The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 20, 1896, Image 1

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Vol. V. No. 9
Ames Football Team Given a Lesson
in Tactics.
Some Very Crafty Playing Results In
Our Winning n Good Contest They
Hud More Beef, Hut Nebras
ka Was Tricky.
It has long been suspected that Nebras
ka's football luck rocs by fits and starts,
nd you enn't tell a thins: about what the
team Is going to do until they go and
do It Yesterday tho suspicion was vorl
tti, but tho surprise was a pleasant one.
Tou si'C, over In Iowa they havo nn agri
cultural college whero they teach tho as
piring rustics of tho state how to hoe
corn and husk pumpkins. These fellows
aren't expected to know how to play foot
ball. It takes gentlemen of learning In
tclcnco and classics to Handle thnt same,
tome think.
But they got up a team Just like tho
other Institutions this fall and have been
swiping everything- In sight. Out of eight
games they hn'c won seven. Well, yes
terday they camo over to Lincoln and
asked Chinccllor MacLcan If h'i boys
mightn't como out to M street park and
play with them a while. Thoy said they
would be easy with the boys and bo the
chancellor let 'em go.
It whs an awfully cold day and the
crowd whs small. But those who did go
witnessed the bent gnme of football that
has been played In Lincoln this season.
The score was, Nebraska 12, Ames 4.
Both teams were out on time and gy
rated about the field for a while to keep
warm. But while they were gyrating Or
lle Thorpe and the umpire and Mr. Wil
son of Ames were attending to the toss.
Orlte announced the fact that the ladies
hud always been kind, to him, even since
he was a child, and he would pin bis
faith to the smiling countentnee of the
goddess of liberty. The dollar twirled
In the air and when It lit there was the
soddess smiling up at Orlle Juxt like the
girls do when he comes out of a scrim
mace with his hair parted and laying as
neatly us If he was going to a Junior
Thorpe chose tho cant goal, for from a
hol in that corner of the fence he felt a
gentle Nebraska zephyr stealing across
the field.
At 3:20 by the town clock the farmer
kicked off. They seat the ball down the
field thirty-two yards nd made Nebraska
put It down right there. But Orlle Thorpe
liken to kick some himself, so by the a'.d
of the zephyr mentioned he sent the ball
sixty yards toward Ames pumpkin patch.
The furmers didn't play xery well for a
minute or two and Nebraska got the ball
on downt,. But Ames took It the same
way again before much advance was
Amen played hard now and some Lin
coln people opened their eyes and won
dered If really these fellows were the
invincible which they bad heralded them
selves to be.
Just then tho bull went to Nebraska
on a forward pass and In about two sec
onds Nebraska had a touchdown. Tou
See Orlle Will IierHltlt In minlln -nil thai
"I'liyr encouraged him no that he Just
"fled h( pigskin and sent It cWr over
the tout h line There -was an Amen man
there, but he. acted like a hired man who
stands and figures the weight of a sack
rn before he lifts It All he did wan
'ouch the bull and put Nebraska men on
side, and then Benedict asked time to step
aside and allow WlgfcinB to sit on the ball
while he tied his shoestring. Ben diet's
WyueBt " accompanied by a swjft butt
J" the jibs and Wiggins lit on the ball
ke Pat 011 a Baucer oi new mllk 0rl,e
Kicked the eoai. Soore. Nebraska fi,
Ames 0.
Thtd was encouraging, but still the
Wme htd hardly begun and the Iowa men
3 la'ea good football at timet, so the
c,owd held their breuth. And well they
6ht, for hardly had the ball l.een
, ed off when those fellows began to
jwow what waB In them. They took the
1 irom Thorpe's return punt on their
own ten-yard line and without once los
S It walked straight down to Nebras
ka u goal. They didn't remember what
y ia1 Promised the "chance," edther,
or they walked all over that Nebrabka
and rolled thoBe classic villages In
uubi like so many yellow pumpkins.
