1 Thk Nkmuskan. A Wookly Newspaper IwMied Kvory KiU 0y N'oon, by tl atuflont of ibo Un Iwrxlty of Nohmwkn. Kntorml ns tioouutl Clns Mnll Matter. Hltohnuui, loonl. l- T. Utlcy MnnnnliiR Hilltor. IMIth Sehwnrt Ass't M'rIhr 1M. ASSOCIATK8. 12. n. Vorrv Loonl. J. C, llopoitors, A, H. Unrmolpe, II, F. Qnge. Harry V. Dottfornvn, Aos't business M'R'r. Tho Nohmsknn will bo sont to any n ilres upon receipt of tlio subscription price, which Is one ilollnr n yonr. Con tributions nro solicited Irom nil, Aiblros nil communications to The No brnsknn, University of Nobrnskn, Tho Nebrnsknn commenJs the notion of tho faculty in iiilmlttlnR elective work nt iho school of music Tho proper tostrlc tlons have been placed n round the privi lege to place It where It bolonR-tho senior In llnlshlnK his collepe course, feels tho want of such llnlshlnR touches as only musical culture can Rive. It Is now placed within his reach. Ho can take It up with out tho feolinp that ho Is robblnR himself of his time for his regular colleffe work. Th Kncllsh club met for the flrst tlmo A t-ilnexilny nftemoou. Tho university has never ornnol with better prospects for n successful year's work. Tho chances In the faculty, we may pride ourselves on tho fact, have beon In every respect satisfactory, Tho now professors are everyone thorouRh scholars of wide reputation and acknowledged abil ity. AlthouRh we repret exceedingly tho departure of some of the faculty of tho last year, we cannot but congratulate our- netves vitn tne met ilmi ilum Mt J;.ve been filled by such excellent men. On ward and upward In tho grant cause of higher education, will bo our watchword. There ts going to lr some fntlmslnsm .irouxiMl to it i-ml of getting some lib eral fooiii.ill Milwr-rlptions. Monday. It 1s tin- tlnn to mlk up the matter and make tin- proper niTnngementx in tee thnt fv-rl'od Is prepared. It 1 not onl mom timi is needed, but men. If you have nt money to give, you m nt leost use some or your time In urging some of your big friends to come out and at least practice on the second elev en. But tnlk up the footlml sulnorlptlon ntnl let us show the mnnngor that ho will not he hampered this ynr liy lack of funds. The Nebrnsknn extends the heartiest welcome to Conch lloblnson. From what has beon soon of him, It is snfo to say that Xelirnska hns secured a jewel this year. Mr. Kohlnson's character. Is above reproach, and ho has every attribute to make up the soholnr and man, He in tends to study lnw, and towurd that ond ho will probably register ns a junior law In our own university, as he Is avorso to wasting his time. This looks ns if the bo) s" would not lie regaled so much th coming Hoason by elaborate accounts of Yolo and Harvard contests. Tho tonm can bo sufoly trusted to go on any trip in oaro of tho coach and managor this year. The opening of the year is tho time to work up college enthusiasm. Everyone re turns fresh, and reudy to entor the lists to compote for honors of some kind. The first somester Is usually glvon over to athletics. This year will bo no oxcoptlon. The Interest already aroused among tho football men Is certnlnly gronter than an ticipated. Thore Is over' Indication, there will bo no donrth of applicants for places on tho flrst eleven. Let no loyal studunt fall to offer his assistance, physloally.fln anclally or otherwise In making this season of athletics the best In our history. It can be done. With tho advantage of early training, we nood have no fear but that our boys will make a good showing this season, To tho new student The Nebraknn wishes to glvo a few words of ndvloo. M'o otjer them howover In a humblo spirit and therefore auk the usual orodullty of the public. There Is one quality whloh 1b oon duelve to more Rood to the new student than almost any other quality of whloh humanity is the possessor. That is self esteem. A student of a modest retiring disposition generally consumes two years at .college crawling out of his shell, and then when he Is out, tho ohango makes him unoertaln, whether he ought not to crawl right back again. Let no now stu dent dwarf his capabilities. Do not wait until after years of oollego life havo passed hofore seizing opportunities favor aide to developing a brighter and better manhood. In the social world everyone is the peer of his companions. So use dis cretion. Muoh depends on the beginning. It is always hotter to leave those who havo had years of experience to