. V VSKAN. THE NEBR I Vol. V. No. 10 THE GAME ENDS IN A DRAW Iowa nnd Nebraska Battle for Three Hours on the Gridiron. NEITHER SIDE GOULD SCORE In om "I the Hardest Fought Rattles K,t ItnPH-HMl Hotwoon tllP 01(1 Kit i! tllO CQMOSt, HOStlltH 111 ft Dmw Onmo. The li name tlmi has boon looked for iwr.t 'i.mi Hie dine ;ho pig skin was fir, puniitl ovtr the campus at the lie rfninif of 'lie mii(on, till Its close on lust TMiikiriMnB duy. has boon fought, but m kvi 1 nil won. 1; ended In a draw rer nit nattiest struuR'o tho two teams ,ivr had 'i the grid Iron since tlio league i flr organized. Tlio football sea sonal tin- unlvrsliy cnniiot bo counted a fillwv l my meant. Tlio result of tho final contest Thanksgiving day generally dtcMes ihlt In tlio eyes of tho enthut ia 1 .1 this j ear, both teams onded tho gr, pime with n fooling of rollof. A more illtagreonblo tiny for a football fame could not have boon made to ortlor. ren In Omaha. It luul rained ooploutlv Ik nipM h, fotv, and forgot to lot up in ,h.' mornum Then It prow colder, nnd ,V win nirnotl to sleet. This put a de oi.lo' tUmier upon tho ninny who luul rontempli "tl accompanying tho team to Omaha Ken tho sanguine who loft In tV hope that "beginning lieforo seven meant quitting Iwforo cloven," wore dls apNlntttl w 'ion tho disagreeable sleot con tinual, im.l tlnally turned to snow. As for the Held at I'nlversity park. It va covered with six Inches of witter oar I) In the monilng. Tim services of a lire ergine were brought Into piny, but this nas unable to put tho Hold In tiny kind of condition. Then It was soon that a now field hail to lie laid out. This was ae fomplwhed In a rather primitive fashion. No wire was stretched along the sldo lines, ainl the crowd was free to follow tho Will the minute the policemen became too In terested In the playing to kcop tho crowd tack The temjioraturo lowered, and tho two captains teemed to vlo with each othor 10 te who oould take up tho most tlmo wranplinK During thoso orlods, small hojn itjulpiHtl with skates and shlnney flute dari.d. from tho side linos nnd amused themselves, 6katlng ovor the Hold -hich afforded a far better skating rink, nan 1 .Ivl 1 football Hold. The u-u iii largo Omaha crowd had dwindled m only tho veriest cranks. They toI iround shifting their foot, leaning dp against the high board fence to secure Wo:e.inn iiom the wind, or busied them- Mien in running across tho Held. No iTafka k r.Mt.rs had scattered, and nftor V team na.l once come ujon tho Hold, no: a ound of any volume was heard from wem Iowa enthusiasts kept pretty well tojether along tho south sldo lino, and guite often ti Hawkeyo yell floated with fhnnnB rr. -t over tho Hold. As for . I. game, Iowa had every ad- l&ntHlT ftim tlirk ruinilltlftn nf ,,. 4I.1.1 " .1 itmi when push and weight se wed K.,iB Un ,j)0 other htuid, Captain ThoriH w n almost afraid to punt, on ac count of a. uncertain footing. A sudden lurch would hnve snt him higher than 'he ball Nebraska trlod two or three ,rl"" ri-!- ilys wtileh would havo boon "rt giln. n. but tho men could not pot ried ok, wigb-lns had n clear Hold bi Ju.i j, he got bohlnd his blockers, n" llpi .1 and was downed without n ynrd "f Mil) Hrfen. Siii made ono very "raw" do ctalon. ii WI48 naftr vi,0 Gn(j 0 ho nooond ''f low 1 had tho ball only six -yards 'fOm N. I...mUu'u TOvnl Una 'Vhax- uun, Md ihi , Uniel( w1u, a Kflln of only two yrda laptain ThorjK started to tako lh but Stlpp ,ld no. He otolmwl 'hat w... only the second down. Jn spite i what Hoblnnon and ovon some of tho la roo'erti admitted, Stlpp would not clne hiM decision. Iowa banged again a' the line for no gain. But that made no diiTwenc. They wertt given anotlutr ohane. , ,,nd Uolbrook mado tho romaln 'nedUtun.t. it wttB now loss than n yard from tht .m. 'jijireo timos the Jowa backs Wnnped agulniit that lino. But oaoh time "' ft I iMck. Turner and Hanson by r'nual digging, hnd scraped tho sur face i, liv,uyt tholr footing -was some Ht stabio, and -with the assistance of 'he backH The lino -was kept Intact. As Wit foi the bill, a choer wont up from " few rooters who happened bo around thcie tiihii Nebraska experienced no dif flellty in pushing tho ball out of danger. Aal to this tho mistake of tho tlmo keeper hoG Twttoi, had etopped. Consequently ,he hai- iued seven minutes longer than UNIVERSITY h should have done. It soonutl Just tho Iwat bit amusing to tho NVbmska play ers, to think of Iowa pounding nwnj at llieir Hue but a few yards from tho gvial, with an umpire affording thotn all the op- irariiinuim they wnntotl. and tho tlmo kovpor ttnllltiKly Wiilchlnjf with it watoJi that hnd Ktopped. Ir Nobntskii. 