The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, December 11, 1896, Image 2
The Nebiubkan. A Weekly Newspaper Issued Every Fri day Noon, by the Student of tho Un iversity of Nobrnskn. Entorcd an Second Clous Mall Matter. F, T. Wley Mnnnglng Editor. Kdlth Schwnrte, . . . .Asa't M'glng Ed. ASSOCIATES. II. 11. linker Editorial. Knto Snow Walker - - Fraternities. 11A1IIS FHOM A IlAMt HKAP j tlif profs, wlio have inquired brains, turn Wen-tell shuffled his tinknockod cntrnnco oit from tlio wnlls or the unl whore those Into tho sacred Banotum of my room an j of Inherited brnln fret tho prof who have acquired brains an they teach In cease less rotntlon those who have Inherited ..-ll.. ......ntf., i(aa. . m. M'nll dell. Not considering him or his lrtiilorlng gabble equal to my reading, 1 greeted him with silent nutation and continued to study from tho hook before me. Ho cause of whleh he, my self appointed vlsltnnt called me a "confounded old boor" and other voguo epithets more or New Students brains, and who nr' destined by a great brained Creator to inlllct their brains upon those who aro to have brains thrust upon them, nnd being thus nlliloted Imvo boon known, Individually and novel ally, to rack their brains for mnledlctlons to heap on those, who having acquired brains mere- loss eomnllmentnry. Lounging In otiose ' ly follow out the wish of an all l'owerful freedom upon tho table opposite he fav- I In tilting those who were born with brains Oliver Chambors Athletics orod mo with a pitying quizzical stare, o tho tnsk of thrusting those brains upon E. B. Perry, Local. O. W. Motor Local J. C. Hltchman Local. D. J. Flaherty Law Reporters. A. E. Parmolee, ....... II. F. Gage. Harry W. Doubrava, Asa't business M'g'r. whom brnlns hnvo been said to be thrust. Tho Nobrnskan will bo nont to any ad dress upon receipt of tho subscription prlco, which la one dollar a year. Con tributions aro solicited from all. then my Injured Inwnrd self gave a Joy ous bound, for even through the Inton- I slty of study I recollected that gob of ' Will and 1 strolled out over tho south Jell on the tnblo nnd by Intuitive dig- ' em hills this nftornoon. Every whero I nation felt that Wendell wns sitting upon I looked 1 saw nothing but tho dondness of It. Retaliation's tonle warmed me from I the vlow, and all wns to mo but the dead feet to head and half way down again. "hnpo of a doparted life. Every thing Wandering now from study In spite of felt so dreary that 1 regretted tho course myself. 1 revelled In the delights of a I our walk had taken. 1 missed tho gaudy revenge as full nnd complete as that of ' colors nnd warm fulnoss of nnture In her tho gods. 1 waited In nntlelpntory rnp- Address all communications to Tho No braakan, University of Nebraska, , Students should make It a point to see i carried out that all should be properly i but also to moko some heated remarks ' nltftiit liittiiYt jilil tAm fs lilnVt nun! i i iiiMirriiuiu "V t'li 'ill j ( wt iiniuii bloom and snw the winter's colors nnd tnrcs till my bnlted miokor-llsh should skoloton landscape. ftol the Iron. While 1 was thus hug- Hut Will, contrarlwlso gazed In rnpturo glng myself In an ecstatic spasm of de- j on tho beautiful Wending- of soft gentlo light, ho slipped down from the table, so I colors, and dullghted In tho exquisite hor also did the cloth, pasted tight .n Wendell. niony of earth and leaves, rnvlng over Then he broke In on my Jubllnnt con- j tho sky filled with the holy radiance of that the suggestion of our registrar Is vulslons, not only to "confound" me again I the dying sun. Tho stubblo birds Hitting and chirping about tho brown faced (low ers; tho sturdy old stalks survived their I have not yet forgiven him. It made him shiver to seo Mndnm ent, to hear Madam eat, to know that Madam ate. registered, with the correct street and numbor given, In the office. Tho obliga tion of the executive to look up a stu dent who Is not properly registered, Is a tender question. Tho student who Is so careless ns to negleot such Instructions Madam's Jaws wore brood and strong deserves all the dolny thnt usually oc-i'1"'1 wetkeo clean and quick, llko spring- curs In getting word to him. 