take the Initiative In college doings. Those who are destined to become leaders In oollege ai falrs will And their pluces. Far mlt never falls to -win whenever it Is found. AT POWHATAN. Yes tho thivo wore nil together don't yon know. In the sen is behind tho good bnld-hend-iil row They were staring r.t tho lasses Through ft lMr of large Held Rlnssos, As If It wns their Jlrst and only show. Than said Muollor with i basso loud nnd Oeop, "This U funnlur tlmit miking In your sleep, Jtm ti look nt poor old 'Hutch' rAlnted up to 'bent tho Dutch' Cutting capers llko n gny nnd festlvw sheep." And then rhll Hussell spoke n word nt Inst, With his lnsid protruding, while hi breath enmc fast, "Of course you fellows know, 1 don't enro nbout the show, Hut I take n lot of Interest In tho cast," To explain the ronton why they came you see. They nil f them wore working mnn fully. Vol wo nil knew Just tho same Lot tho rimsonuyyWMnhaltholoeoreu That the reason why they ennip Wna because the parquet sonts cost "fifty C." I THK KUHSHMAN, Oh ycsl 1 nm the now student from Clohbugvllle or Princeton or Any old place that Is Dead. Cot onto my curves. 1 am n high-roller from m the Creek nnd don't you Forget It. 1 am tho loquacious, tiblnultouti Freshman And i tnlk loud In tho hall nnd Smoke cigarettes on the campus nnd Pretend to 1o no studying and Tnlk back to the lglstrnr and lo lot of other fool things thnt 1 won't Do when I nnv-t? been here U Months longer, 1 talk more thnn the sophomore nnd Think lo.ss than tho prep nnd Think 1 know more thnn tho faculty Which taken altogether Stamps mo ns the Provorbial evorpresent freshman Proverbial everprossrit freshman. 1 -don't know n bit more thnn the law allows but 1 Hate to lo told so. And If at any time 1 should swell 1'p pnd Hust, kindly mall tho fragments Hack to mnmmn for 1 am n Tender young thing despite my Heroic effort? to appear Tough. CLASS OF NAUGHTY NAUGHT. Here's an Interesting problem In pho netics, college slang and propriety all combined. AVhnt shall the incoming class of freshmen In the American col leges be cnlled? According to cus tom they should be designated as the slass of -on." Hut on" is nut likely to be adopted either in writing or in speech, for It lack the requirements of n class numeral, whose sound, when sung or shouted, should have a sonor ous, far-reaching quality, which shall enable thi eiasMnen 1 make their pres ence or their nchievments known in an emphatic manner, nnd there's nothing emphatic, phonetically or verbally about '"00." A happy thought came to a Johns Hopkins 'US man, who now sug gests that the next freshman class shall be known as the "class of naughty-naught:" This Is n typically eolleginte way out of it, and never would have occurred but to an under graduate, it ought to be a "go." If any other collage undergraduate has a better suggestion, let him send it in. The noble class of 1D00 cannot be al lowed to come Into xlstanc without a fitting appalation for strictly collo quial use. Ex. HATH DOUIJLICD UP. Miss Irene Davison. former Htiident Mild intunhnr of the I'mIImiIIhh society, wns .married dining the nuinmer to Mr. AW McMlflmel of Coin low. Hotti are now attending the uiiU'erwtty. Miss Sylvia llnll mid IV. ( Mills were mIho married this mmmrr II. AV. Thatcher, who Am not In ool lejfe In hi year, has retviiind. bringing Mrs Thatcher wltti him. Yea, He win married at his home In Gibbon Nebras ka, last August. Steward 33a leu has recommended that all students eapettfally the new ones, read the article hi this lattue of the N. brunkan. on the government of the university. THE PROFS' VACATIONS. P.'ofessor NlohelBon spent the most of the summer In the chemical laboratory, but spent a oouple of weeks in the Big Horn mountains. Professor Sherman was teaching in the Colorado Springs summer school the greater part of the vacation. He gave the rest of his time to writing and spent a oouple weeks in the mountains above Monltou. Professor Adamo was studying at the Chicago university and visited friends at Bloomlngton 111. Professor Fossler spent his summer tn renovating a house on South Seventeenth street, Ono that Is in tho heart of the oily but a "little to ono side." Professor KdRrcn wan In Mexico, 'udy lug Spanish dialects and nrohloloR.v. Professor Harbour visited friends In Ohio and spent part of the summer nt Huffnlo and NlnRrn Falls. Professor Hruner traveled through a number of tho western