The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 30, 1896, Image 3

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.. M c A. will Klvo H HOflllll 111
The '"'
,hemrMw- f , ,
.ir nml Ornlmm nro HtuntnluK thu
M Klmlmll will Rvo n Ilullowu'un
""' t0 conwrvulory HtudentH next Hut.
iinlny- i
f K li'Hoy hu Jt boon elected
mcmlicr of tli American copyright
WW""- ,
Itcono hns pouted on tho bulletin
board Koiiu-
!- (loi'lxlonu iih to IukiiI vollitK
w stuilpnt. , ,
Ml5 Hunnlo KorltoH nun boon obliged
,o return to her homo In Fremont on no
(nnt of IIUhwh. f , ,
Ml Anno Stuart will onlortuln tho
nimli of tho l'l Hotn l'hl nororlty nl
h, home Hallowe'en.
Tht, K,.oml olovon phiyod tho litRli
Khool tu.m Monday nml woro defeated
to ilu- K'oro of IS to 0.
The Indian xooloty will bIvo u polltloal
Mfgrom thin evening.
Vwtcrilelil, tho bnrbor. Huh done work
ittulentB for xovontcon yours.
A rurr meeting service Is hold every
noon at tho Y. U. A. rooms In tho
main building.
Have your tonsorlnl work dono at Wen
lerflcU'fc You will get tho latest style,
of lmlr cut there.
Lnrt Thursday M. A. ttrown of tho
Kwnuy Hub, gnvo an Interesting talk
to the eluK In Journalism.
Constniucr tho popular bnrbor Is locat
jt KZ O street. Ho employs tho bost
tttlsts of any shop In Iho city.
profi-wor Sherman loft for Dos Mutnos
Momlny to hear Ian MoCluron. iiutlior
of "HeMde the lJonnlo Hrlor Hush."
A valuable collection of revolutionary
relics 1 s been presented to thi stale his
torical society by Mrs. Manning.
Mrs. Manning has Iwon suffering from
rtNtnatlsm durliiK tho past week nnd
has beta unable to hear Iter classes.
Dr. ltenlley's lecture on hypnotism was
not very well attended Wednesday even
ing oa account of tin- Inclement wonther.
'The Knpllsh club inuels Saturday even
ing (it the home of Miss Pound liS U
strvw. K.(llent music will bo provided.
l'rofwwor llurbour bus returned from
hi western trip, but has gone to Mil
fonl Nebr., to Inspect h supposed gold
LelKhton's ISIS O street Tho bost stock
of stationery and school suppllos In tho
sute. wholesale and retail. Call nnd got
Th. I'nlon Hoys' debating cluh celo-
bratts Its tenth anniversary tonight. The
program was published In last week's
The photographs which K. G. Lloyd
km to Lincoln to ho mounted, took llrst
prtmiun at the Irrigation fair hold at
North Matte.
Th- hiudents' volunteer mission band
111 hold meetings at tho Klrsi Congre
gational and First Unptlst churchos next
Sumla) t veiling.
Four m-w members woro tnkon Into
th I'nlur. society Krldny ovonlng; Misses
Wallace and Jessie Chnppell, nnd Messrs.
Harris un.l KInkuld.
The literary societies will give a Joint
iTograni la the chapel noxt Saturday.
11 U KiM-n under tho nusplciw of tho
Mlulng iiKsoclatlons.
liever. ml Slngley who has Just rOHlgned
h pastorate of St. Mnrk's Unborn
ihurch, ltd tho chapol exorcises nt ohup
'I WtdncMluy morning.
Rev. D. Fitzgerald of Auburn recently
Presented to the state historical society
a large Indian stone axo and a very
cuHoum geological specimen.
A. A. Kurot who graduated with tho
lass of si. Wi ,e In tho city Saturday,
nd stay over Tuosday. Ho would bo glad
' see some of h old friends. Ho Is
topping nt im 1 streot.
Guy Unrnes '00, brother of J. D. Barnes
"as Just had nil onornllnn
'or appcndicltlH. h0 stood It wonderfully
His early recovery Is looked for.
A class In ndvnnced work In tho gym-
nium hns been organized. There aro
wut half a dozen young men in tho
88 al Present. It meets from 12 to 1.
The freshman team played with Worth-
Ston academy Wednesday afternoon.
nen tho riot was stopped by tho rain,
"e score stood 0 to 0 In favor of tho
Huttirdny morning nl 0:30 o'clock. Knoh
inombor Is luslgned it chomlenl Jotirnul
upon which ho reports once n month.
Professor Caldwell has Inaugurated a
reform In his history outlines, l'ho uIiih
hoh aro now furnished with neatly print
ed ones Instead of tho old stylo of dim
nnd almost unreadable mimeographs.
Tho Co-Op. has secured some very nout
university letter head paper this year
with envelopes to match Tho loitering
Is done with a dye, and shows up well.
A largo stock wns 'laid In so nrv to sup
ply all demands.