'Rut tho troublo thnt tho registrar and her assist ants must undergo as a result of his neg ligence. Is another side of tho question whleh must be considered. Suroly the ofllco would bo Justified In not making any attempt to rind mtoh n one. Owing to tho unusual business depres sion this yenr, tho task of publishing tho Sombroro will be harder thnn nt first sup posed. To prevent It being a llnanclnl failure, every student must sbouldor a little of the responsibility. Thoro Is such a largo number of our studonts who lot these things pass as not concerning thorn, that no enthusiasm or Interest Is displayed at all as to tho probable outcome of this onterprlso. Truo tho business managers liavo been elected to tnko tho financial responsibility of tho publication of tho Sombroro. Hut unless a llttlo more caro nnd Interest Is shown by a lnrgo number, It can bo said Justly, that the business mnnngors wore solicited to tako charge under false pretenses. Thlp Is roally what It amounts to. A student should not reason that ho can get nlong without a copy of the Sombroro, thoroforo ho will not got one. Ho should reason thnt ho must not permit himsolf to be without one, and mnko a sncrlflco somowhero olso to procuro a volume. The work tho department of publicity Is doing for tho unlvorslty will probably result tho most beneficially of any that can bo directed toward advertising the university fnvorably. It Is the object of this department to procure Interesting ar ticles on university subjects, and send them to vnrlous newspnpors and period icals, which aro glad to receive them. Tho Omaha and Chlcngo papers will bo supplied with Interesting matter from our unlvorslty. Besides these, the homo pa pers and the Wostorn Newspaper union aro well supplied. Tho latter company print the Inside pages of nearly ovory country weekly In Nebraska, A groat deal of university matter finds It way Into these columns, through the department of publicity. This mattor could not bo put In a better space, ns It nlfords state news to ovory render of country pupors In Nebras ka. Professor Taylor has ohargo of this departmont, nnd ho Is pushing It with all of his characteristic business sagacity. All the members of tho Journalism class are assigned special subjects, from which they aro to work up special nrtlcles. As credit 1b given for this work, tho students lmvo tho time to Inquire Into their topics and get details und facts that tho ordin ary wrltor would not stop to Inquire about. Professor Tnyloi would be glad to re ceive articles from any of tho students, with a vlow of having them published. In some of tho numerous publications to which ho has access. Tou can got all tho news all the time by subscribing for Tho Nobrnskan, Only one dollar a year. , SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEBRASKAN. Ing steel traps. Tho folds of rubbery time, and the llowrs nnd tho bright flame of the prnlrle lire wcro happy strokes "n his beautiful picture I saw tho tumble-down shacks wherein dwelt mankind less amply provided for than most brutss, and seolng 1 bitterly reviled tho social system that allotted such llfo to tho working majority. Will 1rt1rr.1 tnnM 4liA .!. .. ... .1 ..!-.. nMh on her maaslve Jowl quivered and '""" """ u ","'""""' """ ",","u shook when her large teeth clocked to- , '" t',a ftboJps: tho choorful Klow ui mo jamtiy circle, nna, 'lie rreo irom tho cares of greatness, and in mock phll- gether In vicious chnmps. Madim's eat ing tools tossed food Into her yawning maw as moat Is flung Into n wild beast osophy moralized on tho bonoflclent gen- Plt. Sho had a way of glaring at her , ' ",' ' """' "'" " "",u" ,nuM0 ww 1,rf" food before attacking It. very HlmUnr vlded with hoIteringjooTs. G. E. T. to the wild hyena as It tears its prey, or I nls r0l It lea-Mr. Mooktonhad Bit llko tho blood besmeared cannibal as he j through tho political discussion without turns his spitted toasting undo. No ono ' 81iyins a word. ..Dcn.t you ,ako any m. Your Attention is called to our store as the best place to buy Clothing and i Furnishings... Ask the old students about us. clothingT . Ready to Wear or Tailor Made. PAINE, WARFEL & BUMSTEAD 1136 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. FOR THE .