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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1896)
The Nebraskan. A Weekly Nowapipor Issued Every Fri day Noon, by tho Students of tho Un iversity of Nebraska. Entered as Second Clans Mall Matter. F. T. Itllcy Managing Editor. Edith Schwartz Ass't M'glng Ed. ASSOCIATES. It. II. linker Editorial. Kalo Snow Walker - - - Fraternities. Oliver Chnthbors Athletics E. B. Perry Local. O. W. Molor Local J. C. Hltchman Local. Importers. A. E. Parmclcc II. F. Qago. Harry W. Doubrava, Ass't business M'g'r. Tho Nobrnskan will bo sent to any ad dress upon receipt of tho subscription prlco, which Is ono dollar a year. Con-' t"l " " K0,l 0,,ly as It, was tomorrow. trlbutlons aro solicited from all. "l ' honest man. I pay my debt If I owo a mint n solitary nickel. 1 urn not Address all communications to Tho No- tho fellow to repay IiIh kindness to mo braakan, University of Nobrusko, Wth a nickel worth only fifty cents. No nevorl navor! Howuver stroiiKly tho Missouri football players were Juslllled In striking Umpire Dean of lown, their action will go on re cord us one of the accumulating blotches which are being added to tho already itucstlonable sport of football. That tho deed was ungcntlpmnnly. Is putting It too mildly 1IAIHS FHOM A UALD I IK A P. Hank Lewis camo up from Suit Creek bottoms yesterday to save the country. There was an Indescribable sensation In his panting bosom. Hank thought It was patriotic emotion, a physician Would Imvo said "soda biscuit." I When h reached tho corner of Twelfth and O streets, ho could contain himself no longer. Llko n true eltlxon ; and a soldler'H son ho at onco proceeded to dofy tho combined powers of anarchy , and repudiation. Nover us long as his head waved above the sod on his grave would he suffer the ' country for .vhlch his father had fit to pass Into tho hands of a lot of political bumtooters. men who had snuck In to power on a wave of misunderstanding. "Gcutclmcn, 1 am a sample of the med-1 loserlty of this country, a class different i from those sneaking hounds that would sell their dirty birthrights for a part of partagc.) Wlm1 we demand Is a dollar A Ql'KKH HACK. I saw the queerest race today Out at a county fair. The riders nil woro tiny tots. The rncurH nil wero rare. 1 saw n little winsome maid, With Hying- yellow hair Hold fast and ride around a ring Upon a big brown bear, Another ono laughed loud In glee And rnccd around tho track, And sho wuh seated fcnrlcssly Upon (i lion's back. And ono rode on u tiger llerce, Another on a deer, Will o others rode on prancing steeds Without n sign of fear. And round and round tho track they rode, All tit u mpld ihicp. And no one beat. tin. nil tiled hard To win i he fnniiv raer. At last tho racci enino to rout, Tho muslo ceased to sound, And all the little tots went homo And loft the morry-go-round. William Heed Dunroy In Youths' Companion. New Students Voter Attention is called to our store as the best place to buy Clothing and Furnishings.,, Ask the old students about us, Outside the cold lny fog crept to the door and rolling slowly down from the roof curled about tho lurid lantern and over tho dimmed pnnes of the shadowy little w.dtlng room. Penniless Petu stretched In n serpen- ONE THING AND ANOTHKU THING. Tho prodigal son without tho fatted calf tho runaway bicyclist with pipe stems. Princeton Tiger Math Tute How do you make V equal Henceforth Missouri will hold a t,no l'8ltton over the lion arms of Hunts xv aort,,rw,.i if i knew I wouldn't be position In football circles that will not bo "ot meant for beds, tries to force from ,,UHt(M, H0 0ften.-U. of M. Wrinkle. tliem n llttlo rest. Falling to sleep lie sits up. shivers, studies tho steady old Grid Iron mathematlcs-Frcshlelgh- clock In the corner and catching a bold "w '' men arc there on a football sign of tho operator's handiwork, slowly tonm?" Senior-Ten and a quurler.-Cor- puzzlcs out, "Lndlcs will not and you are ,u'l Widow. CLOTHING.. Ready to Wear or Tailor Made. PAINE, WAR,-EL & BUMSTEAD 1136 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. enviable. Missouri nas not heard the last of that disgraceful light on Frank lin Held. Many u student knows to his sorrow what a grnnd rush there Is through the ' requested not to spit on the Jloor." halls of the central building at tho end Again he spelled It through, then with of classes. Our days as students, are the dawn of understanding, a half hum full of rush and hurry from morning till ' orous glimmer lightens his scrubby face. night, at tho very best. Can't we do something to help on the work begun by our faculty when they gave us ten min utes between classes. Is there nny real uso In forming In little groups at this particular tlmo of day to save your country or dcmonltlze tho dress-mnkor? Some body by the merest chanco may have a little