The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, June 05, 1896, Image 2

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    The Nebraskan.
Veokly Kowspnppr ImiipiI livcrjr PrMnj Noon
iittlioUnlvcrHlty of Notirnnkn.
KNTKIIKI) AS HK('ONI)'Cr.AM Millli Mattkii.
T. IIilky, MiiiiiiRlnff KUItor
JoLotlrlilRO. Society
0. 1., flliutf. Military
J.O. Itltclimiiii Ioenl
0. K. Ailanm, I.ocnl
It, B. linker, IMItiirlnl
fl. 11. Hlomi, ltoportcr
It. H. Mueller, Hxcliiuiffp,
C, C. Culrnr, ... V. 0. Wnlllngford
l'rlco per year, I ,7.1
,, " I IV tn ft 1 1 8.1
l'rlco per in mi III, .10
Alort-M nil ('otmiimildiilntiM to Tin: Nijiiiuiikan
UnlriTHlty of Ni'iini'kii.
Tito uthlotlc iiDHoclntloii ihoihIhos to
mnke tho Hold tiny oxoi'cIhos tltu mtmt
I'litcrtnlnlnB event of tPe yeur. Tlie eon-
U'HtfttitH lmvo koiio through rigid iIIhcI-
)lliii' and tlu'outth ftymniiHtlo tnilulnir
ho u wuiinly fought contost nmy bo
nntlclpatud. Wlmt Ih plainly tho loynf
duty of tho Btudonts, and, In fact, of
everybody who wIhIiuh to olioor and on
couniKtf tho boyM In tholr ftlondly riv
alry? Certainly It la to turn out on masno
and make tho oxorclso.s ono of tho boat
of commencement week All tho Klrla
want to ko. Tlton every boy ahould take
either hla aiater or aomoono elae'a alator,
and yell for tho scarlet and croiun. Do
not only take your volcoa, but tako a
horn and do the best to make the air
echo with KOtniltio athlotlc ontluiHlsm.
The eontoatantii certainly need this en
rournKeinent. No effort has boon spared
upon their part to make thin a crodltablo
event to tho unlvorslty. Lot every
frb'iid of athlotlcs open commence
ment wook oxorclses by giving hoarty
support to tho coming athlotlc ovont of
the l-.ij-.
We lmvc decided to Increase t'm
subscription price of The Nobrnsknn
to one dollar next year. Our readers
will be benefited by this ns much a
r.elvo. During tho Inst two
mcuths of the year it is almost impos
sible to keep up tho standard wo start
in the fail. Wo think this will bo ob
viated by tho slight increase In price.
To be absolutely fnlr, howevor, anyone
mn have Tho Nobrusknn iioxt year at
75 cents by subscribing and paying
for it boforo June 10. Tho price by
mall will hereafter bo 51.00.
In a report if a commencement ex
ercise in a Nebraska town the country
lotTHpondent hu8 that the elan con
sisted of -four youiiK ladle and one
oo In knee punts."
There Is n a a iiiaii mining tho aen
1 h of the university but feels ontl-r-ntly
capable of running the guvorii
m. nt of the 1'nite.i Stntur at the pres
ent time, in a few years ho will feel
backward ab.ut trying to govorn a do-
b.i'ing .society.
William Heed Uunroy, the "Sweat
Singer of Nebraska," desires to statu
toughest man In the university la uu
kan that tho report that ho Is the
toghest mon in the university Is un
true, all rumor to the contrary not
withstanding. m
At the Inter-stato oratorical associa
tion the man who won second place
was given first placo by three Judges,
while one Judge gave him ninth. Those
who are disappointed about Phi Hota
Kappa selections can consolo them
selves by this fact. It '.a Impossible
for the electors to make a correct esti
mate of each student's work.
The Nebraskan board lias no fare
well bow to make. We do not lay
aside our pen with regret, otc. Prac
tically the same management will have
control next year and tho mistakes we
have made cannot bo laid to the de
parting staff. But with ou expeii
ence back of us we can promise as
suredly that wo will not run a worse
paper than wo have this year.
m m m
Alpha Theta Chi entertainod a few of
Its friends last Wednesday evening at
the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hlck
etts, 202 South Twenty-seventh Htreet.
