskan nn InterestlUR nrtlclo Tor next week on tho structure nnd workings of tho differ ent kinds of machine that have been Invented. Kor caret ul, tnorouRh competent work In correcting nil forms of oyc-strnln, go to 1! M. Retts, room M Hlehards block, corner of 11th nnd O streets. Hours; 9 to 12 n. m. 1 to 4 p. m. Examination nnd consultnlton free. Tho largo clock in use In the physical laboratory hns leen transferred to the astronomlcnl obsorvntory. Tho time Is furnished to tbo laboratory by means of nn electrical circuit. Tho clock Is regu lated by tbo stnrs nnd Is therefore absol utely correct. Wo hnvo n few dozen of thnt W cent lot of fountain pens still left. They will not Inst a week, so If you want to secure n good nrtlcle for little money come nnd Investigate Herpolshi'lmer &. Co'a book department. Iledueed pr'.m on suits ami overcoats nt tors from n Life, by Elisabeth Stuart lMtclpH, The Dimumtlon of Tluron Ware by Unrnld Frederick, for snle nt llcrpol sholmcr &. Co's. book department. Tho elnss In Jnurnnlbm will aid tho de pnrtment of publlulty by writing speo Inl articles on the different dopnrttnonts ot university work. Knob student will write ono or moro of these nrtlcles. They will bo furnished to the different papers of tho state for ptiblientlon. Tho Nebraska Wosleynn pauses long enough In Its editorials on college rowdies wbloh frequent Thanksgiving dny games nt Omaha, to sny this of our conch. "Wo doslro to congratulate the state university on their couoh, Mr, HohluHou. Uosldes knowing his buslnuss ho Is a perfect gentleman." At the Pershing Hides ball. Miss Wright of tho conservatory, bad her fnsclnntor exchanged. She would bo very glad If tho iorson who got tho wrong one, should return It to her. It Is valuable to her ns It wns a gift, nnd she is very anxious to have possession of it ngnln. Its color was black. The Union Hoys debating club will de bate the following nt tholr next, meeting, Resolved thnt state universities nro sup erior in their principle nnd operation to denominational colleges. Our Methodist neighbor can doubtlessly supply lots of argument on the negative sldo of this question. Big Bargains in Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gents' Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1229 to 1239 O Street. This Is your time to buy holiday goods utE. Fleming's, tho Jeweler, 1224 O street. .Don't fall to call. You will save money by so doing. The students who are conducting the mission Sumlny school, nro planning an entertainment and tree for the school Christmas eve. Beta Thetn PI fraternity, have removed from their old quarters in the Burr block and are now settled in a tint at C31 South Eleventh street. Dean Reese has boon nttendlng court at Schuyler for sovoral days. Mr, Bob bins has been conducting the classes dur ing his absence. King Mnnett, n story of Old Virginia and Mnssnchusetts Hay by J. F. Stlnton (J. S. of Dale) is tho most populnr of recent books. You enn get it nt reduced prlco at Horpolsheimer Co's book de partment. As useful nnd pleasing n Christmas present as you can mnke Is a fountain pen. Tho combined fountain pun and hair pin mndo by Wntermnn Is the most original thing you ever snw. For sale at Herpolshoimer & Co's. The Y. M. C. A. glee Club Is In demand. Thoy sang Thursday, Friday, Saturday, nnd Sunday, during tho convention. Sun day evening they will sing nt tho First Presbyterian church, and Frldny even ing of this week nt tho muslcnlo to be given by tho Union literary society, Fri day night. HOLIDAY GOODS. WATCHKS, DIAMONDS, STERLING SILVKR AND SILVRR PLATED WARE, CLOCKS JKWKLRY, CUT GLASS, GOLD UKADED CANES AND UMBREL LAS. OPERA GLASSES AND HOLDERS, etc, etc, etc. STERLING SILVER GOODS A SPECIALTY. 1 have the largest and beat equipped stock of diamonds to be found in the city, which I will sell as cheap as any one, weight and quality considered. EUGENE HALLETT, 1143 O street, Lincoln Nebr. Miss Rosa Bouton addressed the Wo man's club Monday nfternoon on the manufacture at beet sugar. She traced tho manufacture from tho raw boot to the finished product ready for the table. Tho tnlk was thoroughly enjoyed ly all pront. 