-,-.. LATEST STYLES in SEHSDHHBLE SUES FOR MEN and WOMEN,.. lw0RIENTPf jMKP& ! rtVf RHrr G TO- supposed thnt she was young. Linda changing tho dishes, snickered and said sho thought tho Madam must liavo been self mado and old made then sho snick ered again nnd spilled a dinner. Tho Mndam never smiled, a smllo might de rango tho workings of her Jnws and spoil the rythmic bear-trap action. Ho was u little lad of twelve yeurs. In tho cub of tho great dead engine ho worked tho levers and dreamed that she lived and moved to his touch, Evory day ho camo down to the shops and climbing into tho scut of tho master hand prepared to pull No. 4 over division I for a record. "Jamming her down Into tho corner," he gave her a "bite of fog". Loaning fur out of the window nnd strain ing nnxlously ahead, his eyos murk noth ing but two lines of gleaming rails, and streaks of landscapo swishing by llko troubled waters rushing to the plungu. On this long level stretch he hooks hor up another notch and sets tho throttle full against tho guard. The quick sharp chuck or hor panting breuth as his old 600 feels tho touch, rings like music to his ears. He Is chilled to metal, a part of his flying machine trembles with de lightputs the levers Impatiently, whls pors excitedly to tho flashing wheels, urg ing them faster, faster. "Clang a tang" yell tho bridges, "clip ollppit" chirp tho switches, "chuok a chuck chuck u chuck" that's a flock of sheep piled high on the pilot, "smack, spuck" a fnrmor's wagon broken to flin ders. "Arooh arooh aroo aroo" tho end of tho division, In the fastest time in tho world. From my window, all the scene Is dead, a dull flat view suroly. The mori bund trees and shrubs In tho nakedness of their desolation stand as butts for tho rudo Jokes of the vulgar wind. Those houses across tho way, mutilated dead trees stuck together with still deader nails, stare at mo with a graveyard stare, and make mo sick for homo. The pedes trians, the poDplo, what uro they but uutomatlc ovorcouts bundled about with collars and stiffened with tho cold? Even tho croaturoB of burden work mechani cally back and forth, more steam puf fing machines. Rut In the trolley curB there Is llfo, in them truly Is animation. They come crawling up noso to noBo and greeting in maundering familiarity pass by each oth er on tho little aldlngs and spitting fire llko sulphurous oaths, creep growling around tho corner nnd away. For uvun tho trolley car, like man and benst, whan worked without rest grows cross and ob Btlnote and In its touchy moods growls and grumbles about Its tualt llko a pam pered dyspeptic over his food. torest in this canu'ulgn?" a friend in quired. "Of course. I don't hour any thing olso nt homo." "What's the opin ion thoro?" "It's vtrlogated. My wlfo Is for gold; my father-in-law wants tho freo and unlimited eolnugo of silver and my oldest son won't bo satisfied with any thing except bimetallism with an Inter national ugreoment." "And whit posi tion do you tnke?" "Mo? Oh, I Just sit by and holler for the Monroe doctrine." Washington Star. Mrs. Hnyfork.