The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 24, 1896, Image 1

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i. iXt
Voi- V. No. 5
Prick 5 Cents.
fhco Wcro No Match for so Strong
a Team.
Mo iionno Ho-callcd Tigers Go Way
Down Uotoro tho Men of NobriiH-
ku It Was 11 aoon uioaii
annio-Flotd NotoH.
Well tlio grout Doano gnmo Ih ovor,
d nfu-r the usual fashion, victory Ih
-Ith the university of Nebraska by nn
overwhelming nu. mrtty. Of course ov-
tryboily felt It l" I'""' "-' l,,,u- ""
vouUl wl". li"1 wllh nU lhc l"com',lK
ment that rnrao to tho team from vur
m quarters, tiulto nn npprohonslon pre
vailed oh ti tho outcome
The Kiini" waH ,l l,r('u' ono l0 look
Bl it was clean nnd entirely freo from
rourh tnlU. "kicking" on tho decisions,
and plnyhiK that could bo oven called
uiiKcntU-nmnly. It wiih a ood natured
contcaX ll tho way throiiKh. and UioukU
tho boys wcro llurco at times In tliolr en
thusiasm niul zeal to coiuiucr, thoro wan
nothing tlmt could bo clnsscd nn slug
ging Tim derisions of tho umpire nnd roforeo
always seemed to bo satisfactory. If
they wore not, tho mon kopt llioir opin
ions to themselves admirably.
At 2 M the university boys alighted
from tho special car that carried them to
tho M street park. Thuy wcro grcotod
with a hearty cheer from tho bleachers.
Tho Doano team had been on tho ground
for somo tlmo and woro huddled togothor
In tho center of tho Hold kcoplng ench
other's spirits from dropping to a low
Tho university boys seemed to bo con
fident. Hut llttlo enthusiasm was not
iceable. After a few minutes of passing
and kicking tho bull, tho teams proceed
ed to piny
A. K. Van Duson. tho Wosloynn conch
nnd Trunk Crawford of Omaha woro
chosen as umpire nnd rofcrco, alternat
ing the second half. C. B. Hardin nnd
0. D. Noblo woro tho llncsmon.
The teams lined up as follows:
Donne. U. of N.
HouBton left end ..Jones-Benedict
Fisher loft tncklo Dungan
Leo (capt.) .... loft guard Kollnr
Perry conter Robblns
Patten right guard Tumor
Iteasoner nnd
Abbott right tncklo Penrso
Ellis right ond Wiggins
Swain loft half Cook
Wolf right half Shedd
Bowlby full Packard
Serf quarter Thorpo (enpt.)
Sudstltutes, for Doano Crlsvcr, Reed,
Hooper. Abbott, Bnrr: For Nebraska,
Klndler, Hansen, Cnmoron, Boncdtet.
Nebraska won tho toss and choso tho
west Ronl. Doano kicked oft for 30
yards. Thorpe enught tho boll nnd cur
ried It hack 8 ynrds. Thu teams were
down to huslnuss immediately. Penrso
carried tho bnll for in yards through tho
line. Nebraska then lost thu bull on
downs. Donne advanced about llfteon
yards, and heonusn Kellnr was nilludccd
Rullty of nn off hUIo play tlioy got llvo
more. Xchruskn got tho ball on downs
but Immediately gavo it back for simil
ar reasons. Wolf was given tho ball to
take around tho right end. Packnrd was
there and so emphatically checked him
that ho dropped tho bnll and Poarso fell
n It. Some, small gains woro mado, but
& punt was neccssnry. " Pnck" mndo n
good long one, nnd Wiggins got down tho
Held and beautifully downed tho catcher.
Nebraska soon got tho ball ngnln on
towns, and enslly ndvanced It with some
teady nn,i 8jlort BllnBf u0ano got It on
towns, but did not do much In tho way of
"Mine gains. A punt put thorn out of
"nmeuiato dnngor, but It was only for n
whlle. with tho bull in tholr pos
session Nobraska took It down tho Hold
ty steady pushing and finally, Cook was
around tho ond for tho first touch
town. Bhcdd kicked nn oasy goal.
Doano kicked oft for 30 yards but Shedd
jnaao a pretty roturn. A fow minutes
iter he aroused tho grand stand by mak
ing ono of his famous long gains around
th( end. u Wns for 15 yards. With a
Possibility of losing tho bnll on downs.
