LIJl) THE NBBRASKAKT Vol, V. No. 4 MEET DOANE TO-MORROW Two Strong Tonms Will Bo in tho Hold. SOME ENCOURAGING SONGS. It Look ih If Nebraska Will Iluvn i Tuwln In Downing tho Mun from I'rolo 'I'liorpo I'.ieoteii i-iip- tulll-Fl'ld GOHSlp. With ' l,u' dlsoouriiKumont NubniHku hai experienced In tlio ninttur of gutting together n footlmll team, tho cloven that will K uluti tin Hold will 11 HtroiiK ono. It li expected howovor tliat tho touin work will not hi perfection by n long ), but some brilliant Imltvliluiil pluyH will ho expected. JtiHt whut Doano hiiH In toro for uh Ih not known, iih Uiuh fur they hnvo refused or neglected to hoiuI Iho mummer u write of tho team or tho lino up. H Ih known howovor, that they vltl have 11 HtroiiK team In tho fluid, iih ilx of tliclr old men nro back, iintl they bavo boon at work two or threo weekH iA....r ilmn our men have. Just what tho lino up for NebniHka. will be cannot lie told yet, dollnltely. It will bo about 11s follows. Center, Hansen; guurds, ICollar and Turner. taekloM. Dungun and Pearse; tnds. Wiggins and Joiiuh; lialveri, Shcdd and Cook, quarter-back Thorpe; and full back, Piiokatd. Tho appearance of Dungun IiIih mater ially strengthened the lino, and put now encouragement In the hearts of th play er. From the present outlook, tho chances) for a wildly enthimliiHtlu crowd at thu Doano Riinie tomorrow, Ah not very prom tslng. Thus far no attemptH luivo been mado at any organized Hinging or yelling. Kor Koine leason iur other, tho former en thuslastn are dead. Maybe they, aro all studying too hard thin year. At any rate tliey have ant appeared, and tho. lack of enthusiasm resulting' from their tion-up-lionrunee, Is likely to tell rather forcibly on the reulptH. Unless something la done nt once, the Donne game will bo lln anclally and enjoyubly a failure. The requests made by the Nobrnfckun for some nongs and yells for tho occasion mot wltli lather Indifferent success. Thin it not ma peeted. but the dearth of entliuM.ism Is made to appear a little more nionihicntly than It ban appeared on forimr oic.islons. Ilowovur ono kind Christian lady or geiitluinun, Htnrted the muse, and the tesiilts aro given below Some of tin si- are quite eredttable, and lth 11 It 1 1 1.- piaetlee eould bo lllinle to how thai . IiihI the right Hplrlt at leant. (Tune-Tlu sidewalks of Now York. I on side olf side, any old Hide at all. We ate gaining around thu end, (Nitini ) has the ball; Thorpe guis through the eentor, The line wurks good and, clean, And If the net hurt there are mmdy nubs For tin. Si in-let and the t'ream. ttliwn little Donne men, What shall wo sing to them? Till them that the W. of N. Won t ilo a thing to them. Hurrah foi us1 Hurrah fur uh! Watch our Mlows whllo thuv keen The Si.irl. t .md Cream on top of thu lump: Hurrah for uh! Tuii.-Maichlng Thro' Guorgla.) "UnByourhtioiiKOHt voIuoh boys, wo need hetn nil today, l3rlnf ,ll'in out to cheer our boys, In the the Rood old way, Help 0ljr i,oIll i,ivulli winning i)nn l0 ,,liyi And thc 11 K0 marching to glory. """ah' Hurrah! for tho Scarlot and tho Cieuni' Hurruh' Huirah! for our gallant football team' Ye for old Nebraska! Lot tho uaglo screiun! Whllo they Ko marching to glory. Cheer our brawny lino mun whon thoy'ro blocking up a holo, " our nervy sprinters, when nveyurUH they have Htolo, our brainy (numo) whUo ,lk "cks ft lom; hnrd goal, na wo'11 ko marching to glory. (Tuno-Two Mttlo Girls la Bluo.) . meVana 1"," lU' 8l,1' oIovon B00'1 "doa"!!!. U,oyKot "tarted, thoy won't Pleven 1,IUf t0 yui w , nM follow your Hldo, whei Wtfn,5V."0UBh todfty- sena tho. lm u, '" u candy uox- nrt m tlle,n homo in a dray. Watch us piny ?all today; Team from Croto, They're our meat. UNIVERSITY (Tuiiii-MuhIi MtiHh MUHh-lo-ra-ll-adl.) llavn you ever heard tell of Datum col lege, In