The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 02, 1896, Image 4

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Oennnn student life, iih the Gorman
university. Iiiih changed comparatively
little I iv tho liiHt twenty years. So that
Murk Twain's account In "Tramp
Abroad" Ih nt III one of tho vory beat
iicconntH wrlttun. Years ago whon 1
llrst road tho urtlcloH gathered together
In "l'ran.i Abroiul" I thought Mark
Twain was drawing entirely upon IiIh
Imagination, but whon I saw for my
Holf, 1 realized that he told the unvar
nlHhod truth. KaotM In Europe aro
strange enough. Clements nooil not in
vont oddities In onlor to make one
That the students Htlll fought duels,
I could sonruely believe. 1 thought
oven twenty years ago tho custom wiih
dying out: yet ulnioHt tho Hint sight 1
Haw In Herllu, wiih a Htudoiit, with a
largo wiul of cotton held on IiIh cheek
by a dark bandage, strutting up and
down "unter don Minimi" iih If ho wiih
the emperor. llohlnd him a rod or ho,
were Hovornl admirers. No one dared to
npeak to the dread lighter; one miiHt
only worship and Htand In awe. I en
quired what It wan and when one of
tho boyn told mo "A Htudoiit who wan
proud of having been licked In a duel"
1 wiih Ulto Hhocked. However 1 hooii
learned tho student duel was a common
The duellHtH In Merlin don't bother
AineiiciiiiH. Americans choose pistols;
and several years ago killed divers
Gentians; since when AinerleaiiH have
been gingerly left alone.
Work In the universities Is supposed
to begin In the middle of October, but
lectures seldom begin until November
1st. A student need not appear on tho
scene even then.
If on ovorlooks tho red tape connect
ed with a Gorman university, the work
seems very lax, a sort of a go as you
please affair. For Instance you are
allowed until after ThankHglvlng
visit about and decide under what pro
fessors you care to work. You can
usually attend any professors' lectures
until Christmas without registering.
There are no records kept of your do
ings the llrst two years. You simply
take your book In the beginning of the
semester, the prof signs his name In It;
ot the end of the semester he signs his
name again, which means you have
taken his course of lectures. You can
send your book to be signed by a friend
and never go near the university at all
If you wish.
German students having been close
ly guarded and diligently crammed un
til they go to the university, usually
go In for beer drinking and what they
call fun their llrst two years. They
Join a studen; corps and enjoy them
selves. Their last year they leave tho
corps house ami going to private dwel
ling "ox" It o get their degree. So
that there ar' two years play and one
year's worl In a German university
For '.io American student things ate
different. His llrst six months are put
Into language and custom learning;
then a year and a half Into getting n
degree. For now days two years Is all
a hard working America a needs In
he can bluff or work the profs Into
letting him come up for exams.
German students, as all Germans,
seem not to know how to work. They
are great diggers, they "ox" It. but
they are very poor at drawing conclu
sions themselves or at seeing Into
things. They are so accustomed to
submit to superior opinions; so use to
having their thoughts and actions dict
ated to them, that they scarcely dare
to branch out foi themselves. They
are not daring thinkers, mostly ma
chines. Mbrarlos In America are so nicely ar
ranged and catalogued that one can
hardly realize, how affairs could pos
sibly et Into such a muddle as one
finds nt the Herlln university library.
Imagine a library with a catalogue
made of brown paper volumes scribbled
In Ink by numerous hands. A library,
half of whoso volumes no one knows
about. It's confusion worse confounded.
The national library Is slightly better
arranged, not much. It makes work
very dllllcult.
In days of yore 'tis said the univer
sity profs associated with the students
but now such association Is rare. The
professor conies In a second late,
rushes up to his pulpit yells "Melne
Ilerrn" while opening his roll, then
reads away as fast as possible until
the end of the hour. The last words
of the manuscript he reads as he struts
to the door. Sometimes they lecture
without manuscript. This has one
draw-back as they very often get lost
In a long sentence and forget how they
started. However they get out of the
dimculty by thinking a moment for the
verb and It comes not," crying "flndet
statt." Curteus, the Greek historian,
ended very many of his sentences with
"flndet statt." He was old however
and It was no wonder he lost his way
In the maze of a German sentence.
There Is one thing American students
should bo warned of ere they go to Ger
many. Students there are from the up
per families. Anyone cannot got the
cash to go to school there. So natural
ly tho student Is saught often by moth
ers with daughter to niarryl
la Germany If you take a girl alouo
to the opera, or almost any other place,
you are supposed to bo engaged to her.
Unsuspecting Americans take the girls
and the llrst thing they know they have
a "frau" on their hands, or at least
great trouble to keep from having one.
Not that Gorman girls are not good
wives. Tho sweet hoinu life of the Our
niiiiiH has a charm In ll which Is very
hard to resist, UHpeolnlly for tho Amer
ican student who has roomed and chop
housed tho greater portion of IiIh life.