Students who want to got u "good
thing" for llttlo money In tho way of
note books, pencils, fountain pens, and
other school and college supplies, always
go to tho bo' i dopiuiinent of llorpol-
sholinor nnd 6o.
Hawyer, llartlott, Morrill nnd 1 laugh
ton, hnvo left for Canton to represent
tho Nebraska chapter of Hlgma Alpha Kp
sllon nt tho convention which meets this
week at tho homo of MoKlnley, who Is a
member of this frnterully,
Dr. C. M. llossoy has boon Invited to
speak boforo tho northwestern Nebraska
teachers' association which meels nt
Children, Neb., tho last week In Novem
ber. Tho subject of his lecture will be,
"Nature Study In tho Public Schools."
Do you know that headaches and many
mrvotin affections '.re duo to tho eyo
strain, nnd can bo cuiod by sclontlllcally
titled glasses? Kxamlnatlon and consul
tation free. 11. M. ltetts, Richards bl'k.
Hooin 32. Hours 0 to 12 a. in. 1 to ti p. in.
If you want a fountain pen tho cost of
which Is ten cents, you can got It by
looking up llorpolsholmer nnd Co'h book
department. You can also get bettor
grades from $1.00 to J0..OO. Horpolshelm
or nnd Co. are ngontt for Watornmn's
"Ideal" fountain pou.
bound volumes entitled "lllstolre do la
Uevolutlon Krancalso" also grace tho
Chancellor MaoDowoll of Denver mil
vorslty, a man of national reputation,
both as u leuturer and scholar, will, In
nil probability, address tho members of
tho Chrlstlnn associations Sunday after
noon, November IS. It will pay tho stu
dents, no mutter whether they are mem
bers of tho Chrlstlnn nHsoclatlons or not
to hour this num. More deilnlto an
nouncement will he mndo In a Inter Issue
of tho Nobrasknn.
Thoro wilt bo a meeting of tho Nobrns
ka section of tho American chomlenl so
ciety on Krldny evening at K o'clock In
room I, chemical laboratory. Papers will
bo read by tho following: T. U, Uyau,
"An Apparatus for Taking Boll Sam
pies for Moisture Tests;" Miss llouton,
"'Tho Mineral Constituents of Some No
brnska Waters;" Professor Nicholson,
"Preliminary Paper on Constitution of
Ciders." Everybody Is Invited.
Thoro was a very onthuslnstlo meet
ing of tho Christian associations In the
ehnpcl Sunday afternoon. Messrs Pink
orton, Sayer and Allen, mid Misses Math,
ows llroady and Auinnii, who utlendud
the Lake Geneva summer school, gave
their reports of tho observations thoro,
nnd guve the members of the associations
the bunellt of some of tho suggestions
they received nt the conference.
One by one our fraternities aro bring
ing out their new mesibers. Last Thurs
day evening, tho Kuna Kappa aummns
Initiated Misses Clara Hammond, Klean
or Raymond mid Adenyd Whiting. Tho
Inltlntlon was held at tho home of Miss
Oruce homing. Later In the evening tho
spread was served a: the homo of tho
Misses Gere. Many lovely (lowers woro
received by tho frnterully from their dif
ferent friends.
A lunch room was opened Wednesday
Tiie recital by the department of eloc- In tho basement of Uilvcrsltv hall for tint
utlon. wns held In tho olutpol last Thurs- benellt of the studoits who eat cold
day night. Tho lower part of tho hall
was comfortnbly tilled. Tho program
was short. Messrs. Hugh Walker, G, K.
linger, llonry Nlenhaus. nnd the Misses
Smoyer and Wilkinson, took part.
Tho party which was to have been given
Saturday night by Miss Alice Slaughter
hns boon postponed until some night noxt
week. Tho postponement was necessitat
ed by tho death of Judge K. S. Dundy.
Miss Slaughter will go to Omaha to at
tend the fuuorat tomorrow aftornoon.
Owing to the many rumours that Hus
sion tlilMloe Im.l nut kiowii tills our 1)0-
unuso of tho wet weather, Inquiries re
gn ruing them were sent out by tho bo
tanical department to different parts of
the state. The replies Indicate that tho i
wot weather has Increased their growth.
There will be a meeting of the Omaha
club next Krldny, November fi. Impor
tant business will be transacted and all
Omaha students, whether members of
the club or not should
Annual business; amend
stltutlon nnd election of olllcers will bo I
lunches. Anne Spu'ko nnd Charlotte
Chuko aro the propilotors. Tho bill of
faro reads: Soup ilvo cents occasionally,
plo four cents, tea corfeo or cocoa four
cents, milk three eeits nnd bread and
butler two cents. Sandwiches aro re
tailed for three eon. Doughnuts can
be had for three coits also. Tho girls
warrant everything lome-mado, nnd nro
caicful lo see that o'ery patron Is prop
erly treated. The veiture seems certain
of success.
