Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1896)
LOCALS. H c.-l'Inkorton'B boarding olV. night Plncc. right board, right price ut 1200 T street. f , 0. H. Alton Wf' initiated Into Alpha Thetii fli! last night. I.osllo Mnrtln was visiting frlondH nt ,l,o university, Friday. Westcrflcld, tho bnrbcr. Una dono work for students for seventeen ycnrB. The best $2.00 board In tho city nt 1200 T street. 18.00 per calendar montli. II '. Kmorson will have cliargo ot Professor Card's clashes whllo liu absent. 1'rofessor Caldwell addressed tho tonch cr' association In Bertram! last Sutur- " - nlty last Thursday, and watched tho boys fiovi-ral young men under Professor Card Hno up nt practice. nrc gathering seeds of native plants ror ter will remain abroad until June. He will visit several universities, and take some special courses. Ho will pay par ticular attention to sugar manufacture. J, P. Kowo, laboratory assistant In geology, 1ms Just made, a trip 'to Qrooly and 'Wheeler counties to measure and ox nmlno tho peat beds found all along Cedar creek. Professor Wolfe gave the. first of his soiles of lectures on "Kthlcs," In tho Uni versalis! church last Bunday. Tho subject of his next paper will bo "Tho Founda tion of Morality." . The Palladia!! Hoys' debating club will debate the (piestlon, Saturday evening, "Kesolved: That the United States should Interfere and assist In securing Cuban Independence. Hud Jones who played guard on the Varsity last year and elected captain at the end ot tho senson, visited tho unlver- the government. Ilnvo your tonsorial work dono nt Wcs tcrllcld's. You will get tho lntcot style. of linlr cut there. The glee club Is practicing regularly. A concert Is being arranged for, to bo giv en about December 14. There will be a meeting of the senior clnss today nt 2 o'clock. Important Ques tion will bo brought up. rrof. H. H. Nicholson will address the beet sugar convention which meets at Grand Island November 10. Professor Barber has had n box placed on the door of room 20, for the reception of Latin composition papers. Constancer the popular bnrbcr Is locnt at 1022 O street. Ho employs tho best artists of nny shop In tho city. Any article that will add comfort to the Y. W. C. A. rooms will bo thankfully re ceived. A clock Is especially needed. Miss Isora "Wells, n former student of the university has been visiting Miss Maude Atkinson tho past week. Miss Mary L. Jones, the librarian, lect ured at the state normal at Peru Wednes day evening on "Tho Use of Books." Fraternity men will find that Wester- field docs the best kind of tonsorial work at bis shop, UT North Thirteenth street. A Y. M. C. A. reception will be given at the home of Mrs. F. M. Hall, corner of Eleventh and D streets, Saturday evening. L. II. Hobblns Is back from Princeton visiting old university friends. He re turned to look after his business affairs In Lincoln. Professor Harbour Is preparing a report for the Irrigation congress In Arizona on "Irrigation by Hand-made Wind Mills in Nebraska." There Is much ogltatlon going on among a certain class of tho student body concerning opening the library durlnt chapel time. Mr. Dell Kelzer of tho Topeka Capital, talked to tho class in Journalism Thurs day morning. The literary societies have not ad journed their meetings for tho preliminary debates, and will therefore meet as usual this evening. Among tho new books lately added to the library aro Wilson's "Tales of tho Itorder." and Taylor's "Cases in Consti tutional Law." Jonas II. Lien who has been spending Ills tltne and energy for tho free silver eausi., ri-turned to take up his work at the university Wednesday. Mr. Samuel Avery Is expected to ar rive from Germany the latter part of the week. Ho will at onco tako charge of several classes In chemistry. The University Bryan club Is trying to make arrangements to have Mr. Bryan address Its mombors nnd tho students of the university, In tho near future. The college sottlomont Is in need of chairs, children's books, games nnd pic tures. Any of these articles will bo thank fully received by the board of directors. Tho physics olnss, which has b"en moot ing most any whoro whllo Nebrnrka hall lm8 been being repaired, mot again In tho physics lecture room last Monday Hoy Montgomery and Oeorgo Hellyor of Nebraska City were Initiated Into Sig ma Chi, last Thursday. This is tho first initiation tho "Slgs" have had this year. Mr. H. A. Sonter, a graduate of tho chemical department of tho unlvorslty I'ns Just pnssed with honor, tho oxnmln- Professor Brace has received several re quests from towns In the state to lvo lectures on the X rays. Ho