I-L The Nebuaskan. A Wookly Nowspapor IsbuciJ Every Fri day Noon, by tho Btuaonts of tho Un iversity of Nebraska, Entorcd as Second Claso Mall Matter. F. T. Riley Managing Editor. Kdltb Schwartz Ans't M'glng Kd. ASSOCIATES. II. II. linker Editorial. Oliver Chambers Athletics VS. B. Torry, Local. O. W. Meli'f l.oen J, C. Hltchman Local. Reporters. A. E. Parmolcc II. F. dago. Harry W. Doubrava, ABn't business M'B'r. ""Tho Nobraskan will bo aont to any ud dross upon receipt of tho subscription prlco, which Ib ono dollar a year. Con trlbutloiiB aro solicited from all, AddrcBii all communlcatloiiB to Tho No braskan, University of Nobrnska. Something must bo done and dono quickly In order to Htlr up soma ontli'is Iiihiii for the Douno game. There seems to bo an opinion prevailing, that thin miimi Is to Ik- merely for practice. It Is qulto tbo contrary. Despite Its Insigni ficance, an wo aro wont to say, Douno ranks well both In and out of tho state, iih ii collcuo. Ono thing Is certain. It bus n football team this year. It Is not only tin- i". utorlul that Is there, but what Ih Just an Important. It Is tlm ontlnulusm. From pn-sent Indli-atlons, Douno Will have as largo a following at tho mmu' as we ourselves. Doiino Is "laying" for us this year. They have hired a conch for two weeks Just to beat us. They aro straining every nerve to do It. Every student who stays away from the gumo tomorrow, will help tbo Douno men beat us. Our players must have your support. And tho athletic association must havo your support. Aro you going to give it? In theso times of lack of Inturest In uni versity affairs, nowhero Is It more notlco ablo than as shown toward thu proposi tion offered by thu business managers of tho Sombrero. A prize of ten dollars has been offered for tho best story tho second prize, that of having tho honor of its publication. Another prlzo of llvo dollars is offered for tho best poem. Al thoiiKb theso offers have beon given all publicity possible, no notlceablo returns have resulted. In consequence, tho time has been extended till January 1G. This will give every one a Rood chauco to com pose a winning story. Tho Ncbraskan congratulates tbo Pal ladlan society upon her sliver miniver snry. Her members havo every reason to rejolco upon tho society's good record nud achluvments. Sbo is today ns she has ever been, in tho foreground In so cial and literary work. Tho university recognizes her good work, and the lit. ting character of her celebration, In sus pending classes today. In securing ex Chancellor Falrlleld to deliver tho an niversary address tho society did wisely. Let every student rejolco In tho Pallad Ian society's great birth-day. Whatever may bo our opinions upon literary work, we have but ono sentiment, "long llvo tho society." Thcro bus been a notlceablo bit of cn courugement In football matters during tho past week, but there is no feeling of confidence as to tho result of tho Don no game. Tho fact Is that our boys aro "mighty scared." They havo good cause to bo however. Donne remembers tho unmerciful drubbing wo gave her last year on her own grounds, and they aro going to exert every effort to beat us. To this end, thoy havo hired Charley Thomas as coach a man above all men whom wo fear In that position. Not on account of Mr. Thomas' superior ability ns a coach, but for tho reason that be is most acquainted with our players and our stylo of playing. Ho has a football coach to buck against however, so wo feel secure In this fact. t An Increased attendance means so much more encouragement for our play ers. Who Is thore, who was at tho Doane game last year and does not ro member how our hoys made gain nfter gain, nil from tho fact that a crowd of "rooters" stood at tho sldo linos and en couraged thorn In their plays. No bettor demonstration of tho spirit tbo crowd can lond to our playors, Is needed, than this one. To be sure it mndo somo of Doano's gentlemanly nollcomon rather angry