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About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1896)
C JU- THE NEBRASKAN. Vol.. V. No. 8 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NOV. 13. .896. Price 5 Cents. THE BUTTE PROFESSIONALS They Played Bettor Foot-Ball Than Our College Boys. BUT THEY HAD ALL THE BEEF Professional Uniwn was too Much for our ColliM' Boys-Thoy Played a Ootid tiiiiuo Have NolhhiK lo ho AHliiunvil of Details. Tin- football hoys from tho stale unl vorslt) went out to M street park yes tenlay afternoon nntt unsuccessfully met tliflr old opponents, the team from llutte, M.uit.. of which tho Denver papers said recently there 1h none betto. In tin- ooiintiy. Few people oxpectod NVWasku would win, but for a few minutes after the beginning of the gae things looked pretty close. Nebraska played well, but Butte beef was too much for them and tlu-y .succumbed by a score of 20 to C. The day wns an Ideal football dny. There was only the slightest broeae and thai blowing lengthwise of tho Held. A orj fair ciwwd was In attendance, but it nitelii have beon larger If a misun derstanding had not side-tracked an tid ntuv notice. Tin- game was called at 3:1'-. Ne b.aska had won the too? anil defended the west gunl. Butte kicked Tor twenty-live yanls. Packard made the first play for Nebraska, but fumbled the ball and Butte got It. Thoy kept It only two minutes and a half, but that was enough time for them to rush it to Nebraska's goal anil score. Las- Hell took It over and kicked goal. Nebraska's kick-off crossed the line ami tlu-y tried It over, mailing thirty yards and suffering no return. Now Neb.aska had been very kind and had handed the ball over on the first play t Butte so Butte, not to be behind In generosity, mo returned" the compli ment and Nebraska didn't do n thing tni; so ne. A beautiful quaiter punt helptd this along. Shedd carried the bail over uul kicked goal, tying the some. Butt fl, Nebraska 0. W hen th.s touchdown was made, the can e had )een on just ten minutes. Butte kicked off guln and Nebraska toueh.-d the line a few times, but win eini II. d t. punt. Thorpe did this for flf,j .irds. L.iswell re turned twenty ya lis .ml then Butte kept tho gains go ing till at .1:211 another touchdown had Urn soneil. But although Laswell oouM huek the lino and punt he i. kuk a little bit. lit this cas.- thf iall was directly In front of the pm-t an. I no opposing wind blowing. Out it Lint k over and the crowd guyeil him Seme Butte 10, Nebraska C. N-biai-ka kicked off once more ami dut.tiK :.-!' test of the llrst half the ball went luck and forth between the teams, l'h l-.iim good defensive work ami 'h- j:i ,u,. part of the playing being done in Butte's territory. Shedtl made a brilliant tush through the line and dnj..-i ., the ball for a fifteen-yard Rain, and a little later I'earse covered him. if .th glory by going through the Hnr anl g( ttlng a winner and on the vry ih-m p'.ay blocking a punt and during the ball for Nebraska. But "re ti. )aif ,.n,j,Hi The ball wns In N'ebiankas possession and nineteen J'.d fim Butte's coal. N'ebiiifka did not score In the second half. The boys prayed good ball and made many lril1lant anil heady plays, but Butte's steady line play with an occasional lunge around the ends al ways regained what Nebraska's tricks had lout them. Butte scorod twice In his half, hut I.aswell kicked only one ff the g.ilH. n the last kick-off Thorpe sent the tall fifty-three yanls. Laswell caught It and punted back sixty-eight yards to Thorpe and a Butte man downed mm n the centre line. The ball moved towaids Butte's goal for n while, but oon Butte got It and by steady line work returned It past the centre and when time was called the ball was In Huttffi hands and twenty yards from ibranka's goal. Sw Butte 20, Nebraska 0. ''"ring tho llrst half Packard retired "h a had arm and Garrett took his '" This h Onrrett's first game and h didn't do much with the ball, but ho dW wine line defensive work and was In the pinyH from the word go. In the second half Hairy .Tone took Bobbins' place. This Is the llrst playing Jones has done since the Donne game when he sp.alued his ankle. Two Butte men wore disabled In the game. Benson, iiunrtor-bnck, guvi way to Hulllvan and Harrington took Per ham's place at end. The features of tln Kami were Las well's powerful lunges through tho line and the oxeellenl support the whole team guvo him. Also his punting. Not loss worthy of praise was the defensive game I'earse put up. Shetlil was In good form, but did not have strong enough Interference, Thete was very little poo.