Uptaln Thorpo thought ho vould try ono
Of the ni ..i ... .. . . .
- .... iuiij-b nn nn8 Upon learning
"ntor Coach Robinson. As qunrtor-baok
kicked tho ball at right angles to tho
'to llnes of tho grid Iron, meanwhile
" ends, had dropped bock behind him
thus putting the ball on side. So It was
"body's who could got It, nftor It was
punted. jono8 Bot lt
11, woh h now for play for tho Donno
boys and they woro unwilling to sou how
It nil oiiiiio, ubout at llrst. Thoy seemed
satlslled when tho play wiih explained to
thuin. Thoy must Imvo got mad about
It for thoy braced up nnd took tho bnll
back again on downs, Then thoy mado
somo brilliant pluys for them, I.oo wont
through tho lino for 1(1 yards tho best
play that was mado by tho Donno mon.
Tho whistle Interrupted furthur play
ing in tho llrst half, and so It was ovor
wllh tho score standing 0 to 0 In No-bi-askii's
By tho tlmo tho socond half opened,
Nobraska was beginning to got In tho
gatno. Tho conch gtivo thorn u llttlo tnlk
about lining up faster, and whou thoy
wont buck, they showed that they woro
obeying Instructions. Thoy Just started
tho bull rolling, nnd ncvor lot up till thoy
pushed Packard over for tho second
touch down. Shedd kicked gonl as usual.
On tho kick oft which was for 35 yards,
Packard caught tho ball, and nldod by
somo good Intcrforonco, curried It bnck
15 ynrds. It wns a great piny nnd was
loudly cheered. Then Nobraska took tho
ball down to tho ton yard lino whero It
was lost on n fumblo. In attempting to
ndvnnco tho ball Bowlby was downed
by Benedict, and Bobbins camo up and
pushed him ovor tho lino thus scoring n
snfoty for somobody, but Nobraska got
tho two noln'u.
Tho bnll wns then brought out to tho
twenty-llvo yard lino. Donno punted and
kept Thorpo from ndvnnclng tho bnll.
After n llttlo preliminary scrlmmngo,
Thorpo bothought himself that tho tlmo
was getting short. So ho tried Benedict
around tho end. Tho grandstand couldn't
tell who was running with tho ball, tho
blocking wns so well done. There woro
a half a dozon or so, just racing down tho
fluid with llttlo Donno mon bumping up
against thorn ovory onco In awhile. At
Inst when all obstructions woro past Ben
edict wns seen to shoot out from his
blockers nnd streak for tho goal lino, lie
roached It nil right and sat thoro on tho
ball for a tlmo until tho others camo up.
Shedd kicked anothor goal. That ended
tho scoring, and tho half finished with
tho ball In Doano's territory.
Klndler got a sprained arm at practlco
Wednesday night, which will keep him
off tho Held for a fow days.
Anyone who lins wnlchcd the boys
practlco tho pust wcok, cannot fall to
hnvo noticed tho great Improvement In
team work.
Conch Robinson Insists tlmt tho men
piny fust, if tho quurtor-lmck does not
have tlmo to got breath enough to glvo
thu signals.
If Peiirso did not hnvo much of a
chance to play tho bnll Suturdny, ho
played a grand interference game all tho
way through.
Wesleyan and tho high school teams
played at M street park last Tuesday,
with a scoro of ten to nothing In favor
of tho Methodists.
Harry Kverott Is taking euro of tho
men by doing tho "massngu act" after
each practice. Ho will probably accom
pany tho team to Missouri.
Whllo on tho Mlchlgun trip, Manager
Oury hopes to play tho university of Il
linois. Wo can then seo how our team
can play In comparison with Missouri.
Harry Jones thinks ho will bo well
enough to piny In tho Missouri gnmo,
but tho coach snys no. Ills Injury is
not a serious ono, nnd Harry will bo out
on tho Hold again In a short time.
Football Managor W. H. Oury will go
to Iowa City Saturday to roforeo thogamo
botweon Knnsus nnd Iowa which will bo
played thoro on that day. Ho will go
from thoro to Columbia Missouri.
Tho socond elovon mon nro playing llko
fiends. Thoy tncklo ns If they had a
grudge against somo of tho llrst mon.
Thoy put up n stiff enough gnmo to koop
somo of tho llrst mon guessing to hold
tholr plncos.
Sovornl times at practice, Thorpo has
shown what ho can do with running
with tho ball, whon ho Is played at half.