but thoy got ovcr It after tho game. So if everybody comes along to morrow, and brings ills football spirit with him, it moans success for our tonm. Tho dlscournglng prospects of our foot ball team has resulted in ono advantago. Tho continual urging has brought out, mon who havo horotoforo conllned them selves too cloBoly to their studies both for their own good and tho good of tho rn team. Their preHonce on the practice Held Is of a two-fold advantage. The team has not only boon strengthened (n 11 raiisldi'l'ilhlo ilcuri'ii. lull the stand ...... ....... v ard of the scholarship of the football team as n wholo has been raised. If ibis Is continued, thnrn will tint be near ly so much complaint on the part of tbo faculty wnen 1110 timo for a koou long trip Is at band, The Nebruskun wants the students of tills university to keep under consldur nllon Its suggestion of last week to term a student organization that will Include every attendant of the univer sity. When tho udvuntugos of such an organization arc taken Into consideration It will be seen how great Is our need of such at, Institution, Talk this suggos tlon over with your neighbor, and see what he thinks of It. AS IT WE UK. Tbo Youthful Philosopher had never been built to work. Had bo boon built orig inally for a worker there was certainly some Haw In the architecture. It would have been a very dllllcult task to tell what he was built for, and as no one took enough Interest In his affairs to llnd out, bis dormant ability If ho possessed any. remained shrouded In Impenetrable mys tery. Ills most marked characteristic was his placid Indirfcrcuco here he showed ho was a philosopher. Moreove. ho took great pains to let other people see It here he showed that he was youth ful. Ho really admired very few people or thltiKS except that worshipped and adored the Youthful Philosopher. Oh yes, there was his plpo which was much thu titf.l. tut f.ll. 1,1.1 1... 1....I ii.i.l ...I.!..!. 1... nil 'ii. .ni nil-nil in; iiiiii, iiiiii tYIIIUII IIU loved with much ardor because It never Kroaned when ho tried to be cynical, The ouihful Philosopher was not really a cynic, ami never succeeded in convincing I anyone that he was, oxccptlng possibly I .(,j.t- inn. in, nun, vAui',iuiK Jiu.nuii III., llllllt 'Pllltlir ll.ll.l IttllU tll.l lllllllMlllllll... ...v ..... ...tr,, ,. ,,u nun in- iiiuiii iiiiiiuu of credulity and the Star Idiot who did not know anything one way or another. , ...,, ... ......,-, ... ...., wa --.wiyiav. Ho was coming out of the library where he had been studying the advertisements In the back of the magazines, and was i congratulating himself that bo didn't havo to work any that afternoon. Tin ...,. . ..w... ,.,.,, .... ... .v. (,v,u,,, i,.i- Youthful Philosopher often received his own congratulations In this way, how ever, because he never considered that he needed to study unless ho was in Immed iate danger of being bodily ejected from bis classes. Ho stood In the bottom library step, and looked to tbo north end of the cam pus whore there was a surging black mass of students falling over each other In a constant endeavor to see all tho players In tbo football practice gamo like a crowd of school kids following up a mi gratory dog light. "Here.'' said the Youthful Philosopher, "I am amused to seo my esteemed fellow creatures following their natural bent of acting llko sheep. Although l am not shepherd, 1 think 1 will walk over and watch them from a distance." Ho stepped down the remaining stair and started .when someone running up from tho ground lloor. collided with him violently, nearly knocking him over tbo scraper. Tbo Youthful Philosopher par tially regained his equilibrium, felt his back hair to seo If any was J.iried loose and looked to see who his assailant was. It was tho Prince of Liars. "Hello," said tho Youthful Philosopher, "Is that tbo usual way you come up tho steps?" The Prince of Liars grinned. "Going to watch football?" ho