'ntrtipr did some of the bH Indlvliltinl playing, lilt weight and sireiiffth ninounietl tti MiniethliiK on that sllpiwry Held. Hnnwn Mood by him nnd put uji a good stauly gnmo also. P.iek anl Shetld and Thorpe put tholr nsnnl steady gniiie and brilliant plnylng. Thorpes punting could not bo Ufetl to such good advantage as a better Held would have permitted, but Orllo made some ele gant defensive plays. Ptntrse and Oungnu lwth put up n good gnmo. lloth earrleil tho ball for good gains. The end played well. Wiggings was always there, and when thoso lown end rushes ctuno that way, that, pretty looking Intwferonco of the Iowa Kicks, wns sniashed right and left, anil whon tho smoke cleared nwny Wiggins was generally laying on tlio man who carried tho ball. Jones played up to his reputation as long as ho stayed In the game. Hut ho had to retire lofon tho end of the Hrst half, litimtui sub. t lotted, and played good football. Kor Iow. Holbrook tho coloretl half luck did the bwt Individual work. Ho Is one of the seediest men In tho west, and he starts so ijulckly, that It is hard to bring htm down before he has made a guln. Ho wot frequently Klven the Kill on the third down, when Iowa had as much as four yards to make, and he made them Just as frotiuently. Xear tho end of tho second half. Iowa began carrying the ball by a series of end rushes toward tho Nebraska go.U line. Tlio lucks were played very far tuck, and by getting a goodsmrt, could get up mo mentum enough, to slide two or three yards after they were downed. In this way they carried the lull clear down tho Held, but lent It on Nobraskn's thirty yard lino. In two plays, Nebraska gained three yards nnd a half. Hut at this place on the Hold, there was a little hill, and Cap tain Thorpe hanll dared try to buck the line for the remainder of tlio distance. He N always sure of a punt, and gave the signal for that play. It was gutting no tlnrk. that h was almost ImjKissible to see the lull. Melford passed It rather high, and it went over Thorpe's head. Ho turned and ran to fall on it. and secured It Just as is was rolling over tho lino. This line however, was an imaginory ono "drawn over tho surface of the earth." There was a question as to whether tho lull nlly rolled ovor, but there was no way of tolling. The goal iotts were not "plumb" nnd It would have boon rather unfair for the referee to havo decided so lmoritint a iolnt by tho.e crooked potts. Hy m-Jtual agreement of the two captains It was decided to call tlmo. There was only a minute and a half loft to play. It wa Nebraska's ball, as their lots had ! been more than twenty yards. The line up was as follows: Nebraska. Position. Jowu Jones-Benedict... loft end .. Brown Dungun loft tacklo Ioighton Hansen left guard Wnlker Melford center ....Iverson.Capt. Turner loft guard Blnckmore Pourso right tackle Stanton "Wiggins right t-nd Thomas Thorpo capt. quarterback ... . Coldren Packard left half Holbrook Shetld right half Meyers Cook full back Hobbt Referee: Stlpp of Giinnell; umpire; Wil son of IVinoeton. IJnusmen; Kennedy of Omaha and Capell formetlj of Iowa City but now of IJnooln. On complaint of Captain Thorpe, the linesmen wore chtuiged, and Bull and Robinson acted. Iowa won the toss and took tho west goal, with the wind at thwlr backs. Thorp kicked off for twnnty yards, agninst the strong wind. Iowa began a series of short line buck, then Meyers got around the end for went-Hve yards. The ball was lost 10 NeJraka on a fumble. Tliorjie punted for thirty ywrds, and Iowa be gan some more of her rushea against our lino. Iowu then lost tho ball for holding In the line. This was a frequent oomplalnt Thorpe hud to make against the J own plajers as they eomed to have been skil fully trained to this kind of play. Thorpe punted after some short gulns through the lire, for twenty yards. Then Iowa brought it down nlmott to Nebras ka's goal lino after an interchange of punts anil some bad fumbling on both sides. Nebraska took the "ball a ynrd from her goal, and began ome fancy rushing hersolf. After carrying It to tholr thirty yard