THE NEBRASKAN. Vol V. No. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, OCT. 2 t3o6 Price 5 Cisnts. UP SOMETHING STIRRED Mass-Meeting Has Very Satisfactory Results. IHE TEAM DEFINING ITSELF m,n Not Vt In Their Positions but Can dMatcs aie Working Hard tor Places. onw K"' '" ,,! ll!,,ol'.v- tw uulvor ,ty rli.UH'1 W "Hvd oVorHowillg. At ihe mwiwfm' Mummy morning that thftV WW KvllK to I'O 11 IIIUSS lllCClllIK d)wUW our lootbnll affairs, everyone took th matter straight to heart iitiil Prrvd ' loosened purso strings. It was on of the most popular domonstru don of eollegt !,l,,,u ,,mt l,, unlvvr slty lu fwr experienced. After the de votional ixtv l"s were ovor. stimltiK of th hymn was dispensed with and the ft-esrvpUlon proceeded to business. Dr. tonl called the mooting to order ami rommeniled that a temporary chairman t elected. Mr. Oury placed tho iinmi) of Chancellor MnrLean lt nomination, and h -8 elected unanimously. Ho took tt office saying that ho was now Hfor th audience as Student MncLonn. Dr. FUnc w., .hen culled upon for remarks up th- nature anil Intent of tho moot- Ire H' irof'or begun his remarks In his .-auaiterMlo humorous way. Ho snld that ho had been Instructed to state the fact una work ui enthusiasm. He be gan by recalling the custom at his Alma Mt.r In m t'.rs perlnlnlnc to athletics, and the contrast ho drew between his iU;r of :' members and ours of 15U) tu hardly nattering to the university of .'brst!k.. He continued by making a sironp Ioh for the athletes of tho uni versity to come to th rescue of Nebras ka's honor. He sal J that If there was anyon. there who had not discovered himself, h. wanted i-onieono else to dis cover him. arvl urs him to come out on the prnrtlce Held. He wanted to see everyone contribute ills mltu to the sub 5rrlttoii thut would be taken up. He concluded by asking that u little more tnthusiasm be manifested by the stu dents at lance In turning out and wutch inc the ira-U,.- games. Dr. Ward roiiowed Professor Fling by son wvll dirtied remarks. Mr Oury was then . all.-d forward and made a buine. stat. mnt. He said that the tiu msrjlty had pledged Us honor In secur es a con eh ami promising him Ids sal ary. Th.r. was a dullcil In the trous ary and th.- outlook for rt amies was father unpromising. Suits were needel 1 other ,ipphe which could not lie s. vd for less than JSO. Moreover. whnlult of Kauies had lieen itrnuiKetl d tin- uri.-rslty was plowed to play 'hoi. Thi. would be lmHisslble almost Jtr th.- .r.-seut conditions of affairs. At the oiRuMon of his remarks, sub tlMlon lits were passed around by a irp or 1. 1;. rs. The Chancellor made a rr Jpiroiriate address while the tellers nidku.K the canvass. The Chan 'lltr .,.s fr.iiu.iitly applauded. He lovwl hlm.-lf not inrkliiK in coIIcku en talam. Wbtrii Hi. total whs ; t wa Moumvd that It amounted lo isns.nn SiM th.-n moiv ims com- in and It Is lmji.-.l thai the pledged amount will fach tri uf t,s however, some of the iJKfrs wr. .lupliiHted. ami allowiiiK foi JM. the al.o.-iatlon will et at least $ fnm thH ma.s-ineotlnp. With what the "ully .-., KiVtt tlu jyj nmrk w, u. The work of collect Inn tin. money is liK on win, quwitlonulde success. Of total amount pleilKotl. but a small Portion hs found its wnj In tin "! t the proper authorltlos. Oltle- Wllrctom have iwun apK)lnted. ind y alone have the authority to receive "' T,,ey re Klven a receipt lnok M all are cautioned to take a receipt ., n lht,' Pay the amount of their Pledge. ON TUP KIKI.D. 