"t Mr. Hammer uouldn't kick gol.
Bu"ro, Nebraska C, Ame.
Neither side soored again that half,
'onslaerttble 1 ncibilns was done .and Ames
aslly outplayed Nebraska. The htilf end-
,o J... . ...
cd at 3:5S, Ames holding tho ball on Ne
braska's thlrty-llvo-yard line.
In tho second half Nebraska gingered
up nnd tho way the boys held those
leefy rushes wis beautiful. Hut tho far
mer held the chin of MncLenn, too, nnd
some pretty football playing was tho re
sult. But tho prettiest thing was tho
scoring of Nebraska's second touchdown.
In one way or another Nebraska hid
worried tho ball down to Amos' thirty-five-yard
line. Then Orllo thought ho
would kick. Ho did so, giving tho ball
n gentlo lift Just over the enemy's line,
whllo Wiggins went around the end. Ho
got there tho Bamo tlmo the ball did and
whllo tho pumpkin buskers looked on In
open mouthed amazement ho glided over
four white streaks of lime nnd sat down
to rest behind tho goal posts.
"Well! well! welll" said Robinson, "that
was pretty,"' and tho crowd went wild
with delight and rushed towurd tho goal.
Thcrpo kicked that goal ulso. Score, Ne
braska 12, Ames 4.
No more scoring was done, but con
siderable more playing was und somn
very nlco playing. Packard played a fine
gamo In tho second half. Repeatedly ho
went through the Amen lino for five, sev
en and ten yards or more, when in tho
first half It seemed to be impervious. It
is needless to say Wiggins played well.
He always does. Corby did some good
tackling, though ho did not advance the
ball much. Oury played In the second
half and put up something resembling his
old game. He enjoyed the work, too.
The game was up at 5 and the ball was
In the centre of the field. Nebraska was
playing great ball and more time would
liave meant more scoring for her.
Tho smallest crowd that has been at any
gamo this year was there yesterday, but
they saw the best game that has been
played In Lincoln since Kansas was here.
last fall. The game was clean and played
In a scientific and snappy manner from
start to finish. Ames was not In quite so
good form as usual and Nebraska was
weak In her backs.
Tho line-up was:
Nebraska. - Ames.
Benedict left end Weaver
and Weutch.
Dungan left tackle Howell
Cellar left guard Hammer
and Hansen
Melford centre Van Campen
Turner right guard Tarr
Pearse and ....right tackle Rice
Wiggins right end Damon
Thorpe quarter Crary
Packard Wt half Parsons
Corby right half Packer
and Weaver.
Jones and Garrett. ...full Wilson
Officials: Cornell of Lincoln and Ger
man of Ames; linesmen, Pace of Lincoln
and French of Ames.
Manager Oury has determined upon an
other game with Wesleyan. which Is to
be played Monday at the M street park.
Admission will be only twenty-five cents
thus enabling everylwdy to attend. The
gume was determined upon, to give our
team one good practice on offensive work
before the Iowa game. As was evident
from the Ames game, our offensive work
wus most wofully weak. Probably some
new tactics will b tried, and a final ef
fort made to bring our team to what It
should be. Since our last game, WoMey
an has been sawing wood, and will un
doubtedly give us a harder tussle. As
this will give those who cannot afford to
go to Omaha a chance to see another
game, it Is hoped that a good crowd will
attend, considering the low admission fee.
Word has been received from Jeypore,
India, that a set of the "Jeypore Port
folios of Architectural Details" will soon
be presented to the university of Nebras
ka on behalf of hiB royal highness, the
Maharajah of Jeypore. A limited number
of these portfolios are to be given by the
king of Jeypore to the public Institutions
of the world. Mark Twain, in his lec
turing tour through Jndla, noticed the
offer of the distribution of these .copies
and wrote a letter to the Critic regarding
them. Miss Jones, the librarian, read this
letter and Immediately applied. The pur
pose of the king is to preserve the "noble
.and gracious" .architecture of old India,
to give it into hunds .capable of enriching
newer worlds with it. He feels that the
circumstances which created it and made
it possible in India have passed away
and that there it could not be preserved.
