The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 20, 1896, Image 3

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.. ,1 iiiiikorton'H boarding' ciuu.
r-1,! v . .
night I'lnoo. right bonrd, right nrlco at
1200 T street. , , ,
ti-Mtcrnolil, tho barber. Has dono work
tor students for seventeen years.
T,o best 2.W beard In tho city at 1200
T street. S.0O pcrcnlcndnr montli.
Tho executive commltlco of university
rfgcnt wl cl,t Krl,,ny mon,,n ,U
o'clock. , , ,
professors Harbour and Stout will at
tend tho fltnto Irrigation convention at
IxsxInKton. t m
juniors themes wore duo yesterday. Sev
ern! seniors aro wrltlnK tholr Junior
themes inH var.
Have your tonBorlal work dono at Wos
terfloKl's. You will Rot tho latest style.
0f bnlr cut there.
Mr StoHa has received a toloRnun tol
lliic the death of his father. Ho left Im
mediately for home.
The Tuxedo qunrtot will slnp tonight nt
XYt I'nllndlnn society. All aro Invited to
jitoml and hear them.
jlls Christina Larson and J. C. El
llntt lwth of West I'olnt wuio vlsltora at
the university Monday.
quite ft number entered the hare and
hound chase last Saturday. They woro
out about three hours.
Dr. Samuel Avery arrived Monday from
HeldollKTC. Germany, to take charRo of
his classes In chemistry.
rrofeior Caldwell Is smltlnR aRnln.
lit. Caldwell and the babies came homo
from Baltimore last Friday.
A beautiful new plcturo of Empress
Louisa covers a bad place In the wall of
Mls Heppner's German room.
Constanccr the popular barber Is local
it 102 O street. Ho employs tho best
artists of any shop In tho city.
Psychology students aro Rroanlnp over
th essay on "The SlRnlflcance of Brain
Weight" which Is due December 2.
Fraternity men will find that Wester
field does the host kind of tonsorlal work
at his shop. 117 North Thirteenth street.
On last Monday the new and old cadets
were consolidated In company formation
which will be tho form of drill here after.
Professor H. II. Nicholson. Miss Kosa
Bouton and It. S. Hlltner are attending
the beet sugar convention at Grand Isl
and. Mi's ItlRhu-r has organized an evening
costume skt-tch doss, meeting Tuosdny
and Thursday evenings nt 7 o'clock in
the studio.
This in your time to buy holiday goods
it E. Fleming's, tho Jowolor. 122 O streot.
Don't fall to call. You will save money
Vjr so doing.
If you miss your mal at your regular
toardlng lioutto. come down to Francis
Bros' restaurant and try' a fifteen cent
al there.
The new wire model, which thu dopart
ffitnt of pMychology has Just received,
creatly al1 the study of the structure
of the brain.
At I-iichton's you will find tho flnost
stock of Matlonory In tho city to choho
from Our prices nro tho most reasonable.
11T O ntre-t.
The clam In "Purposo and Plan of Na
ture." a Ullilo elective, under Dr. Hossoy.
l reading "The Story of Creation." by
Edward fiodd.
The Palladlans will enjoy a "Thnnks-
fhlns: feed" In their hall on Tuosday,
November H, and the Unions tho Friday
o'sht following.
The date of holding tho Pershing Wflos
top has txMfn definitely decided. It will
O'wr on the first Friday In December at
" Lincoln hotel.
The hours of recitation for tho Satur
day morning classes in English 5 have
kn changed from nine to eleven, and
from ten to twelve.
The university mission Is rapidly grow
ln6 In size and interest. At the meeting
Sunday evening tho assembly room would
hardly accommodate the audience.
The fellow students of Guy Barnes aro
Blad to know that he Is quite convalescent
rw tho operation for appendicitis, done
wme two weeks ago nt the sanitarium.
Have you lought one of thoso now Un
iversity of Nebraska, tablets at the Co-Op
yt? The lettering is mndo from a spec
' dye. and they aro tho neatest tablets
t gotten out.
c E. "Williams, principal of tho Green
wood schools, was up Saturday. Ho Is
carrying work In tho ISurapcnn history
dopartmont. Tho sourco study method Is
very popular now In his school.
Messrs. Houso, lOvans, McMlchnol, Cor
tolyou, Gerrard, Hunt, Cnmpboll and
Warner havo formed thomsolvos Into a
sort of Y. M. C A. rIco club. Thoy Intend
to mnlto a specialty of singing sacred mu
sic. Do you know that headaches and ninny
norvous nffectlons nro duo to tho oyo
strain, which can bp cured by scientifically
fitted glasses? Hxamlnatlon and consul
tation free. II. M. Hetts. lllchards bl'k.