'th the llnanclal cn&iuragement oun" thf hyH XIonc,a'- the dlmal "tlook Is clearltiK away Homew-hnt. ine men are turnlnB out better for Practice, and the rivalry for places In 'ncreaslnsr. Coach Robinson eprung a e surprlFe upon the candidates for PMtionB. by announcing Wednesday ,"ernoon. mt they would get down DrJT?rk Monuay- There was an ex Predion of wonder depicted on many countenance. "Wonder what he ra"s this" one fellow was heard to re mark, after lie had inft tho Hold. This evidently menus that nystomatle work Is to 1)0 MtUltOtl. Tho team Is slouiy dollnliiK Itself, hut Cone!) rtnolnsnu has nothing to say iim yet us to the dlfteient posltlon.s the men will play. He Is keeping quiet ami wutehlng thorn. It may bo that u game will be secured with a. Council I HIuiTh team inudo up of fonnor col lege men. Spooner Is amonn im play ers. Uotlnlte terms have nut lson made yet, and It Is doubtful If tho date will be secured. If not the llrst game scheduled will ho played two weeks front tomorrow, with Donne's nllogod tigers. Kvon If a pi notice game Is not secured then, enough men are turning out to put up a stiff second eleven that will give the llrst men all thej can iIm. Tho appearance of Whipple c.n tho Held every Jtlght, for the past week has put encouragement Into the heart of everybody. Then too. Captain Uud Jones Is (.Mining back. Ho has boon working hard all summer and It Is thought that be has lost none of his strength thereby. Humors ot his death In a railroad wreck have been Hying about, but these have been proved ca nards. He 'has boon neard from per sonally, and he says that ho will come us soon as he can get away. It may be a week or tendays. however, be fore ho arrives. Of tho other old mon who aro out. George Shcdd Is on hand and ready to itll his old position be- ,,,.,. . I iiiini 1. 11- iim- its .iiiii-ihiv;i. wi ue i Thorpe Is a candidate for quarter back. It Is thought that Orlle can have about what he wants, by tho game he Is putting up. Cowglll Is an Onialui boy who will work for the pos ition of full-back, which position he played on tlio Omaha High school team. He Is small but of a stocky build. His strip weight is 145. He is quick and active, and above all willing nml there Is no doubt but that lie will push somebody very hard for the h)s Ition. He Is a good punter and oan send tho ball us far as anyone on the Hold. Kollar will try for center. He is an old player, having been In two or throe games Inst season. Melford will soon be back, and try for the jos ition of tackle. Whipple Is also work ing for this iosltlon. l'ackanl, Wig gins, Jones and Cameron, appear reg ularly on the practice Held, and n doubt, ench will be rewarded by a jws Itlmt .m the llrst eleven. Cook Is a former Lincoln hlKh school player who Is working hunt to le put on ttie llrst team as half-back. He played this position last year, with the high school boys and did very well. His strip weight Is 16a, and ho lu almost six feet tall. Itenedlct is a now man on the foot ball Held. He puts up an earnest ef fort, and In tho last tew days had made good progress. He will make It a tussle for some ot the old players to got ahead of him. I'earse is a new man from Dakota, though ho is not now to the game of the grid-lion. Ho weigns lis. sirippeu ami is ovor six feet in height. He Is one of the most ivomlslng of the now players. The Hrst meeting of the Junior An- nual board was hold last Friday. All the memtiers except one aro back. Work will bo pushed at onoe. Contri butions of every kind are solicited from everybody. Students whether of ' or not who would like to see a good Annual are requested to send in suggestions and other contributions to any uf tho members of the board. Committees will be appointed next week. SKNIOH CLASH BLBCT. The senior class hold a mooting Fri day afternoon in room 3, ITnlverslty hall, for the purpose of electing of Moth for the Hist aomoster. Tho following worv chosen: .Miss Nellie Griggs, pres ident; William Grant, vice-president; -Miss Kate Walker, secretary, J. V. Cortelyou, treasurer; L. A. Hlcketts historian: Louie Sherman, sergoant-at arms. Working committees for the year were also appointed. One com mittee lias the matter or a class play In charge, anottier the organization of a class football team. A committee was appointed to seek out a suitable commencement speaker, as was also one to wrestle with the vexing ques tion of class Insignia. The Sombrero editors will have ttie co-operation of an energetic committee from this class. The class of 97 is thoroughly enthusiastic, and muoh may conlldent ly be expected of It during the coming year. AMOriG