asked. "No." said the Youthful Philosopher. "Hut I'm going to watch the people watch the game. Whero on earth did you got that bat?" "Ob, my roommate took mine by mis take this noon and I have to wear his. It's a little ssmall Isn't It?" and ho quick ened his pace a little as he looked back at tho library. The Youthful Philosopher happened to know that the Prince of Liars didn't have any roommate, but he remained silent. They approached the west steps and they both saw that standing In the doorway wero tho Social Straggler, the Dear Th'ng the Society Girl, and tbo Profes sional Flirt. Tbo Youthful I'lillnvophoi feigned to be very busy watching the players, because bo didn't care to take tho troublo to remove his hat. Ho took his stand on tho stone walk a few feot from tbo steps whore ho knew ho was safe from Intrusion from everyone ex cept tbo Professional Flirt whom ho know would got him If sbo happened to want him anyway. FHB,t never saved anyono from tbo Professional Flirt. It simply do layed capture. Tho Dear Thing was oxhubomnt on tho stops and It required tbo united offorts of tho Socloty Girl and tho Social Strug glor to keep hor from falling ovoi tho rail ovory tlmo tho ball was passed. Anything that bordered on oxcltemont was onough to throw tho Dear Thing Into tho first stages of hysteria. "That full-back plays a mighty hoady gamo." remarked tho Prlnco of Llnrs. J". yes, Bald tho Youthful Phlloso phor Indlfrorently. Ho nlwnv mn,i u Point to agreo with ovoryono. Argu- mont Hosldos being Invariably usoloss us- ually wearied him. ' "He don't make tlm mnu mi. ... Ulon though. I used to play that ilosl tlon myself and happened lo make a lino record too," further volunteered Ills Highness, uubluHlilngly. "Indeed7 I hadn't heard." said thu Youthful Philosopher. Inwardly praying that ho wouldn't try to tell about It. 'Ves It was three years ago In Indiana, mill" Hero ho was Interrupted by tho Gilded Fool who came brushing past him. Ho was going past without speaking when lie suddenly thought of something a ru- inarkablo occurrence, truly and came back abruptly. 'Who Ih that fellow playing quarlerV" he asked. "I don't know," said the Prince of Liars, "I wondered becatiso I thought a Utile coaching would bring him out," explained the Glided Fool. "Yes, It possibly might," reluctantly as sented the Prince of Lint i. If bo doesn't Improve In a Hutu tlmp t think I shall go out and tialu him nscli. When I was In California throe years ago 1 used to play a. pietty fast center rush myself." (Ills Highness weighed about li.0 pounds.) "Tho coach wanted mo to" Further digression from fact was checked by the Glided Fool's laughing straight In bis face. Where did you gut that bat?" be asked. 'Tho Prlnco of Liars was much dis pleased and a lit tip mortlllod, for he took great pride In his personal appearance such as It was. "Why this hat Is ono my uncle sent mo a week or so ago. He evidently has foruotton what slzo I wear for you see this Is a little smalt." and the Prlnco o! t I...... ..............! .1... a. . ...!. ..I..1.....1 .11. ..I. .... l.llirn urilllllliru llll' lllliuil lllflipi.'ii uiiiin m his head wllli the air of a man who Is u uJustlv persecuted. Tho Glided Fool's attontlon was called ly a few excited shrieks from the vlclu- iy m llll' IJI'Ill IIIIIIK, IIIIII lllllllllK liiuimn I... ...... .1 ......... ,1... 