He showd tho second eleven men, how
to mako a touchdown, nftor tho ball was
caught from a punt, Tuesday night.
Tho fact that tho Omaha game with
Iowa wilt bo played as usual In Oma ha.
has dashed tho hopes of several to t o
ground. Thoro are many tant "?
would forego tho pleasure of dinner at
homo on that day. If they could s , tl o
game under circumstance, thoy cyuld af
About Fifteen Hundred Volumes
Aboul Klfleon HunilroU Volumes Added
During tho Hummer Books for All
Dupnrtmonts What tho Pro
lessors Purchased.
Thoro Is no bettor proof that our unl-
vorslty Ih growing than the steady de
velopment Of tho library. Around this
dopartmout nil tho others nro grouped
and, although It is supported by them,
thoy are dependent upon It for their
most effective work. It hns como to bo
n woll recognized priuolplo Hint every de
partment must have a y,oll developed
library of Its own. Thus It Is that eaoh
ono of our profcsHois tries every Juno
to obtain us largo a share as possible
of th library fund, nnd that each Is
ciiruful to buy only the best books, since
no ono apportionment. Is very large.
This year thoy hnvo boon pulto fortunate
for tho regents allottcij $t,D0O to tho fund
aside from tho matriculation fees which
always go to it. It is tho purposo of
this article to give soine Idea of tho new
books that have como An during tho sum-
i mor nnd full. "
Whon all the orders havo arrived, It
Is estimated that l,f00 volumes will havo
been udded to the library. This does not
Include about BOO mnguzlncs bound dur
ing tho summer. Just hero It might be
montloned thut thrco valuablo sots of
periodicals havo lately bc-n completed.
These nro, Tho Now Er.glnndor, Quarter
ly Rovlow, and the Amorlcnn Journal
of Science. All of theso contain valuablo
roforenco material, especially tho Inst
nuined, Our collection .of pcrlodlcnls is
larger, choicer and better bound than
any In tho stute.
Ono of tho most notablo books of tho
year, and ono of Interest to debaters,
la Mr. Lecky's Demoaracy nnd Liberty.
It deals with llvo' questions and will bo
invulunblo to students In history and
economics. Miss Tremalno Is rapidly ac
cumulating n largo number of Invnlun
bio sources on English history. This
summer thoro enmo for her twonty-foui
volumes of Pnrllnmontnry history, dat
ing from 10CC to 1CC0 and 100 volumes of
Parliamentary debates, dealing with tho
period from 1C60 to 1802.
Tho law department was not to be out
dono, nnd so purchased 1G4 volumes ot
tho Massachusetts reports. Professor
Davis has obtained a complete set of
forty-six volumes of tho Mathemntlseho
Annulen. Tho German department hns
added about ono hundred volumes, In
cluding a now edition of Gootho's works.
Astronomy has u new library of its own
now. so Its library has been enlarged
and mado departmental.
Professor Adnms Is negotlntlng for n
sot ot tho elegant edition of Robert Louis
Stovenson's complete works In slxteon
volumes Just Issued by Scrlbner's Sons.
This Is considered tho best piece ot book
making for tho prlco ($2.00 per volume)
that has been put out for somo time.
It Is a notublo fuct that tho only other
books ot English fiction purchnscd this
fall aro four volumes by John Quit, nn
tho works of Mr. Cnrloton montloned bo
low. This year tho university Is providing
all tho electricity for lighting tho cum
nus. and so thoro will bo plenty of light
In tho reading room even on dnrk days.
It Is uotlceablo that thero Is no spare
room for thoso studying in tho library
oven now. Ab soon as a now building Is
glvon us, tho partitions will probably bo
tnktm out botweon tho rending room nnd
tho room of Profesor Caldwell nnd tho
history somlnar, thus making room for
several moro tnblos. Moro departmental
libraries will also bo added from tlmo to
All tho professors hnvo bought somo
books for tholr dopnrtmonts, but only a
fow of thoso purchases can bo montloned
at this tlmo. Hero Is a partial list of
thoso of tho most gonoral lntorost.
Parkinson, R. A Tour In America. 1803,
2 vol.
Chnstellux: Travols In North America,
17S7, 2 vol.'
Weld, I.: Travel Through tho Statos of
North Amorlca, 1700, 2 vol.
Davis, John: Personal Adventures, 1817.