1 Tho university Y. M. C A. is negotiat ing for n lunso of the vacant lot at the corner of Fourteenth and P streets, for tho purpose of making a skating rink of It during the winter. The lot chosen is centrally located and with plenty of cold weather the enterprise ought to prove a success. Mr, Oury will probably be select ed to act as business manager. As tho new caps and chovrons have now arrived and the cadots are In full uniform, the Commandant will order a dress pnr ado of tho battalion on tho first afternoon on which the weather will permit of out door drill. On Thursday evening December 1", Mrs. Manning's elocution classes will give a recital In tho chapel. The last number will bo a farce by John Kendrlck Bnngs, "A Chafing dish Pantry." All are Invited to attend, no ndmlssion'wlll be charged. Wednesday evening occurs the recital to be given by the pupils ot the university school of music This Is the regular hol iday recital. Fraternity men should not forget that Wcsterlleld can do their tonsorlnl work the best of any man in the city. 117 North Thirteenth street. The meeting of tho English club has been npiln posponed. This time to Satur day December 12. It will meet then nt the home of Miss Prey. Miss Florence Smith, assistant cata loguer, is reported as being such bettor. Bhe is expected to resume her vork again by the first of the year. Constaneer's barber shop is at 1010 O street. When you want a neat hair cut and a clean shave, have one of his exper ienced men do it for you. Harry Harbor, son of Professor Barbor. was down from Nebraska City for a brief visit, Saturday and Sunday. He reports Allen Fling and himsolf as doing quite well in their two positions ns the heads of tho two departments of Latin and chem istry. Professor Lyon has received a large number of inquiries regarding the school of agriculture. Tho work will all be car ried on nt the state farm this yoar. Many of tbo students who attended last year intend to return, and many new ones are expected. H. C. Pntmelee celebrated his twenty second birthday last Friday. A choice box of delicacies received from home, was generously passed around. Mr. and Mrs. Barton of Kearney spent Saturday with Professor and Mrs. Bar tour. Mr. Barton has been making a geo logical survey of Nebraska. Mr. H. II. Wilson will nddress the pol itical economy club next Tuesduy evening. December 22. He -will speak on the mun icipal ownership of natural monopolies. Horace Greely Whltmore, has given up his position as manager of the Evening Post, and is now engaged in seeking a piece of political jle, under the dispensa tion of Mr. Wolfe. He is tne jeaaer in the race for an Important position in the state house. T. E. Bruegzer '92, who -went to Ger. many in company with Ernest Gerrard, writes that he intends to make a trip to Italy, from there along the Mediterran ean, finally landing at San Francisco. He intends then to make his home somewhere on the coast. YOU WILL SAVE TIME By tnkingr the ryjgjB FOR MAIN LINE, And Norfolk Branch. All Points in Kansas. Keep this in mind when going on foot-ball trips or any vacation. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1044 O Street. The seniors have definitely decided upon the Btyli- of hat and cane thoy are to ear and carry respectively, and orders e already being placed for the same. Dr. BoHhey will deliver a lecture before & farmers' institute at York on the evon 'iB of December 18. The subject of Ills wk will be, "Grasses and other Forest Plants." Manager Oury in considering the plan of flooding the tennis courts for a skating 'Ink, tho proceeds of the enterprise to be used for tho benefit of the Athletic as-'Watlon. r- Ouy Barnes who was taicen men "h appendicitis six weeks ago, is entlro V recovered and -will resume his studies ut the university. He is a member of the Cla88 Of MOO. A party consisting of about forty stu dents from the Lincoln high school, to gether with the instructors, visited Ne braska hall and the museum last week. Their object was to