The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 20, 1896, Image 2

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The Nebraskan.
A Wookly Nowspnpor Issued Every Fri
day Noon, by tho Students of tho Un
iversity of Nebraska.
Enterod aa Second Class Mall Matter,
F. T. Riley Managing Editor.
Edith Schwartz Ass't M'glng Ed.
II. II. Baker Editorial.
Kato Snow Walker - - - Fratornltles.
Oliver Chambers Athletics
E. B. Perry Local.
O. W. Meier Local
J. C. Illtchtnan Local.
A. E. Parmelco II. F. Gage.
Harry W. Doubrava, AsB't business M'g'r.
The Nebraskan will bo 'sent to any ad
dress upon recolpt of tho subscription
price, which Is ono dollar a year. Con
tributions are solicited from all.
Address all communications to Tho Ne
braskan, University of Nobraska.
Thero will ho no Issue of Tho Nebraskan
next week, owing to tho Thanksgiving
recess. WVll cut turkey at homo.
Everyone- appreciates pluck and grit.
Whither It Is shown In a football game or
not. It Is always appreciated. Hut people
would rather see an exhibition of good
common sense uiij day. Hardly a ropori
of a football game Is printed which does
not read. "Though badly Injured he stayed
plucklly In the game to the last." Now
this does not show as much bravery as
It docs common sense, If the man In ques
tion would retire from the game. This.
Is especially true near tho latter part of
tho game. A man who Is Injured Is liko
ty to sustain a permanent Injury while
at the same time ho may savo the game
by modestly retiring and allowing a
sound substitute to tnke his place. The
now mnn Is fresh and In good condition,
and it stands to reason that he can put up
as sood a game as an Injured man. We
hope our Nebraska boys will not give us
an exhibition of such foolishness for the
sake of making a "grand stand play."
It Is to be hoped tho chancellor's lect
ure course will not bo permitted to pass
Into oblivion this year. Tho advantages
to be derived from such a course are rec
ognized by every one. To have scholars
of high standing In tho educational world
to deliver a lecture to the students oc
casionally Is certainly instructive as well
aa entertaining. We all long to have
something outside of the monotony of
dally recitations. It ought not to be a
difficult task to get a lecturer at Ioast
once a month, to talk upon subjects of
vital concern to higher education. By
so doing we come In contuct with practi
cal men as well as educators of high
rank. Tho lecture course will enable u
to get sHsaker of good reputation to ad
dress the student body, when otherwise
all efforts would practically b a failure.
Lot us keep up the lecture course. It
certainly will be conducive of much good.
The university has reason to feol proua
of the number of alumni who have re
ceived highor degrees from European un
iversities. This certainly testifies not
only to the ulllclency of the training done
here, but also to the Impulse given to
higher education. German universities
are recognized as being thorough and pre
eminently fitted for Instruction In the
specialties leading to the degree of doc
tor of philosophy. This year, two grad
uatesMessrs. Avery and Senter have
passed with honor the examinations for
a doctor's degree at Heidelberg, Germany.
And the Nebrahkan deems It tit ting to ox
tend to them her congratulations. The
creditable work which our alumni Is do
ing In the foreign universities cannot fail
to give our university a good standing as
an Institution of higher education. Ed
ucators realize the Importance and ne
cessity of this advance training; and the
number of graduates who are taking to
specialization from this university; let
alone others. Is deserving of commenda
tion. It Is to be hoped that our alumni
of the future receive as much creditable
recognition in their study for higher de
grees In foreign universities.
This 1 the age of fads. They are not
confined to college student- ''Very com
munity Is affected by in a greater
or less degree. Sometimes the general
public will be carried away by a wave of
ridiculous enthusiasm because of the de
light of having something new. These
faos however, are local In nature and
after a brief, but rapid life come to a sud
den end. The fad which Is at present
agitating the student body Is the great
problem the seniors are trying to solve,
aa to how they shall distinguish them
selves from the lower classmen. It Is
very Important that a particular kind of
hat or a badge or a gold-headed cane be
adopted as an Insignia of distinction. Aa
the seniors have agreed upon wearing
sombrero hats and carrying gold-headed
canes, It Is a relief to bo able to tell at
a glance the difference between them and
the freshmen. No one will 1ms In fear of
committing the unpardonable error of
mistaking a senior for a "prep." The
seniors with their mortar boards will en
hance the appearance of the student body
as well as follow tho usual custom of tho
Preparations for tho Iown gume should
not ho allowed to lng for an Instant. Get
together, practlco songs and yells. Pre
pare to mako a nolso that can be heard
across tho football Held. Tho Iowa men
mnko a strong team this year, tt has
been proven that our men need encour
agement to give them the spirit to win a
football game. It was because they lost
their courage tlmt tho Kansas game was
lost. Karl llnndall has been designated
by Manager Oiiry, aM a committee t
soo that tho proper arrangements aro
carried out for tho Thnnusglvmg day
event. It you Intend to go. give lilm
your name. It Is desired to got a rati of
ono dollar and ten cents for the round trip.