business on hand quite as important as yours and may wish to pnss you. Let's have a little more thought for the comfort nnd rights of other peo ple. It takes nil the enthusiasm that the veriest crank can command to look for wurd favorably to Nebraska's chances of winning the football championship. Kan sas ran up a score against us that will bo utmost Impossible to wipe out nt the Thnnksglvlng gnmc. From the present outlook for the tenm, this might come to "Dut doant apply old man, ef yen Hint got no terbuc." Caller Is Miss llloomer in? Servant No, sir. Caller Hut I Just saw her come In. Servant Yes, sir. but she saw you llrst Ynle Record. "I don't seo where It comes In" Say- He shivers again, gazes drowsily at tho jK w,leh the man with a Jag gracefully tossed his night key Into the gutter ana fell asleep on the door mat. Princeton Tiger. toes of his mlsmatcd shoes, and attempts to retire further Into his old clothes, wrapping like n turtle Into Its shell. His chin sinks to the dirty red necker chief the clock forgets to tick and tocks softlL and Penniless Peto Is whirled Prof. noys, don't stand there loafing. You should bo nt homo studying. Stu- away on u drenmlund vestlbuled, lux- dent We are not loafing. There lire only three of us and It tnkes leaven to make a loaf. Ex. urtously reclining in tho softest chair. My brother's bed is empty. The slant ing grny of tho moonlight shows tho cold of Its still repose. Where before It used to enfold close the tousled locks of his nnughty head, his pretty head, tho cover lid glares garish In tho ghostly white. O dumb mouthed river, you who hold my brother tonight, let not your crossing struggling currents toss him, but carry Small boy Hurry D. Howery "What) I Farmer Hill "Do) up! man killed! tcll" Princeton Tiger. Thnt's an Idle argument," said the pro fessor ns the freshman stnted his excuse for not having prepnred his lesson. "In whnt way sir?" asked the student. "Well FOR THE LATEST STYLES in SEHSOPLE SHOE! FOR MEN and WOMEN.,, GO TO Perkins & Shelddn Cd. 1129 STRG6T, him snfe. like a fairy king in cllln hands pass. As n whole the team la (Irm in Its ! beyond the mire and its filthy slime nnd , ll wo"'1 work around here," replied the belief thut Iowa will be benten nt that tho treacherous holds of the slinking Professor-Ynlo Record, eventful gnme. Tho result of the Missouri I sand, to a clean cut crag in your silent ' Mr. Sprlgglns (gently) My dear, n Hos game, does not show Iowa up so strongly. deeps. There Into n fitting niche bear j ton m(in wn8 pnot ftt )y a burglar nnd The Saturday previous, Missouri played a him, lay him down gently nnd kiss him , j,H nfe wn8 nved by n buttln which the hard game with tho Vanderbllt team. He- light lovingly, then glide away softly. ! bullet struck. Mrs. SnrlgKlns-Woll whnt side, Missouri played her greatest gnmo reverently, still, nnd lenve him alone with ngnlnst Nebrnsku. There can tie no God In his sleep, doubt of this. While Missouri was In bad shape nt the Nebraska game, she pulled herself together In wonderful shape and put n up brilliant gnme. It wns not ex pected that after sho could meet the dis couragements, nnd win from lown. Ne brnsku is the strongest tenm In the league todny, barring only her liability to fum blo and become unsteady. Tho wind swirled about the corner nnd up the street. It Hopped the sticky bill about his pnsty trousers and smeared tho gluey dough over the heroine's (lam ing cheeks and stuck the during hero fast to tho telgrnph pole. "Damn." an grily muttered the youthful bill-poster ns he Jerked and fussed to nrrnnge the troublesome bills. He wns a little fel ls it too much to expect that ono place , iow dressed In u shiny glutinous armor nbout our university building should be that cracked when he moved. He wan kept sacred to study? At times ono nl- fr too small to manage the unruly sheets most longs for the good old days In the j tossed by the malice of the winds. He old llbrnry where no one dnred to breathe for fear of disturbing no not his neigh bor, but the librarian. Those days are gone. Take up your books, find a pleas ant place all by yourself In the library, and settle mind nnd body for work. In a moment you nre made painfully aware that you Imvo neighbors. They laugh nnd giggle in n most Inane manner and indulgo In gossip Idiotic nnd useless. Sometimes n well directed frown iivnlln you much nnd pence reigns supreme for a second but no longer. Such neighbors of It? Mr. Sprlgglns (meekly) Nothing; only the buttons must hnve been on. Doston Traveler. strove uwkwnrdly to make two hnnds do the work of four. The dripping dnub brush hold nt rest In his busy nrms while his hnnds struggled with the sheet, strenmed ItH slimy load over his cap nnd down his neck. The bill fluttered nbovo Just out of reach, or would close nbout him like a winding sheet on u sticky mummy. It lies on his