The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, October 02, 1896, Image 3

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m con! of OroKOry.
m T ,.,(, for wood iiiimiIm.
Wnfcrrlon'K ..ewoaiulnK ehibi 1,200 T
itrctt. Try it. f , ,
lloth Imllw '' R',,,"""n ""' w''"'""' T " . .
m,ml, miNilH if" fPiHH: twom.
..ri" roi . ' T H,,'p,,t'
Thi, KiigiiMli eltib will nieot with
Mim'wori Huiunlay waning.
MI.k Jimo Htimll 'W. Ih tcichlim u
tints In vtuMil intislo In thltt oily,
Mlw Littirn I'fflffcr '!)" hna boon CQii
tln,.il to hor rnnnt rtlnco Tucfulny liy
nine , , ,
rimiicrlor nliil Mr. MnOl.onn woro
at 1,01110 to HtiHlontN on liwt Saturday
Xin lit M-W tonrl I" tlu city, tit
Ihr norlll"" PDI'IHT Of till! PlllllllUK,
,jW t lwi. t
Mr Wnltrr HI101I08 of 'W, returned
WmliiMilny iwi'iilng anil will tul pout
work this .v,"'.
Siiporiiiti'inl'iiit 1'PiiiHP of tlu Omaha
.fhool.. wn it visitor at tho unlvor-
,lty Saturday morning.
Charles I). Gregory of tlio class of 91
U in tho coal business at Kloventh mid
0 streets, dill mid bco lilm.
Tin- cluli met Thtirmlny ovohIuk
inclMptl. uml illuinwuil ways tinil means
ot uwiniifiilly I'lirryhiK on tlio uiiiiiiiuIkii,
Miss .Mai- I'olson wn.s called to lior
hunu' In Fieiiiiint liy tlio death of liur
Fourtotn karat gold fountain puns. $1.00
..... ..t U"rpf1ii'iniir ami iIo'h. hook
The "i. V. i A. devotional nieot
Irgs an- fll attended and show niucli
Interest In tellBlous study.
Most of tlio students art- republicans
If om -i- to JuiIbp l'y tlio number
ntii skipped oliixsos Tuesday to see
the parade.
1'iobiibly owing to tlui fact that
credit la Riven tills year for work In
the art department, classes are much
larger tli.ui ever before.
KrutiTiilty iHopto will llnd this number
of Thi' Xi'lininkiiii useful to them an It
contain tin- niune of every active f ra
ti riilt iiu-inbor In the university.
Tin- nun-ctiiiiinlxHloued otlleurx will lie
iMiiopli iiuiin tlilx ywir. New ehevrons
will In- worn. They will consist f koIiI
lirald on a l.liir Meld which will lie very
On Pildny afternoon, October '2, tho
frvshmnn class of l'JOO will hold Ita
first iiu-etlnt;. Class otlloors will bo
electfil and other important business
On tout Saturday a new water meter
was put In. This resulted In shutting
ff the water supply for the day and
omst-qut-nt Inconvenience for those
working In the laboratories.
It Is strange, but the Co-Op. in look
ing over the lockers for miscreants,
found that the only man who was us
l"S a looker without paying for It had
a IHWe mining his books.
The literary societies met In regu
lar se.sMuii fol- the llrst time, Friday
Mentr.R. The nttendanco was large
anil the programs were well rendered
funsliU-rlng tin- Hhort time given to
he prepmntion.
At a p.ial meeting of the Debating
a,iclatlini Wednasday nfternoon, O.
" Alien was elected secretary, to 1111
the acancy catiKod by the resignation
"tt. B. Kilgerton. Mr. lCdgerton will not
le In coIK-ri. this year.
Twenty-three cases of glass appar
atus was iwelved from Germany .Mnn
Ja' for the chemical department. Fro
'fssor Nicholson and several asslH
tants were busily engaged unpacking
them during the afternoon.
A veiy fl1K. liv nnJ c,08S-cut saw
"as been added to rhe machinery In
tie shops, connected with It Is an
apparatus for adjusting the wood so
"at It may be cut at any angle. It
w I be especially useful in pattern ma
hlneiy. dZh,! nuwly orKinlzed Dellan Boys'
mating club elected the following of-
0t nl ltS ,ft8t meetlnB: President,
T. Reedy; vice-president, A. G. IIol
'ngpworth; secretary. Robert Andre-
n ;, at"nieyBl E. G. Woodruff and
- A. Davis.
nclni! ,,r,OSI)eot 's good for what some
We should pronounce "an unnec-
essary "'sturltance of tlio atmosphere."
Ph.- Hiynti I'lttli Ihih i-lmiliiiKiil Hi
MelvlnleyltPH to it Joint debatu on tin
inotioy iimiHtlon. Tho oliulloimo will
ln itcooptod.