THE FRATERNITIES What the Greeks of the University are Doing. MEMBERSHIP OF EACH ONE The Holl figure up to Lre Proportion. Phl and Trl Delta Initiate. Thnt the frats are on hand and up to their old-time doings. Is evident from tho various musical whistles that echo about the campus. They are back In force, and to a close observer, ail are doing u mon or less amount of "rushlm?." Phi Delta Theta. Is tho llrst of the boys' fraternities to have an Initiation. Thursdiy evening. Howard C. Parunlee of Omaha, and Charley Manslleld of Ash land, were Introduced lo the mysteries of that orgnnlxntlou. Most or last year's Phi Delta Thetas will be found ngnln this fall In their old rooms In the State block. Hoy Stone Is studying In Dresden now. but will enter the university again In '!". Will Hay ward Is also In Germany, studying. Will Westerman Is touching Latin In the high school at Decatur. 111. "Spook" Spooner , Is at his home In Council ItlnfTs and will I nitOmlilv .il. iv .villi in.. iii.,iii fiii.iimii . ', ,,., , , . , , team. Lawrence Pllsbury Is studying j . ,. medlclne lu Denver. Arthur Montmoren cy intends to enter a law otllce lu Omaha. The Phis now have thirteen active mem bers. They are: J. C. Jones. W. 11. Oury. Sy Lyman, Phil Hussell, Chas. True. K. H. Davenport. J. T. Sunnier. Halph Hag gard. Kert Uitetlon. It. S. .Mueller. Louie Westerman. II. C. Parmelee and Char ley Manslleld. Sigma Alpha Kpsllon will occupy the same rooms In the Harris block that It had last year. Tho rooms have lieen re furnished and put into better shape and the boys will have a pleasant homelike place to live In. Krneat Arthur, Harry Minor and Clarence. JIVfft will not be back this year. Those who will bo here or who have already arrived are: Wll lard Clapp. Sid White. Kdgar Morrill, George Hartlett. Harmon, Will Green. B. Sawyer. H. Sawyer OrlU Thorpe. Sid oil.. Heed Dunroy and Iaslle Martin. Of the Hetas. the following under grad uates have returned: L. A. Hlcketts. II. II. Bverett. Fred C. Cooley. Chas. Hon dy. W. II. ladiman. Dave Burks. Jas. Itnrks. H. P. Ijui Jr.. Maurice Hyde. B. M. Crumb. F. L. ltaln. M. A. Hartlgnu uud Carl It. Iturnham. Or the gnulu nto Items, V. It. McLuoas Is principal of the Fnlrbury high school. C. B. Ad ams. Jr. N dlKuiio; gold from the liowels of the earth at Apex Colo. B. C. Ames will enter the Junior law class. II. W. Hobluson alias "Uuck" is taking law at Ann Arbor. Geo. H, Whaley ':, Is iwstlng lu the department of philosophy. The Item Isjys are rejoicing at the re turn of Carl liurnhiuu who has leoii lu Monivlrt Ca, .luring the past year. j , Hem Tnu chapter of Delta Tail Delia i will le ipiariered this year at ISIS O J street. A line large hall and adjoining i TOOms hn been secured and the luiys I fter two venrs oxiwrlonce with e'mp- ler house. Intend to try life in a block. The chapter commences the college year with twelve ucttv members. Of these are all undergraduates except Br nest Gerrard who has been abroad for a year and Is back lu the university for his doctor's degree. Wllinur W. Wilson, law "."i. Is practic ing lu Nebraska City .A. J. Weaver ' and law , Is soon to locate In Salt Uiko City, where he will Join Into partner ship with James Johnson "M. Adam Mc Miillen Is In Lincoln In newspaper work. J. H. Harnes will be employed tills year at tho boot-sugar works In Nor folk. Bugoiio llrown has loft life's school and his bereaved brothers mourn his loss by dcntli among them. The active membors nre: T. K. Ilur rows. G. H. Thomas. It. II. Manloy H. I'. Teolo. Will McKay. A. A. Glllman, J. A. Savlllo, F. T. Klley, L. M. Weav er, II. J. Lehnhoff O. G. Whipple, and B. A. Gerrard. Tho Sigma Chls start the year with fourteen active members. Lawrence H. Packard, C, C. Young. R. C. Saxtou, II. W. Doubrava, D. W. Hawksworth, G. II. HIsser. U. S. Lnngworthy, George Iiurgett, Jr. A. A. Blschof V. P. Sheldon, C. II. Cosgrove, J. B. Fechet, Paul and John Fitzgerald. Those . not returning aro: J. W. Dixon, now practicing law at Nebraska City, C. C. Pulls, with tho Michigan Cenirul railroad