expected to bo able to comply with them soon, but as yet has made no definite program. Dr. C. K. Bessey has now the routine work of tho yenr nearly completed nnd will again tako up tho work on his now book entitled, "Systematic Botany" which he hopes to finish this year. Dr. C. E. Bessey will prepnro a paper for tho noxt horticulture meeting which wli; be hold at the university In January ISO". Tho subject will bo "Forest trees and their Distribution In Nebraska." On account of lack ot room, Professor Barbour Is not able to Illustrate his lect ures with lantern slides. Ho has a very large number of these slides, which he has been collecting for the past ten years. Several specimens were received last week by the botanical department from Reverend Bates of Long Pino, Nebr. They were of special Interest because of being the llrst of their kind ever found in Nebraska. The Co-Op. has secured some very neat university letter head paper this year with envelopes to match. The lettering Is done with a dye, nnd shows up well. A lnrge stock was laid In so as to sup ply all demands. A book on the Morn of Palestine and Serla bus Just been published by Dr. George L. Post, of Beyrouth. It Is ex ceedingly interesting and valuable to bot anists as it is the llrst work ever pub lished on that subject. Do you know that headaches and many nervous affections are due to the eye strain, which can bo cured by scientifically litted glasses? Examination and consul tation free. H. M. Betts, Ulchnrds bl'k. Boom 32. Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 1 to 6 p. m. New apparatus Is being prepared for ex perimenting with the X rays. With the apparatus at hand at present, only photo graphs of the hands and feet can be taken. Professor Brace expects to be able to take the entire body as soon as his appa ratus is completed. Professor Card left Monday for Wash ington, D. C, to attend the meeting held In the Interest of the experimental sta tlons. Ho expects to visit his old home In Pennsylvania before he returns. Chancel lor MacLean and Professor Lyon are also attending the meeting. C. A. Fisher, assistant in geology, has a leave of absence for two months In order to assist Messrs. Darton and McFarland of the United States geological survey. These gentlemen have been detailed to make an exact study of tho geology of a number of counties in Nebraska. Cards are out announcing tho marriage of Miss Lillian Scolleld of Wuhoo to Mr. direction of thi buter and almost for got to dismiss tho battalion The last book of Ian MacLaron "Kale Cnrneglo", has Just been published by Dood Mend and Co. The scene Is lnld llko that of tho "Bonnie llrlor Hush" nnd "Auld Lang Hyno"-ln Lrumtoohty nnd a good many of our old acquaintances from theso plnces como forward ngaln In "Kato Carnegie." The book as well as all latest publications Is to la- had at Her polshelmer and Co's book department, at about wholesale price. Also a full lino of note books, fountnln pens etc., etc. The following woro elected members ot tho Aniortcnn Chemlcnl society November fl: Active, Miss Mary Fossler; associate, Fred C. Cooloy, Frank C. Culver, Ben ton Dnlcs, Gcorgo Hclmrod, M. E. Hllt ner, Helen F. Lunger, Eva O'Sulllvnn, II. C. Parmolee and It. W. Thatcher. Aprqpos of this It mny be snld that No brasku has the largest membership In this society of any state west of tho MIs slppl, and as largo as many ot the col leges of tho ei'stern states. She now has twenty-live members, and Is quite proud of her chemical record. Dr. E. O. Ulrleh has Just sont to tho university tho largost collection of Hryo isoa which ho has over put up for any college. This set represents ovcry form found In America, save one or two ox tromcly raro forms. Tho whole set num bors about 2T0 specimens. In addition to these, there aro ground slides ot every specimen In tho collection showing the microscopic structure of each. This puts at tho disposal of the stu dent tho most complete set of Hryozoa that can be brought together In any university. It was only through the extra efforts of Professor Barbour that tho university was able to obtain this valua ble collection. It was prepared for Yale. Big Bargains in ATHLETIC BOARD MEETS. A postponed meeting of the athletic board met In the ofllce of the physlcnl dir ector Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All were present except Professor Owens and Sidney White. After much discus sion, the election of the manager of the base ball team was left for tho next meet ing. George Shedd was elected manager of the track team. Tills means that ho Is to bo tho manager of flcld-dny affairs. E. A. Moore was elected assistant mana ger. Harrison Oury was selected as the delegate to the annual meeting of the ofllcers of tho interstate football league. Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gents' Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1229 to 1239 O Street. 3EC-, IHC-ALIlvETTTP, Jeweler, Optician and Engraver. Dealer in "Watclios, Diamonds, Clocks, Silverware, Jowolry, etc., etc. All goods sold ongraved froo ot chargo, and no charge mndo for ex amining tho eyes. 1143 O Street Lincoln, Neb. YOU WILL SAVE TIME By taking Ua , THE PERSHING RIFLES. Tho Pershing Rifles are now getting down to hard work nnd are showing up well under tho corrmund of Captain Schwarz. Tho company Is now drilling by tho metronome ana is getting the ca dence and manunl down to a lino point. Tho battalion Is benefitted by this extra drill as most of the battalion drill mast ers are members of tho Rifles. At tho last meeting of tho Rifles, It was decided to organizo a football team. Charles Schwarz was elected captain, and Ralph Suxton manager of the new team. It Is expeclally desired to play n gome with the Thurston Rifles tenm of Omaha. ' flJ&UPffipk Browning, King, & Co. "BEST" AND "CHEAPEST" PLACE TO BUY CLOTHING, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. FOR MAIN LINE, Norfolk, Albion and Cedar Rapids. BRANCHES: All Points in Kansas. Keep this in mind when going on foot-balltrips or any vacation. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1044 O Street. No one In Justice to himself can afford to Ignoro our rpeclal valueB In young mon'B Nobby Fall Bults. They are marvels of beauty, and aro cut and made by our own oxporlenced tailors. You get tho same 111 and make In our goodB whether you pay $5 or $25 for your suit. Our experience of Harry Robertson of Bentrlco which will over flfty-slx years of clothing manufact- occur at the brldo's home In Wuhoo Nov ftnbor 18, at 8 p. ro. Miss Scolleld attend ed the university last year and made many warm friends who will wish her much happiness. The Morrill geological expedition has Just received from Danville, 111., In ox change for specimens, a large numbor of raro fossils. Tho peculiarity of this sot Is that it consists of beautiful shells of high ly ornamented structures, which consist entirely of iron pyrite. They closely re semble gold or bronze. Tho Omaha club has appointed a com- mitteo to sec that the senior class of the Omaha high school Is brought down to go tnrough tho university. Tho club Is doing much to got Omaha pfioplo Interested In the university. Another meeting will be held on Friday at 1 p. m. AH Omaha stu dents are urged to bo present. On last Mondny at tho conclusion ot drill, tho result of tho gnmo botweon tho university and tho Kansas City Medics was announced. Tho adjutant became so TWO TRAINS DAILY HETWEKN- Dlseount to Students. FREY & FREY. Wholesale and Retail Florists. We always have on hand a choice variety of roses, carnations and all cut flowers uiid glvo ID per cent discount' to students ordering as a club. Call and seo us. Cor ner of Twelfth and O streets, Funke Opera House block. Telephone 824. Lincoln Nebr. iijsrcoiisr AND- urlng, wholesaling and retailing should be worth a great deal to you. Besides our gicat experience our business 1b conducted on the "honor bright" plan. Everything Is marked in plain figures and you will find no "dark cabinet" work in our house. MEN'S SUITS, $2.75, $3.45, $4.05, JG.60, AND $10.00, WHICH CANNOT BE DU PLICATED IN THE CITY FOR MANY DOLLARS MORE. MONSTER SALE , on hats this week. Call and see, the nobby fall shapes In stiff and Fedora hats. Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office, 201 0 Street. H. C. Townbenu, Gon'l P. & T. A. P. D. Coknkll, O. P. & T. A. fihas. B. Gregory G TJ. of N '91. Office A At uooo st, s Lincoln, Neb. H ....i ,i.,in rnm tlilnllnir nf Hill font- "Hon for tho degree of doctor of l'""""' ' bil vo, Iltld tho HUppor awaiting him oihy at Heidelberg, Germany. Mr. Ben- Jnnoilutoly Bturtort off ln tll0 IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH Browning, King & Co., 1 013-1 010 0 STREET. Once in a while it happens. that tho locul ticket agent can not give you all tho informa tion you roquire. Whon thiB is tho case, write to mo. I huvo copies of tho latest rate sheott) and ruilroafl time tublos and am toll you EVERYTHING you want to know ubout tho boBt und choap- est way to rouoh Donvor, Salt Luke City, Ogdon, Doudwood, San Frunoisco, Lob Angoloa, Helena, Butte, Spokuno, Bout tlo, Titcoma, Portland, or uny other wostorn or northwoBtorn city. J. FRANCIS, General TaBBongor Agont Omuha, Nebraska. IPBBl mum