The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 09, 1896, Image 3

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MoKlnlcy clubs
aver 300.
miy coiul of Oregory.
Clint Norton ami Alton Congdon nro
the guides tlUH year.
t c llllclimiiii. tho Siildo last year,
lm; given ud hlB buWo work.
Tim Hrynn ami
havoa mt'imirrMhlp ofo
SI1C "Cloodbyo." Davenport, "Goodbye."
Chorus of volemi, -aoodbyo Dnvvy."
I a. Thayer, '93, to studying modlclno
at Deliver with other university men.
Mrs. It- W. Thatcher loft Wednesday
for a vlMlt with her parentH In Gibbon,
Xcbr. , , ,
Quito a few of tho boyn nro nursing soro
limbs ns a result of Home tough practice
games. t ,
About an even cloven hundred nro now
registered. This to exclusive of law Hchool
Undents. t t
Mr. Ilruner of West Point, visited his
diughter Miss Amy Hrunor, during tho
past week.
Dr. L C. Miller gave a pleiiHant ad
dress and sang n solo at chapel Thurs
day mori.lng. t t
Quite a number of Htudentfl will atteml
the play "Hamlet" at tho Lnnslng, Wed
nesday night.
Will Oreen was using a enno tho latter
part of tills week, on account of a soro
pedal extremity.
Mae Colson has returned from Fre
mont whero sho was called homo b'y tho
death of her father.
Tho Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. are still
tapping up tho mission on tho corner of
Ninth and J streets.
Miss Seolield Is drilling her pupils In
lglit reading. Thoy are making consid
erable progress ut It.
Tho young men's 'gymnasium classes
begin work next Mondny. Examinations
arc being held this week.
Charles II. CJregory of tho class of '91,
is In the coal business nt Eleventh nml
0 stroi't". i'i.H and see him.
Constnneer th popular barber to locat
nt 1022 O street, llo omploys tho best
artists of any shop In tho city.
The "leolrlrnl engineering department
rt'celeil a Inrg1' dynamo this wcok, such
ns Is umihI for street rullwny linos.
Harry .Miinvlllc of Umnliii who was In
Lincoln unwilling the Ileo Keopors' assoc
iation, whs tin- giiost of John Suvillo.
The in w cliiHMes In hygiene for young
Indlis will meet Moiulny October 12. The
advniireil el.iHM meets fetaturdny morning.
I.plKlitun's 1213 O sli.ot Tho host stock
ot stationery nml nchool suppllos In tho
state, wholesale and retail. Call and got
fliHivcllor Mac I. en n lonvos for I.anvoii-
wuiili uutubor 17, to speak boforo
Hie Btnte meeting of tho Y. M. C. ussoc
latloiis. Heta Tliotu PI will not occupy -i chap
ter house this yoar, and hnvo moved back
to their Hid cmurtors In tho Bnrr-Lumast-r
At a nie, ting of tho sophomore eluss
lt Friday, Morso was oleoted prosldent.
Turner wan uppoluiml to orgimlso n foot
ball team.
with envelopefl to match. Tho loitering
to done with n dyo, and shows up well.
A largo stock was laid In so as to sup
ply all demands.
Tho electrical onglnuorlng seminar has
organized, unit will meet once a week.
Tho work to In chargo of Mr, Hrown and
promises to bo very prolltnble.
Professor Ansley who assisted In the
English literature department last year
to now at Bwedona HI. studying law and
looking after tho estate loft by his fa
ther. Professor Harbour has offorcd a beau
tifully carved tablot again this year to
the university, If the football team car
ries off tho pennant ut tho cud of tho
For school dictionaries, English, Latin,
Greek, French or Gorman; for school
translations; ond lor suppllos In general,
go to Ilerpolshelmer and Co's book de
partment. Quito n crowd of university students
took advantage- of tho "half-fare" rate to
Falrbury Thursday night, and visited
that placo to witness tho republican dem
onstration there.
The chancellor addresses tho Nebraska
branch of tho Women's board of missions
at the Congregational church Tuesday
evening. His subject will bo, "A World
WIdo Christianity."
Tho Maxwell olub, the law students'
debating club, will meet and organize
Suturday evening. This will make four
debating clubs In the university holding
regular weekly meetings,
Fred Clements and Bosc.oo Pound will
work up their thesis together for their
doctors' degree. They expect t possess
themselves of tho coveted "Ph. D." by
the close of tho college year In June.
Miss Emma Fuller of Creto Nebr., Is
specializing In Professor's Sherman's de
partment. Miss Fuller bus boon threo
years at Wellesey college and will return
next year to complete her sonlor year.