These portfolios are a rich .gift to the
.architectural world.
Don Cameron's lunch counter, 118 South
Eleventh street.
Tou can get all the- news all the time
by Bu.tBcrfblng for The Ttfebraskan. Only
one dollar a year.
The Eight Men aro Selected for the
Preliminary Dobntes Are Flimiiv
Held Af'.er a Postponoment-Not
Much Interest was Manifest
ed Which Is Usuul.
The llrst of tho series of preliminary de
butes was held In the ehnpel Thurs.lnv
evening before a small audience. The
question wits: Resolved; that a court
should be established for the compulsory
arbitration of Inbor difficulties.
The spenkers on the affirmative were:
D. M. Gnrbcr, R. H. Graham nnd E. B.
Perry; negative, J. D. Denlson nnd C. M.
nnrr. Professors Possler,
Wolfe acted ns Judges.
Adams and
The affirmative wns opened by D. M.
Gnrber. who outlined tho Inbor problem of
today. He cited the recent Chicago strike
ns nn Illustration of the subjugntcd con
dition of Inbor. He believed compulsory
arbitration to be the only remedy.
The first speaker c, the negative J. D.
Denlson attempted to show that compul
sory arbitration was unconstitutional. "It
would take a standing army." he said "to
compel labor to submit to a scale of wages
fixed by a court of arbitration."
R. H. Graham followed. He said that
a court of arbitration Is better thnn nn
Industrlnl war. He quoted several pas
sages of law tending to show that compul
sory arbitration is constitutional.
C. M. Barr, the next sjenker. admlttel
tho deplorable condition of labor. He also
agreed with his opponents In that there
must be a remedy, and endeavored to
show that conciliators arbitration wns
much wore preferable to compulsion. He
advocated the plan already adopted by
some corporations, that of allowing a
board of labor representatives to arbi
trate with a similar representation of
these corporations.
E. B. Perry closed the argument by
showing that compulsory arbitration
would entirely do away with strikes, so
deplorable in this country- "Wherever
compulsory arbitration has been tried,"
he said, "it has proved thoroughly suc
cessful." The second and third divisions of the
debates were held Friday evening. The
Judges were on hand early but the audi
ence did not materialize very fast. At
8:20. Mr. O. H. Allen, announced the ques
tion for the second division: Resolved;
that universal manhood suffrage is true
in theory and best in practice for a rep
resentative government. The speakers on
the affirmative were. J. L. Dltmar and
D. L. Killen. Mr. F. G. Hawxby repre
sented the negative.
Mr. Ditmar spent most of his allotted
time to giving the definitions of the var
ious terms, manhood, suffrage and repre
sentative. He had not properly digested
his facts so that his debate was rather
confused. He failed to make his points
Owing to the withdrawal of many from
this division, Mr. Hawxby was obliged
to uphold his side of the case alone. He
has a rapid and lucid utterance and pre
sents his facts in good form. If author
ities count for anything he could produce
mom on his side of the question, such
men as Lalor, Thompson, Mill, and Wen
dell Phillips were quoted. He agreed with
the llrst Jeaker that the tirm manhood
embraces woman, but there was yet to
ilnd a nation which has intended unlim
ited suffrage to woman. It is against the
natural development of the household
woman should vote. He closed by point
ing out the danger from universal suf
frage which gives an opportunity for the
ignorant men to rule.
Mr. Killen then prootJd to show that
woman has advanced beyond that stage i
which Mr. Hawxby pictured. She is no
longer the woman who voluntarily chose
the duties of the household hut has de
veloped. He then showed that represen
tative government is the true one. by
historical reference. It it is denied that
ever- man ibould vote, then what quuli-J
flcations will be necessary? Shall they
be physical, moral, property, or educa
tional. The idea of woman tiuffrage is
growing. Mr. Killen has & good delivery
and produced tome good argument.
