The Nebraskan. A WeokU' NowBpaper IbsuocI Kvcry Fri- day Noon, by tho Students of tlio Un- lvornlty of Nobrnskn. Entered no Second Class Mall Matter. F. T. Rlloy Mannsrlnpr Editor. Edith Schwartz Ass't M'glnff Ed. ASSOCIATES. R. II. Hnkor Editorial. Kale Snow Walker - KmtornltloH. Oliver Olmmbont Atlilotlen B. B. Pony Local. O. W. Meier I.ocnl J. C. llUchman, i Local. Roportors. A. E. rarmelee H. F. Giko. Harry W. Doubravn, Ass't biiBlness M'B'r. " Tho Nobraskan will bo sent to any ad dress upon receipt of tho subscription price, which Is ono dollar a year. Con tributions arc solicited from all. Address all communications to Tho No braskan, University of Nebraska. It won't do any harm If you no out and cheer the boys n Utile durliiK prnrtlce Karnes. 'With the prospect of the romliiK Iuikup frames and tho one with Michi gan, a little oiicournKement will not be amW.M. The boys have been doing some good coiiMonolous pi-noticing, and l hoy deserve nnythlng In tho way of pralso you have to bestow. Hull, lust year's center rush for l'enn Bylvanla, Is coaching Iowa this year. Wo are nnxtous to see what Iowa will do against Kansas tomorrow, thon wo can tell If her coach Is doing tho work he Is credited with doing. We nro not afraid of bucking our own Mr. Robinson ngalnnt any of the crnck players of tho east. In fact our manngor hnd offers from both Patterson, who Is coaching Missouri, and Dull, but ho took another man intsead. Wo do not think that his cholco will ever uv n'Kiuill'M. The library is presumably for tho use of those who study nnd not thoso who want to visit and have social chats. Too much of tho latter Is going on for om own general good. Consequently it Is be coming a nuisance to thoso who nro in dustrious and havo no tdlo moments to indulgo In friendly talks. No ono can reallzo tho annoyanco that constnnt whls porlng nnd laughing has upon thoso who nro putting In earnest -work. It always draws ono's attention from tho subject In hand, nnd hence is more harmful than good. So long as tho library is Instituted for rending and rcforonco to periodicals, lot us mnko It comfortnblo for tho most earnest student. Much complnint hna been mado of lots of thoso social vlslt: occurring dally between tho alcovos. Those who want to tako up co-education must go olsewhero. If they will kindly do that, possibly unpleasantness will bo avoided. Of eourso the most intense interest is taken in tho outcome of tho Missouri game. Kveryono Is nwnro of tho fooling thnt Missouri hns ngnlnst tho unlvei tally of Nebraska. Missouri got so mnd last year because wo bent them oven whon they hnd Ullss of Ynlo to conoh thorn thnt thoy nt oneo declared thoy would pull out of the league. So thoy did. Rut after they got to thinking It nil ovor, they did not quite see how thoy could ovor get even with us with them on the out side. So they enmo In. And now thoy are waiting for us wnlllng to givo the tenm from the university such n drub bing, thnt sne will nover recover. In coming lmek into tho lengue, Missouri showed her good sense, or rnther It wns a reprimand to the hasty oflleers of tho association who acted without authority. As for Nebraska, she has tho bent feel ing possliilr toward her nlster university, nnd despite the unwarranted articles thnt appeared in some the St Louis sporting papeis, Missouri Is no doubt ready to extend a very plensnnt welcome to tho members of tho tonm whon thoy arrive thoro noxt Monday. , Tho gold nnd sllvor factions In the uni versity havo arranged for a sorlott of de bates upon tho money question. It Is needloss to say the discussions will bo animated. Instructive and ontertnlnlng. Roth sldos have put forward tholr ablest campaign orators and a good thing awalt overy student of political and economic questions. It Is to be hoped, however, tho debates will bo on a higher piano than tho avorago public dlsausslons. Thoro is no reason why thoy should not, but overy reason why thoy should. Studonts aro especially seokors of truth and ought to aim to Inculcato It In the minds of others. So much misrepresentation Is resorted to daily, that it is hard to tell the false from tho true argument. Let our boys mnko these discussions worthy of univer sity students. Look at tho questions from an economic and public point of View. And with such a lofty purpose in view, tho debates cannot full to be pro fitable to the most intenso partisan. Let every student come out and hour thes. economic discussions. Remember tho wellbelng of our country is involved. In euch exciting times no one can honorably disregard the political thought of the hour, t'ome and the logic and knowledge of our boys will do you good. Well It Is settled that the Thanksgiv ing gnme Is to bo played In Omaha do splto our hopes. Tho manager of the University dub Is still domnndlng unrea sonable tonus, but thoy havo lo bo mot. The sporting editor of the World-Herald aired himself last Sunday from an Omnhn standpoint. In