The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, November 13, 1896, Image 4

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(Continued from rtrt pko.) '
The aenlor fulled to mlviiuee nnil the bull
wit Riven to the Junior. Iiy nteudy buck
lug It wa brought to within ten yard of
the seniors' goal. Moore was t.lcely tuck-
led by Wentermun mill fulled to Kiiln.
Mueller advanced the (mil ttuVen yuriln
niul the next time Klniller carried It over
the Hue for it touch ilown. MorrlHon
kicked a illllliMilt koiiI. 8eoti Junlora f, non
lorn 0.
The e.iilon klekeil off for thirty yards
mill Mueller roturneil It four. Corey went
around the eml nnil wan tuekleil by Kuhl
ninn; no kuIii. Klniller fulleil to no
through the center nnil the seniors took
the bull. Kulilnian innile two yuriln
nrouml the eml. Shreve wnn tuekleil by
Klniller nnil fniletl to Kiiln. The Junior
then took the Imll. Piirmeloe wnst nub
ntltuted for KIckcttn. McKay innile one
y ii nl (limiiKli the renter. Doubmva
broke throuKh tin- line nnil tackled the
quarter back Ucedy fulled .to ln
throiljcb the renter Klniller Kittllcd HcVeli
yunlx on the next two down Moore wa
tuekleil by WestenniUI and fulled to Ruin.
Klniller .ulMine.-il the bull three yard.
Doulil'UN i again broke thrmiKh and lark
led the (in.irter back before he could jm
tin ball. Klniller then pun led for twen
ij unl The -eiilor ant the ball tint
.ifter tlii ball w.i down I'uihmnn (jot
,i bold of It end made a ureal run of wv
enty yard- with wood Interference and
no body In front of him. lie waleil hi
strength for nothing a toe ball wnn
brought back and plveh to the editor,
l'urmeleo went through the i enter for
five yard" Tin ball wa fumbled on th
next pla and Corey fell on It With a Rain
of llfteeii ard for the junior. Moore
Rained twn .ard and wa tackled by
Doubravn Mueller failed to Rain through
the center and the oenlor took the ball.
The senior trained four yard and then
punted for thirty. Morrlun not the Imll
five yard from hi" goal line and time wa
Tlger rath at Decision ul I In
plri .mil l.eaxe tin Field
Telegraph dispatches in the Kansas
paper tlni" deserib. th Mlourt-lowa
game plui-l ut Columbia lnt Monday
Tin- football liam of the 1'nlv.Tsily ol
Iowa dcliateil the Tigei s here today by
n score of 12 to o. Tho game ended In u
disgraceful llglit over the runK rttcliipr) I
of TrofesHor Dunn of Iowa. He pave the
moM dlMRraceful exhibition ever seen In
Columbln lie called Oonley a vile name
and wa struck by both ronley and Dow-
dell. During the second half Iowa had the
ball and 1 1 1 1 1 tore through the line and ' decided the bull was In play. The Med
got the ball making a tlilrtj -five yard run. les weio given a chance at a goal. Tuy-
Dean said he blew the whistle when 11111
hit tlie llm ami would not allnw tin run to
Mil lid
I'ouley kiuii Keii hitn ilnwn mir. . ami
it waotd. h tin hard lighting of I'oach
T'littersoii mul Tom Shaw ban that hi 1 1 f
was saved lit refused tu hange his d. -i
Nion ami tin Tiger M.i.ved on ib ti.-lu
until Dean the gunn to Juua by lb.
semi of d to IP. Jn the nri tin minute
of play the Tigers had the ball within u
foot of Iowa's goal where it was lost on
downs, anil Iowa punted out or danger.
The gann Mopped live minutes after the
set ond hall Jowa kicked off twenty
j aril ami Missouri taking Die ball
In ought It to within a ard of the Jowa
goal lint b good line bin king and end j M,lt.nmn Walter Jackson. Time, twen
runs MIhsuui'I elaluiR that Shepard was ij-flve minute halves
pushed oer tin goal lim with the ball
bin that alter be hud called down. In
wa pushed back. Ant way Dean mi vi
lla bull to I own and ii punt took the ball
twnnty-lii yuiil I rum her goal line. Alt
er some skirmishing Iowa got the bull
again, anil b. good run b ilulbrook and
Meier, liuall) make a tout hdown from
which a goal wa kicked
After tin kick oil' MlHSOUti gel the ball
on downs and carry it to Iowa night yard
line. Iowa gets it on down and llolhrook (
makes a run of thlrty-tlve yard. Meier
then carries it through loft tackle for llf- ,
toon yurds, and llolhrook gous around the
end for the second touch down. In the
remaining few minutes of play. Ho brook i
makes another run of llilrty-llve yards i
MIhsoui'I claims a foul, mid Conlej and the '
umpire mix Half ends with the ball in '
tin center ul the Held. I
ATtei I In kick off lor I In second half !