Ho If the buys marry In Germany It Is
not to bo wondered at,
Ono never realizes what a crowd it
gad-aboiits wo AJiierloans are until he
goes to Germany. There home life Is
everything. In fact they are too much
of a stay-at-honio people. Their chil
dren are always kept children,
Mvlng In Germany Is not cheaper
than In America, If you live as well.
Food Is dearer there. Ono can live
cheaper and poorer. The student class
there live no better than ou,r farmers
or mechanics. Neither are clothes
cheap there. 1 hope all who Intend go
ing to Germany will remember thin.
The food there Is healthier bill It Is
not nearly as appetising They lack
our fruits, cakes, biscuits, pan
cakes, and above all pics. One longs
again for American variety, even If It
Is not unite so healthful.
Perchance what the student will most
miss Is college enthusiasm. College life
without football, baseball, tennis, row
ing, oiatory or college journalism Is
hardly college life. Tho OermaiiH take
all their exercise In beer-drlnklng con
tests, In dueling, anil In the Indoor
gymnasium work. One can't help but
repeating, "Oh but they are dead."
The smarter students In Germany are
the foreigners and especially Ameri
cans rank high. Germany has sent her
best middle class to America and what
Is left Is not of the same sterling qual
ity. So the student In Germany of to
day Is not what he was of old, while
the energy of America Is forcing her
students to the front everywhere.
Hnth In Germany anil In France the
American student Is leading. 10. A. G.
What the Greeks of the University
are Doing.
(Continued from llnsl f.iuu).
The seven sisters of Kappa Alpha Tlie
tu are buck this year. They are: Le
nin Vanell. Nolle llatiilnll. Jessica .Mor
gan. I'harlollo Clark. Kinlly Weeks. Jeau
Tiiltle iind .Minnie Millar. There are two
in w Tlietas with them this year: Miss
Johnston, who is Instriietor In nmtlic
mutlCH. and Mrs. Kulhim who Is taking
liosl gradual! work.
The Trl Deltas have the honor of the
llrst initiation of the season. Last Sat
urday at the home of Miss Clara Smith,
Winifred Ilonnei:. who was pledged last
year, and Mamie Miller wete Initiated,
The active members of Delta Delta
Delta, are: Hello von Mausfeltle. Ada
DtiHols. .Wile Dean, Mrs. Dorothy Ha
eon., Nan Fraukish Daisy Houuoll, An
na Vore, Veda Wilson, Winifred llonnell,
Mamie Mllli r. Of the Ki-aduatos of '.;,
Sura Taylor is teaching In South Oinah'i.
Clara Hryaut at Anaconda, Mont. Mem
bers of tho classes of '!. and 'W are scat
tered. Mrs. Minnie Maunithan is in St.
ln ill. Klloti lletlniiiu. is assistant prin
cipal of schools at lloone Iowa. Maysee
Ames and Clara Smith are In Lincoln.
Anita Mulr Is at Hillsdale. Mich.
At tho opening of the yar I'l lleta
I'hl Is seen to lie as strong as when Its
members separated last Juno. The chap
ter roll numbers eighteen members as
follows: Ilossle Turner, Mae Lansing,
Lulu Wirt, Jennie Hnrhur,, I'.dna Cars
eaildoii, Hello and Grace Heynolds, Ada
line Qu ilntance, Kate Snow Walker. Oda
'.. ciosson, Mellnda and Anne Stuart.
Amy O. Hoblnson, Anna Lytlo, Mary W.
McGahey, Gortrudo Wright. Quote Has
kell, and Waueta M. Hunting, a pledged
Miss Harbor and Miss Wirt wore not
in tho unlvorslty last year, but Miss Har
bor expects to return In February. Miss
Wirt, is last year. Is teaching In the
York schools.
Tho three patronesses, Mrs. C. II. Mor
rill, Mrs W. J. lirynn. and Mrs. W. S.
Summers have boon of much assistance
to the 'fraternity, and Mrs. Raymond
who Is spending this year in IOurope with
her son and daughter, will be greath
missed. The work of the "hapter has
been much advanced by tho alumnae in
tho city under tho direction of Mrs. W.
S. Summers. During the year and a half
tho PI Beta Phi has been organized, It
has worked steadily, and tho outlook for
tho coming year Is most encouraging.
Anyone would think that the Htudoiit
was the most hclploHS creature on earth
to watoh tho way In which some of
them conduct themselves In their var
ious cnpaoltlcH. As a rule there Is a
class that always depends upon some
une to keep truoli of things for them.
This wiih Illustrated the other day In the
Co-op, A young Ifuly In tho second year
French class did not quite get Hie full
title of the book thai was lo no used.
She thought however that certainly the
young man nt the unlversltv hook store
would know Just what she wanted. So
with all eonlldonre she brushed up to
tho counter and enquired for Hint book
"which you call In F.ngllsh 'Choice
ll wus dining the summer. The cam
pus had been mowed. F.vou the weeds
about the tennis courts hud lost some
of their natural height. He looked
around for the sight of something fa
miliar, but nothing rewarded his eye. In
a feeling nf despair ho waudeted Into
the lavatory of Hie library building. Fur
u moment he stood still with astonish
ment. Then ho burst Into a Hood of
tears. Yes here was something familiar
ll was (he same old towel.