The evening wvifl spent with progres
sive hearts and dancing. Those pres
ent were: Misses Camp, Walton,
Whiting, Kna Hlckotts, Broady,
Grace Hroady, Wright, Carscadden,
Lowe. Lytel, Town, Hargroaves, Mabel
Rlcketts, and Miss Adams of Superior;
Messrs. Sandors, Hlltnur, Clements,
Randolph, Tyrrell, Dales, Cortelyou,
Cutter, Sherman, Humphrey. ICrwIn,
Hustle, J. T. IllclcettH and Lowe Hlck
otts. At a high school commencement at
Oormnntown tho other day the musl
cal part of tho program consisted of
two vocal solos ontllU't "The Fatal
Wedding" and "The Pardon That
Came Too Late." At another town one
of the sweet girl graduates gave a now
and novel oration on "Hoyond the Alp's
Lies Italy" and "Night llrlngs Out
tho Stars" was the title of the oration
ny unotlinr original graduate.
Since the lesson In college Journal
Ism Inst full It will bo hard to fool col
lege paper renders agnln. The Nebras
kan has proved Itsolf ublo to moot any
competition. Wo lmvo prostlge and
good will behind us which cannot be
overcome by any now publication, or
belittled by false promises of old one.
We have always given our renders
their money's worth and we can bo dc
ponded upon to do It next your.
A comparison of tho amount of mut
ter printed In one of our Issues, with
one of the Issues of tho other college
publication will show that each Issue
contains almost twice as much rend
ing mutter than does tho other. Com
ing out twice as often, gives the read
er full value.
You do not got school boy ossays In
the Nebraskan, but college news. Wo
do not protund to publish a Htcrary
paper any more than does any ether
Wo do not start out ut tho beginning
of tho school year by making promises.
No matter what dog barks, you will
iliul us going calmly on and publishing
an all-round college newspaper next
September at the old stand.
With this Issue we close what has
been a pleasant, although In many
uspeots a tiylng, ear's work. We
have sought to advance the Interests
that are dear to all, to bclghton and
cheer tho paths of learning and to
mako a record of usefulness. The
"hard times" and general llnanclnl
stringency bids us to say we have
poorly succeeded. Students ns well as
business men lmvo been compelled to
practice rigid economy. This Is no loss
true with a common enterprise, that
exists for the common good. Wo know
not what tho future may bring, but
our loyalty and love for our alma
mater mid our confidence In the re
turn of bettor times, makes us feel
certain that next year we will be able
to glc the university a much better
paper than ever hefoic.
To students and faculty, to friends
of the university, tho Nebraskan ex
tends congratulations upon the suc
cessful close of another year's work.
We certainly hope that the coming
year may have In store a still larger
measure of success for all. As wo go
to our homes let us bear In mind the
timely remarks of our chancellor and
do something for the university.
We wish to express our keen appro- ;
clntlon of tho hearty support received
from the student body and tho faculty,
and those Interested In higher educa
tion. 1-Vir all It renders, the Nebras
kan wishes a happy vacation, full of
Joy and recreation, and wo hope that
nil may gather again next autumn to
mnrshnll In a new year of prosperity.
Now that the football season Is well
over and almost forgotten and there
are four months yet bofore the game
will ngaln be played, a few remarks
may be advanced with safety. During
the heat of the season t'e observer
who presumes to criticise anything
dome by the players or tho coach almost
takes his llfo In bis hands. He Is speed
ily sat down upoli and Is called a crank,
a meddler and nn Idiot all In one
bieath. It hns boon the general Im
pression that In order to keep the col
lege spirit at Its proper height no col
lego man should dare criticise the nets
or oiKiulre into the methods of his own
team. Of course this Is all very silly,
yet one does not care to mako such
criticisms while tho football games are
going on, because It is easy to see that
no attention will le paid to him, and
consequently no gonl done. However,
a few simple observations may not be
out of place between the two seasons,
espociaHy as football Is always a sub
Joct that Is close to a Htudent's heart.
In the very first place we should have
a good coach next year. Whatever
rray have been the capabilities of our
last year's coach ho certainly did very
little for the team. Aside from sing
lazyan almost criminal fault for a
coach he was not strict with the play
ers. He never made a pretense of
forcing the men to train. Everyone
on the ground during tho Kansas game
who could tell a football from a band
box was able to see that we lost the
game and the pennant through the lack
of training. There were three men on
our team during that game who did
not have training enough to put up
a good game of tonnls. No one could
bo blamed for this but the coach, since
the men wore under nls enro and play
ers generally will not train unless they
are made to. In the matter of choosing
men for a game "lao ho had not tho
Judgment to bo expected of a coach.