- playing on the whole team. The line-up was: Butte. Nobnsku. Perlmm and Harrington loft oud Bonedl.i Slater left tackle Dungan Hooper left guard Tin nor Braham .... Hall Jonus MoPhorson . centre Molford right guard Kullar ight tickle lVatfO ..right end Wiggins Benson and Sullivan quarter Thorpe MoMlllen left half Bobbins and Jones. Dyaart . . . right hair Shedd I.aswell full Packard and linnet t. Olllclals: Umpire Itoscoe Pound of Lin coln. Hoforeo C. 10. Mulns of Crete. Linesmen D. G. Shrlvors of Butte, C. K. Shull of Lincoln. THK MICHIGAN GAM 10. A telegram has Im?cii received from the Michigan manager which states thnt he would like to cancel the game with Ne braska, scheduled at Ann Arbor on the eighteenth of this month. Word was sent hack, that Nebraska could not possibly cancel tho game, without canceling the ono that has been schoduien with tho Chi cago Athletic club. This would Involve unite a llnancial loss upon Nebraska, un less tho Chicago people wore willing, as the conditions of tho contract are unite stiff. Word has not Ik-oii received In ro pl to the answer sent Michigan by the president of the Athletic boardr STANDING OP THK T10AMS. After tho MIssourl-lowu game was played the teams stand as follows: Iowa. Kansas. Nebraska Missouri. Iowa has the pennant practically cinched. She has not been scoied against this season In a league game. Kansas has a righting chance, hut she has to depend upon Ne braska winning from Iowa hy such a score as twelve to nothing. Besides this Kansas will have to beat Missouri, which Is haidly possible, as the Missouiiuns will strain every nerve to heat her. As Mis souri has not won u league game this sea son, bhe will make the most desperate ef forts to bent Kansas. Nebraska' chance tor tin. p.'iiuotii dupt-nd upon Missouri heating Kansas, and herself beating Io wa by such a scoie as twenty-four to nothing. This Is regarded as quite pos sible hy some of the moil sanguine of Nebraska's admirers. There Is no doubt hut Hint Nebraska will play the game of her life on Thanksgiving day. The Thanksgiving game will bo tho llfth annual game between the two universi ties, and the fourth, since tho organiza tion of the loaguo. Tho first game was won by lowu b the score of .'l lo 0. Nebraska did not have a coach that year hut for a llttlu while when a Grlunell play er olllclated In that capacity. The next game, the llrst league one. resulted In a tie, tho scoie being 10 to 10. The next year Nebraska won by the score of '. to 0. and last your the score was G to 0 in Nebraska's favor. It Is niixlloss to say that Nebraska will try to live up to hur record this year. I0NGLISH CLUB MI0I0T1NG. The Kngllsh club met at tho homo of Miss Loulso Pound last Saturday even ing. About twenty-live members wore present. The following program was car ried out. Poem-Bond by Mr. Shrove, and writ ton by a young girl from tho Blind asy lum at Nebraska City. Story J. v. uoneiyou Voual solo H. C. House Hlory Miss Nellllo Dean Hssay H. B. Alexander Piano solo Miss Maud Hnmmond Story J- Sargoaut Story MIsh Amy Briiner Vocal solo Miss Getner After rofroshmouts wore served. Mr. Lohinor sang. At tho business session, tho final roport of tho committee on con constltutlou was adopted. . Don Cameron's lunoh counter, lOlovcnth street. 