Hoom 32. Hours 9 to 12 n. in. 1 to 5 p. m.
At a mooting of tlo Junior class on Tues
day, tho resignation of W. T. Axllng and
T. D. Lunn from tho Sombrero bonrd
woro nceepted, and O. T. Heed and H.
D. Kvnns woro elected to III! tho vacan
cies. A meeting of tho nthlotlo bonrd will bo
hold In tho olllco of tho physical director
nt ton o'clock Saturday morning. A base
ball manager will bo elected and other
business rolntlvo to university athletics
will bo disposed of.
Mr. W. ( Hills Is now at Tublthn hos
pltnl. Ho was attacked with a cuso of
appendicitis Friday, and on Friday night
tho oporatton was performed. He Is now
doing well, but will bo out of tho univer
sity for several weeks.
Misses Kdna Gund and Anna Taylor
have been Initialed Into thu myMoiIe of
Trl Doltn. Miss Sndlo Taylor who Is
teaching at South Omaha was homo for
tho occasion and assisted In explaining
the unknowns to her sister.
In tho news Item giving tho history of
our games with Iowa, one of our victories
was left out. On Thanksgiving dny, in
IK'3. we defented Iowa by tho score of
20 to IS. Nebraska has three victories
against one defent from Iowa.
Tho tilling of fountain pens nt the li
brary desk has becomo such a nuisance
that a stop was finally put to tho practice.
This resulted In turning tho students Into
tho Co-Op. They nro met hero by a sign
which reads, "Fountain pens filled, one
After a great deal of delay tho new caps
and chevrons of the cadets have been or
dered from tho M. C. Lilly company of
Columbus O. It Is hoped that they will
bo here within a week In ordor that tho
battalion may be fully uniformed beforo J
Thanksgiving dny. .
The Interest In the coming state Y. M.
C. A. convention, Is growing among the
unlvorsity students. This Is becnuso It
promises to be tho most Interesting and
most powerful state convention evor held
In Nebraska. The college department, will
be especially emphnslzed.
By some sort of psychological phenom
enom, the nnme of O. II. Martin, who was
inillnicd Into Alpha Theta Chi Inst week,
was written on tho "copy" ns O. H. Allen.
Thu Nobnibknn hastens to correct any
wrong Impression which mny havo been
formed toward tho two gontlomen In ques
tion. Tho Y. M. C. A. reception glvc at the
home of Mrs. Hall Inst Saturday evening
was well attended. A short program con
sisting of solos by Miss Griggs and Mrs.
McMlchnol and a duet by Misses Auman
and Atkinson was rendered. Delicate
refreshments were rcrvec. A pleasant
social time was luuf by all present.
Tho senior class hold a meeting Inst
Friday, and arrived nt tho conclusion that
the girls of the class should wear caps
and gowns, and that tho young mon should
wonr sombreros and carry' canes. It is
possible thnt this record breaking of de
ciding upon insignia during the first sem
ester will not be allowed to stand, and a
change Is a possibility.
A. J. Weaver "., and Jnmes Johnston
'!!, left for Salt Lake City Tuesday even
Ing, where they will sot up In the law
business. Thoy had been In Lincoln for
a fow days, the guests of Delta Tau Delta
of which fraternity thoy arc both char
ter members of Beta Tau chapter. A
number of Delt boys went to the depot
with them and bade them good-bye and
good luck In their new field.
On Saturday evening Professor Burnot
entertained his second year studonts In a
very novel way at his homo In East Lin
coln. As the guests entered, they wore
greeted with a warm German welcome.
After a short Gorman conversation, Ger
man games were played, and the evening
ended with German songs. It was a vory
delightful Innovation, and tho professor
promises others In the future.
Phil UuphoII loft over the 11 nnd M. for
quite an extensive eastern trip Wednes
day. He Is sent by tho Nebraska Alpha
chapter of Phi Pltu Then to their na
tional convention which will bo held at
Philadelphia during Thanksgiving week
Phil will go llrst to New York whoro ho
will moot J. t Jones and Tom Wing, nnd
together they will so tho game Saturday
hot ween Yale and Princeton. He will also
bo In Philadelphia at the tlmo of tho
Thanksgiving game between Cornell nnd
Pennsylvania. A number of the members
of tho local chapter accompanied him to
the depot to see him off.
Whereas, Almighty God has soon lit to
remove from our class, ono who on ac
count of his superior manliness nnd schol
nrly nbllltles was loved and respected by
nil who know him, and
Whereas, wo feel deeply tho loss wo havo
all sustained In tho denth of our friend
KiiRono Brown; Thoroforo bo It resolved
thnt wo offer his bereaved family our sin.
ccro and heartfelt sympathy, and bo It
further resolved, that a copy of thoso
resolutions be sent to his family nnd that
thoy be printed In tho collego papers.