reference to an artlolo which appeared In the Nobraskan some thing mean about tho said management ho says: "Tho young man who has written for the Nebrnsknn hns certainly been misinformed whon he talks of the 'outrageous terms' nnd 'subsidizing,' for the terms on whloh tho two football elev ens piny In Omfiha should certainly be satlsfnetory to nny loam. The Univer sity club through Frrmk Crawford, hns the mnnnircmcnt of tho game, Tho club furnishes the park, pays for nil advertis ing, pnys the gatomen and ticket (tellers and In fact benrs tho entire expense of the two teams plnylng here with the ex ception of their traveling expenses and their hotel bills here. The net receipts are cqunlly divided between the Nebras ka nnd town teams nnd the University club." Let's nnnly.e these "satlsfnetory" terms a bit. "All tho expenses of advertising" getting out some posters, probablo cost flvo dollnrs. "Pays nil gntemen" this menus that two men will be given each a complimentary ticket, nnd possibly llfty cents. "Pays all the ticket sellers." cost about the same as the gatomen. All this expense Is borno by tho University club. Only tholr hotel bills and tholr travel ing expenses ?D00 has to be borno by the teams. Yes this Is certainly very renson able, very satisfactory to any team. Wo havo to apologize Our 'young man' was misinformed. He got his Informatlo.i from tho manngor. Rut may'jo It was only a mistake on the pnrt of the young mnn's Judgmont. He couldn't toll ronson ublo terms when he saw them. That's where he was wrong. WHY NOT US? A movement hns been Innugurnted by the gleo club looking to tho publlcntlon of a book of songs for tho gleo, mnndo lln and banjo clubs to bo distinctive of Stanford and its life. Tho plan Is to have tho work undertaken by tho student body through n commlttco nppolnted for tho purpose. All the songn thnt hnvo boon written will bo gnthorod together, nnd now ones solicited; it Is posslblo that somo Inducement mny bo offered to in cite tho Stanford muso to action. Pro fessor Pasmoro will havo supervision of tho work nnd will arrango tho songs for the various clubs. Palo Alto Dally. MY (1UEST. (With proftiso apologies to Stephen Crane.) There stood beside my bod last night A grim nnd ghnstly shapo, With hollow eyes rimmed 'round with flro And heavy lips ngnpo. His hands woro tnloned like u hawk, He grasped his livid breast And tore it nnd 1 saw tho heart (if my blood-freezing guest. Twos black nnd wlthoroo ana it hung As beHvy as a stone, I shrieked with fonr nnd coworlng lay, Tho heart II wns my own. The gruesome slinpe passed out the door 1 awoke find rubbed my eyes, And swore a solemn binding oath To ent no more mince pies. Wllllnm Reed Diiuroy, In tho October Clack book. The senior pressed his benrded lips And scowled n scowl, dark dread and sour, For he was counting his credit slips And slugtng, "I neod thee every hour." I5x. Lives of croakers all remind us We can make our lives a post, And departing leave behind i Peeling of relief and rest. Ex. The Only Way. Ho had a worried look on his face, nnd remarked, with a sigh: "I suppose thore Is no use in expecting that ovorybody will evor bo satisfied." "No," roplled the man with tho campaign buttons all ovor Mm, "not unloss this gov ernment makes arrangomonts to havo two or three vlco presidents Instead of only ono." Washington Star. Corporal (to soldier) "Why Is tho blade of tho sabro curved Instead of straight?" Prlvete "It Is curved In order to glvo more force to tho -blow." Corporal "Humbug! Tho sabro Is curved so as to fit tho scabbard. If It was straight how would you get it into tho crooked scab bard, blockhead?" Fllegendo Blatter. "Pat, what has become of tho potatoes I told you to plant?" "01 got rid of 'em, sorr. Tho potayty-bugs was threatened, an' 01 tuk 'em up so's whin thoy got here thoy'd pasn on. Whin they're pashed on, O'll plant 'em agin. Th only way to keep oft thlm netavtv-lnics. anrr is to fool 'em." Bazar. STRAY THOUGHTS Have you nil thought what a hollow thing Is fame? One painter paints her ns nn ovor fleeing bvbblo; but we must remember that many times thftl bubblo Is caught onught nnd broken. Thon what has mnn to pursuo? llls-hllbblo is-gono. "liespnlr and die." says tho tempter. "Llvo nnd leant the moaning" of lire." whispers hop. Yes. he who paints victory nnd fnmo with the snd ness of all nges tmdor tho gny ribbons nnd bright erown-ho paints truly. In a orndlo, n bnby lay, with wldo open eyes looking out Into tho world. Tho babe seotned studying, woudorlng whnl It desired. Suddenly It threw bnck Its head, olonchod Its tiny lists nnd let out a howl, piercing, discordant. Now, tho babe Is happily drinking milk from ft Utile spoon, llow engorly It onts, until It wishes no more; nnd how 11 cooes and laughs! 