118 South THE K, C, MEDICS GO DOWN But We Los: tho League Gamo With Kansas. JAYHAWKS ROLL UP A SCORE The T. am Bet urns Prom Its Tup With Doleut and Victory dlt.ually Divid ed Play a Wodden Indian Game tit Lawrence. Well we have played' Kansas and lost. Kansas can hardly clilin that she won from Nebraska. Only hat Nebraska lost to her. It was a game replete with ruin- bllng. It started In the. llrst half, and so rattled our hoys that they never pulled inemseives togeiner again. The game was played Saturday on Mcl'ook Held at Lawrence Kansas, and was the second of the Interstate league series. Nebraska won the toss and chose the west end of the Held.' Baltic kicked on for Kansas and Nebraska regained ten yards, and then lost tho ball on a fumble. Baluo. llamll and Hester then hit the line for gains of live yards. Nearly the whole of the llrst half consisted of see sawing up and down the Held in Nebraska territory Kansas wns given several yards' gain for off-side plays, mid by steadily working the ball down tho Held Baltic was shoved over for a touchdown In fifteen minutes of play. Walker kicked goal. Nebraska by a lucky punt on the part of Thorne brought the ball within two feet of Kansas' line, and regaining It on a fumble hy Kansas, pushed Wig gins over for her only touch down. Hest er was hurt and Crooks took his place as full-back. Then Kansas begun her "tandem" play, and used It constantly as a batter-lug-ram on the Nebraska line. Pltzpni rick. Mossc and Crooks making good gains each time, and nearly scoring a touch down buforo lime was called, so tho llrst half ended. Nebraska t. Kitn- sas- fl. THK SKCOND HA LP. Nebraska kicked off. and Balne re gained fifteen yards. Pnlne punted thir ty yards on the next play, and Kansas got the ball on a foul tackle by Nebras ka. Balne was given the ball, anil by splendid interference on the part of tin Kansas backs and ends made a run of fifty yards scoring a touch down, or kicked anulher goal. Walk- Nebraska kicked off. and after short i ory. for the locals had defeated Kansas gains Balne punted forty-live yards. Ne- S to a. and Saturday. Kansas bested Ne btaska lost the ImiII by failure to work bmska by the score of IS to 4. But form hr ,Tls-rrnHK nlnv. Kansas made con- Is treacherous In football, as It Is in stant gains by using her tandem play, mid getting fairly close to the Nebraska line. Balne tried for a goal from the field, but failed. Bolli elevens now Indulged in considerable punting, but the ImiII kept getting neaior to Nebraska's goal line. Finally Pltzpatrlck was shoved over for the third touch down. Walker kicked goal. Score. Kansas IS. Nobraskn I. .That endod the scoring for both sides. The ro malulug seven minutes wore token up with plays near the center of the field. Nebraska had the ball when time was called. The olllclals Of ihe game were: Lleilten- irit Smith of Baldwin umpire Prod Cor nel of Lincoln, refeiee. Finder of Donne linesman. The line up was: Kansas Position Nebraska Whitney right end Wiggins Foster right tackle Ponrse Mvimii right guard Tumor Wnlkor Center Bobbins Fltzpairick left guard Keller llunill left end Jones Kennedy uuarter back Thorpe Baluo right naif Shedd Volght loft half Cook Hester full back Packard There wero about .V spectators. COACH BOBINSON TALKS. Says Kansas May Lose Six of the Points Scored Against Nebraska. To a Nebraskan roprosontatlvo, Mr. Boblnson, tho coach, saltl that ho was thoroughly satisfied vlth the work of the team. Concerning tho gamo with Kansas university, ho said that tho day was very eolfl and the hoys were not prepared for It. The Kansas players wore with thick clothing and blankets, and wee cared 'or. "Our nun." he said, "were In better condition than tho Kansas team when thoy wont on the Hold. Before the llrst half was over, our men woro thor oughly chilled, they were so cold thnt they inado twenty-live fumbles during the game. Hanson played the best game In tin- line. The umpire made two unfortunate di cIxIuiih, A kick was made by ono of our mon. Tho ball was 'muffed', that Is dropped, by a Kansas man. Pearse took the ball and carried It to within twenty feet of the Kansas goal line. The umpire decided that the Kansas man made a ftilr catoh. so the hall