The third division had lor their ques
lion: Resolved that the United States
government jahould own and operate the
railroads within its boundaries.
The debaters ware: affirmative; J. A.
Maguire, J. R. Burleigh; negative; E. F.
20. i8q6.
Piper, G. E. Hngor nnd G. W. Green.
Mr. Mngulro said that tho question
meant much for tho present but Inllnltp
ly moro for th future. Tho Htnndnrd
Oil company controls rates on ono sixth
of all tho lines of railway In tho United
States. There Is too much discrimina
tion mndo In favor of tho corporations.
If the government owned the railroads,
strikes would cense. There are no strlko
In tho post office system. Tho railroads
nro In politics to our sorrow. The gov
rnnu'nt hns given to them 215 millions of
.icres, nnd 1ST. millions of municipal bonds
have been voted them. Mr. Mngulro hns
a deep resonant voice and presented ar
gument In n forclblo mnnner.
Mr. Piper followed on the negative. He
said wo could not mnko progress with so
cialism since thnt would make man nn
Infant In thnt It would dictate his every
nctlon He compared the railways of Vic
toria. Australia with those of Kansas.
Tho dinger which would nrlse from Un
employment of 870,0no men by the govern
ment was dwelt upon. Poorer service
would Ve furnished. The argument wns
not string nnd convincing, yet It was a
good effort.
Mr. Brlelgh mndc the point thnt the
people paid more money under the private
ownershli of railroads and received poorer
service. He pointed to the European
countries to substantiate his statements,
nnd quoted certain authorities In this
country. Some of his argument wns "ad
The efficient- of the Interstate railroad
commission, vns Mr. lingers first point
for the ownership of railways by the Unit
ed States. He also attempted to show
that the German railroads wero not ad
vancing In the matter of speed nnd com
fort. He too, referred to the system In
Australia, comparing profits, management
and service. Mr. linger has a good ad
dress and acquitted himself well.
The third sjeaker on the afflrmative,
Mr. Green, closed the debate by proceed
ing to score the postal system of the Unit
ed States. He dwelt on the folly of spend
ing six billions of dollars to purchase the
railroads, and of having 823,000 govern
mental employes, with two millions of
persons dependent on them. His speech
was rapid and rather flowery for debate,
but containing some strong argument.
The fourth and last division of debaters
was heard Saturday evening. The ques
tion wns: Resolved; that the policy of
the United States should be to extend its
territory. The speakers were: Affirmative;
W. O. Ayer. G. E. Tobey and O. W. Meier;
negative; G. E. Kindler. F. L. Burt, R. S.
Baker and C. L. Shuff.
Mr. Burt opened for the affirmative. He
argued that the United States had a mor
al right to annex territory because inter
national law gives evry nation the right
of self preservation. Mr. Ayer was self
possessed, but he lacked force.
Mr. Kindler follower Mr. Ayer. The
sjeaker thought it Impossible to legis
late for people of different climatic con- '
ditions and social surroundings. He
thought the people of Canada did not de
mand the same legislation as the people
of Mexico. Mr. Kindler was very ani
mated. He spoke rapidly.
Mr. Tobey next spoke on the affirmative.
He held that It had not been wrong to
annex territory in the past and would not
be in the future. Mr. Tobey spoke from
manuscript and held the attention of his
audience with difficulty.
Mr. Burt of the negative, followed Mr.
Tobey. The speaker lold the audience
that it would not be wisdom for the United
Status to extend its dominion. That it
would be absurd jo think of the inhab
itants of Braril and Greenland running
around with American ballots in their
hands. Mr. Burt was very deliberate in
Mr. Meier next ipoko on the affirmative.
He wild that he maait merely to defend
an established policy of the United States.
That new methodi of communication ana
inventions have inude it possible for more
people, than forneriy. io live under one
government- Mr. Meier was fluent and
belf posseBMd.