This will also glvo us a special ear which
could bo decorated with tho unlverMty
colors, and which would loavo Otnnhu at
a tlmo designated by tho committee. It
Is hardly probable that so low a railroad
faro can bo obtained, but It only takts
tho crowd to got It. If enough aro no
willing to go, a rate of one faro can bi
secured nny way. A muss meeting should
bo called to got tho students together
and pul a little enthusiasm Into them.
Then committee can be appointed to see
about theatre tickets, and seiurlng a sec
tion for tho university cotlngont, rates
can bo secured from some good restaur
ant, and a neat saving would result to
those who can afford to go. This vlll be
the most enjoyable college event f tho
season, and every one possible who .'an go
by denying himself something else, should
Join tho crowd Thanksgiving mortlng nt
the deot.
It wa JiHt between two afternoon clas
ses and the walks were qulto doaortod.The
Idle Apprentice lazily turned from tho
Nebraska hall where ho had hem watch
ing tho workmen build the old jhnck over
from the top Instead of tho btttom. He
hnd been watching the half hiked brick
bats of which the building wts composed
dropping three stories to the ground, ho
had got some dried mortar li his eye and
had sworn genlnlly nt the workmen In
consequence, and In various other mnn-
ners had been enjoying himself. The pro
coss of dismantling the building and dis
playing to the curious populace Its Inner
sins as welPas Its outer ones, made tho
Idle Apprentice feel melancholy, and ho
turned to go to tho main building with the
hope that ho might see the Queen of
Hearts, between classes. So he started
up the walk but he only got a few stops
before he stopped short. When anything
amused the Idle Apprentice, he always
stopped and looked nt It. It made the en
joyment so much keener. The little lath
that served as a walk between tho side
walk and the colossal observatory was
enough to move to laughter anyone less
susceptible than the Idle Apprentice.
"This must be a part of the gym appar
atus." said he to himself. "It looK as If
it might be used as a tight rope practice
I fancy It would take a sword walker to
keep his balance on It during wet weath
er "
After recording these ultra-brilliant
Ideas, the Idle Apprentice decided that he
was In a very Jocular mood and he l-gan
to cast about for something else to slur
as he walked nlmlossly toward the main
building. After making some original re
flections on the "rchlteetural beauty of
tho east steps as they lost themselves in
the Unloosing snow shed nt the top, ho
turned his critical gaze elsewhere.
"This Is a mighty line forest." he told
himself as he looked at the motley array
of leafless twigs that hung around loose
between the steps and the Co-op walk.
"This Is the most dejected lot of scrubs
I mean shrubs that decorate our Eden
like campus. They are like a good many
of our preps full of hojH and promise,
but not muh to look at."
It hadn't been such a very long time
since the Idle Apprentice himself was a
prep, but as there is nothing like the scorn
of a lately graduated prep for his former
class, his feeble attempts at cynicism were
excusable. He decided to sit on a bench
between the library and tho main build
ing to see the ieople as they passed, be
tween classes. He started slowly In that
direction when he saw the Daughter of
the Regiment prancing around the cor
ner of the building In her little military
stride. The Idle Apprentice did not lift
his cap because he knew she would not
recognize him anyway. She never took
jtalns to speak to any tioy unless he held
some rank In the batUllon, and the Idle
Apprentice did not evoi drill. He walked
on toward his chosen br-nch when he saw
the Statuesque t'ounftH walking arm In
arm with the Back Ntmber. and coming
straight toward him. Tho Statuesque
Countess was really nt one of the nobil
ity, but she was haurhty enough to de
serve the title. Neither of lite girls greet
ed the Idle Apprentice very effusively, hut
he didn't care much. It was not much In
the line of the SlatJesque Countess to
greet boys with a glad smile, and the
Back Number had quit being effusive
when she flrst showed signs of becoming
passee. When jhe quit pretending to be
overjoyed at meeting the different fol
lows she lost her grip and when she lost
her grip she became a back number. There
is nothing like the chain of natural sequences.
"Why nron't you cramming ior tomor
row's exnm?" asked tho Hack Number by
way of saying something.
"O I had business," snld tho Idle Ap
prentice. "I was In tho Co-op to settle a
"Do you really mean that you paid
them?" nsked tho Sttttuesquo Countess In
creduously, "That wasn't what I said." answered
tho ldlo Apprentice, "I went In thoro with
that Intontloii, but when I found 1 owed
so much, I" a smotuered ejaculation
from tho top of tho south steps drow tholr
attention that way. It was only tho Pros
pective Chorub who had fallen down on
the steps, llo caught his heel on tho top
step and tumbled In the most natural and
easy maunor conceivable. Ho would cer
tainly hnvo rolled to the bottom If ho had
not been lobslded. As It was, ho rolled
against tho railing where ho lay trying
to figure out which was north. When he
llimlly regained his normal condition, ho
crawled up on his feet again and wobbled
down the steps. Ho didn't brush his cout.