Travels Through tho Interim
Coxo, Touoh: View ot tho United Slntos
Tho ubovo books woro purchased by
Profossor Caldwell to bo used ns origin
nl mnlorlnl by a graduate student who
Is making a thesis upon ono phnso of tho
rovolutlonnry period. Tho list mnkes tho
sources upon tho opoeh qulto completo,
ns tho library nlrondy contnlns many
valuablo volumes upon tho subject.
Among those may lu montloned a copy
now dltilcult to obtain, of tho secret Jour
nals of congress.
Othor Interesting hooks added by this
dopartmout are:
Hooloy, J. R.: Introduction to Politi
cal Science
Lookoy, W. E. 11.: Demoorncy nnd Lib
erty, 2 vol.
Foster, Roger: Commentaries on tho
Constitution ot iho United Stales.
Llfo and Correspondence of Rufus King
3 vol,
Lord, V. C: Setters of William Loo,
Mayes. Edward: Lucius L. C. Lamar.
Tho llnmllton Fac-Blmlles of Manu
Mlnsdnlo, B. A
Harris, T. I
PALLADIANS celebrated
It Was a Gala Affair A Holiday
The American Govom-
Parts of America, 1791, 2 vol
Qulnoy, Joslah: Momolrs of Joslnh
Qulnoy, 1825.
MolUh, John: Travols Through tho Un
ited States, 1818.
Tho Trent Affair.
Tho Llfo and Publlo Services ot Ellns
Boudlnot, 2 vol.
Kerr. C. II.: Origin nnd Dovolopmont
ot tho United Stutes Sonnto.
Longstreot, James: From Ml nassas to
Moore, J. AV.: The Amorlcnn Congress.
Madison, Jamos: Journal ot tho Fodor
al Convention. 2 vol.
Just now everybody Is asking what
tho library contains on tho money ques
tion. Professor Tuylor hns not neglected
that sldo of his depnrtment, although
ho has not been nblo to purchaso ns
many books on the subject ns ho should
havo liked. Hero nro n few of his now
Bruco, P. A.: Economic History of Vir
ginia In tho Seventeenth Century, 2 vol.
Muhlomnn, M. L.: Monetary systoms
of tho World.
Brassey, Thomas: Papers and Ad
Howo, J. C: Taxations nnd Taxes In
tho United States.
Smart, William: Studies In Economics.
Conant, C. A.: A History of Modern
Adnms, Brooks: Tho Law of Clvlllzn
tlon nnd Decny.
Colin, Gustuv: Tho Sclenco of Finance.
Hudloy, A. T. Economics.
Goodnow, F. J.: Compnrntlvo Admin
istrative Law, 2 vol.
Rnbbeus, Ugo: Tho American Commor
clnl Policy.
Lnughlln, J. L. Fncts about Money.
Sellgmnn, E. R. A.: Essays on Taxation.
Nicholson, J. S.: Principles of Politi
cal Economy.
Davis, J. P.: Tho Union Pnclllo Rail
Everyone Is Interested In general lit
erature. Soveral new authors havo boon
added this full to our largo collection of
English and American mon of letters.
If ono may bo allowed to discriminate
hero, it may bo safely said that tho most
Interesting, although hardly tho most
literary, now books In this list nro tho
four small volumes entitled Traits and
Stories of tho Irish Peasantry. Theso
comprlso a number of short stories
written by William Carloton, a natlvo
ot Ireland, who gives mnny vivid, touch
ing pictures of his natlvo land, Mr.
Carloton has all tho wit and pathos ot
a truo Irishman, as woll as a deep sonso
of tho wrongs his countrymon havo sur
fored; and it is woll worth anyono's
whllo to spond an hour ovor ono of his
skotohos. Professor Shorman has also
ndded theso books:
Morse, J. T.: Life and Lottors of Ollvor
Wondoll Holmes.
Austin, Alfred: Works of, G vol.
Saintsbury, G.: A History of Nino.
teenth Contury Literature
This Is only tho second yenr that thoro
has boon a regular department of peda
gogy, but Dr. Luckoy already has qulto
a respectablo library on educational mat
tors, and Is rapidly filling up tho vacant
spaces. If tho regents aro not moro lib
oral toward his department In tho fu
ture than thoy wore last spring, It will
bo somo tlmo boforo our ambitious pro
fossor will bo satisfied. This Is how ho
spent what llttlo money ho did got:
Greenwood, J. M.: Principles of Edu-
Durr'oll, Flotohor: A Now Llfo In Edu
Tho Twenly-llfth Aiinlvorsnry Is Now
History Record of tho Events ot
tho Occasion Many old fno-
os that aro Familiar.