the nliiHHleal vlllugo of Ureto? Well, a team oiiiuoh from lluil hull of knowledge Our football elovon lo meet, Thoy believe (hey Uie out out for win- nern, Hut things Homi'tlmeK urn net what they Ht'otn, And they're lighting the wrong kind of Hlmwi'M, When they taekle the muHli-muHh-iuUHh to-rn-ll-iidl. Hlng mush-mush-mush-to-m-ll-ity, And they're lighting the wrong kind of sinners, When they taekle thu Scarlot unil Cream. Hah, rah, rah unil u tiger,' For uh and the tigers too, Hut when the game Ih over, What will the tigers do?' (Tunc-Yiinkco-Dooillo.) IOIovun men eanie down from Donne Hear the mournful story Eleven men of blood und brawn, All a-thlrHt for glory. It. of N. whoop'or up! It. of N, forever! When we, hunting tigers go. We Hiirreuder never. Hut we have eleven, too, Kneh u Hturdy fellow, And before with Doano we're through, We'll tionnee'em black and yellow. Down, down with Donne, Down, down with Dnnne, That h 110 Idle (Ileum! Hip. hip hurrah! Illp, hip hurrah! Kor the Hearlet ami the Cream. TIlOKPH IS CAPTAIN. He Ih Maile the Choice of the Team A Good Man for the Place. The Hint eleven men of hint year'M team abated piaetlee for ahoiit live minutes Wednesday evening. Manager Oury called them off to one side and announced that It was certain that Hud Jones, the eap- CAPTAIN THOHPi:. tain eli cti'il last .Near would not be back, and they would piceeeil to select a Hew captain l.eoige Hhedd ami Oille Thorpe being uon.luateil. the ballot was taken of which Hhedd lecelved live voles and Thorpe six. It was Immediately made unanimous, ami Orllc iccclvcd the toss and congratulations rf all the boys. It wiih a matter of chance between the can didates as several of the boys had to iltaw straws to see how thew should vote. It was oxprcHMcd as a matter of fact that while Thoipe was eleettd. Shcdd would be elected at the end of the season for next year. Thorpe Is well qualllled to llll the posi tion of captaincy. Not only the ability to play football, baseball, and a general oxcellunce of Hklll In athletic sporth of all klndH IUh him admirably for the position, but he bus a faculty foi cool deliberation, Ilo was never known to loose his head In any of the many games lie has played. As quurtiir-baek. he Is excellent and will be In a good position to govern tho tactics of the team, as well as his Indi vidual place. The election of Mr. Thorpe Is u gieat stride for clean athletics In having: such a man to lead tho boys. PorHonally ho Is a guntloman. with no bad habltH. quiet and umiHHumlng; nbovu all good-natured. Hoforu the season Ih over, wo will undoubtedly havo plont of chances to be proud of the Holectlon tho tram Iiiih made. OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN FOOTHALL GOHHIP. Henedlot wiih uiiahlo to play Tuesday on account of a sprained leg. The MiHt cloven keep biiHy practicing nguliiHt about two dozen of tho men on the second team, The boyH don't have time to complain uh tho coach workH thorn ho font they have not wind enough to talk. The crowds continue to come out and watch the boyH at praotlcu. Cheer the playern 11 little more ami let them know you ure with them through thick and thin. Tho Michigan game Is a Hiiro go. The hoys expect to bu In the best of condition by that dute November IN. They will put up a game that will make the eastern people stare, If they don't win. Drowning King & Co. prcHcntcd the football manager with a ten dollar check last week. Tho HtudontH Hhould hco that such generosity on tho part of tho busl nessmen, does not go unrewarded. Thorpe gave an canieHt of what he can do on the defensive as full-back Wednes day night, by making a run of abotiv seventy-ilvo yards, dodging some twelve or fourteen second eleven men In tho nut. Tho way It Is done, Ih work onu man In a place until ho becomes