during a scrlmmuge tin hall rolls be
hind Iowa goal line and a MisHoail play
et falls on it Demi culled ll a touch hack '
and brought the hail to the twenty-llvi
yard line During u surlmmnge in which
Iowu is trying to advance the bull Mis- I
souii's guard gets the bail after tile inn- I
plre bad blown ids whistle mid makes i. ,
touch down. MIhsoui'I olalmed that Hill
had got tlie hull before the whistle sound
ed but Dean stuck to III decision. This
inaugurated a small riot and tin- Mis
souri rooters Hwarmud upon the field in
a way thai NuliniHka player can well
imagine During this time the tight (tu
nned between the umpire and futility mid
Duwditll Dean remained lirm, and ut the
refusal ol the Tigers to ace-opt his decis
ion gai tin gunn lo Iowa bv tin score
of li to o
You an g' i all tin news all tlie time
by MiliHi.rlhiiig for The Nitliruskiui Only
one dollar a year
(Continued from tlMt page.)
their opponent to break through the lino
altogether too freely. Allen did 'omo
Kdotl bimtliiK but wiih not "the eiiml of
Thorpe at tin myio ot piny,
Nebraska won tno tos mid ciioe mo
Kouth koiiI with the wind. In their favor.
The Medics led off with u long kick and
Thorpe returned with a Ioiik lunt to the,
Meilleii' twenty-llvo yard line. A num
ber of sharp scrimmages followed and
Lewis and O'Uonnoll wore sent mound
the right end for ten and llfteeii yards.
O'Donnelt made a bad fumble and the
ball was Nuhruaku'a In tho ounter of the
Held. In the next lino up 'logins tiuiile i
a cosily fumble mid tho ball returned to
the Medic. Allen wa forced lo punt
on the third down and Ruined llfteeii
yards. A seiles of sharp rushes weie
made by Lewis. I'uutllutou and O'Don
iipII after the Medies secured tho ball
again. In which every Inch wns blltorly
fought. Lew I roI tho Imll mul mnde u
great run of forty yard, but the Imll
wa brouRhi back for off-side piny. When
the referee blew his whistle for the end
or the Hi st half, the bull wa In the mid
dle or the Held.
Slu-dd was put In a half hark durliiR the
i ( ond half.
1 hiring the Intermission Coach Hoblll
son called his men toRether and told them
he was ashamed of their poor playliiR
and that they played like a lot of school
boy!. The lecture seemed to put new
life Into the team, for when time was
called for the second half each man begun
operating In earnest. Thorpe kicked off
for Xehrnskn, which Allen returned.
Lewis and U'Donncll tried to break
through Nebmsn's line, but wore unsuc
cessful. Allen was forced to punt on th
third down. Thorpe caught the Imll for
a free kick and gained thirty yards. Wil
son m nil- i fumble and Nebraska got
tin ball on the .Medics' thirty yard line.
Uhlpplt. Packard, Thorpe, Tuiiiei. all
wint through the Medic' Hup for good
gains and the ball was slowly pushed
duwii towards the locals' goal. With four
yards to gain Packard wns given the ball
and canted it between tackle and guard.
He made his ground, but lost the ball.
Whipple reooered the pig skin, and car
iled it over the line for a touch down.
Sheil d kicked h magnificent goal. Score
i; 10 a
Only two minutes of play remained
when the toains lined up flgnin. The
Medic setting the Imll nflur the kick
off. O'DonneU went around tho right end
by virtue of good Interferwioo, nnil mndot
u greut run of forty yard for a touch
down. Time wan then Up, hut the referee I
lor had an ea chance to tie the csort
but failed. The game was Nebraska's
In i he esoie of K to 4
Miillc Ni hruaka.
I'wti (Capi. right end Wl lp 1
l.luht right tackle 'iar"0
!' ndleton right guard Tur. er
I iusenfelter .center M -ilorJ
Atehis.iti left guard Hansen
itiovvn lefi tackle KobMn i
(Taylor) (Duiim1 )
Wilson ... . left end II Jltdl t
Allen (juarter-lwck . .Tliorpo (Cap!)