had to bo brought hack and given lo Kansas. I talked with some of their men afterwards and they all said It was a wrong decision. This decision probably changed the whole course of the game. Another time Tlicpo tried for a fair catoh. hut was tiiekled by a Kansas man who got tho ball. Although It Is a foul play lo taekle a man under such conditions. It was decided the other way and the ball was given to Kansas. "There Is a possibility of having six of the points scored against us by Kansas, removed, on account of the manner In which they kicked goal. The rules say that goal must he kicked by a 'place kick The Kansas men kicked goal when tho ball was held above ground. It Is to bo decided whether or not a 'place kick' means a kick from tho ground." Speaking of the game with the Medical college Monday. Mr. Boblnson said: "The hoys showed up much bttcr Monday. There were only two rumbles. Our boys completely outplayed the Medics. In the Kansas Medics game, the Kansas men did not get within forty-live feet of tho Medics' goal. The Medics claim to bo champions of the west. They ban not been sroreil against this year, before tho game with our team." It may be added that If the score against Nebraska Is reduced six points. It will only be necessary for the team to beat Iowa sixteen points to win the pennant. Til 10 GAM 10 AT KANSAS CITY. It Was a Well palyed Contest The Ne braska Boys Show up In Their True Style of Play. All tho members of tho team are firm In their belief that If they had put up the game at Lawrence that they did at Kan sas City, they would have won by n big margin. Although worn out considerable thoy. wero-In. fsilrly .good shape, and (tut up a game thnt startled the Medics. The Kansas City Star has this to say of tho game with the Kansas City Med- Ics. The llere-st and most stubborn battle waged oi) the local grid Iron this sason was the game played between the teami. , of the university of Nebraska and the Kanxns City Medlcnl college. On form I the Medics should have had an easy vlct- all things else, and the Medics were hunt en by the score of 4 to fi. The score should have been a tie, for with onl minute to play the ball wn passed to O'Donnell. who made twenty live yaids around the light end. scoring a touchdown for the locals. Time wns then called, hut the referee allowed the Medics to try for the goal. Taylor made n poor kick ml fulled In the effort, thus giving Nebraska the victory. Both tuiims wero evenly matched In the first half, and neither team whs note to score. Towiinl the end ot the second half the Medics commenced to show lack of training, and the Varsity boys plunged through their line at will for costly gains. lOach team put up a slow- game, the Ne braska Itoys showing fatigue from their hard battle of Sat unlay with Kansas. The Medics did not seem to put Into their game that snap and ginger essential In a winning team. If Nebraska Is any where near the In terstate championship her rivals have very poor teams this year. The only man on the victor's team who could play football In fast company was tnc cap tain and full-back. Thorpe. He gave on exhibition of punting and free kinking that has never been collided on the local grid Iron. Kvery time when the thlrrt down occurred and It was necessary for a kick. Thorpe dropped behind the line, received the ball and punted successfully. The result would bo a gain of twenty-live or thirty yards each time. He handled tils mon with the confidence of a veter an. Thorpe Is also a clever runner and i several occasions made gains of ten and twenty yards without Interference. Turner and Whipple were a tower oi strength for Nibrnskn toward the close of tho game. They took turns at hitting the Medics' Hue and In hourly every in stance gained their ground. For the Medics, tho host work was done by Pendleton Piatt. O'Donnoll and Lew Is The tenia hIiuWciI lack of sand and nerve In tin second half and allowert (Continued on fourtlf-page.) JUrllOHS BEAT THE SENIORS The Two Teams Put Up an Exciting and Close Game. SCORE WAS