ProfusMor Hliurimiu hits i-ohuuhhI
clmi'Ki' of his Htinduy oIiihm at tho
Methodist chitroh, IUm work this year
will consist of a study of the Olvlno.
tt In his purpose to aid tho oIush In
ii conception of the nivlno through
Pros It. R. linker of the University
Debuting association, nnnounops that
all dpslilng tn ontor th- inollmluary
contests, must register by October 10.
These piellnilnary debates are held to
Heh-ot representatives for the Kansus
N'plmiskn Inter-state ciuttest.
Captain Clullfoyle Infoi'ined his clnss
In military history Wodnusdny, that
the subject would not tie contlnufd.
'Phore weiv about 'Ifteon iiton In the
class and most of them will llnd some
illllleulty In getting a study which they
can take up at this time.
Miss Alvla Uulllmotto a student limt
year, Is stopping In Lincoln with hei
sister. Hho will go on to New York
Joining her brother, Arcule Gulllniptte
'lill. a law student at Columbia. wMIss
Gulllniette will eontlnup her musical
studies while In the oust and attend
n French school.
Mr. V. 1-3. Tlngloy and Miss Mable
Hartlett wore married Wednesday, at
the bride's home In Hast Lincoln, Hev
orend Itlanchard olllclatlng. Mr. Ting
ley Is a graduate of the university,'!!:!,
and also of tho law school. Ills many
friends will wlh him a happy mar
ried lire.
Tim McCarthy wiltes from Aurora,
that he Is teaching school there, lie has
Minimized n military company, mid the
girls ni-i- so taken up with It that hi
ts uoliiit to organize another eM-luslvi-ly
for them, lie promises to be In Lincoln
on the day of the llrst football game.
CoiiMianoer employs the best barbers
of any fhop In the city. Have your ton
serial work done at his place. loSi O St.
Walter Welland, known to the pub
lic as mi Arctic explorer, but prefer
ably as he himself says, as a news
paper man, talked to the Journalism
class last Tuesday. His topic was
"The life of a newspaper correspond
ent In Washington." Mr. Welland Is
at the head of the newspaper corres
pondents In Washington, so he Is well
iualllli-d to speak on the subject.
Students of the university were ad
dressed by C. M. Lnmbortson last
Thursday evening at republican head
MUarters. After the speaking, a
"sound money" club was organized
with over 230 member. J. C. Henchly
was elected president. A Mryiiu club
was organised last Friday afternoon
with a membership of about an equal
amount. H. S. linker was niatlo pres
Tennis Is not being neglected In
these days of muscular athletics. V.
ery afternoon one sees the court- well
tilled and It Is notlccntiio that many
new students nnd promising plnyers
are coming out as well as the moinbois
of last year's club.
The regular meeting of the club was
held Monday at lilli p. m. It was de
cided not only to hold a club tourna
ment beginning October 12, but a com
mittee was also appointed to nrrnnge,
If possible, to liegln an inter-soholastlo
tournament to begin October 2fi.
Fred Clements, Hurt Christie and J.
A. Savllle were chosen and Instructed
"to push things" and see that a good
tournament was arranged and carried
out. Panconst and J. K. Almy were
appointed to audit Mr. Wcstorman's
nccounts as treasurer In order to re
lieve him of any extra wink. Tho (ities
tlons of assessments was not consid
ered nnd it was settled by leaving
them the same as for the previous se
mester. One dollar for Initiation fee
and sevonty five emits for semester
dues Is the regular fee ft Is under
stood that the Initiation feo Is good
for four years from date of Issue and
at nny future time any one who has
paid his Initiation fee becomes nn not
Ive member upon payniont of the se
mester dues, whether the Intervening
somestor dues have been paid or not.
From the treasurer's account. It Is
thought the funds raised by the as
sessment will very neaily If not quite
clear the club of the debt Incurred in
fitting up the new grounds, iind In ad
dition, IL-nve surplus enough to give
the back-stops a surface coat of paint.
This completing the routine business
the election of olllcers followed of
which there is only an executive com
mittee of three whose chairman be
comes president of the club, and a sec
retary. The executive committee con
sisting of Fred Clements. J. A. Savllle
and J, K. Almy was elected B. G.
Almy was made secretary.
The annual Y. M. 0. A. summer school
was held this summer at Lake (lunova,
Wis., from June loth, to Jiuio 2!ith. There
were 100 In nttoiiilniico and thlrty-llvo of
those were volunteers for forolgu missions.
Huventeen dulpgntim wcto sent from No
braska, as follows: State unlveislty, live
Wosleynii, four; Donne, two; Hustings
coIIkp, two; Lincoln normal, York college,
and Helluvtui pollt-gc, pitch one,
The state polli-go seoretaiy was also In
D. M. Dnvls, 8. .1. Corey, 8. W. l'lnki-r-ton,
Chits. .1. Allen, and .1. 11, Hnyer tepre
spntcd tho unlveislty Y. M. C. A.