O'Dotutld ...right half-back. .AVlgg n
(Sh dd)
Lewii left hulf-bnek ...Puckutd
I'leree full-back Hurt
SuRiniury: Touohclownn. Whipple, l;
O'Donald. 1: goals fwm louchdow ,
Sbedd. 1 Ttuferee. LUnuanant Smith of
li.'ililwin Ttniilrp Mr flfthiu- of TJnnnn.
The Dm ma Walker Whiteside will pre
sent at the Funke Opera House
liirlay. evening Nov. 18.
Kiikcene Aram- Forgot, Aye forgttt-lt ,
Is a strange truth' We do forgot' The
Kiiiunier passes oer the furrow and Ihe
corn spiings up the soil forgot the ilower
of tin- past year, the haltle-field forgets
1 the blood that has been split upon its
tuii. the sk roigit the morni. and Hie
water the noon-du. sun that slept upon
Its bosom. All nature proiichos forgetful
ness Its very order is the prugross of
ICugi Arum What a terrible devil
creep Into that man's soul Who sees fam
ine at lil door One tender act. and how
main black design struggling into life
within him you may crush forever. He
who deems the world his foe. convince
him i ha l lif has one friend and you
Hiiateh the dagger from his hand.
ICugeue Aram (in his address to the
court In York prison, When on trial for
his lite i-These bonus are discovered!
Where" on the hunks of tlie Itlver 'Vld
w liosi waters keep an ovutiiiHtlng mur
mur to 'the urops and trees. Above Is a
wild drintry unvurn, formerly the hermit
age of one of thoHo early unthualuMl
who made tlailr solitude in the sternest
riieessii of the ttarth, and .from the uus
t nival thoughts and bttturusl ptmiuiuo
brought lorth thulr Joj'Iuhh offering to
the greut spirit of the Uovtily world.
lOtiHone Arum Who Is answerable for
his nature Who can say "J controlled all
the clrcuuiHtancex that made uu what
1 am."
I'ttter Dclm iBIngsi "Them , onii
to go to rotun
Thinks light of tho as Htuys ut home '
Walter Luster (To Arum) It Is not the
Holy only that love solitude mul men
may shun the world from another tno
tlve tluiti philosophy.
Ktigene Aram (In his defencei-llow
Impotent Mitch evidence us till, and how
poor, how pernicious even tho strongest
of mere circumstantial evidence Invail
ably I. Let It rise to probability lo the
strongest degree of probability, It I prob
ability still.
Kugeiie Aram-Look! The eurth Iuih
kissed the dying god of day good-night
until tomorrow. How sweetly now
sounds that one word lo me for whom
there N no morrow.
Kllnor Lesler-llo careful of Ihe wntei,
l'oler. lest you III! the vusos.
1'eler Utility (Landlord of tho "Spotted
Inn.")-Lord love ye Miss Kllnor. I'll pour
like the poem, us If this were the cup
of happiness anil this 'cro water, In the
can lite precious wine o, life.
Krom tho poetic drama "Uugene Aram''
by Paul Koaier mul Walker Whiteside.
AH that's sulil mul heard In the library
cannot bo recorded, but occasionally a
feminine voice will rise nbove the din of
souip of the buslent cornersi. This !
whnt n young man reports having heard
from a young lady, though It was not In
tended for his em's. "I did not want to
go with him al all, but he had Just leen
converted, and 1 thought 1 had to."
Chief of police (Saturflny noon.i-Ser-gomit.
huvo n -Inrg tlotnll on tonight.
Thoo university uor will bo tearing np
aldowtilks 1 suppoipr ns their footlwll
ton in plays with Kansns this afternoon.
Hut the extra detail wns not necessary-
"Well." said Zook. "he natloi il honoi
hns been upheld." "Yes Indeed " chimed
In his disgruntled IVyan roommate, "the
national honor 1m Iteeii held up and
there wan silent e.
"I'm glad confidence Is restoreo and
the Improvident frm man hied himself
to his tailor's and stood him oil' tor u
new fnll suit.
There vs Actually a lime once when
)ine of onr cadets thought they would be
needed to go out and put down an upris
ing of Uio lndlaiw. Kvorj-tiody smiled
hut snld llltl. "ntelaws told or the brave
thliiBs thoj' moflnt to do it)A we all Ih
ltorefl. TJias anamgna lo jutfl the dls
tuilmnou wlOnynl Umj Iioiji 1 our Infant
Yours lmasod. Otfr hoya lennwd to be
Indlnnu thoniHalvsB upon ocoaalMi. K. g.