1lHn.....ln.t..l l.'lll.l y of the Dear Thing, and turning around in., ini'i in,, Kiiftu 111 i, ii' i i iiii'niiiniii i-ill I z who gave him an enchanting smllu cal- ciliated to unnllillnto thu whole masculine (HIMllV-ll IW lllllllllll.llVJ IIIC MIIMIC IH.'V..UIIH wx whenever It was broiiK.it Into use. The- smile completely hypnotized the Cllld- d Fool, and ho straightway slid up the steps and surrendered. iiiiii Kill nvi'iun in in iiuiii iuiiiiiii with the young set." remarked the Prince "That girl seems to be quite popular of Liars after he had gone. "Sbo has often tried to get me In her train bui of course I step asldo to make room for the other fellows." Tho Youthful Philosopher was getting terribly bored and bo mndo no effort to conceal It. Ho looked over toward the library as If In search of something quiet ing to think about, when he saw the Ex citable Person came running bare-headed down tho library stairs, eleven steps at a time, and make for tho football Held with his hair waving Joyously In thu breeze. He stopped when ho saw tho In tellectual countenance of thu Prince of Liars, and cairn toward him on the Jump, "Where did you get that hut?" ho cried u great deal louder than he needed to have done. This question seemed to be gutting age and the Youthful Philosopher groanen audibly. The Kxcltablo Person bad called the attention of tbo group at the top of the steps and they looked down In semi Interest. The Prince of Liars for onuu seemed at a loss. "This belong to ono of tho football boys," be began, "ho was afraid to put It In bis locker for fear It might be swiped and so" "I should think ho would bo, if you wero around." snorted tho Excitable Per son with a great deal moro force than elegance. "You swiped that hat off my table In tbo library and you know It, and If you over steal my hat agilu I'll" Just then tbo wheezy gong In tho main building went on. Tho Excitable Person did not stop to divulge his dlro threat, but started back to the library at tbo top of bis speed, tightly grasping his recov ered hat in bis hand. '"Your memory seems to bo pretty poor about your own clothes." remarked the Youthful Philosopher dryly, looking at tho hatless Princo of Liars. "I bellovo If 1 wero you, I should got the Janitor to lend me a hat until I could write to my uncle for one that I could always Identi fy. As It Is, 1 ihlnk I will leave whllo my own head goa,r Is safe." And as ho left him, ho grinned tho Youthful Philosopher did. II. 8. "Como In dls Instlnot, ICphrnhum. Ki you don't quit playln' wld dat brat oboi- fill flnnn...! .1 A lit . I. . . ..w aui nu nuuui yuii'ii tfll JOB tH IOW as a Yalocollogo student! Como In. 1 say. his lUHiinut.jsx. Man of Family: "Thnt burglar-alarm Is a grand succoss; wouldn't part with It for a mint of monoy. It wont off at 1 o'clock this morning." Dealur: "Kli? Did you catch a burglar trying to got in?" "No; but I caught my daughter's young man trying to got out." Now York Weekly. "Ducky?" ""Vhatty?" "Do you think u?" "No, you aro not oven holdlnir your own'" Tanleaul-Texas SIftor. Mrs- a- (nB hr husband departs for ft cluI) meotlng): "If you'ro any later Umn n,,dn,K,,t- l slmn,t 8l,0ftk to V0"'" G: "I hope you won't, dear!" Bazar. New Students Your Attention is called to otir store as the best place to l)7iy Clothing audi Furnishings... Ask the old students about us, CLOTHING.. Ready to Wear or Tailor Made. PAINE, WARFEL & BUMSTEAQ 1136 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. H J i . i fORIENT$pi mmmmmi Perkins & 1129 O BEST Work y EVANS Established 1 889. I Telephone 199. Most Complete and Modern Equipment. FRANCIS BROS., Proprietors Oysters, Fish mid Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. Open all night. Lincoln Fruit Stand Pucoinklli Hkos., Props. ' pniTTfllCl ITTIfTin flTf! 1 nil mnrtanri mUllO, flUl&, UlltiiKB. TUdAUUU und Confuctlonory. Craekerjuelc fio por pnelcngo. TWELFTH AND O STS. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And n comploto stock ot Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. FOR THE LATEST STYLES in v EQSOjUME SHOES FOR MEW and WOMEN,,, GO TO Sheldon Cd, STR66T, Best Service LAUNDRY COMPANY Greatest... Courtesy. 121 North 11th St. Capital Cafe. Gnmo in Season. LINCOLN, NEBH. Give us a call. IF TOU WANT A COILEGE PAPEK THAT Wllili GIVE YOU ALL THE FOOT BALL NEWS, AND CUTS OF THE PLAYERS, YOU SHOULD SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NE BRASKAN. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. FIFTY CENTS A SEMESTER. WILL YOU WANT IT 7