company at Detroit Mloh., and U. 1 King who Is at present Unvoting In tho middle states. The Slgs are temporarily located In their old hall. Phi Kappa Psl house at Twelfth and G streets was opon during tho srtinmor. Jesse Howe. Hhormnn A. White, Frank llrown uud P. A. Powers hold forth while tho fellows were constantly drop ping In for 11 few days, llurton W. Wll- I son spout tlio summer at Salt Lake City returning to enter the law college. J. 1. Howo was tit his old homo In Illinois during August. Hairy Shedd ran his dally paper at Ashland two months and then In company with Urnest Wlggon horn, and George Shcdd spent two months on a pleasure trip In Colorado uud Wyoming. Ward lllldreth and Kd 1 Kllott also spent the summer In Colo rado. Clark Oberlles 'W was nmrrlen In June to Miss Kiln Hall and the boys duly cetebrnted the event. Tho couple arc living In a lovely little cottage In Kmu Lincoln while Clark posts In Kn gllsh literature tills year and during odd moments talks business for tho Ober lles Coal company. Rufus Houtley "!l Is superluteiulnut uf schools at Sheltou Nebr. II. I.. Kimball ', has established a law otllce at Wayne, Nebr.. and 1. M. Hcntley, 'M Is back al Cornell where ho will lake his degree In philosophy, J. P. Sedgwick will attend Hush Medical tills viiir and Dick Heed Is coiitemnlntlnir inl !..... i,,,. , ,,., ., , .i, i- ,..m, gaging in business at Atlanta da., with WitlU-i Morrow, lu June Frank Steln er came down from Minneapolis to seo the boys. Phi Kappa Psl has seventeen men back this year. They are: B. C. Blllott, Ward lllldreth, Frank Drown, Chas. Thomp son. Clint Norton. Jesse Howe, Harry Shcdd. B. A. Wlggenhorn. Craig Spen cer. S. A. White. It. W. Wilson. V. C. Harbor. Olio llrown. Pert Christie. Kd gar Clark George Shcdd and Fritz Kors meycr. Of the local frntorntty. Alpha Theta Chi. six active members aro back. Do Alton Saunders, 't'3. has entered the chair of botany In the South Dakota Agricul tural college at Hrooklngs. H. S. llllt ner '!d. Is assistant chemist at the exper Imeutal station. He will divide his time between work at the state farm and at the university. G. L. Town. !G has ae cepte.l the priuclpalshlp of the high school al Junction City, Kansas. C. A. Turiell Is l.-nchlug a French class and posting In modern languagus. I. S. Cut ter, formerly "J7. will teach sciences In the Humboli high school, tho coming your. Benton Dales will assist in the chemical laboratory. G. 11. Hiokoits. formerly "V. has returned from Chicago. and expects to be in Lincoln this year, fho active members are: J. V. V.. Cor telyou. laiule Sherman, O. T. Brwin Tom Hlcketts Fred Humphrey and lion ton Dales. Among tho girls' fraternities, or rather "sororities". Kappa Kappa Gamma, leads with a membership of twenty active members. They are: May Whiting. Flor ence Winger. Jessie Jury. Anna Ilroady, Grace Ilroady. Nelly Griggs. Bllen Gere, Frances Gere. Stella Blllott. Cora Crop sey. Naamali Lowe, Laura Houtz, May Colson. Grace Lemlng. Nell Lull, Uelma Luu. Mabel Hlchards. Lottie Whedou. Doru Hurley and Maud Hisser. Miss Bna Hlcketts ;. Is teaching Bng llsh literature in tho Lincoln high school. Miss Florence Winger 'P.. was grunted a fellowship In psychology, and Is now acting as assistant lu the psychology lab oratory. Miss Jessie Jury '!, Is taking post-gnuluate work this year. Miss Mur iel Gere '10, Is teaching lu Falls City. Miss Martha llurks 'M, Is teaching Lat in in tho Beatrice high school. Tho thirteenth biennial convention of Kappa Kappa Gamma was held at Bv- anstowu III. (luring the last week In August. Miss Anna Ilroady wont as del egte from this chapter. Mlssos Jones. Whiting. Winger. Klrker and Billot also attended the convention. Thoy bring back the good news that tho Invitation of Sigma chapter has been accepted, and the next convention occuring In 1SDS, will be held here In Lincoln. Tho only Delta Gamma who is not back this year. Is Helen Hnrwood. She Is studying at the Sorbonno. Paris. Tho chapter roll now has fifteen members as follows: Edna Polk, Georgle Camp. Clara