The delegates left Lincoln June Mb,
and arrived In Chicago tho nioinlng of the
Wth. They left Chicago at 3 p. m. and
arrived at Lake Oeiieva at (I o'clock.
The llrst meeting was Friday cvmlng.
Ueitular pIiishcs began Hnturilny morning
and lasted until Monday the KUh. Sun
day was observed as "Quiet day". No
notes were taken and It was a most Im
pressive day.
The next six days were six of tlio btisU
est days ever spent by the delegates.
Classes were held fiom s, until 1S:30 In
the morning. The afternoon was devoted
to study and recieatlon. Hitch delogntu
took about an hour's recreation In tho
bouts or bathing, or In tin. gymnasium
and tennis courts. The remainder of tho
afturnoon was spent In study and In con
sultation with professois and other dele
gates. At 7 o'clock In the evening, life work
conferences were held at which were pio
sunted the several professions by men.
after these, piofesslons from all over the
country. After this, state delegates In
their respective tents held it short devo
tlonal meeting, and nt HK.TO lights wcru
put out.
Although thoio were ten very busy days
tho delegates weiv not deprived of hav
ing a. good time. Much fun was enjoyed
In the nflernoons, and at the sparctlmcs.
A tennis tournament was played, Geo.
Liinn of Uullcviiu college, Nebr. winning
second place In the singles. On the last
Saturday, a water tournament was hold.
Hoy Mcl'heriln of Wesleyan tied Cot
trell of Michigan for Individual champion
ship. Neluaska won second place In tho
till around sports, Indiana getting llrst.
Neluaska had the most popular yell on the
grounds, and whenovcr a Nebraska boy
was seen, he was greeted by a largo num
ber of 'Hraskas. Hven when the boys
visited tho stock-yards In Chicago, the
sheep stuck out their hends and said,
Orders wore given Sunday night to break
camp Monday morning u 5:30. Some mis
chievous Iowa boys rung tho rising bell
at 3:30, nnd all those who were not wise
enough to look at their watches, found
themselves ready for tho steamer at 4
o'clock, and two hours to wait. The boys
left camp at C o'clock and arrived at Chi
cago about S o'clock. Our boys spent the
day at tho Field museum and stock-yards.
Thoy loft at C o'clock for home.
It Is reported that Snyer ate as much as
any two men thoie, but nppenrnnces do
not seem to bear out this report.
All around It Is reported tho best con
ference over hold at Lake Genovn. Hvory
delcgnte hns hopes of going again.
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gents' Gloves
1229 to 1239 O Street.
e:, hallett,
Jeweler, Optician and Engraver.
Donlor in AVittchos, Diamonds, Clocks,
Silvorwnro, Jowolry, oto. , otc.
All kooiIh Bold engraved froo of chttrgo, anil no charge miulo for ex
amining tho eyes.
1143 O Street
Lincoln, Neb
Once in a wh i le
it happens.
that tho local ticket agunt can
not givo you all tho informa
tion you roiiuiro.
When this is tho cnBe, writo
to 1110. I havo copioti of tho
latest rato Hheotu nnd railroad
timo tables and can toll you
EVERYTHING you want to
know about tho best and cheap
ost way to reach Denver, Suit
Luko City, Ogdon, Dead wood,
San Francisco, Los AdroIcb,
Holonn, Rutto, Spokane, Soat
tlo, Taconm, Portlnnd, or any
other wostorn or northwostorn
J. FRANCIS, General PuB6ongor Agent,
Omaha, Nebraska.
You will save both-
...TIME AND flONEV . . .
By taking the.
Tho most rauurknblo feature or poli
tics this year is tho largo muabor iof
tow or hitherto obscuro men that havo
bon brought to tho front The old war
horses of both parties nro mado useful
in reporting tho doings of tho newer or
younger men." So numerous havo tho
sew Napoleons bocomo that it is hard
to koop truck of those of them that nro
not fortunute enough to havo a Hanna
of their, qwu who understands tho value
of a bureau of publicity. rlTew York
Auburn, Falls City,
Atchison, St. Joseph,
and Kansas City.
City Ticket Office, 1201 0 Street.
II. C. Tow.nhknd, Gon'l P. & T. A.
F, D. ConNKLL, O. P. & T. A.
Wo aro headquarters for choice cut
roses and carnations, palms decorations
at lowest prices.
Corner of Twelfth and O streets, Funko
Opora House block. Tel. 334.
Lincoln Nebr.
I Chas. B. Gregory C 1
TJ. of N., '91.
j Office A
At uoo o st, s
I Lincoln, Neb. H i
(Kansas City Mo. Oct. M0.)
Tho Union Pacific will sell round trip
tickets for $5.75 on QotQpor 14th to 10th,
good to return 11th. Pay-light trlp.arrlv
lns at Kansas City 5 p. m. City tloket
ofnee, 1044 O streot.