Mr. Baker defeided the negative point
of view. Mr. Baker thought the question
muist be argued from point of expediency
and practicality. "If we acquire more 1
territory." ald lhi speaker, "it will mean
people under the tame government with
different customs and .environment. A na
tion fcbould be an e:hlcal as well as a geo
graphical unity." Mr. Baker spoke for
cibly and eloquently.
Mr. Shuff also poke on the negative.
Mr. Shuff was at the disadvantage of hav-
Ing no one to whom he could reply. He
argued that if we extended our territory
we must use force. That this meant a
(Continued on fourth page.)
Price 5 Cents.
Nebraska Roosters are Going to Turn
Out in Force.
Prospfcta Am Thnt Nebraska Will Send
A Largo Crowd to tho Thanksglv
Game Some Organized Root
ing Will be Done.
Preparations for the Thnnksglvlng gamo
aro golnff on qulto cnthustlcnlly, but tho
results have not yet shown up too well.
There Is no doubt this year that tho uni
verslty will hnve tho largest crowd of her
rooters nt that gamo that has ever gono
from Lincoln during tho six years wo
havo enjoyed this Thanksgiving gamo
with our sister university. Karl Randall
will have charge of the rooting, nnd every
body who hns a suggestion should mnko
It to him. A couple of practices will be
held, and every one Is expected to at
tend If they have the slightest Idea that
they can go. ,
The following Is nn old favorite song
thnt Nebraska rooters will sing to the
Iowa tenm. It created quite a sensation
the first time It was sung two years ago.
Iown, Iowa, wo'vo been tlilnkln
What a cold day It will be.
When the Unl. of Nebrnskn
Gets a swipe nt such ns thec.
-Whistle Refrain.
Iowa. Iowa, we've been tlilnkln'
When our tenm gets on the field,
Little boys from Iowa City,
Must tho game so easily yield.
Whistle Refrain.
Iowa. Iowa, you've been thlnkln'
What a "Bull-y" tenm you've got.
But you'll find thnt Robby's 'Braskana
Are a mighty powerful lot.
Whistle Refrain.
Iowa, Iowa, we've been thlnkln'
- That ths..boys of2sTebraska.
Will with ease upon the grid-Iron
Do the boys of Iowa.
Whistle Refrain.
Iowa. Iowa, we've been thlnkln'
Listen to what we're going to tell,
Better take your scrawny 'leven.
And go straightway down to Kansas.
Whistle Refrain.
llum is another, to be sung to tho tune
of "Down In Poverty Row."
Down on Omaha field you will And our
Hawkeycs cannot compare with their
powerful mien.
Each team tries us and wishes to beat
us so.
But you're not to blame.
If you can't play the game.
Down on Omaha field.
Reports from the heads of the various
departments are all In. The following
shows the number registered for each de
partment. Department 1895
American History ujo
Botany 2S3
Chemistry 375
Civil Engineering 28
English C96
Electrical Engineering
English Literature 4(8
Entomology 22
European History 3C8
Geology JJ0
German Language 290
Horticulture j(
Latin 298
Mathematics 472
Philosophy 151
Physics 230
Physical Training
Political Science 82
Romance Languages 228
Pedagogy 9
Zoology 129
Practical Mechanics
Military Science
In the preparatory chemistry classes
there are 145. In the beginning German
clases. 2X8. some of these being prepara
tory. The Greek department has 100 in
the preparatory year; Latin, CTL This Is
the first year meteorology has ben of
erL Under the department of physical
training are Included the hygiene classes
which enroll 219 members. There are 129
students in the beginning romance lan
guages classes.
Preparatory last year.
Tho Zoological Journal club met Tues
day night. The subject was "Early De
velopment." Papers were read by Miss
Rachel Corr, Dr. Angle and Mesera. Brew
er and Condra.
You can get all the news all the time
by subscribing for The Nebraekao. Onjy
one dollar a year.