Mulliken, Clara Parks, Clara Wat kins, Blanche Garten, Mabel Ricketts. Joy Webster, Helen Welch, He'ien Woods, Jessie Lansing. Nella Cochrane Selmu Norene, Georgluna Case, Alice Slaughter, and Laura Bridge. Ono of the nbovo named Is a pledged member. (Contlducd on fourth patco). GOT MILITARY HONORS Cadet Appointments and Promotions are Read. CORPORALS NOT FULL RANK Lance Corporals Aailgned with the Prosptct ol Further Promotion The cadet promotions were road boforo the batalllon at assembly last Friday. The appointments had been promised tho preceding Wednesday yet they were hard ly expected. It Is no day's task to pro par them, and the cadets were sur prised notwithstanding tho promise. The commissioned start wt appointed as follows: First Lieutenant anil Ad lutant. Howard C. Parmelee; First Lteu tenant and Quartermaster, John P. Cam eron. The non-commissioned staff will con sist or: Sergeant Major. C. W. Weeks; Quartermaster Sergeant, C. C Culver. Sergeant and Drum Major. B, 11. Krlng; Color Sergeunt. L. J. Belknap. Acting Adjutant Parmelee. Hrst road the promotions, then the assignments to companies were rend as rollows: Company. A: Captain W. 11. Oury, First Lieutenants. H. A. Emerson uud Charles B. Crownover. Second Lieuten ants, Chas. Kiihlmau and B. F. Piper, First Sergeant. Halph Haggard; Ser geants, p. W. Pinkerton, M. A. Hyde, J. A. Savlllo. C. A. Fisher. B. O. Weber, H. W. Thatcher. Company B: Captain, H. C. Saxtou; First Lieutenants, F. A. Korsmoyer nnd I. V. Hedge; Second Lieutenants. Geo. 11. Thomas and J. N. Shrove, vice J. C. Jones, resigned; First Sergeant, Phil Russell. Sergeants. B. H. Morrison, An drew Wetzel, B. !R. Davenport, Geo. J. Lyon, George Burget. Company, C: Captain. Hugh Wilson. First Lieutenants, II. B. Reagan uud F. S. Phllbrlck. Second Lieutenants, C. A. Bose nnd J. C. Norton, First Sergennt, C. II. True: Sergeants. A. A. Babcock, Chas. Hendy. B. D. Baughart, E. A. Wlggenhorn. Win. C. Horn. Company. D: Captain, II. J. LelmholT, First Lieutenants. J. V. Cortelyou. nnd Wm. M. Grant. Second Lieutenants, A. It. Llnquest. vice C. C. Griggs resigned, and It. S. Baker. First Sergeant. S. A. White. Sergwmts. V. C. Barber, T. F. Roddy. 11. B. Noyes. H. S. Evans. J. V. Beachly. Cadets were not promoted to the full grade or corporals. Innce corporals wero named as rollows: Geo. C. Shcdd, T. L. Lytic. J. B. Fechet, J. D. Hnstle. O. G. Whipple. G. W. Helmrod. C. L. Shuff. II- F. Gage. . O. Garrlnger. J S. Corby. Hurt Whedou. 11. O. Sutton, B. T. Turner. C. W. Taylor, II. W. Dav is jr.. Earl McCreary. G. II. Warner. G. K. Hartlett. Jas. E. Messonger. A. A. Baer. J. T. Sumner. F. H. Woodland, B. W. Benedict. O. Brown. R. D. Read, A. L. Brown. Burt Christie. J. L. Ranson, N. M. Davidson,. Aloxnndor Ettlng. H. T. Beans, nnd L. B. Mumford. The lance corporals will be promoted to tho full rnnk of corporals as soon as they prove themselves worthy, as drill masters of the new endets. RIFLES MEET. The Pershing Rifles mot for tho Hrst time last night in the armory. Election of otllcers was held which resulted as follows: Captain. Chas. F. Schwarz. First Lieutenant. W. It. Oury. Second Lieutenant. II. C. Parmelee. First Ser geant. C. W. Weeks: Sergounts. Wm. Grant. U. V. Hedge, nnd II. F. Gago. M. A. Hyde was made second sergeant nnd consequently right guide. It was decided to hold a hop on tho evening of the llrst Friday In December. Llcutoii'tnt Pershing is expected to bo present. On Wednesday evening a reception was given to the students by the members of St. Paul Methodist church. A short phonograph concert was given after which light refreshments were served In the parlors. Everyone was made to become' acquainted with every body else; Last week the boys of ttie class of '98 held an enthusiastic meeting In room 3, on the subject of a class foot bait tenm. Everybody was in favor of having a team and working in the interests of n class league. KIndler was elected manager. He would be pleased to meet with managers from the other classes and organize n league I of the classes and fix dates for gamea.