The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 24, 1896, Image 4

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1MIMI1UV.I ll"III !! T '"f.
MnouMhur, A.: KduenUon In It Up.
latlon to Mnnklnri.
Fiunhntu, O. I.; Tho Sonloneo Method.
VlKNln n Smith! Knololv flltts;
Frocbel' Oconpallon.
Scovll, K. U. Cw of Children.
John, CUftoiw Tho Country School In
Now KukIiuhI.
lNMilsson, Kmlllo: In tho Child's. World.
itlow. 3. K: Symbolic IMuonllon.
Wlllso, S. K.: Stories for tho Ktnlor
loOmiY, Ifc V.5 Tho Schoolroom Guldo,
Oratory, ltoborts Ulomontnry ctluan
DoimMran, J.i History of Kdticnlton
In l'russltv nnd Nnfilnml.
Trtlnior, 1V.N: lihor on lMuontlon.
MettQlliin nml 1)voy Tho lVyoliolojry
of Numbers.
McMurrny, CV A.; SpovhO Methods tor
I.Uerrtiurr nd History.
Morunn, t S.! Psychology for Tmoh
ers. Hoitnan, H.: Kduerttlon.
Swlej, Wvt: Th Common Softool Sy
torn ot Germany.
ltc i lTnfaMW Fling has tKHi ob
liged, to apontl n largo part of hi library
allowance In buying AuplloAle copies of
texts Mscd In tho ilrsU two yours ot his
Ho has ! been adding oxten-
Ivwl to his collection on Kronen, his
tory. Mention should bo tvmde of a ltn
sot of. ls Chnmbros Archives lj.r1nneit
talras. This comprises forty3Yew vol
umes bouml In morocco ami running
from 1S69 t tbo present time. Other vnl
uablo works on tbo history ot Krone
havo been added, but tbo specialists hnvo
tlranAy found them out. Four new vol
umes of tho Universal history by Ijuvlsse
ahd llftmlmud bavo Just arrived.
TOr, Wolfo is always on tbo look out
for tho host things In bis department.
To stwlenis understand this, for ihey ,
hldo and stoal awa,v his books almost
as fast as be can got thorn. Wc may ox- '
pect scrnift day to boar that bo has a
cadot detailed to stand guard oor bis
tKoks on ethics. Monoy Is scarce this
year, but hero aro a few ot the new vol
umes on philosophy, psychology, Ac
Drummond, J.: Phllo-Judoas, 2 vol.
2?utT, C li.: A rrimor ot Psychology J
and Montal Diseases.
Mallock, W. H.: Studies In Contempor
ary Superstition.
Greenwood, : Imagination In
Wobor, Alfred: History ot Philosophy,
Tukc, J. K.: The lnsanltj' ot Ovor Kx
crtion of the Brain.
Robertson, J. D.: Consclonco.
Stephens, IjosIIc: SOwlal Rights and Du
ties, 2 vol.
Stout, G. P.: Analytic Psychology, 2
Borkoley, George: Works, 3 vol.
Next Friday evening, October 30, the
Union Boys debating clnn will celebrate
its decennial anniversary. This club has
enjoyed ton prosperous years, during this
time U bai been the nucleus from which '
all the other debating clubs have sprung.
It has carried on many successful joint
dobates and to it the university debating
association owes its origin. All students
organizations and all students without
organizations arc Invited to attend the
program, which will bo in the chapel at
8 p. m. The progam is as follows:
Violin solo - - - G. D. C Menzondorf
Anniversary address - Roseoo Pound
Piano solo ------ Miss Howard
Vocal Solo
Address - - - - Chancellor Mnoltonn
Vocal solo ------- H. S. Kvans
It it expected that H. H. "Wilson will
The boys aro all anxious for that Mich
igan trip, so all aro working extra bard
to go, Tho second mun, want to sub any
way. The Miohlgan manager has sent
word that the Nebraska game will be tho
great homo game with them this year.
