LOCALS. Buy cmI o( Oivgory. slnRl, meal ' w' "' rinUnrton'H hv,nll ''' , , . vcnty-tlin students vlo were not hfW j.t yr roistered '" " ,,y- Tlu, -' .w Imnnl In ,hc nortli'Ni'l corner f , jx, T street. f CAWl,j IH". l'r"oh and German dlc lKinrif. M. cl1 nl Hrpolaholmor nnd Cc-a book department Chnrlc N. GrvRory of " cl of '01 . m the cwl buMnoss nl Eleventh nnd 0 tfrects tho tho city, nt ctunpus. Call nnd seo him. French and German dictionaries, one hlf leather, s cents nt Horpolshelmer il (Vs. ",ok department. J, W. Crnlitreo lins Just neon elected principal of ttcntrlco IiIrU school, without application. Those Unions continuing Krmlunto studies nro; The llessey boys, Messrs Almy, Albers, Lehman, round nnd Sonrson, nnd Misses Mllek, llotnfaon nnd l'ound. V. M. Kirk tvlso returns from Kd. nr to ptirau' his Ktndunto studies. Thero nro mnny others whose nnmes Imvo boon cnsunlly overlooked hut they nro not forKolten hy Ihelr mnny friends who nre tntervsted In their sueeess. On the whole both externally, nnd Internally, the con ditions nre nil that could be nsked to make this your of permanent literary nnd so cial success. The l 11. 1). C. also bus nr KivuUed for another year of Joint debates. On the th of October this orKnnUatlon will celebrate Its Dceiulo anniversary, Koscoe l'ound, a pioneer orgnnUer nnd constant supporter, will deliver tho an niversary address. It Is hoped the Chan cellor may nlso ilnd It possible to 1ms prvs- Kradunted from tho Kentucky state uni versity In '72, nnd was Inter associate pro fessor of language In the South Kentucky out to speak to tho various orRnnluitlonsj college, at llopklnsvllle. In ', ho went The prospect for Kymnnslum classes Is better this year than for the past two. Many of the older students will tnko rcRU lar exercise en the tloor. There will be tho rcKiilnr elnsaes nt S o'clock, and 11:3), nnd probably an advanced class at 12i) for those who can qualify for advanced work. Then later in tho season, there will bo ns last year, an evening class for spec ial training In nthletlcs. Miss Unrr has returned from the east after a summer spent In study nnd Inspec tion of women's work In other Institutions. She feels strongly that the work hero Is fully on n par with similar work lit east ern Institutions. , A. CM.AUK. CHANGES IN THE FACULTY. (Continued trout PlrM !. Yo win mwl thnt Constnnoer em- (V irt tonsoriiu iirus m uu- m,t try him. l.CS O street. plOV oli lghton's. W13 O ,:trcet Tho best stock of stationery and school supplies In the state, wholfMle and retail. Call nnd got Price. , . . Thf jvifrr nrtV0 orimnUed n football tosm. They will s8"0" w l01 for ohnl- l(nss from ' 'n m ,M0 City seniors preferred. The Ashland club will have a rival this enr. J7int' v h iKtr liiiv num ber of students, who oxicct to organise i club I" few weeks. For le, second-hand Zenophon's An- lUMs, Greek grammar, Immensee, Chau- vt' geometry, Rhetorical Analysis, First lessons In Greek, Elements of rh ion. lMlum Helvetlrum. K.V.Hrown arc of lVrktns and Sheldon. Before purchasing dictionaries, fountain pros, noie lxoks and other material for eUss v examine the stock of Herpnl s.hdner uA Co. You can save money on French. Ltln, German nnd Knglish dlc UontrlM by patronising their book de- ptrtmMit. An D1lluJstK class In American poli tical mtoi Im In-en formal. It maj 1 thai the hMtloal tendencies of the limes ii i wsl.