SIX TO NOTHING The Seniors Were Fairly Outplayed Ju niors Had Better Men, and Wero Superior in Team Work Klndler Saved Them. The annual football gamo between tho senior and Junior teams was played last Wednesday afternoon on tho university campus at 2 o'clock. The gume was hotly contested throughout and finally resulted In a victory for the Juniors hy a score of fl to 0. The Juniors played a faster game than the scnloi-s. Their team work was a little better, but otherwiso the teams were evenly matched us the close score In dicates. Neither side scored during tho first half of the game, in tho second half after much hard work tho Juniors finally pushwl Klndlur over the lino for a touchdown. There was a great deal of fumbling throughout tho game but It made no mulct lal difference as one side was as bad as tho other on that point. Klndler and McKay for the Juniors, ran well with the ball and hit the lino hard for good gains, while Doubrava and Kuhl iniui made the greatest gains for the sen iors. Shrove played a very good game at light end. Following Is the Hue up: Juniors Position Seniors Bliss left end Plllsbury Moore left tackle Jorgenson Strock loft guard Crook Sttllson center Bengali Cushman light guard IOmerson Mueller right tackle McMlchael Corey right end Shrove Morrison quarter Hedge McKay right half Doubrava Iteedy loft half Kuhlman Klndler full Saxton Substitutes: Juniors; Hcndy, Bridge, True and Fnurot. Seniors; Pnrmelee, Blcketts and Ciuneron. The game wac called at 2.1.1. Plllsbury kicked off for thirty yards and Klndler brought It hack ten. Beedy then went through the center for five yards. Kln dler bucked the line for Hvo yards and McKay followed with three more. Moore end Klndler failed to advance the ball and the seniors now took It on downs. Saxtou and Kuhlman bucked the center but gained only four yards and the Jun iors again got the ball. After two In effectual attempts to advance It. Corey carried It around left end for ton yards. Bliss' made two more around tho right end but at this Juncture of tho gume time was called to allow Moore to tie his shoo string and the game then proceeded. Klndler went through the center for llc yards. McKay was tackled by McMiohaet mid failed to gain. Time was again called to put Our j' off the field as tho Juniors ob jected lo the words of wisdom which It was claimed he was pouring Into the ears of the sonloru. Klndler wont through the center for five and two yards successive ly. McKay bucked the line but bumped up against Beagan and consequently failed to gain. Beedy and Klndler failed to advance the ball. Corey was sent around left end but Shrove broke through and tackled him and the Juniors lost three yanls. The ball was then given to t e seniors Doubrava and Saxtou each made three yards. Kuhlman gained three more around the end but dropped the ball and Moore fell on It. Bliss made four yards around the right end and Klndler gained ton. McKay bucked the center hut Bea gan laid down and no gain was made. Needy gained two yards and Klndler three. McKay took tho hall but wns was finely tackled by Shrove. In the next two downs Klndler gained fifteen yards. Tho Seniors then took the ball on downs. The ball was fumbled but Shrove picked It up and went around tho loft end for forty yards where he was prettily tackled by .Morrison. Kuhlman went around the end for fifteen yards and through tho center for three more. Time was called with the ball on the Juniors forty yard line. Score, sonlors 0. Juniors 0. THE SKCOND HALF. In the second half tho Juniors kicked off for forty ya'. .is. Kuhlman brought tho ball back ten yards. Tho Juniors got the b.-ill on downs. Bliss was then sent around the right end for twonty-llvo yards. West erman took Pillsbury's place at loft end. Tlie Juniors now advanced tho bull to within five yards of the seniors goal. Here the sonlors braced up end took tho hall. It was then passed hack for a punt hut the Juniors made an off side play and tin seniors were given ten yards and tho ball. (Continued on fourth page.)