(who bad summer board ers); "Yes, Mrs. Hayseed, tho lg'ranoe of city folks about country llfo Is Just amusln'. Ye know I had two families from New York last season." Mrs. Hay seed: "Yos. 1 seed ' cm galavantln' around." "Well, It's an actunl fact, thorn people brought toothbrushes with 'cm.Jost as if wo woro such savugos out hero as not to have sioh h. simple thing as a toothbrush In tho house," New York Wcokly. Toaohor: "Have you nnlshed your com position on what llttlo boys should not do In school?" Llttlo Johnnio: "Yos'm." Toucher; "Road H." Llttlo Johnnie (trem bling): "Llttlo boys when nt school should not make faces at tho teacher, and should not study too hard, 'cause It makes thorn near-sighted, nnd should not sit too long In ono position, 'cause It makes their backs crooked, and should not do long examples in arithmetic, 'cause It uses up their pen cils too fast." Nuggets. Little Willie: "I won't play with Tom my Jones, 'cnuse he's naughty," Mamma: "That's my little man. What has Tommy dono?" "Ho laughed when another boy swung our old cat around by tho tall." "Who wns the other boy?" "Mo." Phila delphia Press. Mr. Blackloek: "Whloh ob dem is de mlghties' in yo' opinion, Mistah Cuttah, do pen or do swode?" Mr. Cuttah: "Well, In do fust pluoo, I's nevah been In do psn, an' do socon' place, I don't fink do swodo la In it wif a razzah." Detroit Free Press. Rooming the Ons Business Manager: "How many sinclo daughters has that man Roomer?" Clerk: "Three." Manu gor: "Add $5 to his gus bill, and see that the meter at his house Is geared higher." Detroit Freo Press. Tommy: "Maw, what are tho 'early Christians?1" Mrs. Flgg; "A man who gets up and -bulldj tho fire for his wife to got breukfust ought to liavo a right to the tltlo." Indlannpolls Journal. Perkins & Shelddn Cd, 1129 O STR66T, Best work I Established 1 889. (( Telephone I " t-'v Best Service j EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Most Complete and Modern Equipment. Greatest... Courtesy. i Three times n day is gathered hero In old accustomed places, A goodly set of gentelmen With healthy genial faces. And we try to movo among them While our patrons help to boom, Tho host meals in Nebraska, At the Francis dining room. 321 North 11th St. FRANCIS BROS., ital Cafe. Can Proprietors 4HBH-mb"-------- Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. hidu nesiauram ai ihh u St. Open all night. LINCOLN, NEBR. Give us a call. Don Camoron'B lunoh counter, 118 South Elovunth Btroot. Teacher: "Now, we have Daniel in the flory furnnnn. W.t i o -r, . .. I . "iiiu Jioy; "well, I It wasn't hot er.oucrh for iiim tw-,.1. Qomo men are born with brains: unm,, , -muiine. acqulro brains, und othors have brains thrust upon them. Those who ure born with brains are tho students who for a brlof time gruoo the unlvorslty. Those who have acquired brains are the profs who hammer on the bralnB of the wlso; and thoso who liavo brains thrust upon them are tho brain weary buBlness men. who are forced to bravo tho product of finlBhod brain which It was beginning to look like rain. "Noah," called out the usurer who had accommodated the ark builder with a small loan, "when are you going to Bot tle that little account?" "I think," replied Noah, putting his head out of a window In the side of the vessel and scanning the heavena, "I ahull bo able to liquidate fully in about forty days." And he drew hla head in ogaln.-Ch.'cago Tribune. Lincoln Fruit Stand Puooinklli Bkos., Props. FRUITS, NUTS, CIGARS, TOBACCO and Confectionery. Cruekerjuuk Bo per puukago. TWELFTH AND O STS. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. Ana u cotnploto Btock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. EXPERIENCED TRAVELLERS say they know they're on the Burlington tho mo ment they strike It. It is so smooth so easy so de lightfully free from Jolts and jars and sudden tarts and otops. Another proof of the truth of what w try to bring home to you every week in the year that for right down solid com fort, the Burlington has no real competitor among the railroads of tho west. Omaha, Peoria, Chica go Bt. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis, Denver and Deadwood aro only a few of the points to which it will! pay you to take the Burlington. For time cards, tickets and Information npply at B. and M. dejwt or city ticket of fice, corner of 10th and O streets. Q. W. Bonnell, C. V. & T. A. "itfH