- this study of universal intrTii tut no one can step Into the elass roum wilbowl catching the spirit of . ntiiunin which pre,nlK Tin iiiKtvirii jolJtlcal economy club jiromtxifi io tk pood work this year. It is irotnctng for a course of loetnroi. lH-rhK itii ttrtt.r than tho course last r Somr of the ablt-st nnd most pre- tIcm) lhinkto tn the itme will sjMiftk Ihj- j foiv ihf ilntt. Tlxw Iwtures are free io nil and it is hond will bo leltar at tended ihn tle mi-etlngs last year. At tb last rL-ctloa f th- club the follow ing oftti-rr-. were cliOMn: l'resldont. D. W. Uiml. rtoe pretitdent, Mtss Woriey, hktcut, K. U. IVrrj-. exucutlvo com mitter J A. Maguire, A. G. Harding. and A. Holllnhach. which have algulilcd their Intention to be present, i Tho past year has marked n period of gradual progress In the l'alladtan society. All through the summer vacation, l'nl- Indians have been devising and planning for the work of the present year. Hut In particular they have lalored for tho suc cess of that greatest event of all In the eyes of l'nllndlnns, tho celebration of the twenty-llfth anniversary of the society. Tho membership this year Is tho largest ever enrolled In nn opening semester. They have a membership of sixty present nnd eight absentees. Among 11" alumni are men of some prom inence; such ns J, Stewart Dales, '3, ex Judge. Allen Field, Professor Caldwell Judge Holmes, Professor Wolfe, Professor Fossler Mary A. Tivmaln, and a host of others. Big Bargains in UTEUAKT SOCIETY OUTLOOK. Troni Miiiwiaranewt the literary so cieties will hold their own as usual this year. All are starting out under propl iIolr ( in utnstmnees. TJie Delinn foclety starts out this year with better prospects than -ever Ix-fore In Us history'. Most of last year's members are back, and a num- lier who were out of college last year are trtth the society this year. The Dellans lave some of the best material to be found WII.U PLAY BASKET HALL. Nothing new In the way of heavy appar atus has been added this year to the gym nasium outfit. Some things nre needed but money Is too scarce. Worn out dumb bells and Indian clubs, have however, !wn re placed by new ones, and more lar lells have been added. Two long narrow mats for use by the side or tho parallel bars are still wrapied in their covering of bur laps. Just -as they came from the manu facturer. A conspicuous new feature tn the shape of goals suspended from the beams, and the boundary line painted on the tloor. Tho goals are ten feet from the floor and so arranged that they can be hauled up out of the way at drill time. Tho game of basket ball Is a remarka ble one, alike in Its origin and Its rapid spread and popularity. It was onlv In SC that the game was devised and now it Is played from Canada to Mexico, and from Portland to Maine, In Young Mens' Christian associations, colleges and ath letic clubs. The game was organized at the Y. M. t A. tralnlngschool Springfleld Mass., by Jas. Naismlth, now physical di rector of the Young Mens' Christian asso ciation of Denver. Like Leverrier's dis covery of Neptune, It was the result of deliberate calculation. There was need In the association field, for a game which should meet certain conditions. These wore first formulated, briefly somewhat as j follows: I 1. It must Ihj a game which could be played Indoors or outdoors on any floor I or Held large or small. 2. It must 1h? capable of being playei by a large number. 3. "It should exercise a man all-round," legs, arms trunk, heart, lungs and brain. 4. "It should be so attractive that men would desire to play it for its own sake." . It must not have the roughness of Hug by football, and & It must be easy to learn. Having specified the conditions, he de Ubertly set down to devise a game which to Germany nnd studied until 'M, when he secured the Ph. D. degree. Then ho re turned to llerlln, where, during the past year he had special work In the university library of llerlln. nnd In the Iloynl library of Berlin. Dr. Johnson has strongly spee lallred In the language nnd In philology. In his university work he will give par ticular attention to the literary side of the I.a'.ln language. Ills family Is now at llerlln, Germany, where they will remain for the present. Miss Kathleen 1 learn, C W. Wnllnc and Alice Hunter, 'W, are tho other new Instructors In Ijvtln. Mr. Hemry, who took graduate work last year will be Instructor In the depart ment of Greek. llurton K, Moore, the new instructor In physics came here from tho university of Illinois, whero he had