Class of '07.
Tho unlvorsity luncheon room Is bo
coming more popular evory dny. Tho
girls furnish nothing but strictly homo
made goods. Tho prices are:
ft01'1'-;; 8 cents
linked Beans 5 comb
Plum pudding 5 corns
Cranberry sauce r cents
Sandwich 3 COnts
Broad and butter 2 cents
2 Doughnuts 3 cents
Pumpkin pie 4 cents
Coffe 4 cents
T,?a cents
Cocon 4 cents
Ml'k 3 cents .
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
Jeweler, Optician and Engraver.
Denier in Watches, Diamonds, Clocks,
Silverware, Jowelry, etc., etc.
All goods sold engraved froo of charge, nnd no chargo mndo for ox
amining tho oyes.
1143 0 Street
Lincoln, Neb.
R. S. Hunt had a remarkable experience
on Saturday. IIo was playing basket ball
nnd collided with John Hnstlc. He did
not know whore he was for sovoral hours,
but thought himself back In his first
"prep" yenr. He Imagined himself In
Profossor Chatburn's mathematics class,
which he attended two years ago. It. I
the locker room the boys found him try- J
Ing to get Into lockor "33" which was the
one ho had two years ago. The clothes
ho wanted wero those ho wore then. He
told the boys to tnke him to tho house
where he roomed nt that period. Taken
altogether it was a very peculiar psycho
logical derangement.
By taking the.
It Is currently reported thnt Phil Russell
drew and filled a bob-tailed flush.
Iast Monday evening Doctor Clark drew
n large, life sized, breath.
Some of the university girls have se
cured employment as "boomers" for tho
Lincoln Paint nnd Color company.
Professor has taken work In tho art do
partment. He Is showing somo progress.
Ijist Monday he drew his salary.
The following dialogue between tutor
and Instructor provoked a tnugh In a
froshmnn German class Wednesday. I
Miss H "Decline 'a man.'" Miss F j
"I can't."
Browning, King, & Co.
Norfolk, Albion and Cedar Rapids.
BRANCHES: All Points in Kansas.
Keep this in mind when going on foot-balltrips or any vacation.
According to the Bookman tho follow
ing ar? the most popular works in fiction
this year; Tho Damnation of Thoron Ware
by Harold Frederic; Sir George Tressady
by Mrs. Humphrey Ward; Tho Heart of
Princess Odra by Anthony Hope; Kate
Carnegie by Ian MacLaren. All aro to
be had at low prices at tho book depart
ment of Herpolshelmor and Co. A big
line of note books, fountain pens, tablets,
and dictionaries always on hand.
No one in justice to himself can afford to
ignore our epeclal values in young men's
Nobby Fall Suits. They are marvels of
beauty, and are cut and made by our own
experienced tailors. You set the same fit
and make in our goods whether you pay
$5 or $25 for your suit. Our experience of
over fifty-six years of clothing manufact
urine, wholesaling and retailing should be
worth a great deal to yon. Besides our
great experience our business is conducted
on the "honor bright" plan. Everything
is marked in plain figure? and you will
find no "dark cabinet" work in our
MEN'S SUITS, $2.75. J345, 4.93, J6.M.
on hats this week. Call and see the nobby
fall shapes In stiff and Fedora hats.
Discount to Students.
Wholesale and Retail Florists.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office. 201 0 Street.
H. C. Tow.vsend, Gen'I P. &. T. A.
P. D. Cornell, C. P. &, T. A.
We always have on hand a choice variety
of roses, carnations and all cut flowers
and give 15 per cent discount to students
ordering as a club. Call and see us. Cor
ner of Twelfth and O streets, Funke Opera
House block. Telephone 324. Lincoln Ncbr.
Chas. B. Gregory C
U. of N.. '91.
Office A
At 1100 0 St, S
Lincoln, Neb. H
Browning, King & Co.,
1013-1019 0 STREET.
Once in a while
it happens.
that the local ticket agent can
not give you all tho informa
tion you require.
When this is tho case, write
to mo. I havo copied of tho
latest rnto sheotB and railroad
time tables and can tell you
EVERYTHING you want to
know about tho best and cheap
est way to reach Denver, Salt
Lake City, OgdeD, Doadwood,
San Francisco, Los Angolos,
Helena, Butte, Spokane, Seat
tle, Tacoma, Portland, or any
other wostorn or northwestern
J. FRANCIS, General Passengor Agent
Omaha, Nebraska.