F. W. Voos, who graduated from this
university In the medical department In
ISM!, writes to tho chancellor for a catn
loguo of that yonr. He Is a candldato for
graduation at Martlnntrasse, Germany.
Sigma Chi hits removed from their old
qiiartors In tho Halter block, and this
year they will wear tho honor of having
u chapter house. It Is tho elegant dwel
ling formerly occupied by A. S. Raymond
at tho cornor of Sixteenth and H streets.
Tho University Hrynn club marched
In a body to Hohnnan's hall Saturday
night In ii body, whero thoy listened to
some rroo-sllvor doctrine. Thoy took
a gleo olub ulong to glvo llfo to the moot
ing. Tho newly organized Hrynn (Jleo club
snug a few well received selections at
a rally In University Placo Tuesday night.
Tho club made Its Initial nppenrnnco nt
a political mooting In tho city Snturdn,
Students who want to got a "good
thing" for little money In tho way of
note books, pencils, fountain pens, mid
other school and collego supplies, always
go to the book department of Hurpol-
shelmer and Co.
Miss Laura Pfclffor who was very 111
Inst wook, Is nblo to bo at work ngnln.
A Girls' Hrynn olub hns boon formed.
It met last Friday In uhapul and olootml
Miss Goth, president, and Miss Flora
Mullock, secrotary.
different members of the association, and
also by several of tho university faculty.
J. C. Jones loft for Now York lust Sat
urday, A number of his fraternity mou
wore at tho depot to see him off and as
tho train pulled out gave the Phi Delta
Tltota yell, John Jones was one of the.
most popular boys In tho university, and
It to not only his fruternity brothers that
will miss him.
Dick Heel loft for Atlnntu Oa. Tues
day afternoon. At tho depot a numbor
of his fraternity friends wero gntherod
and presented him with a fraternity pin.
Somo nent speeches wero mndo In ac
cepting and presenting tho pin. Dick
will be greatly missed by a largo clrclo
of university friends, and all wish him
success In his new Mold-that of Insur
ance agent.
AVednoHdny night Chancollor and Mrs.
MaeLeiin will gelv a reception to ex
Chancollor Falrlleld who will bo hero to
attend the Pallndlan nnlversary. Tho re
ception will be held at 8 ti'cloek and nt
nine, the llrst of a series of faculty so
cial conferences will be held. At this
gathering of the professors, Ideas and
thoughts conducive to the welfare of
the university will be exchanged.
The uniforms will cost a little moro
this year. Including the cap they will como
to $10.00. Hotter goods aro used this yenr
and a Lincoln llrm hns tho making of
them. This will Insure better llttlng and
moro satisfaction all around. Paine War-
fel and Humstead, wero tho successful
bidders this year. University students
do not usk a better guuranteo than tho
name of this llrm on their clothing.
There are n few vacancies In the ranks
ot the Pershing Mllei, that may be Piled
by well drilled men who hnvo been In
the battalion six months or over, or who
have had an eiiual amount of drill elso
where. Any mnn wishing to join this or
ganization should hand his name to tho
captain, Charley Sehwniz, or to any of
the captains In the battalion. An exhib
ition drill will probably be given In Dec
ember, and It Is desired that all new men
begin drill with tho company at once.
Drills are held from 7:15 to S:lij on Thurs
day evenings.
:. G. and Clyde Lloyd, formerly univer
sity students, are now at their homo in
Gothenburg. Earl Is working In his fath
er's bank and doing somo amntuer pho
tography on the side. Ho has produced
some samples of very good work, which
he recently sent to this city to bo mount
ed. One of the pictures, was a duel be
tween himself nnd his brother, In which
the latter has Just succeeded In do eupl-
inimg mm. i;ari is iiiessi-u in ins uni
form. Ills cap Is falling to tho ground In
very reallstls fashion .while his bend a
Ittle In advance of II, has fallen, with
one of the most of agonizing expressions
upon It. Tne photographer pronounced
It a very clewr piece of work.
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
Jeweler, Optician and Engraver.
Dealer in "Watches, Diamonds, Clocks,
Silverware, Jowolry, etc., etc.
All goods sold ongraved froo of chargo, and no charge mado for ex
amining tho eyoB.
1143 O Street
Lincon, Neb
You will save both
By taking the.
Th Pnlon literary society hnn takon
In tlini. n.-w mem burn this year. They
. .mimx .Mumaw, Mr. Worcester and
r. Studvlll...
AH students nro requested to
""'t at ti. ponior of H nnd Klovontli
,lr"'t ai t.i;, Hhnii to form for tho Ovor-
""W ihiraile.
KrnoKt Arthur wrltus from Albuquerque
w Mexico, that he cannot bo In tho
university this year, but that ho will sure
wmo next year.