There was much complaint because ho
taught tho team nothing now, but this
was not exactly his fault, since ho could
hardly bo oxpecled to tench anything
he did not know. And this brings us
buck to tho plans for tho next season.
There certainly Aiould bo some capable
man from ono of Inst year's blg.onstoim
tennis for a coach next year, It Is nb
solutely Imperative that wo should
have a man who understands tho gnmo
wILli nil Its up-to-duto fentures mid
with suck a man In charge tho memory
of Inst year's Knnsns gnmo nitty be
wiped out.
"No, my son," aid the wise rMn ,
at tho oompotltUf drill, "ihe reason
tho girls have their tallj -ho drnwn In
front of tho amphitheatre Is not to get
a bettor view themselves, but to afford
to other people, a better view not of
the endots, howevor."
The dark orosted warrior mounted
his gayly eoiiipnrlsonod palfrey In
front of the monnstory on H street
ond turned resolutely toward tho
Chateau do la Slnutio far to tho south
ward. "Well," he said, as he swatted
his charger over tho ear with his
; mailed glove, "my title may not bo
knight now, but It will bo night bo
foro I reach my destination," and hu
laughed so hard at his pun that his
helmet rang like the gong in a Journal
ism class.
"I have observed," said Harry Oury,
"that although everyone cannot bo a
non-com, yet when the Nebraska City
girls have to bo shown around tho
enmp every private acts in the ca
pacity of a right guide."
"I never was built for a trader,"
remarked Shorty Lonhoff, "but 1
should be very glad to exchange my
old lantern for a pair of captain's
shoulder straps."
"I lmvo been told," snld Art Hutch
Ins, "that acting Is tho most Unpleas
ant of all professions, but since I have
been playing in bicyclers, I must say
that I have found it exceedingly on
Joyable," and ho walked down to the
Co.-Op. whlstlnlg "Sweet Marie."
"No," observed Prank Summers as
he watched the competitive drill from
the rail fence, "the boys don't drill
very well, but I like to see them
around In their white pnnts. I always
did have a fondness for ducks, you
There Is no class of students here
who are more on tho go than the little
"clique" who are dramatically In
clined. There Is a certain crowd who
seem to lack either the power or the
Inclination to kep off tho stage. When
they enn't play to Lincoln audiences
they go up to Ashland and Inlllot
themselves on the peaceable Inhabit
ants of that nourishing city.
Our Fountain is Started. Conic
and Look Over Our List
of Fancy Drinks,
Makers of
Delicious danbics, 3cc Cream.
Always open after society meetings.
12th and 0 Sts. Funke Opera House Blk.
A.t Reasonable Prices
Picijde SUifes9
131 North 11 St.
Nebraska Tent
and Awning Go,
130-8 N. 11 St.
TentH for Kent.
See us.
For Nobby, Natl, ami Now SPRING SUITS.
Everything in Bicycle Clothing,
Paine, IDarfel,
Summer Soon Will Come Again Therefore
Get Your Pick of Our Line of Tan Shoes for
and be Happy..
We Also Have Good Ones
for Less Money.
. . TO . .
"The Italy of America,"
Southern California has very truthfully
Veritable Summerland.
StudentR, when you wnnt to ro home oithor to points on tho innin lino or to
Always take UNION PACIFIC.
City Ticket Office
General Agent.
Funke Opera House Block, Corner 0
and 12th Street.
Books and Stationery,
College Text-Books.
And n Complete Stock of
Standard and Miscellaneous Books
Ok Ctrcabe Sfyoe Sfyop
Moved Acris the Street
301 So. 11th St.
& Bumsteab.
- btreet
been culled; wUli ita fruits nml IIuvmih,
1044 O Street
IClty Tioket Agent.
ffivst TRat'I Banh,
N.S.tlAKWOOD President.
CHAS. A. 1IANNA. Vice-President
1'. M. COOK. Cashier.
II. S. lKEl-:MAN.Ass'tC?jhler
(17. OP N., Sfl.)
Office, No. 1134 L St., Ground Floor
HOURS, 7 TO O A.M.; 1 TO 3
ND 7 TO 8 P M.
TlepJ .c G85. .-,. nn.
HohmaiM's Music Depot
1140 O St.
Special Prices on all lAne:
m If -uWfB