charge of a de partment. He received his master's de gree nt Cornell and then spent two years as nn Instructor In physics in Ixdilgh uni versity. From Iwehlgh he went to Ger many where he studied for a year In the Physical Institute nt Strnssburg under Koniraush, nitcrwaru (h'kIiik wuik In tho university of llerlln under Professor Planck. Mr. Moore has published several papers In the Physical View nnd other s-clentltle magaalnes. A new position, that of demonstrator, has been creatfd In this department. It will be filled by Dr. Lewis T. More who for the past year has been an assistant In physics In Worcester, Mass. Polytechnic Institute Dr. More Is a graduate of Wash ington university, St. Louis. As a gradu-j ate student, he went to Johns Hopkins! university where he attained high dis tinction as a scholar and fellow in phys ic. He received tho doctor's degree there in 'SS. Ho has published Important papers on magnetism in tho London Philosophic magazine and tho Physical Ileview, and Is an authority on that subject. He will have charge of tho settlrp up of lecturing apparatus and the recitations In general physics, and for a time will assist In the !nloratory- Mr. A. L. Haecker, a graduate of the dairy school of Minnesota and also of tho school of agriculture of Minnesota, will Ihj Instructor In dairying. Several changes have taken place in the chemistry department. Dr. White now has charge of the preparatory department. and Professor Nicholson, of the sohhomore class The course has been altered, so that chemistry 3 and i. or sophomore chemistry Is organic chemistry, which was formerly elective. Miss Kouton will have charge of Mr. Avery's classes until his re turn from Germany. Ho Is expected in November. Parmelee and Thatcher will Ihj assistants this year. Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gents' Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1229 to 1239 O Street. Jeweler, Optician and Engraver. Denier in Watches, Diamonds, Clocks, Silverware, Jewelry, otc, etc. All Roods sold engraved free of charge, and no chargo mmlo tor ox umining the eyes. 1143 0 Street Lincoln, Neb Once in a while it happens. In th literary societies, and expect to do 1 should meet those conditions. Basket ball the best kind of work. They have an able 1 was the result of his thought. It can Ihj con of officers with O. II. Allen as pres- played outdoors or Indoors. " It has been Iflent and Miss Hattle Packard as secre- played in a gymnasium twelve by twenty tary. All is harmony in the society, and all feet and can be playil on an ordinary the mernlH-rs work together. All around ' football field. Any number from live to theBrtians start out with the prospects of ' twenty, according to the site of the field havhw a greater boom than they did last j or floor, may play on a side." It does "ex- Tfar. and of having some of the best lit- orciso a man all-round." The twisting, j wary woik t-ver done In the literary - bending, wriggling, running reaching, and breathing, leave no muscle unused. It is an attractive game as is evidenced by lis rapid spread over the entire coun try in such a short time. Everybody plays It, men. women and children, it Is i much In favor at many of the women's elties t'nlon woc-lety begins the new college year under the most favorable conditions la He history. Almost all Its old inemliers have returned; those who have not are fiUlne portions whloh refleot credit upon me society and the university. L. J. Ab lot la principal of the Crawford schools. - .. in jiiMj-ucior in me asyium tor uie BHnfl at Nebraska City, while J. H. Mo- Gtiffy is an assistant In the hlch school colleges. No game for Indoors has yet approached it for popularity. Many of the objectionable features of Rugby football are avoided in basket ball. For example, running with the ball Is not that place. W. II. PUlsbury Is now fll- ' allowed, nor can the player who holds the tog with high credit the ioitlon of win- i