He didn't oven swear, In consequence of
which tho ldlo Apprentice was much dis
appointed. He know tho Prospective
Cherub was scrupulously sanctimonious,
but ho had hoped for a little something.
Just thon tho class boll rang and the ldlo
Apprentice looked it his wntch to Unit
that It registered exactly ten minutes to
four. The Idle Apprentice had a most re
markable watch It always kept exactly
with tho gong. It was one of those klud
of tlmo pieces that excited a Jeweler's
pity, but It was a great thing to go to
school by. The Idle Apprentice was great
ly In doubt. Ho didn't know whether to
break away from tho girls he was now
with or take the chances of getting some
thing better to talk to between classes.
He chose (ha latter course tlnnhy. and
told tho two girls that he had a recita
tion and started toward the library.. As
soon as tho Hack Number and the Stat
uesque Countess disappeared, he sat down
on n bench and waited for the string of
students from the library. Pretty soon
tho Society Girl came sweeping along but
she did not ehoe to speak to the Idle Ap
prentice, so she pretended to be looking
up townrd tho third story. Then came
the Debutante closely guarded on either
sldo by the Harltone and the Gilded Fool.
The Idle Apprentice heaved .1 little sigh
as they went past, but ho was not yet
discouraged. Then came the Social Strug
gler all alone. Tho ldlo Apprentice smiled
as she passed, and rose, to his feet, but it
didn't got him anything, ns she was hur
rying to collar the Gilded Fool. The Idle
Apprentice sat down again and walled.
Pretty soon there came along tho Sweet
Creature, the Dear Thing, and tho Girl
with a Future. The patient waiter on tho
bench had not the moral courage to stand
up lnifore three of them, so he watched
them meekly as they jwssed him. The
crowd was now thinning out and he be
gan to think he wouldn't see the. Queen
of Hearts at all. The Professional Flirt
came stalking down the walk with the
I'ndlseovered Genius. He was her latest
catch and she was imrading him. Tin
Idle Apprentice still waited but there was
not another soul had passed for ten min
utes. "I wish I had sense enough to keep
what I've got." he growled as he got up
from his IteiH-h. "Here I've warmed this
Itench fur fifteen uiluutws and liuvelt'l got
so much as a pleasant look. I guess I'd
better learn to take what 1 can gel," and
ho walked aimlessly up the walk In quest
of the Rack Number. H. S.
LOST A Virgil and a Freeman's Cen
tum to Miss Margaret Davis. 1227 S st.
oral Sketch. Will the finder pleace re-
Camp and I) eland's Rook Receiving Some
Flattering Proas Notice.
Houghton. MlUlln and Company have
Just Issued from tholr press "Footlwll"
by Waiter Camp and Ixirln Deland. The
book comes In tasteful blading In red or
blue according to the college colors of the
Walter Camp Is too well known here to
need any mention. His co-worker. Ixirln
F. Deland, has lor several years been Har
vard's hoad coach. He was the Inventor
and perfector of "flying Interference,"
and no one In the world possesses a bet
ter theoretical knowledge of the college
game, complete from both practical and
theoretical points of view.
At the outset tho history of American
football Is told completely and thorough
ly, as It has never been told elsewhere.
The changes wMch evolved the American
game from the English Rugby are ex
plained In detail, and tholr value In the
game's development shown In full.
After a short chapter devoted to the
siectator the look takes up the game as
It relates to tne player and coach. Ono
general comment covers the whole of this
department lu completeness. Every pos
sible Information concerning the game,
from descriptions of plays to a dictionary
of football slang. Is comprised within tho
four hundred closely printed pages of
this section. After glancing over the pag
es one Is forced to believe that there Is
nothing of Importance In the American
game which has not been commented on.
It Is, as It was Intended to be, a thorough
treatise of the gamo In all Its aspects,
tho first one ever published, and the last
one anyone Is likely to attempt for somo
New Student
Your Attention is called to otir store
as the best place to btty Clot kino- and
Ask the old students about us.
Ready to Wear or Tailor Made.
Perkins &
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I . .
I elephone
I Most Complete and
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Three times a day Is gathered here
In old accustomed places,
A goodly set of gentelmen
With healthy genial faces.
Oysters, Fisli and
Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St.
Open all night.
Lincoln Fruit Stand
Puccinklli Buos., Props.
and Confectionery.
Crackorjack 5c per package.
Books and Stationery,
College Text Books.
And a complete stock or Standard and
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FOR THE u..,. ...,.,
open SHOES
and WOMEN...
Sheldon Cd.
Best Service 1
Courtesy. And we try to move among them
While our patrons help tc boom.
The best meals In Nebraska,
At the Francis dining room.
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ital Cafe.
Game in Season.
Give us a call.