See Hlley on "How tlioj' Swiped Missou
ri." Days jtaed. Honor and glory went
U) In the amoke of the bonllre we made
to celebrate said Missouri game. Tbest
self same Indian played Wesleyan like
so ma iy ran dolla wtll sluffeil out to
hold them together.-Tin- record in Kan
sas Isn't on the map.
I'ryman: "Did I unders.ana ou to m
that Dumley wa a widowi r?" Wyinuii:
"A grua wldowej . his wife's aot a hM
cle." nichiiiond Diapatch.
She: "Are you ure that It wa u y ar
URO toduy that we heeuue- euael.
dear?" He: "Ye. 1 looked il uj lu my
elieck book thla moitiliiB." Ut-.
Mainuui: "How eiwel, Eleaiasr. 10 huri
the poor little worm." lCleanor: "Hut he
looked o lmieMo:iu), uuuiana, am' 1 jun'
eul him In two sa'a he'd have . o:naiy
an' the two of hlui whtgrled off toieiher
Jus' ever t )uipyT' Dife.
In the Equipment
of a Student's Room
It in Retierull.N conceded Unit u MtrillKed
luHirument Ik altuoHt an uhnolute iieH
Hlty. To aecure the Krealenl enjuyin'eiit
from the iiuiclume kc! the hettt yout
nunc will afford. Kxpert Judg
ment prunuuncoM the "Hay Slate
itiHlrunmnt the llneat lu the world
An exeelleiit inatruuient ! the
Bay State $10.00 Banjo.
We have in Htock cheaper banjo
than thlH hut for a ku I ml initial.
, Hervlceahle liiHtrumunt. at m i!ow
' price, no uLhei luHtrumeut manu
fuctured ean comtiure with It.
Bend for Illustrated catalogue
John C. Haynes & Co ,
4li:;-lli:i WuMlilutou Btreet. Jioatou
Dr. S.E. COOK, practice limited to
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 1 '15 0.
Fine oonfeotloiiBry,
OyBtora in bouboii,
Iue ana cukes,
All the fmiey d "Inks.
Bpoclul attrition jrlvon to urrtmelnb'
"Hprendu." 1211 O at
Aro showing nil of tho vory lutcwt styles and
C, patterns in.. ..
Feill Suit..,
at prices never before oirored in Lincoln. These
nobby suits from $5 to 15 are stylish and of
the very best makes. You are cordially invited
to inspect our stock before buying.
1115-1117 O STREET.
Manufacturs of..
Rubber t tamps, Seals, Stencils, Checks, Badges
General Machine Work. Model Making ami
IMntinir. Bicycle work a specialty.
80S Soulh 1 1th St,
You will find
Is putitng up the best
$2.25 per week.
427 North 10th Street.
Hutchins & Hyatt
--M.1. ALL-
1040 O Street. Teli'iiliono 2i
Table Board $3...
per Week.
Meal Ticke.s, 21 Meals, $X.
Will be made to STUDENTS upon application.
it's the Place.. ' First-Class Barber Shop
Ypu want to bo to when you want to
purohno muRaziuou, jiurlodlcule, iiowb-
imparB anO novels. Alwuys on hati'l.
Eleventh one O streets, Illchnrds block.
J When you take
The Nebraskan
First National Bank,
N B HAYWOOD, Prealilcut
t'lIAB. A HANNA. Vli!e-Jrimldeut
V U. OOOK. C'aMliler
C B. LU'WNOOrJ'. unci
Jl B FHJMJMAN. AnnUiwUler,
the nLDien enre
Board in the city for
Tickets, $2.50.
C. M. BARR, Manager.
The Tailor...
Sufis ylaele. io rder.
neimlnc nnil Kei:ilriiiK ulso Done
126 SO. lllu SI OMValtegnTrsCw
316 S. South Twelfth St.
Meals 15 cts.
Sjieolul rate to Btudentu on buths Mx
butliH for u dollar.
r. A. Mll-UCIt
ZXl No. 11th.
You are getting a good
Livery, Baggage,
11IH North Ebvonlh Btroet
Telojihuuo No. 81.
Eiieoiu) uUtiiilloii givon to parly nulls.
ah ituiiH uuHivurutl pixiuiulJy. uuy
night. Iluok Noh. iJ9, 42, M, Vo, 70
uud BS.