Tho Palladlan quurtor-oontonlal has
been ono ot tho most onjoynblo nnd en
thusiastic colourations known to tho his
tory of tho university. By the kindness
of tho fnoulty a holiday wns granted; T.
F. A. Williams said It was voted for by
tho old Palludlans in tho faculty, on con
dition thoy might appear on tho day's
Chapel oxorclsos woro led by ox-Chnn-collor
After chapel oxorclsos Chancellor Mac
Lean spoko on the assjctallons which
every unlvorslty needs; and r. marked
tho wo nro young In yours, yet wo aro
past making a history for oursolves. Ho
then called for a few words from tho ox
ohancullor. Ex-Chancellor Falrllold gavo somo good
advlso somo vory good odvlso which
howovor, wo as studonts aro unablo to
follow, llo sald"Tnko tlmo for your uni
versity work and don't bo In a hurry."
"Howovor can students take tlmo whon
each prof works thorn to death?" was tho
smothered question that camo from somo
ono In ono of tho back seats. Ho also
suggested a vory good way to learn a
langungo, that Is, "to rcvlow each les
son twenty times." Vory good ndvlco It
ono only has four to six hours for each
Tho ox-chancollor was greeted with
round nftor round of applauso, and
thanked profusoly by tho chancellor. Tho
mooting wns then turned ovor to tho Pal
lndlnns. It would bo Impossible to attompt to
chronicle nil tho witty Jokes and hits In
dulged In by tho old tlmo Pals. Pro
fessors Fosslor and Caldwell, and T. F.
A. Williams wcro cspcclnlly witty. Tho
morning's exorcises consisted of a sup
posed oratorical contest botweon J. Stu
art Dalos, Professor Fosslor and Profos
sor Cnldwoll. Professor Fosslor won tho
prlzo a patent top. Tho audlonco laughed
themselves almost sick during tho morn
ing's fun; whllo tho professors carried out
their parts of tho program with groat suc
cess and dramatic skill.
In tho afternoon from threo to five,
members met in Pal hall to view old pro
grams, eat delicious Ices and especially
to talk over old times. Many a Joko of
olden times was told, and many a talo
Among tho visitors wcro C. S. Polk,
C. L. Barnard, Miss Lottie Pollard, Mrs.
Roso Pollard, Rev. O. W. Flfor, Miss
Lulu Burrows, Elizabeth Thompson, Ella
McCroskey, Fannlo Morton and others.
In tho evening an old tlmo program was
glvon In tho chapol. J. Stuart Dales tho
llrst Palladlan presldont took tho chair
whllo Professor Fosslor noted as critic.
Everyono enjoyed tho wholo program and
reveled In tho fun.
In the evening tlicr wns a bnnquot at
tho Llndoll with toasts by E. P. Holmes,
Will Owen Jones, Lincoln Frost, Mrs. A.
W. Field, Victor Rosowator, I. F. Boomor,
Miss Mary Tromalno, R. S. Bnkor, and
II. B. Ward. Music was furnished by
tho Hagonow orchestra always soloct.
So onded ono of our most onjoynblo of
foto days.
"(Continued on fourth pngo.)
Tho Football Team Will Leavo Saturday
To riay tho First Loaguo Gnmo.
Tho llrst big gnmo of tho season is to
bo played Monday at Columbia Mo. Tho
team has been considerably strengthened
during tho pnst wcok. Tho probable lino
up Is: Robblns contor, Kollar and Tur
nor guards, Penrso and Dungan tackles,
Packard and Wiggins ends, Shedd and
Goldon halves, Creo quartor, and Thorpo
full. Tho Missouri team lost to tho unl
vorslty of Illinois Saturday by tho scoro
of 10 to 0. Molford who saw tho game,
said it was a ragged ono and that wo
ought to stand a good chnnco to boat
Missouri again this year. As a whole tho
toam Is qulto confident of success but
tho mombors aro not doing any boasting.
Roports from Missouri about hor lavish
oxpondlturos havo rathor dampened their
boldness. It la oxpeoted to bo tho tus
slo of tho season, but tho boys aro go
ing to pu' up tho fight oftholr lives. Thoy
will leave Saturday.