The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 24, 1896, Image 3

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Web "W. I" working fr Iho oloo
WMterfleM. tho barber. Hen done work
ror undents for wwntcon year.
stncoy M. " oT l-Vomont visited Per
v lWrr for n fw '?"" t"1 wcokl
Ml, jeffro wns elected n member ot
th'o rnllnillnn oelely nl the Inst moot.
Ml, Zotilo Nrlw f Wont Point, lifts
n vMMnff university friend Oils
Voiil l'lwy 'OS, In running for fount y
attorney on tbo domoemllo tlokol In I)
Voi oouniy. t t
ltvr your tonserlnl work done nt Vw
tMlloUVK. You Will KOt tho Intent ntyU
0f hfllr it thoro.
Wrt Abbott 'M, M"n up from Nebraska
Oliy Krlilny to attend tbo Vol eolebrn
don nnl tbo football (fftmo,
Mi Mm-ioi Ooro '!tt. who 1 lonelilng
m Knllx t'lty, rcnowotl unlvorally no
qiulntonor lust Saturday,
fonftniuTi' tno popular vmrner ir looni
at 1(02 o street. Ho employs tho host
artlstn of nny shop In tho olty.
latin. I'ronoh, Gorman, Greek nnd
Kncllsh dlrtlonnrlox, translations, etc. nt
low prices; liorpomueimpra nun so.
Miss Carrie Countryman ', attended
the meeting of principals of schools last
Saturday. Sho U teaching at Avocn.
Miss Tl.nrr Is Riving her advanced clas-
, V I , 1 ' ' li IIJ III' 1A l I'jIH W ill. (I WlJf1
fcarned tbW mimmor whllo In the oast.
LelRhton's 1213 O street Tho host stock
ot stationery and school supplies In the
stale, wholesale and retail. Call nnd got
Professors Sborman nnd Adams had
quite r long talk last week over the pos
sibility of a rloser union of tho two do-
Frlnclili- 1.1'Vlson of tho Omabn high
whool saw tbo football game Saturday
and visited with some of his former Om-
nhn students.
Professor Adams bus successfully no
Rotlatod for tho bnnrtsome set of Tlobort
Louis Stephenson's works. Thay arc not
eutulOKWil yd.
A petition nHklng for two days ot vn
entlon to allow students to go home to
vote. Is lielng elrenlntod. It has m-olvod
it numlier of nnnios.
The niiM'tliiK of the stnte suporlnton.
dents nnd prlm-liHils broiiKht many old
university people to tlit olty. ThOlr prOS-eiiii-
whs enjoyed by many.
1'riSl Klllll mil Tl llAM D-ntlf. In tllu lw.n.I. In
Grand l,inml to harvest tho Immenso
ucar hwt rop of Kublmnn. Tloso &
r He will remain until nftor election.
'oplwi of mi address delivered by Dr.
b II. Seott infore the Hrltlrfh hsHOOlh
H"n for tin iiilvnnocmont or seleneo,
TI- received ,y T)r. ItoSHpy tills WOfk. wiiitmorp as innimWr of the
to-nlnR IVi, reports that be Is dolnn
v'f well li, ,, tinnneliil way. lie la alno
wi'lliiK out ,miH.r tllat lg a goon 0I)(K
The liotimieni rtopiirtment bns juat ro
HmmI several very valuable specimens
rrn former student who Is now tenoh-
hotany In the hlKh soliool of K'Hnaas
' I he Intrmlmtion of tbe now inHtiual
."rniK '" " but.., Hon. the now cadet
"' hVe eipml ,mnpw wln, , ol(1
m" fr wlniiliiK ih,. mnlili In tbo
' W,.y W.,m..r , PHH.MH1 tbroUKl,
I"- hai aeourd ti poiltlon will.
W,d " n,,"0H,,,t Cmi,,,'' "l
vuL11.,1'' S",UlT,r of ''viif. N.-br..