There Is always a number of changes
contemplated in the management of dif
ferent university Institutions, at the
opening of the college year. These may
he on u large or small scale. Hut never
theless they are contemplated. It Is so
this year. One of tho Institutions which
Will bo seriously affected Is the Co-Op.
Colonel Parmelce assures us that tho
present semester wll witness some
"sweeping changes" In this department!
A member of (he freshman Shakes
peare class wants to put his evidence to
prove the old adage that there Is noth
ing new under the sun. He says thai
artists who produced such wondorfulart
Icles in tlie way of posters, got their
Ideas from the third scone of Maelleth.
He cites tills original source as evidence.
"The wlord sisters, hand In hand.
Posters of Hie sea and land."
Now what can be more conclusive ho
thinks, than that Hie artists started out
with tho awful Ideas Inspired by those
ereal tires.
Now that the Chancellor has ilomon
Itlzcd baths, and thereby committed the
heinous crime or IS'.!, the sluilont-body
Is breathlessly waiting to hear from Hie
boy surgeon of the corps of cadets, on
the emancipation of the gym classes and
the tennis association members. Tho
question of the free uud unlimited coin
age of baths at the ratio of sixteen ca
dets to one bull), is one that Is pre
dicted to rend Hie fuel Ions of the univer
sity In twain.
A good Joke In going the rounds on a
young lady from Omaha. The captain's
deep basso voice read her name off in
military science 1, at a recitation of
that class. It sienied so strange to mem
bers of the cliut Hint they could not sur
press their surjirlse at the courage oi
any one of the opposite se who would
dine to lake fiat Study, The captain
passed it over with tin- remark that Miss
M must have gone in lo the other di
vision. Hut tin- young lady h i not yet
appeared there. She Is wondering now
how her caul happened to t- t to
that class, and who has been doing her
the kindness of registering for her.
NOTICE Stll(lnts are iellosteil hot
to wear .McKlnloy buttons In Ameri
can 'history or psychology classes. "
WANTICH A few healthy and hopeful
freshmen to play football on the scinb
eleven. All the requirements are a
tough skin ami a forgiving dlsposN
tlon when the members of the regular
team foci like kicking rniucono by the
way of exeielsc.
NOTICE Tho zoology ilepa.tmont 1ms
some prize packages to be purchased
by the students In .oology 1, The
package contains one note book, two
lovely pencils, throe sneeis of writing
paper, nn orasor, a penwiper and a
piece of smoked glass. Price sixty
live coats; sopaiatoly and without pa
per and siring, twenty-eight cents.
Tho ark tf piopnrod. Tho modern
Noah lias arrhid. Tho chosen few aro
being gathered. The second llood is i ie
Deo. So.
This is tJiobfliof of Joe Lynch and
tho 100 members of his "sauotiiied
band" t'own in eastern North Carolina.
Tho Cin v..ii river is a Final) stream,
but doip enough nciir Currituck sound
to bear v.p the loir arks of the modern
Noah. A Hliort i.istance to tho oaRt lie
tho treacherous rocks of Hattoras.
After a three milo rido in a rowboat
iu a crooked river tho waters suddenly
widen, feiniii u a prndliko harbor. Up.
on the ft bank tho forest sots well back
from tJ.o shorn, leaving an open spaco
of sur.dy desert. Here Joseph Lynch
fastei.ed his arks. A moro isolated Bpot
would bo hard to Hud. Tho few inhab
itants of this region live milos back
from tho dense river bordora and nro
Bonorally of an illiterate class, to whom
deaths and births are of very little eon
oern. These are tho peoplo bo ready to
nccopt the modem Noah'B iaith. New
York Journal.
T. J.
Rubber Stamps, Seals, Stencils, Checks, Badges
Gonorul Miieliino Work. JMotlol Milking and
Plating. Bicyolo work a specialty.
308 South 11th St.
You will find
Is putitng up the best
$2.25 per week.
427 North 10th Street.
Aro allowing all
patterns in.. ..
at prices never before offered in Lincoln. Those
nobby suits from $5 to $15 aro stylish and of
the very best makes. You aro cordially invited
to inspect our stock before buying.
1115-1117 O STREET.
1 Hunter...
I Printing co.
Book, Job
?j; Latest Styles and Stock in... :3
-r Copper Plate Engraving. 3
g 223 North nth St.
E: Telephone 350 for an Estimate. E5
Special rates to Students on baths six for n dollar.
1I2 No. nth St. W. A MILLER.
When you take
The Nebraskan
Manufacture of..
nLDiGn am
Board in the city for
Tickets, $2.50.
C. M. BARR, Manager.
of tho vory latest styloH niul '
You are getting a good