Look out for Turner when be gets
down to business. At the first of Satur
day's game he played very cautious. But
soon hu was seen hitting the line with
all bin '225t pounds. He is putting up a
great game every night on the practice
Frank Crawford is coaching the Wes
leyan team. Saturday ho takes them to
Crete to meet the Doane men. When
he is thropgh there, he will bring them
back and try to get them in the best
possible shape for the game with us a
wook from tomorrow.
Golden of Nebraska will enter the law
school of the university. Coach Robin
son hopes to get him out n the football
field and play him as half-back. Golden
has u reputation as a football player And
he will materially strengthen tho team
possibly for the Missouri game.
Class teams will play as .follows: Jun
iors and Seniors, Ootober 30; Freshmen
and Sophomore November 7; the win
ning toams to play November 14, The
class league will be for all men who play
on the first toam. The games will con
sist of twenty minute halves, umpire,
referee and linesmen to be chosen by the
"'" "f t,u ,0,u" ''" Th,
. oli mimes will uiulmmtodly ho Kood.
us tbo tenuis nro well orKivnUol nntl
nunn business,
Tbo oluss of UW will open up tbo son
so on V'rUlny Ootober SO by tbo Ural
olusa reception. Miss Itesslo Tynim m
her commllloo bnvo been hard l work
innklug full nrrnngomonls. Tbo reeep
lion will be boltl In KoprosentiUlvo bull
of tbo sinlo (HtpUol building. A progrmn
ot About four gooU uutnbera will bo rn
leinl nfter wbloh the hnll will bo tumott
over to gomes, bnclug nnrt loss-yo
Vlonso, The rvevmtlon will be a strlotly
frosbmnn nffnlr. Tlekets inny bo ob
tnluotl 'nun tbo following; A. & Pearse,
K. V, Jlnrxfy, Uoy lUnloln ml Ollwr
Tbo rirat one of tbo gtvM golil-slhfr
tlelmtos was bebl In obaivil Vlnwla
night, A 'ry largo numlwr wr roeeut,
tlw lover rtoor of the ohapel Iwlng oont
jilotpiy fllloil. The onttnts wtr: all
vtr, Itakrr ami Par; gobt, Wilson ami
tlrwu. The question was IIwhw1 iuro
ly from an ocanomlo atamliolnt. Hoth
allfs rlalm the victory.
U. S. Itaker will gx rwintmlgulng for
ltran next woek. He will aik In sv-
Mral of the central conntle.
Phi lelia Thota heht n tntllntton last
SalHr,wy night. Oreo, ot the law school
was the camlhlatt.
t'onatderatlons ot the Ky In Us Various
Conditions Mtisaular Action.
!wrt think that tbo iv Is as tbo little
boy thought tbo world was "stutk wi
on a stick nml mtllM a-ownd bj1 tv string
fastwiwl to it!"
Theoretically, of course, every student,
out of tlo rlghth grado, knows that tbo
eye has six ialrs ot extra-oeolar mus
cle! which iMori and control Us ovory
mowment; but practloalb' do wo ivol-
e tbo extreme nlcoty ami exactness
with wnlen oacn m-jscle must net witn
ovory othor muscle o Hmt there soall
be perfect adjustment? And that If there
is not this exactitude; If one muscle, so
varies so much as a hair's breadth, some
times, from Its "jartner In life1" well. It
will make n deal more disturbance than
will two monitors of the human family
when "unequally yoked logolhor," for, in
this Instance, they cannot got a divorce!
Fortunately thero is another remedy. If
suoh conditions are not too long neglect
ed. About two-fifths ot the civilized race
have this exactness In tho adjustment
of tho extra-ocular mus-clos, o that there
Is no effort rvquln-d to hold the eyes In
such a relative position that the Images
of an object may be received on corres
ponding parts of each eye For the re
maining threo-flfths an "'eternal vigil
ance" Is required in order that the two
images may blend. Otherwise the bal
ance of power is destroyed. In this case,
when the eye is unaided, it is only by
constant, perplexing effort that they can
to kojt from actual deviation.
It Is but reasonable to expect thatthoso
"whose nervous energy is superabundant
the word is used advisedly, for the un-
ambitious one will not tax the nurvos
enough to cause disturbance must suf
er until this condition is removed.