Cme ,Mm,!Ver",,y ,RHl T,1(flr "fl
aZ ,w,ltl department with
'rem Sour""0" f th bl68Pe1 thl(,.
m Southern ICuropo.
The Znntm.,. t
lb Dm. 7 """TnM 0'1"' will bold
OctoJ 2:B"'n" n,0fl,n Tuoaay ovonlnp
Allwhn rm 1C ln Nebraska hall.
cordlm."0, n:oreB,e'1 ,n " work nro
"' "v,lee to attend.
hTna h0l1 an ,nfH Party at
- ? Cy 'nSt WCOk- Tt "
llbrar. nth,nB but H,t UP '"
"WesuntMn Chc8t-nuta tta toll Bhost
until thoy woro scared to death.
If '
wlant4 ! knW What n11 th,lt
'lon fl" aCOUnt ot TO0V," tho
hf. u . un t0 the chemistry build
hr iu. "0t absolutely nocesinrv fli,r.
"Mnt h Weathor' and the chomlHtry
00 "ot want to be aapblxlated
some dny, when llti- old no over theiv
refuses to work,
Tho (Mmneellor left last Saturday to
nUond the volobmUon of the one hm
divd nn nfllo1i anniversary of tbo found.
Iiik of Prlneoton imlvorsliy. He will vo.
turn In tlmo lo be nt bis desk Monday,
Al tho last meetlnpr of the IVraliliiR
Hlilos n eommlttee wns appointed to oon
for with tbo business mannnrern ot the
Sombrero voRnrdliiK the poper ropeson.
tMlon of the company In thru publlon-
MIhsom Uvn Leonhnvd, Vrniicls Morion,
tttln tMiy, luhi Hurrows Ulljinbeth
Thompson, 1511a Mefrosky nnd 11. 1
l.xrtxVllt lofl Ihelr various insks for a few
finys last week nnd took In tho Vn eoh
ISx-riiniicollor Oniidold writes that ho
bns been vlsltliiK ln IMllshnrg. Thei-o
he met Vllln Cniher, who Is employed on ,
the Home Mowialne. He snyn that 5he
Is considered ibo bent lllernry worker In
Iho elty.
Tbo CoOp. has secured somo vary nonl
ltnlvei'slty letter head paper this year
with envelopes to match. Tbo loltorlnR
Is dono wllh ft dye, nnd shows ip wtill.
A lniRC slock wtts laid In so as to sup
ply all demnnds.
There will bo n series of lectures Riven
throughout tho year In tho tenchers'
course. Tho llrst was Riven Thursday
cvenltiR nt r. o'clock by Mrs. MnnnhiR of
tho department of elocution, on the sub
ject ot "UondlnR."
A founlnltl pen Msually costs from Jl.BO
to ?X00. We sell one for fifl cents nnd war
rant It Rold with Irrldlum point. It yon
are not satisfied wllh It brlnp It hack and
wo will refund you your money Her
polshelmer and Co., Hook department,
Ho you know thnt headaches and many
nervous affections are duo to tho oyo
strain, and can bo cured hy scientifically
fitted Rlasses? Hxamlnntlon and consul
tation free. 11. M. Hetts, Wehnrds hl'k.
Hoom .12. Hours ft to 12 a. m. 1 to B p. m.
Mr. John M. Uoberts and Miss Anna
Stanton woro married at tho bride's
home In Taenia Colo.. Thursday, Octo
ber IR. Mr. Hoberls was a former mom
1k.t ot the class of 'US, but for tbo past
year bo has been onpriRed In Pnonla Colo.
His many friends hero extend congratu
lations. MIhs Hyatt, tho botanical artist, has
boon onRiiRed for somo tlmo In mnkltiR
drnwIiiRS of tbo weeds of Nebraska.
These drawings will bo used In lllustrat
InR ft bulletin which Will be published
within a year or two by the experiment
al station of the university.
It Is expected that tbo uniformed np
pearamv of the battalion "will be much
better this year. ISnch Cfidet has bis
uniform lilted on him before the sleeves
are put In thus Insuring a perfect tit.