lino, a fumble was made and Hfteon yards of territory lost. Thorpe remem bered Amos' fanay T'lny of losing twenty yards" and keeping tho bail. He did It with better success. Hut Nebraska dlf not push it back farther than twelve yards (i OF NEBRASKA. LINCOLN, wnen towa took b again on dtnvnt. Time was called befor. .hey could do anything with it. T1IM SKt'ONI) IIA1.1' Hohlu kick off for thirty wn. Thorn.. returned it ten. Shwld nnd Packard tic oomlod in making only small gulns through the line, but Cook went through the een tor for live yard. Hhedd then made live through his end of the Hue. A oris erots was carted on the next piny, but WlRgiin slipped, ami no gain was mmle. Shetld anil Packard ea.-h mmle galm of three yards through the limn Pear, Turner, and Dungnn. failed to make the necetsary live ynrds. and Thorpe punted to Iowa's tilriy-llv yard lino. Hobbt fumbled, but Molfottl did not give him a chance to re cover, and fell on the ball himself. Tur nei matlo a gain of live yurd. and Shedd follow-ed it up with ten more. After two attempts to advance the ball, Thoro mado a quarter kick. It wua not a good one Iowa captured the Iwill on her thirty ynrd lino. Meyers went around the end for fifteen yanlt, niul Holbrook followed it up with seven. T.ils brought the lull to the cen ter of the Held. Holbrook advanced It live more, but Meyers lott the lull by drop ping It while he ran out of bounds. Thorpe pimtetl and the lull rolled behind Iowa's goal lino It was brought back to the twonty-flve yard line, ami Hobbt punted for thlrty-Hve yards, Thorpe re turned the punt to Iowa's twenty-five yard line. By this time It was growing dark. Meyers went through the center for two yiirds, and I.elghton made five by going through tho line. Holbrook made live around the end. He tried to buck the line, but failed twice. He then carried the ball around the end for a gain of ten yards. Meyers then wont around the left end for fifteen. Holbrook gained four around the right end. Then lowu played her backs by attempting to run them around the end. Nebraska hold them well. They broke up their Interference, but It was Im iwtsible to prevent a short gain on ac count of the sllpiiory condition of tho Held. Iowa was finally forced to punt. No-braf-lta got tho ball on her thirty yard line. It was on tho thlnl play that Thorpe attempted to punt, and which resulted so nearly In a safety for Iowa, THIS SATURDAY GAMK. The bad weather that prevailed Thurs day made the gate receipts necessarily of a small amount, nnd it was from a finan cial reason that the second game was de termined upon, and not that tho toams foully wunteil to oe which was really the better of the two. Then the weather did not porr.llt a scientific game, Tho field was slippery, and more to tho advantage of Io wa's style of play than it was Thankislv Ing day. Besides Nebrai-ku was not In wood shaiKi, not as good as on tho day of tho great gtime, Packard and Cook were both missing behind the line. Jones nnd Garrett filled the places of full and half back, rt'siectlvly. Nebraska put up a better game compar atively with lowu, than sho did the first time. The play was more aggressive, nnd more than once the low.", goal was in dan ger, nnd was saed by punting. On the other Jinnd, the Hawkeyes were not able to gain ground the way they did Thurs da . Their touchdown was made, as Cap tain ThorjKf claims In a questionable way. He says that he was held, nnd not i-r-mlttcd to roooli his man, for ttils reason. AnywHy, Holbrook got around the left end whon the ball was thirty yards from our goal lino, nnd scored tho only touchdown that was made during the two games. By examining the details of the game, it can be readily seen, that Nubroskn out placed lown In this second game, notwith standing the result. It wan rilly an ac cident that Iowa was jHirmUed to score, and another aocldtwit that Nelrmska was not permitted to score. Th game wan not a championship game but nevertheless Iowa will never stop mik ing of how she beat us onoe since the league was organized. For lis It is unfor tunate that the game was played, as the score remains, and tells its own story, however close the game mlrtit have been. Shetld nnd Jones probably led In indiv idual work for Nebraska. They made big gains when carrying the ball, and did ele gant work in breaking up Iowa's inter ference. Thorje played his usual steady gamo easily outpunting his opponent. Tur ner did excellent work and showvd what Is in him for next reason. For Iowa, Hol brook did tho playing. Without blm low oould hava dono practically nothing with our team. Nebraska had the lull In Iowa's terri tory all through the second half and kept tho Hawkejos playing to savo them- selvea all the time, DEC. 4. 