Frofeor Shorman's Sunday sohool
has become so largo that ho has
wwa tho nlty Y. M. c. A. hull for
"Ming meetings.
Tno l'allndinn Hoys' debating club at
next meeting will discuss tho question,
mo ved: That tho Interests of Labor and
'-apltal uro Inimical."
Itoseoo Pound has I
"'o supremo court
new commission
fr admission to tho bar,
r J, "CUlty lmH um,or consideration tho
VJMt to grant ft holiday next Friday
I Ln?l"U f th0 p'llldlan celebration.
1 "' Probably bo granted.
Coach Robinson Is wondering if his
attves think ho Is removed many mile.
tol,, Uo"1 Tno" 1,avo Promised
send him somo magazines t
univl0,?00, hna 80c"red somo very neat
diversity letter head paper this year
Browning, King, & Co.
icon appointed by
as a mombcr of tho
to oxamlno nnnllenntM
Cadots aro required to trill by tho now
manual of urms this your, wltfeii Is
adapted to tho use of tho new rlllo. It
Is therefore necessary that the old ca
dets niiiko themselves acquainted with
tho changes boforo tho now cadets unit
be drilled.
If you want a fountain pen the cost of
which Is ten cents, you can get It by
looking up Ilerpolshelmer and Co's book
department. You can ulso got bettor
grndys from $1.00 to $i!,00. llorpolshnlm-
or and Co. aro agents for Waterman's
"Ideiu" fauuntiiin pen.
Mrs. Manning will ontortaln Sorosls
Junior at tho homo of Mrs. Judgo I'ound,
nt throo o'clock toworrow afturnoon. Ilor
subject will bo, 'Tho Bluck Hills of
South Dakota." It will bo Illustrated
by pictures nnd specimens collocted dur
ing tho summer vacation In that plnt-
urosquo locality,
Tho ilrst mooting of tho ISngllsh club
was hold ut tho homo of Miss Wort, last
Saturday ovenlng. Tho program consist
ed of short sketches by each mombor
present. Light rofroshmontr wero sorved
aftor which a short business session was
hold. MIbb Annotto Abbott, George
Bhodd, Rulpli Muellor and Fritz Kons
meyor woro admitted to membership.
Tho convention of tho North Amorlcan
Beo Koopors' association was held In tho
ohapol Wednesday and Thursday of this
wook. Addresses of wolcomo woro deliv
ered by Llout.-Oov. Mooro nnd Chancol
lor Mnoljean. Pupers relating to tho caro
and cultivation of bees woro reud by
No ono in Justlco to hlmaolf can afford to
Ignore our special values in young mon'a
Nobby Fall Suits. They aro marvola of
boauty, and aro cut and made by our own
oxporlonced tailors. You got tho samo 111
and mnko In our goods whether you pay
J5 or $23 for your suit. Our exuertonco of
over flfty-slx yenrs of clothing manufact
uring, wholesaling and retailing should bo
worth a great deal to you. Besides our
great oxperlenco our business is conducted
on tho "honor bright" plan. Everything'
Is marked in plain figures and you will
ilnd no "dark cnblnot" work in our
MKN'S SUITS, J2.7D, W.-1S, M.93, JO.GO,
on hats this wook. Call and boo tho nobby
fall shapes In stiff and Fedora hats.
Wo aro headquarters for cholco out
roses and carnations, palms decorations
at lowest prices.
Corner of Twelfth and O streets, Funk
Opora Houso block. Tel. 331.
Lincoln Nobr.
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Tioket Office, 1201 0 Street.
H. O. Townhkni), Gon'l P. & T. A.
P. D. Coknkli., C. P. & T. A.
Chas. B. Gregory C
IT. of N., 91.
Office A
At 1100 0 St., S
Lincoln, Neb. H
(Kansas City Mo. Oct. 5-10.)
Tho Union Pacific wdl soil round trip
tlckots for $5.75 on Octobor 14th to 10th,
good to roturn 11th. Day-light trip, arriv
ing at Kansas City 5 p, m. City tlokot
office, 1044 O street.
Browning, King & Co.,
1013-1019 0 STREET.
Once in a while
it happens.
that tho local ticket ngont cau
not give you all tho informa
tion you rocjuiro.
Whon this is tho cnBO, writo
to 'mo. I havo copiou of tho
latest rato shuotd and railroad
timo tables and can toll you
EVERYTHING you want to
know about tho best and cheap
est way to roach Donvor, Salt
Lake City, Ogdon, Dondwood,
Ban Franolsco, Los Angeles,
Holena, Butto, Spokane, Soat
tlo, Tacoma, Portland, or any
othor western or northwestorn
J. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent,
Omaha, Nebraska.