This shows tho ffrotit nrtvnntaRO of hav
ing tin- uniforms mndo In this city.
A meeting of the Junior class wns bold
Monday nth moon. The subject ot pict
ures of the members for the Sombrero
wns discussed. It was decided to have
Individual pictures ot enob member of
the class published. Tbrao pictures
should be banded Into tho bonrd of edi
tor as soon un possible.
Steve Corey preaches nt the Christian
dlmrrli at Waterloo every other Sunday.
He had to go last Saturday and conse
iiuwntly missed the Roane Rftino. He ar
rived In town Mondnf morning without
having seen a impm and had to ask aft
er the result of the game. My! but be did
look sheepish.
The following were Initiated Into Kap
pa Alpha Thetii last Friday night: lSlean-
or William, .lane MoVarland, flraoc
MaeMlllan and Hdlth Schwartz. Miss
Williams whs pledged in '02, but was not
Initiated on neeount of illness. She left
then Monday for her home in Minnea
polis w'here sin- will ritlond tho university
of Minnesota.
Friday evening the TM Heta VM enter
tained at six o'clock tea at the home of
the Misses Stuart. After the tea. the
evening wns pleasantly passed with
dunolng. Miss Turner entertained tho
fraternity the following evening In honor
of Miss Wirt of York who was in tlu-
city for n few days.
Miss Josephine Tremaluo loft last Tuns
day for Huenos Ayres South Amor
Ion whoro sho will bo mnrrled. Jamas
McCroskoy, tho gantlomnn to whom sho
Is engaged, holds n, government position
at tlmt place. Miss Tromalno was ac
companied by hor father. Sho will go by
way of Tarls and whllo In thnt city will
see Miss Holon Harwood.
Kugono Sherman . who Is ouohlng
at Fairfield, and Harry Barber VI. who
has tho chomlBtry department of the Ne
braska City high school, were visitors
at Delta Tau Bella ball last Saturday
and Sundny. They were in the city to
atttmd the meeting of state superlnton-
deiils nnd prlni'lpnl. Ilotb took In the
) l)one football Kiitiic.
Tho most IhloroHtlpg debate ot this
cmmpiilmi of chtomton In university oh",
oles, was held Monday nt'crimon on the
steps ot the llbvnry building. The n.iicn
lion wns "Uesolvedi Thnt tho principles
of the tree sllverltos should not bo up.
held." AillniinUve, l)t Fling, Fung, nn,l
I-MIur; noRwtlvo Omhnm. Morrison nnd
Molef; time of debut, three hours.
.... ..... .-.iiii Kiiun i uiw prices ipiisv
day-s-how low yon may Judge from Hie
followliiRj Sanfonls Ink twi rm.i rtA
half cents per bottlej soft ww tnblota
e pnRoa. l win oneh, students nolo
books MA pftgs, h coma onch; Oei'man
nnd HiiRlIsh dlcttonnrlos. half lsnibrt.. x
cents nnd nil other supplies at eonniu.
low itilcft. Herpolshemlev nnd Co.'s.
M1js IMtm Wynn rxTfCds lo an m nu.
Dakolft ln two weeks where, alto m-tii
aiieml two momhn m mnkhiR Komo h.
onieni di-nins Tor Ho ,litm Snnndws
wlro Is nt the head of lite bolAnhvtl tin.
pnrtmem in the wtnto aerle-iiinmd mt.
lejic nf South Dakota, Miss Hyau liaa
nan much experience In drmvlnc boinn.
leal specimen, nnfl, kev work Is vocog
nlzeil as the wry best.
The first of n nerlm of leclures to be
Riven under the auspices of tbo uronnr.
ntory medical society, will be given nevi
Wednesday evening In N'obrnska hall by
ur. nontiey. The subject will be "Hvn-
notlsm." Tho doctor will bring his own
subjects. At the oloo of tho lecture, 1
nr. lion tiny will permit nny ono nresont
to use whatever power ho may hnvo in
that lino, on him.