The fraternity men of tho university
will find that Wosterfield does the right
kind of tonsorial work at his shop, 117
North Thirteenth street,
Sho "'Didn't you say when jou asked
me to marry you that 1 should bo the
: queen of tho household?" He ""I did,
but 1 didn't moan for you to bo tho boss
of it. Queons aren't much mere than
douco high those days," Indianapolis
"How did you got in there. In the Ural
i place?" asked the roscuwa, wlto had
pulled Mr. Kerrigan from the canal.
"Be way av tho top," said Mr. Kerrigan.
However, It was too late t threw him
in again. Cincinnati Enquirer.
Telophone superintendent over the
wire) "Hello there, you! No t) wearing
through the telephone." Irate aubsorib
er "I ain't swearing through the tele
phone; I'm swearing at it." New York
Managing editor "Send the chief artist
out on that sulolde story, will you?" As
sistant "Not safe, I'm atrald. He's
drunk today," Managing editor "That
so? Well tlen have him make a poster
for usl" Truth.
The customer was inclined to be face
tious. "Have you any Plngree potatoes?"
he asked. "Xas, sir," replied the grocer.
pointing to a barrel, ""1 guess you don't J
understand me, I said Plngree po
tatoes. These are sweet potatoes." J
"I guess your mind wabbles a little,
doesn't it? Sweet potatoes are Plngree
potatoes all right enough now. Plngree
has come out for the gold standard. Next
time you want anything in our line don't
hesitate to give us a call. Anybody
waiting on you ma'am?" Chicago Tri
bune. Don Cd.nifcron's lunch-counter.
South Eleventh, street.
Ho had loft tho elnaalo bnlls of tho obi
Unl, and wna settled nt Inat In n blK east
ern college. Ho was tunimtnl nt tbo pro
pretentious nrrnngeinnnta for tbo foot
ball loom. Aa be wna standing tluro
tho eouoh nimiMaoltod him mid naknl
him to try for the team. Ills mucosa
whs wonderful at buokbtg tbo lino.
"Whoro did you fot your footltall o.
porlonoo?" tbo ooach naked hint one day,
"All tho experience l'vo bud," bo an
swered, "wna In trying to roach classes
on tlino when I bad to go front Nobrnakn
ball to tbo library building, while I was
attending tho university of Nebraska."
Professors bnvo had n bnnl time ot It
tho past wook trying to koop track of
tho tolls. One prof was hoard to ro
innrk that ho had worn out bis wnteh by
continually resottlaR It,
Tbo met that mudonta ot tbo univer
sity nro rvuulred to drill Is jsnlln
lor lota of wickedness that jtoes on
about us. It ,m caused ono yonnjr man
to so stretch ht oonaclottoo, that ho ha
written an cm use, anylng thai b lias
religious scroplw to audi an oxtent that
bo could not imsalhly drill.
There haa Iwen that fooling ot having
misled something, atom tbo Nobraakah
otlleo this Week. Almost thro weeks
bnvo pnaaed without a letter from Will
Johnston at Iluttc Mont , to the elToet
that he has not mvlvod bis Nebraskan
for suoh and weh a week. WlU expects
that we are running n ilally here pro
lialdy. Tho following U told of ono of the In
structors In tho mlvorslty, A young lady
passed n window of n department. The
Instructor was In and sbo called to the
young man "What are you doing?" The
prof who was nar tbo young man
slapped him on th shoulder and tobl him
to keep at work and he would answer
the voting lady.
So Mr. Prof well to th window ami
said. "We are cutting meat In here,"
This was a pure attempt to to funny,
fo- nothing could to farther from what
the student was eolng. The girl knew
It i she ald.
"So 1 supposed vhen I saw the calf's
head sticking out f the window."
it seems that It vould have been found
out by this time that tho faculty Is not
looking for a chance to grant a holiday
on tbo least occnaon. It will to absol
utely useless to present tho petition to
tho committee, ofklng for a two days'
vacation to allow -studonts to go home
and vole. It tho students do not know
that the suprenu court has decided that
students aro pemltted to volo In the city
of Lincoln, the memtors of tho faculty
know it at least. The promoters of tho
lo'.Ition mayto Justified In asking for a
vacation, but tho chances for Its being
granted are rather slim.