A fountnln pen usually costs from J1.G0
to 11.00. Wo soil one for (9 cents nnd war
rant It gold with Irrldlum point. If you
nro not sntlslled with It bring It back nnd i
wo will refund you your money. Her-1
polshelmer and Co., Hcok department. I
Tho Union boys' debating club will use '
this yell at tho celebration tonight: ,
"We're for silver, we're for gold, ma-ma
knows, we're ten years old!!!!" I
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
Jeweler, Optician and Engraver
Doaler in Wntchou, Diamonds, Clooks,
Silvoi'waro, Jowolry, otc, otc.
All koocIb Bold oiigruTctl frco ot ohnrgo, and no chnrgo muilo tor ox
uuiining tho oycB.
1143 O Street
Lincoln, Neb.
You will save both
By taking Ut ,
nor memui'iM "i
:::;r,,,J;ri Browning. King. & Co.
f .ll....f.l will ll.l I "" -"
JJr. Hossey has Ihiou compelled to kpeiid
n great djitl of time lately In answering
Imiulrlos ns to tho hotter methods of
teaching botany In the high schools. The
teachers seemed to bo very much dissat
isfied with tho way botany has heen
taught heretofore and wish to do bettor
Saturday evening It wns necessary to
postpone tho gold-silver debate for want
of pntronngo. Tho reason assigned was
thnt students wanted to attend tho down
town political meetings. Wednosday
ovonlng the snmo wns true oxcopt that
tho reason nsslgned wns Inclomont
weather. Tho debate hns now been de
clared off for good. Tho country romalns
Tho Y. M. C A. boys aro looking for
ward with pleasant anticipations to the
state convention which will bo held In
this city early In December. C. C. Mloh
nor. one of tho International secretaries,
und W. U. Messor, secretary of tho Chi
cago V. M. C. A, hnvo both promised
to be present nnd take active part in
the convention.
Snturday afternoon four nw members
wore added to tho PI Uotn l'hl sorority.
These wero Misses Phoobo Doty, Dnrleen
Woodwnrd, Hertha Quulntanco and Ada
Wnugh. Miss Neva Morris was also pub
licly pledged. Tho Initiation was helJ
at the home of M(bg Kato Walker nnd
wns followed by a supper. "f "
beautiful carnations, tho sorority (lowers
woro sent to tho girls by their friends.
Tho department of Kuropenn history
has Just received some very valuable ad-
dltlons to the seminar library. Amo..h
others Is a set of thirty-one hound vol
umes of tho "Monlteur," a papor pub
lished In Paris during the revolution.
It Is a reprint, nnd will bo of Immense
help In getting Into tho spirit of tlie
times. Forty more volumes of the Ar
chives Parlemontalres" have bean added.
Thoy contain the various documents rol-
atlve to tho different assemonen
No one in Justice to himself can afford to
Ignore our special values In young men's
Nobby Fall Suits. They aro marvel of
beauty, nnd are cut and made by our own
experienced tailors. Tou got the samo 1U
and make In our goods whether you pay
J5 or $25 for your suit. Our experience of
over f.fty-slx years of clothlne manufact
uring, wholesaling and retailing should be
worth a great deal to you. Besides ouri
great experience our business Is conducted
on the "honor bright" plan. Everything
Is marked In plain figures and you will
find no "dark cabinet" work In our
MEN'S SUITS, $2.75. 3.45, J1.05, $C50,
on hata this week. Call and see the nobby
fall shapes In stiff and Fedora hats.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street.
II. C. Tow.nbknd, Gen'l P. & T. A.
F. D. Cohnkll, C. P. & T. A.
Wo aro headquartera for choice out
roses and carnations. palmB decoration
at lowest prices.
Corner of Twelfth and O Btreots, Funkt
Opera. Houso block. Tel. SSI.
Lincoln Nebr.
Chas. B. Gregory C
TJ. of N.. '91.
Office A
At 1100 0 St, S
Lincoln, Neb. H
(Kansas City Mo. Oct 6-10.)
The Union Pacific will sell round trip
tickets for $5.75 on October 14th to 10th,
good to return 11th. Day-light trip, arriv
ing at Kansas City 6 p. m. City tlckot
office, 1044 O street.
h0 Chemical Irmrnnl 1noU l. ... ..!
"mntecn members. It meets every Franco from 17S7 to 1792. Forty neatly
Browning, King & Co.,
1 013-1 019 0 STREET.
Once in a while
it happens.
that tho local ticket agont can
not givo you all tho informa
tion you retjuiro.
When thin is tho caso, writo
to mo. I havo copios of tho
latest rnto eheotB and railroad
timo tables and can toll you
EVERYTHING you want to
know about tho beet and choap
eat way to reach Denver, Salt
Lake City, Ogdou, Deadwood,
San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Holona, liutto, Spokane, Seat
tle, Tacomo, Portland, or any
other wootorn or northwestern
J. FRANOIS, General Puesongor Agont
Omaha, Nebraska.