1S06. The Itlle lip was: Nebraskn-0 Post, Ion. Iletutllct left .111.1 Iowa 11 Urn wit " left tackle heighten It .'it01,1 ,t,f, mnX Walker Aloirprd renter ....lvursou, Capt. MiiHop right guard Blaoktnoiv VW '"M" ,atfll' Stanton "iKRhts right end Thomas Thorpe, Capt... quarterback Coldren '"" Ii-f: half Holbrook Slmld tight half Meyers lr full Imrk Holms .Officials: Referee, Thotnasi umpire, Mo tjalton; linesmen, Mull and Robinson, the ttvo coaches of the tenmt. Time, twonty flve minute halves. Iowa kicked off ror thirty yards, Wig gins took tho kick and ran ten yards be fore being downed. On l's very Hrst Hue up. Nebraska lo-u the lull on u fumble by Shedd. Holbrook hh the line for three yards, then again for two yards. Ulack more gnliiod seven by n plunge through the line, lown was held for no gain on the nex down, but Lolghton mado live the next, time, lowu mado four more ytirds nil Nebraska took the lull on a fumble. ' Thorpe Immediately punted for thirty ytmK aid the lull was brought back onlv two. Rlnekniuro and Hobbs gained live yard for Iowa between them, lown failed to advance tho lull five yards In the nexnthreo plays, and ..ehr.iska took It on downs. ThorH tried the qunrtcr kick. It gained twenty yards for Nebraska, but Iowa got the ball. Nebraska Immediately took It away from them on downs. Iowa got the lull again. It was pasted to Holbrook wJio got uround tho left end. He got pist the backs, and was down the Held for a touchdown before the Nebniskans could recover. Thomas kicked an easy goal. Time fifteen minutes. Thorpe kicked off for forty yards, but Thomas carried the ball for fifteen yurdt before he was brought down. Iowa then began to battor Nobrask'.i's line for good gums. After gaining twenty-five yards this way, the lull went to Nebraska on a punt which gained thirty yards for Iowa. On the thlnl down Thorpe punted for thirty-tlvo yatds. low i ost four yards In two attempts to advance the lull nnd Thomas punted for thirty yards. Turner lost a couple of yards, but Shetld mado up for It by a beautiful run of fifteen yards around the right end. Thorpe then punted forty yards, and Thomns returned it on the next play for twenty-live. Gr.rrett went through the center for al most live yards, Jones struck the same place for two more. Having made only two yards on the next two plays, Thorjw tried the quarter kick again. It struck a player and bounded luck with a loss of Hvo yards. Thomas at once punted for thirty yards. Jonet carried tho ball four yards, but a fumble was made on the next play and lown got the ball. Walk er made Mx yards through the line, but Holbrook could not gnln around the end. Iowa made twelve yards In seven more plays, ami the half ended with the lull on Nebraska's thirty-five yard line. THE SHCOND HALF. Thorie started tho second half by kick ing off for forty yards. Thomas returned the kick, almost as far. Shedd gained three yards and Jones two more through the lino. Garrett hit tho center for four. Jones wont through the same place for three. Jones made three more through the line, anil Shetld made two more by the same means. Turner whirled around and went between guard and tacklo for three yards, and Shedd followed It up by a run around the end for ten ywnls. Then there wmk auditor fumblo, and lown got the ball. Thomat immediately punted for twenty yards. Thorpe brought It luck ten yards, but it was lost on downs. Thom as again punted for thirty yards, and though Thorpe never plays his halves back to block for him In case of a r Jut, without their astlstance he returned the kick, gaining ten yard. BoHirook hit the line for two1 yard, and followed ft up by a run of twenty around the left end. Holbrook failed to gain on the next play. Then there waa fumble, but Iowa ived the ball. Thomas punted fort twenty yards. Nebraekfl tried a criss-cross, but it failed to work, Thorpe punted for for ty yards. Nebraska then got the ball on an off-side play. Jonas mado three yards through the line, ami Shetld went around the