One of Doans fair maidens who sat
in the grand suind was In constant fear
that Mr. Fishtr would get hurt, and at
every down of tho ball she would Jump
to her feet and Inquire If Mr, Fisher was
hurt. Fortunately the dear toy did not
gel injured. But the young lady's neigh
bors were wishing that he would If It
would eso the Inquiry of Mr. Fisher's
interested friend In the grand stand.
"Now then,' sung out the peddler on
tho street corner, oriskly, "hero's your
celebrated Watson cure for warts. Gather
'round hero, men! Watson's ealehraied
Georgia ke-ln-tho-m!ddle-or-iho-road
cure lor wartsl Ten cents a bottle!"
And lor the next ten minutes he was
kept hust bnndinK the bottles out to
Koldbugs and populists. Chicago Tri
bune. "nobble, 1 should think you wero too
old to allow yur mother to put you to
bod at aifftac" "Pooh! That's nothing.
Father Is a good deal older than 1, and
she puts him to bed very morning."
New York Hoiald.
The New Parson in Arizona): "Mr.
Roundup, may 1 ask if my discourse yes
torday created a favorable impression?"
Coyoto Jack: "Parson, I've heard mora'n
fear dozen of the boys swear this mornin
it was the dangost best sermon that wuz
ever pulled off h'yar! " Chicago Tribune.
Am Injured Innocent. "Judge, you
bonoh," Mid Krastue Pinkley. "l's un
Jus'ly 'cum!. I warn't pterin' no policy.
"But you wero foud with tl.o policy
slips in your possession." "Dam warn't
no policy slips, Jedge, yoh honoh. I was
Jos flggorin out how de different states
is gwlne ter go next November." "Wash
ington Star.
Dr. S.E. COOK, practice limited to
Eye, Ear, Hose and Throat 1215 0.
Fine oenfoctionery.
Oyters In season,
lee cream and cakes,
All the fnay drinks,
Special attention siven to arranging
"Spread' 1211 O at
Aro tdimvhitf nil of tho vory lntoat stylus nml
pnttorns in.. ..
Peill St-i.it3v.
nt priros novor boforo olVortnl in Lincoln. These
nobby suits from &r to $15 nro stylish nml of
tho vory host mnkos. Von nro cordinlly invited
to inspoi-t our stook boforo buying.
lit-U17 O STREET.
T. J.
Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Checks, Badges
Goncnil Machino Work. Model Making ami
Plating. Bicycle work a specialty.
:03 South 11th St, LINCOLN, XEBlt.
You will find
Is putitng up the best
$2.25 per week.
427 North 10th Street.
Hutchins & Hyatt
1010 O Street. Telephone 225
Table Board $3...
per Week.
Meal Tickets, 21 Meals, S3.
Will be made to STUDENTS upon application.
It's the Place.,
You want to go to when you want to
purchase magazines, periodicals, news
papers and novels. Always on hand.
Eleventh and O streets. Richards block.
When you take
The Nebraskan
First National Bank,
N. S. HARWOOD. President.
OHAS, A. HANK A, Vioe.Pret4dmt.
F. M. OOOK. Cafcbler.
a & LIFl'INQOTT, ana
H. S. I'ltEEMAN, ABfc-t Cakhier.
Mnnufacturs of..
Board in the city for
Tickets, $2.50.
C. M. BARR. Manager.
Tho Tailor
Stfifs -yiadc lo rder.
Cleaning and Repairing also Done.
126 SO. lift St.
Orer WohlentwrcV Clpi J
316 S. South Twelfth SL
Meals 15 cts.
First-Glass Barber
Special rate to students on baths-sS
baths for a dollar.
ij No. mi.
You are getting a good
Livery, Baggage,
129 North Elevonth Street
Telephone No. 31.
o .... .. . .. "JillS.
special attention given to P"'. -AH
calls answered promptly, ouj
night. Hack Nob. 39, 42, hi, 55, S a
anu bo.