ball be tackled or grabbed In any way. clpal of Tails City high school. H. W. QuaJntane has charge of the commer cial dbpartrneot of Mendota college In 111 tool. Miss Plnkerton Is an assistant prin "jll oi liuir lagli school. Mis lSlv DfonjiBtw vas promoted to the prlnolpal Wp of Dundee high school. E. M. Short "trail chosen superintendent of the Nelson schools. E. V. Porter takes a responsible Metrical position In the east. S. H. Mar "n Js now married and settled In the ca pacity of principal of the DeWitt schools. Mls Kittle S. Shaoklolon now smiles wwiaouy as we call hor Mrs. Holmes The ball cannot be held with the arms, it cannot be kicked or punched with tho fist, though It may be slapped with the open hand. Disregard of these rules and of others, to be mentioned at another time, constitute a foul, the penalty for which Is an unimpeded throw for a goal by the other side, from a distance of fif teen feet. If rules are adhered to, this penalty soon reduces the fouls to a mini mum. The gymnasium floor here is a remark ably Hue one for basketball and with prp- iice. some cood games may le expeoieu P' J- Maguire has Just accepted the sup- here during the season. The offiolal rules wintwHjsncy of Cambria (Wyoming) will be published In a auccedlns Issue of "ehools. and J. H. rjen js tumplng the the Nebraskan and everyone who expeata "tate for Bryan. Lien will return after to play the game will do well to cut out tlMUon- and preserve the rules. KAOVKTY CONC1IIIT. Ttn- opfning faculty concert of tin unl vvrslty school of muirtc for the new year was held in chapel Wednesday evening. A large and appreciative audlenc enjoyed the treat. It was the first appearanc of Miss Reynolds befoiv a Lincoln audience lut she acquitted herself with credit Fol lowing was the program render). l'ino olo Poloiuiit op. 71. "hopIn. -(i.ut Ikmle. "hj.ln-l.lszt Mi- HMrrlel 1C lt-ynolds Vocal solo-Iteelt: "S-t!4- ( 11 ' Verdi. Cavatln "Igltto la Mil lldi -John Randolph. Violin solo "Faust Fa 11 la si." Sara sate. August Hagenow. Piano solo "Tarantella." Moszkowskl. Mi Reynolds. Vocal solo "To SeilU." Daseaiier. Mr. Randolph. Piano sotes-"Th Ilroek." "Winter." Scuerzlno-HungHrian. MaeDoweU. Miss Susie Scoflekl. J. that tho local ticket agent can not give you nil the informa tion you require. When this is tho case, write to me. I have copies of tho latest rate sheeta and railroad ttmo tables and can tell you EVERYTHING you want to know about tho best and cheap, eat way to reach Denver, Salt Lake City, Ogden, Deadwood, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Helena, Butte. Spokane, Seat tle, Tncoma, Portland, or any other western or northwestern city. FRANCIS, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. You will save both- ...TIME AND HONEY By taking Uo ., CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1044 O Street. FREY & FREY, FLORISTS... W are headquarters for cholco cut roses and carnations, palms decorations at lowest prices. Corner of Twelfth and O streets, Funke Opera House block. Tel. SSL Lincoln Nebr. TWO TRAINS DAILY 1 -1IKTWEK.N- 1F YOU WERE A PRINTER VOU WOULD KNOW THAT THE NEBRASKAX CON TAINS MORE THAN TWO AND ONE-HALF TIMES AS MUCH PRINTED MATTER IN BACH OF ITS ISSUES THAN ANY OTKKR COL LEGE PAPER PUBLISHED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. IT KEEPS ITS SUBSCRIPTION PRICE THE SAME AS OTHERS. LINCOLN AND Auburn, Falls City, Atchison, St. Joseph, and Kansas City. City Ticket Office. 1201 0 Street. II. C. Townbbnd, Gen'l P. &, T. A. F. D. Coknkll, C. P. & T. A. WALNUT BL'IC. EXCELSIOR, IA. NUT, X . v. U. of N.. '91. Chas. B. Gregory 0 S H so 8 a 3 o B c-i tn O Z ROCK SPRINGS. HANNA, IOWA NUT, Office I At 1100 0 St, 55 j Lincoln, Neb. PRIESTS OP PALLAS PARADE. (Kansas City Mo. Oct 5-10.) The Union Pacific will sell round trip tickets for $5.75 on Octobor Hth to 10th, good to return Hth. Day-light trip, arriv ing at Kansas City 5 p. m. City ticket office. 1011 O street.