Males, studying the injurious grass-hoppers. Professor Swccsy spent tho summer at Mndlson, Wis,, In Washburn observatory. Professor Harbor taught In tho univer sity summer school, nnd spent tho re mainder of the vacation In Chicago word ing on some contemplated publications. Mrs, Manning spent tho summer In the Hlaek Hills. She visited Hot Springs, Oendwood, Lead nnd Spenrllsh. Professor Fling wns In tho city nil the summer. Ho lectured to a largo class of tcnohers In the summer school on tho modern methods of hlstorlcnl work In tho state and spent tho rest of his time on his work on tho life of Mlrnbean, Profesor Hurnott nnd wife wore In Col- orndo all summer. Most of their tlmo was I spont at Pine Grovo, nbout forty miles from Denver. j Miss Conklln taught a class In begin j nlng Fronoh nnd then spent about three weks In the west. She visited Colorado Springs, Denver, and Salt Lake City. Professor AV O. Taylor and his wife wore nt Colorado Springs nil tho summer except about ten days which they spent in Denver, Professor AA'hlto visited relations in Maryland. Professor Chatburn spent tho summer at Hnrlnnd, ln studying differential equa tions. Professor Davis was In Haltimore vis iting friends, and nttonded tho American mathematical association at lluffnlo nbout the Jlrst of SeptomlHsr, Professor AA'olfe lectured at a number oi tne teachers' instu.ues during the sum-1 mor, nnd spont the rcmninder of his ilmr In preparing mnteiial In experimental psy chology for publication. Captain Gullfoyle spont the major pan of the summer in Canada, but gnve some time to hunting and fishing in the Pig Horn region. Professor Lucky gave lectures in more than forty teachers' institutes. Professor Hampcen was working in the Wolker Klectrlcal and Manufacturing plants in Ohio. i-roiessor Hodgman nnd wife spent the i summer in western New Yoik in bicycling nnd private study. Professor Lees, llraco and Dann spent a few weeks on thoJr wheels in AA'yomng and Colorado. The remainder of the summer they were in the city. Professor Caldwell spent about week In Ohio, one week at lluffalo, tlu-ee days nt Chicago university and the remainder of the summer at the university. New Students i Your Attention is called to our ston as the best place to buy Clothing and Furnishings,.. Ask the old students about us, CLOTHING.. Ready to Wear or Tailor Made. PAINE, WARFEL & BUMSTEAb 1136 0 STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. I I !! . I Browning, King & Co, "BEST" AND "CHEAPEST" PLACE TO BUY CLOTHINC, HATS AND FURNISHINGS. fomEmwWM JUfH 'SHI- FOR THE- LATEST STYLES in 3ESS0PLE SHOE! FOR MEN ANn WOMEN,., TO Perkins & Shelddn Cd, 1129 O STR66T. (i best work I v Best Service Established 1889. No one in Justice to himself can afford to Ignore our special values in young men's Nobby Pall Suits. They are man-els of beauty, and are out and made l(j- our own experienced tailors. You Btt the same fit and make In our goods whether swu pay $S or $23 for your suit Our axDanoucc of over flfty-slx years of rtotliing manufact uring, wholesaling and retailing should i,e worth a great dual to you. Besides our great experience our business is conducted on the "honor bright" plan, lfiverythlng Is marked in plain figures and j-ou wl find no -nttrli caUiier wurli In our houfx. MJCN-S SUITS, JS.W, SUB, WJBi MM AND JJO.OO, WHICH CANNOT HE DU PLICATED IN THE CITY FOH MANY DOLIARS MOHE. MONSTEH SALE on huts this weak. Call and b0i) Ule n0bby fall shapes in stiff and Fedora liala. Telephone 199. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Most Complete and Modern Equipment Greatest... Courtesy. y 1 121 North 11th St FRANCIS BROS.. Capital Cafe. Proprietors Oysters, Fish and Game in Season. Also Restaurant at 1418 0 St. LINCOLN, NEBR. Open all night. Give us a call. IT PAYS TO TRADE WITH Browning, King & Co., 1013-1019 0 STREET. Lincoln Fruit Stand Pt'Cl'INLLU Bhus., Props. FRUITS, NUTS, CIGARS, TOBACCO una Uoiifeirtlonery. Cruelsf rjuolt 5c par jiucltURe. TWELFTH AND O STS. H. W. BROWN, DRUGGIST Books and Stationery, College Text Books. And a complete stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books. 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. IP YOU WANT A COLLEGE 1'APBR THAT WILL GIVE YOU ALL THE FOOT BALL N'KWS. AND CUTS OF THE PIA.T3CHS, YCJ SHOULD SUiiSCrtlBE FOR THE NE IJRASh'AN. ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. FIFTY CENTS A SEMESTER. "WANT IT? WILL YOU J"