tired, and then another taken his place without over Htop. plug to hco who the new ipan Is. or what ho Is playing. Kvery man In hU plncu and In a hurry too. Hansen Is now playing center. He will he a good center after ho becomes famil iar with the plays. Why shouldn't he? A liitiit, pounds' not weight, and on his chart only ono curve low enough In 11 row places to be recorded. Keller plays well us (eft guard. Al though ho looks small bel Idu thu tall cen ter and guard, he Is not much Inferior to them la weight. His worit Is excellent In going through tho llnu. Culler's exper ience counts for a great deal. Tho seniors will organlzu a football team this afternoon. Thu mooting Ih called In tho chapel at 1 o'clock. An exciting game of football may now be Hccn on the eimmim imv iifinrnn,,.. -...,, ..u. .auw,., between tho lliHt and i-oond cluvens. The llrst eleven Iiiih been strengthened considerably by tho acquisition of some good men. Football scores of the principle games plnved last Saturday are: Wisconsin vs. Lake Potest - - - :il-o 1 1. it vard vs. Neuton Athletlu - - - is 0 Minnesota vs. Grlnnell 12 n Prhat-toii s. l.ehlgh - 10 0 Kansas vs. Kmporla ----.. (jo .lie s. Oiange Athletli 12 0 I irowu s. Amherst - - II G . 1 loll s. Northwestern ii 1: ( hit ago Will. vs. Iowa -..-.. oo Turin r has exploded the Ideas of many H1.1t he was lacking In sulllclent ability el flit and nerve Mr. Turner Is a man of nervo and does not know what It Is to be a coward. When we think or his physical ability, we are liable to forget h Is only within the hounds of manhood, is In Is but 'XX years of ago. With soint. U iilnlng such as he Is now receiving, he will be unable to meet his equal. If ho kei ps in football work, he will be of great alue to iih for the next two years. He Is a sophomore tills year. W hen Turner consented to play, It was thought the problem was solved. Hut still a greater one coitftoned the man ager. About the time he was to appear on the grid-Iron, he stood around with bin haiulH In his pockets. On Inquiry It was found that clothes to lit lilm were lack ing, as heretofore no one ever had needed anything like what was now needed. So a pair of trousers, stuffed with nigH, had to be made. The article proved all right except for a little unavoidable bagging at the knees. WITH Til 10 FPATUKNITIKS. The Greeks havo been Aetlvo During tho Past 'Week Adding to their Numbers. Since last Friday, tho fraternities havo been quite busy in Initiating new mem bers, and the frat population of tho uni versity uhs received quite an Increase. Sigma Alpha ICpallon started tho ball rolling Friday night by inking In four now men. They wore: Allen A. Worcestor of Tekamah, Flmor Holl'en of Lincoln, Hom er It, Hatllold of York, and John M. Kon- noy of lllulr. Not satisfied with this, an other addition was mado to tho member ship 1 oil Tuesday night when two more llalnoy and DuFreHtio of Omaha were in itiated. Saturday night, Delta Tail Delta ad mltted to tholr ranks, Jussu Cleland of Omaha, and C. 13, Itobblns and La rtuo Hrown both of Lincoln. Tuesday night Eota Thota PI took In threo now men. Thoy aros Abo Hotelllng, Roy Shlck and Frank Jluckstaff. The sororities havo not been Inactive Soverul of them aro coming out with new , OCT. 16. 1806. r. . '-' 1-K1CK 5 L.ENTS. members. The Delta OamnuiH hud an Initiation at tho home of mIsh Alice Hlaughter Saturday night, tIiohu Initial, ed were MIhhoh Mary Davis, Alice night or, May Prentiss and Helen Woloh. MIhh Welch wiih a pledged membur last year. After tho Initiation, tin, momberH had a "Hpread" at thu home of IMua Polk. Ileautlful boxes of roses weru received from Phi Delta Thela, Alpha Theta Chi and Phi Kappa Psl fraternltlcH. It Ih reported that some of thu giriH' fraturnltlcH will have pi city turnoutH at tho ball game Saturday afternoon. It Is rumored that a muprlHo is In Htoro for tho GreekH Saturday morning when they hear what one of thu girls' fraturn ItloH will have done in the way or Initiat ing new members. Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained In formally Saturday night. Kugetio II. Illnford or Marshaltown Ja. was the guest of the Sigma Alpha Kpsl lon fraternity the Urst of thu week. Tho boys made his Htay In the city a pleiiHitnt ono and ho expressed himself iih much pleased with tho city, thu unlvurslty, and thu fraternity. H0 left ThurHday after noon for bin home, and the members of tho frat escorted him to IiIh train and gave the yell as It pulled out. FHKSHMKN KliKCT. The freshman class elected tho follow ing olllcers on Friday last: President, Pearso; vice-president, llessle Tynan, seo rotary. Maud Ferris; treasurer, Miss Twitch; sergeaut-at-arms, Green; histor ian, Miss Morton. The meeting was onu of the most en thusiastic or any class meeting over held. Ah soon as Mr. Pearso's election was an nounced by the chairman, he wiih seized by the boys and dragged to thu plat form and the chapel celling wan tho only thing that prevented Mr. Pearse from going out of sight. Owr Id votes were cast, or which Mr. Pearse received over two thirds. The class on tho election or each o tho olllcers, who were represented by lad les, received a "beau." The chairman appointed a committee to arrange ror a class reception to bo held In the near future. ITS DKCIONNIAL. The "Sem-llot" Celebrates tho i'enth Year of Its Kxlstenco. The llotanlcal Seminar celebrated Its decennial last Saturday. Thu "Sum-Hot" was started as a quasi-fraternal society ton years ago, and since that tlmo has grown Into a serious sulentlllu organi zation. Since Its existence, it bus car ried 011 tho botanical survey of tho Htate ami has put forth four annual reports. Three parts of the "Flora of Nebraska" have been published under Its auspices, and It has raised the total of the report ed Horn of the stale to a,2W species, so that Nebraska Is acknowledged to bo ono of the best known states, botaulcally In the Union, The exercises began with 11 public meeting at 2 p. 111. in the lecture room in Nebraska hall. After the announce ments for the year had been made, In which, among other things, an address by Dr. William Treleaso. director of the Missouri botanical gardens, In next May was piomlsed. Professor Hessey read a paper, entitled "Tho Involution of a llotanlcal Journal." Fred Clements lead a paper on "The Plant Formation as an IOIemetit," and Hoscoe Pound read a "Kcport on the Work of the Seminar, ISMJ-IMWI." lOrnsl A. Hessey was mado a "uovltlus" At ft o'clock a "Symposium" was hold, led by Professor Hessey, at which tho Seminar discussed the "Past, Present and Fu ture of tho Laboratmy Method. In tho evening Dr. Ward delivered tho decennial discourse. IUh subject was, "Tendencies In Hlologlcal Investigation." At tho olose of the address tho guests sat down to a collation. Tho toast-master Uoscoo Pound spoke of tho "Origin al Sevon." Mr. ClemontH Hpoko for tho "IOplgonl", Professor llruuer responded to "CanlH Pie" and Prore.ssor "Wotfo, to "PhlloHophla HotanloH. ' Professor Hen soy explained, "How I Managed tho Hoys" telling how tho boys managed him. Professor Sherman spoko wittily upon "Llts and Philistines." Tho Chan cellor, responding to a toast "Selected" pointed out what such Hoolutlos as tho Seminar could do for tho university. INCmOASIOD THICIH MEMBERSHIP. Tho Porshlng Rllles mot Inst night In tho armory and got down to business by electing oloven mon to momborshlp In tho crack company. They nro: Stobblns, Col- lot. Heslsor. Whipple, Hollowlnguworth, Mumford, Bischof, Qarrlnger, Hnrmon, Helmrod, and Davlnson. THIS IS PALLADIAN DAY Colobratod With All tho Dosorvod