end for ten more. Garrett went into the line and past It, six yards. Shodd went "through the gamo place for four mttra. Shedd made four yards In the next two plays, by hitting the lino In the same place. Iowa 1hen took n brace, as the ball was giitlng dangerously near to her goal Ine She held Nebraska on downs. Thomas punted for twenty yards, but Thorpe returned it for thirty. Holbrook returned it in yards, but time was called on the next Hn tip. Prick 5 Cents. THE COLLEGE SETTLEMENT Committee Outlines the Woik Done by the Board ot Control. MAKES A GOOD SHOWING Home Active and Kffeetual Work lias lleen Accomplished by the Members of tho Various Committees The Work In Detain. Monthly report of tho committee on Col lege Settlement, December 1, 1S9C, Univer sity of Nebraska, Lincoln, To tho Board of Control of College Set tlement work of tho Stnto University, Lin coln, Nebraska: Your committee beg leave, to submit tho following monthly report with recommen dations: I Work of Sub-committees, Month ot November. 1. Children's Department The commit tee on Children's Department have regu larly met the children who havo gathered In tho parlors of the su'ttlv.mcnt houso each SUturduy afternoon at A p. in., and havo entertained them by gnmes, read ings, and stories, kindergarten methods bolnj? used. Tlie committee has also con ducted a circulating library' for children. The best Index of this committees work Is tho fact that tho attendance has, dur ing tho month, Increased from seven to seventeen, with prosjiects of further ac ccslons. Plans have nlready been com pleted to glvo a program and aultablo en tertainment to the children Saturday af ternoon proceeding Christmas. 2. Social Committee So far, owing to conditions, the Social committee 1ms dono but little except to plan their work. To aid in completing these plans. Individual members of the committee havo visited, the settlement house and have mingled with those who gather there. Full ar rangements nro now made whereby semi monthly evening socials are to alternate with tlio semi-monthly literary nnd mu sical programs of the entertainment com mittee. 3. Entertainment Committee The com mittee on entertainmem. has arranged to hold semi-monthly entertainments In the parlors of the settlement house; und has planed a sultablo Christmas entertain ment comprising, among other commend able features, an appropriate Cnristmas cantata, Tho committee has outlined as its central policy to include and to interest us many as possible In each program ren dered. 4. Instruction Committee The commit tee on instruction has decided to offer at once Instruction in tho following named branches in tho school rooms of tho set tlement house: German, music, drawing, reading, orthography, penmanship, and arithmetic Messrs G'tleben, Meier, and Lange are conducting regular classes in German ouch eveHng. Professor Thur ber has also volunteered to carry on English instruction work one evening each week during the year. Tlie kind of fer of Misses Cochran and Pirtle to be gin at once a. Saturday evening course In vocal music has been -accepted. The needs of this department of tho work are most imiKjratlve, Not enough students have responded to tho call for volunteer in structors to accommodate those who reg ular! gather for Instruction. Not enough text-books, slates, or school-room fur nishings havo as yet been received to meet tho actual demands. In addition to tho actual instruction work, tho committee has planned a serrles of practical talks for girls to be given by the young ladles of tho university. In this conneotion, the proffered services of the ladles of tho city Y. W. C. A., have been accepted. 5. Committee on Library and Litera ture Through the work of this commit tee directly the following' literature has been added to tho settlement library dur ing November: Ten copies books for chil dren; ten German text-books; Pansy, four years; Youths Companion, one year, Nebraskan, Hesperian, Post, and Call. In addition a large amount of suitable literature has been promised and will be added at earliest possible convenience. Besides numer " individual appeals, a circular appeal has leen sent to members' of tho faoulty urging them UN contribute any suitable material for extending tho library facilities. Tho committee' has arJ ranged to place tho library and reading (Continued on fourth page.)