'How cute It Is! And now tl , sloops; a pretty smile lights lis dimpled fneo. Tho child Is ft youth now. He sits with one of Coopc's novels In the coi ner of a room near tho hearth. ".loseph, Joseph come nnd finish your work, come, quick now. Come or 1 shrill whip you." Down goes the book with a slam. "Hnng It nil mother! Whnt makes yon nlways call me Just whon I'm In the most Interesting part?" The work Is finished and how happily tho boy tnkes up his book lo continue his broken story. The boy Is n mnn uOw. All dny long he hns been looking over his book shelves nnd thoso of the city's grent li brary. All Is so oil. All thnt Emerson Browning, Cnrlyle, Christ, had to teach him he has mastered; and, yes, they nre tnsteless. In his soul tho gront mnn longs for food. "Glvo mo, oh give mo more," he cries nnd ever his cry grows louder mid eer liin uiy grows deoper. When his trouble Is lenrncd by his wife she sits nnd tnlnks long nnd enrn estly, long nnd earnestly she thinks. "Oonrest where did Emerson nnd Christ find their great truths? Maybe thero Is somowhat thero for you to learn." And the grent mnn pondered. The next day ho wns ngnln hnppy and as ho camo homo to his wife ho rover ently kissed her brow nnd whispered, "Dearest you are my savior." nnd so (mother grent man was born Into the world, a now king, and ho knew It not nor cared, Havo you over seen dogs play Jokes on each other and havo you ever seen naturo play Jokes on her subjects? Yet the poor fly which sticks to tho fly paper sees not the joko therein; nor do we. f Nor do wo seo tho Joko In pulling ono wing off of a fly nnd watching It buzz as many a small boy does. Wo call somo, many Jokos, pure cussed meanness. Howover, when wo gel a good Joke we laugh at It. Thus as boys wo laughed when a smnrty walked about with "A Pool" pinned on his bnck. or "lClok Me" on his coat tall. And whon wo woro young wo looked with great awe on Polonlus, who could rs.tle off so many wise bits of advice to his son. Yes Polonlus wns a sort of god. Rut when wo grow oldor, we only considered Polonlus ono wlso mnn, nlnng with the r"t of them And now, ns we look back ( nt him we lnugh nt the old pompous guy. What! Is our gold en Imnire liecome our foolish jester! Why Is It Polonlus has so ohnnged? lie symbols n gront man to himself; to us ho is nn nss. Thore is still ziothor wny or looktiiR at Polonlus, which nfler nil is the trut way. PulouiuB thought his long list of memorized sayings nnd tho quoting thero oC ahows what a little man he Is rnfl we (are we great enough) can only be orry for him So nil Jokea are things for tears not for laughter; onn we but see them In their highest symbolism. E. A. O. .1UNIOII ANNUAL NOTES. The Annual board Is hard at work and Is gradually getting a start at collecting matter for the book. Contributions aro needod badly. Con tributions of every kind and from every body Is what Is wanted. Send In Jokes, drawings, suggestions, thoughts, pict ured stories, poems, nnd any old thing. If any one has any annuals from other colleges which thoy would kindly lot the board use during tho spasm, thoy will bo very gladly roenlvod by tho editors. Any such loft with Mr. Barret In tho historical library, bnsomont of library building, will bo snfoly nnd cnrofully kept. Juniors should havo tholr plotures tak en at onco. Arrangomonts havo been mado with tho Elite Studio to do this work. If any Junior wants a dozen pho tographs, ho can get them now for $2.60, regular prlco, $1.00. If you don't want any pictures, go and sit for ono any way, and it will cost you nothing. Every Jun ior must have his plcturo in tho Annual, and this way will accomodate all. Ow ing to tho low prlco, tho photographer is anxious not to have second sittings nec essary, so all aro. urged to go for their picture In their choicest nttiro and to "look pleasant." ivew tuaenis Your Attention is called to our store as the best place to buy Clothing and Furnishings ... Ask the old students about us, CLOTHINa Ready to Wear or Tailor Made. PAINE. WARFEL & BUMSTEAD 1136 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. " FOR THE .-.---,,-.-,. LATEST STYLES in IVORIENTfSif J J0PLE r sr iMiiiilf isa sss1 SHOES FOR MEN and WOMEN,., GO TO Perkins & Shelddn Co, 1129 STR66T, 'yvw; .- -v xvv -' -V -V -V i- - -V V- -v --J A ) I 1 BEST Work Best Service Established 1889. Telephone 199. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Most Complete and Modern Equipment. Greatest... Courtesy. J 121 North 11th St. FRANCIS BROS., propneor, Capital Cafe. Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. Open all night. LINCOLN, NEBR. Give us a call. Lincoln Fruit Stand PUCOINRLLI BllOS., PropB. FRUITS, NUTS, CIGARS, TOBACCO nml Coufoctlonory. Crackurjaek 5c nor pacltngo. TWELFTH AND O STS. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. IP YOU WANT A COLLEGE PAPER THAT WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE FOOT BALL NEWS, AND CUTS OF THE PLAYERS, YOU SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NE BRASKAN. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. L'liTTV CENTS A SEMESTER. WILL YOU WANT IT? nm