learn facts respect ing the rocks, fossils and similar mater ial, from which to draw data for essays. Professor Swoezy haB connected -with the observatory clock an apparatus for ringing the university class bells. The bell circuit nas not yet been connected with the clock but the change will be made as soon as the matter can be brought be fore the faculty. AN ALL WESTERN ELEVEN. F. 13. Cornell Selects One from the Four Teams of tho Interstate League. F. D. Cornell who has officiated as re feree and umpire in many ri the games of the louguo, and who knows more about theso players individually than any man in the west, has figured out an all west ern team. Two Nebraska men are given places on it, with two more clobely con testing. His line up would be: Right end Wiggins of Nebraska.rlght tackle Leigh ton of Iowa, right guard A. Hill of Mis souri, center Walker of Kansas, left guard Hamll of Kansas, left tackle Conley of Missouri, left end Thomas of Iowa, quar ter back, Thorpe of Nebraska, right half Holbrook of Iowa, left half Baine of Kan sas, full back Hester of Kansas. Sub stitutes, Fltzpatrick of Kansas, Pearse of Nebraska, Blatln of Missouri In the line, and Shodd of Nebraska, Meyers of Iowa, and Voigts of Kansas backs. He says of the Nebraska players,"For the position of quarter-back. I would choose Thorpe of Nebraska. Thorpe's heady punting which has been one of the features of Nebraska's play entit'.s him j to the place. Shedd and Volghts could fill either of the places of half backs If It were necessary. There Is not much doubt as to the ends, Thomas of Iowa and Wiggins of Nebraska proving themselves to be stars In these positions." He men tions Poarse favably among the tack les and Turner, guards. Discount to Students. FREY & FREY, Wholesale and Hetail Florists. TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN T.iicoi-asr AND We always have on hand a choice variety of roses, carnations and all cut flowers and give 15 per cent discount to students ordering as a club. Call and see us. Cor ner of Twelfth and O streets, Funke Opera House block. Telephone 22t- Lincoln Nebr. Chas. B. Gregory C Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street H. C. Towjjkenij, Gen'l P. & T. A. P. D. Cornell, O. P. L T. A. TJ. of .. '91. Office A At 1100 0 St, S Lincoln, Neb. H Professor Richards Is In receipt of a let ter, addressed to the "Mr. or Mrs. of the Emanuel Training School." It is a re quest from a ludy resident to Inform her of the coming of that "gypsy woman" whom she supposes to be an attendant of the university. New books, Artie by George Ade, Seats of the Mighty by Gilbert Parker, Story of Sentimental Tommy by J. M. Barrle, The Herb Moon, by John Oliver Hobbs, The Have vn !.,.,,. , . -nw Tin- Heart of Prlnoess Orsa, by Anthony Hope, tonlty of Nebraska, tablets at the Co-Op 'a Lady of Quality by Mrs. Burnett. Chap- CHRISTMAS AND NEW TEAR'S HOLI DAY RATES. The Burlington will on December 24 and .25, also on December 31 nnd January 1, 1897, sell round trip tickets to points with in 200 miles at one fare and ,a third. Tick ets good to return until Jtinuary 4, 1897 Take advantage of this nnd -visit your frlonds. G. W. Bonnell, C P. & T. A. When you take The Nebraskan You are getting a good COLLEGE PAPER. THE LUNCHEON ROOM. The university luncheon room Is be coming more popular every day. The girls furnish nothing but itrlctly home made goods. The prices are: Soup C cents Baked BeanB C centB Plum pudding D cents Cranberry sauce 5 cents Sandwich 8 cents Bread and buttor 2. cents 2 Doughnuts Scents Pumpkin pie 4 cents Coffee .i,... 4 oents Tea 4 cents Coooa 4 cents Milk S cents First National Bank, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital Surplus $400,000.00 100,000.00 N. B. HARWOOD, President. CHAS. A. IIANNA. Vice-President. F. M. COOK. Cunhler. C. S. LIPPINOOTT. and H S. FREEMAN, Ass't Cashier. W. O. FORBES, Liyery, Baggage, and HACK LINE. 129 North Eleventh Street. Telephone No. 3L Special attention given to party calls All calls answered promptly, day or night Hock Nob. 39, 42, 54, 55, 76 and B5.