back on the hlllMdc. Dead years ago when the hoarse lunged charge thundered up that fatal nro not long Husceptlblo to such mild re- I slope, a rllle-ball toro through Its puls- stralnt. For tho snko of common pol iteness if for no bettor rsnson take It upon yourself to correct growing evil, and have moro regard for others. Many enn take this reproof to themselves if they will. It will not take n great strooh of Im agination on the part of Nebraska players to picture to thomselves, that Missouri crowd rushing upon tho field ni tho hint of nn unfair decision. In fact. Manager Oury enn testify vory emphatically Hint tho Tigers' admiring rooters, nro always willing to lond a helping hand In case any of their players aro In need of such. Tho college spirit of those Mlssourlann is an enigma to his more cultured western brethorn. It can bo expected that the editorial oyo of Mr. Rok, will be directed townrd that llttlo village of Columbia In a few days. "Say, futhor, why have all tho pictures got frames?" "Why, you littld fool, so that tho artWt muy know when to atop painting, of courso." Fllegonde Hlattor. Subscribe for The Nebrasknn, only $1.00, lng life walls. Now tho uncomfortable bones lie bare on tho rocky soil with grinning skull turned In unblinking stare to the sun, at night scaring the fleeting moon by Its spectral shnpo. Tho bony claws of tho outstretched arms grip the sod In n sunseloss grasp, clinging to earth like a mother found child, slowly melting In backward growth Into tho clay again, whence it camo. Tho uniform clings with falling hold to tho shrnklng stock of whitening bones, wlilo the glided cap with Its melalled front pillows the ompty bond dry nnd whistling In tho curious winds. G. E. T. A teacher In ono of the suburban public schools was giving tho children a short lecture on tho national system of finance. Holding up a pastebourd disk cut to iho size of a silver dollar she Huld: "Koto tho size of this, children. It Is meroly a pastebourd Imitation of n dollar. If It woro a real dollar what would It be made of?" "Freo silver!" piped a llttlo girt on tho rear row of Heats.-Chlcago Tribune Subscribe for The Nebraskan, only $1.00. "I tell you, sir, tho election of McKln ley means tho ireturn of prosperity!" "How do you know7" "Great Scott! I've bet every dollar I have on him!" Rox bury Gazette. Still Proud: "Yes, brethren," said the convert, "I am un humble Christian now, but In my unregenerate days I flatter myself that you wouldn't meet a finer or moro thoroughbred sinner in a day's walk." Cincinnati Enquirer. "Muy I kiss you, Miss Jane?" "I am sorry to see, Mr. Hrlggs, thut you, too, are uffected by tho prevailing cause of business depression." "And thut Is?" "Iuclc of confidence." Then he kissed her. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "So you want to bo n.y son-in-law, do you?" usked the olu man, with as much fierceness as he could assume. "Well," said tho young man, standing first on ono foot and then on the other, "I suppoo I'll have to bo If I marry Mumle." Cin cinnati Enquirer. ICIder Keepalong: "You ought not to lot tho polltleul situation disturb you -i single moment, my brother. Providence Is watching over tho affairs of this coun try." Deacon Ironside: "I don't ki ow, elder: I don't know. vm nfrald provl donce doosn't realize the full oxtent of the dungor this tlmo." Chlougo Tribune. Clara: "I wonder how Edith came to marry that horrid Mr. Kreosus, after huv 1MB boon waited upon by that chmmliA Churloy Dudoklns. Charley was so fond of music, and Kreosus doosn't know enough about It to turn over the leavfB ui music ior ono." Aunt Susan: "Per haps not: but Mr. Kreesus can turn over tho leaves of hU oheuk book most beau-tlfully."-.iioston Transcript. ft BEST Work Best Service 1 n (( Established l 1889. c I Telephone 199. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Most Complete and Modern Equipment. Greatest... Courtesy. """7,- " Q-v,'-j'''''"i.aii'Mi" FRANCIS BROS., '"iS p,.prl.,ors Capital Cafe. Oysters, Fish and Gnmc in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. Lincoln Fruit Stand Puccinklli Bnos., Props. FRUITS, NUTS, CIGARS, TOBACCO and Confectionery. Crackorjuck fio per packao. TWELFTH AND O ST8. TIIK GIIAD'S LAMENT. 5 This Is tho way live dollars looked "When my father') cash I burned; Put this Is tho way that Jlvor looks Now that It must be earned. -Cornell Widow. 55 H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a comploto Btock of Stundurd and MiBcoIluneotiB BooltB. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. FUNfCF Opera House I ,afllL Cor. 12th and OSU. FRANK C. ZBimUNG, Manager. Friday, Nov. 13 -TUB- American Tragedian. Walker Wliiteside Presenting Paul Kester and Walker Whiteside's dramatization of Pulwer Lytton's novel, Eugene Aram, Produced In All Its Detail. Popular prices, J1.00, 75, DO, and 23 cents-