Ceremony. HAVE MADE IT A HOLIDAY. The Faculty lias Ordered CIshsch DIh mlssed for the Day AHer Chapol Tho AddresH at thu Luiih-Ing-Thu Program. ThlH Is Palladlan day, and tho unlvor. Hlty has assumed a holiday appearance Vacant hciUh were noticeable among sov erul or tho eight o'clock cIiihhch this morn ing, and It Hcoms that HtudontH nm ..,..,. Hlderlng tho occasion ono ror rest and en joyment anyway. ThlH morning at ten o'clock, thero will bo u mass mooting or tho stuilonts In tho chapel. Tho feature or this moot ing will bo a mock oratorical contest which will tako placo Immediately aftor tho chapel exorcises. Judges, whoso names will not bo announced till Fri day, will pans upon tho work or tho ora tors, among whom will bo Prorossors H. W. Caldwell, Iauronco Fossler, Judgo Dales and other prominent alumni of tho society. A holiday to tako effect from ohupol tlnm Frld'iy has boon granted by tlio fac ulty. From 3 to c p. m. an alumni reunion and reception to studonts and friends will bo hold In Pilladlan hall. Committees from tho society will bo present all day to pro vldu thu alumni with bodnes. nmi m .. ural way to extend Palbidlan hospitality to all. In tho ovonlajj at 8 p. m. an "old tlmors' program will bo rondered by tho alumni In tho chapel. Thu old question of admltlng ladles into tho society will bo fought over again by tho redoubtablo T. F. A. Williams and C. M. Sklls tho In vincible. Tho old timers' pro6ram in full Is as follows: Song, "Auld Lung: Syne.," miS3 liolona Redrord. A Fow Itonmrkrf, J. Stuart Dales, 73 Minutes of P. q. u. c. mcotl..e, Edna D. Bullock, 'St. Soprano solo, Mrs. Draco Uonton Dales. Speech, Allan W. Flold, '77. Debate, "Resolved, That tho Ladles Should bo Admitted to Membership m The Palladlan Society," .nilrmatlvo, t. I A. Williams, '02; negative, C. M. Sklles. Song (written ror tho occasion) Pallad lan Boys' Quartet. Critic, Pror. Ltiurenco Fossler, '81. Tho festivities will end Friday 10 p. m. by a banquet at tho Llndell hotol. Touti will bo responded to by representative from tho other two societies. R. 3. Baker on bohnlf or tho Palladlans, Vic tor Rosowater In bohair of tho regents and many others by prominent alumni or the socloty. The Initial step In tho Jublloo colehra tlon or the Palladlan society was takun on Wednesday evening, when Chancellor MacLean tendered a reception to ox Chancellor E. B. FahHoid at his homo. 10.1, II street. Tho members or thu rac ulty with their wIvoh and tho olllcers ot the Palladlan literary society wero In at tendance. Ex-Chancellor Falrllold Is hero rrom Mousolleld Ohio In response to an Invitation rrom tho Palladlan society to deliver the quarter-centenlal address. L The reception wiih an enlovtiiiiii mi.. throughout. Chancellor MacLean, ex Chancellor Falrllold, Mrs. MacLean. Mrs. A. W. Field and others, cordially wel comed all guests as they arrived. Ices weto served during tlio evening and ovo ry thins wan provided to loud pleasure to the occasion. Few or the present members or tho ftic uliy were members In 18S2 when Chancel lor Falrllold went away, but all had heard or his good work, and wero glad or tho opportunity to meet one or tho early builders or tho university. A FACULTY CONFERENCE . Immediately arter tho reception, tho mombers of tho fnculty and their wives took Beats on tho third Moor of tho Iiouho In response to a call for a "faculty conference." This did not prove to be so fonntdablu a meeting na thu name might ho held to signify. Chancellor MacLean suggested that tho faculty ought to meet for relaxation rather than for work three or four times a year. Then I10 proceeded to give his Idea of what such a conference should be, taking his hearors with him over a part of his course of travel dur Ing the summer. Them was some fool (Contlnued on fourth pago.)