Professor Hoterson vho Is expected to
assist in Hrofessor Shorman's donart-
ment, cabled to Uoscod Hound from Qor-
many lost wt-ok. to fond him a sworn
stntoment from the eounty oloik, that
no had never been married. Ho also
asked for his father's naturalization m.
pers. This probably means that "Hoto"
will bo back soon, nnd that ho Is ROlng
to he married very soin.
Thursday evening, October 15, a Jolly
party of Tri Deltas nnd frlonds Indulged
In ft trolley rldo, taking advantage of
tho last warm moonlight nights. He
freshments sorved on the oar were sup
plemented by a more elaborate spread
at tho homo of Miss Clara King Smith,
and tbo rosft of tbo evening was spent in
llstonlng to tho sweet voice of Miss 10m
lly Hull, nnd In tripping the light fnn
tastla. The tennis tournament began Wednes
day, under rather non-onthuslnstlc con
ditions. It seams thnt footbnll Is absorb- I
Ing all Uio Interest Just nt present. The
tournament Is to be playod off before
Sunday. The following clnssos have been I
arranged. '
CIhss A-Hovelnnd. Word; Savllle, ;
Shedd. CIrss 11 Burr (""hristlo; Clem
ents Schroll. Class C-Jloore Bremer.
More Flnson. Clnss D Can Bossey Kyle
and Krnst Bussoy with somo one ye-t to
be determined upon.
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
js. hallett,
Jeweler, Optician and Engraver.
Dealer in Watches, Diamonds, Clocks,
Silverware, Jewelry, etc., etc. i
All goode sold ongnivod froo ot charge, nnd no charge made tor ex
amining tho eyes.
1143 0 Street
Lincoln, Neb.
You will save hot It
By taking " , ,.
Browning, King, & Co.
No ono in Justice to himself enn afford to
ignore our spoolal values ln young men's
Nobby Fall Suits. They nro marvels of
boauty, and nro out and made by our own
oxporiancod tailors. You got tho same ill
nnd make in our goods whothor you pay
$5 or $25 for your suit. Our cxperlenco of
over fifty-six years of clothing manufact
uring, wholesaling and rotalllng should be
worth a great denl to you. Besides our
groat oxporlenc."' our business Is conducted
on the "honor fright" plan. Everything
is marked In pi tin figures and you will
And no "dark tnblnot" work In our
MEN'S SUITS. J2.7E, $3.45, J4.95, $C60,
on hats this week. Call and see the nobby
fall shapos In stiff and Fedora hats.
jb2 u "1 l imwmmr
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office. 201 0 Street.
H. 0. TowNsavn, Gon'l P, it T. A.
F. T).,i., 0. P. A T. A.
We are headquarters for choice cut
roses and carnations, palms decorations
at lowest prices.
Corner of Twelfth and O streets, Funk
Opera House block. Tel. 834,
Lincoln Nebr.
Chas. B. Gregory fi
TJ. of N.. '91.
Office A
At 1100 0 St, S
Lincoln, Neb. H
(Kansas City Mo. Oct, 5-10.)
The Union Pacific "will sell round trip
tlokets for $B.7G on Octobor 14th to 10th,
good to return 11th. Day-light trip, arriv
ing at Kansas City 5 p. Tn. City ticket
office, 1044 O street.
Browning, King & Co.,
1813-1010 0 STREET.
Once in a while
it happens.
that tho local ticket ngent can
not give you all tho informa
tion you require.
Whon this is tho case, write
to mo. I havo copioa of tho
latest ruto Bheetti and railroad
time tablos and can tell you
EVERYTHING you want to
know about the best and cheap
est way to reach Denver, Salt
Lake Oity, Ogden, Doadwood,
San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Holena, Butte, Spokane, Seat
tle, Tacoma, Portland, or any
other western or northwostern
J. FRANCIS, General Passongor Agont,
Omaha, Nebraska.