The Nebraskan. Wookljr Newspaper IssuiM livery I'rldfij Noon nttlia University ot Nelirnskn, 1:ntrhkii ai HKroNn-Ci.Ann Mill. Mattrp, T. UlLRTi ... MnnnKli'K Killtor AKdOCUTUH, ..iMJo l.ottrlilgo, 8o;ltj C, I., stinff, Mllltnry J. C. Hltclminti, Local 0. 15. Ailnms, I.ocnl 11. 8. linker. Killtnrlnl H. n. Sloan. Hsportcr 11. 8. Mueller, HxclimiRC, STAl'r UtTIAT. a r. Culvor, ... V. 0. WnllliiBforil l'rlee per year. ......$ ,76 " liy innll 'Ml rrlre per inimlli .10 Ailurrss nil Cam imiiilrn lions to TtlK Nhniiaskan UiilreiMlt.v il Nelirii'kn, Notlco. W'n liuvi" divided to Inrronse (ho subscription prliv of The NVurnsltnu to one dollar next your. Our rondr-rs will lio boiiPllted by this us nuioh us ourselves. During tho Inst two months of tho yenr It la almost Impos sible to hoop up tho standard vp start In tho fall. V think this will bo ob viated by tho sllR'it Increase In price. To be absolutely fair, howovor, anyono may have Tho N'obraskun noxt year at 75 rents by subscribing and paying for It before June 10. Tho price by mall will hereafter be tl.OO. Kvoryono can do his duty during tho summer by rehearsing tho needs of the university to prospective members of the legislature from his district. Wo are just as much In need of money now as wo wore two years ago. The present senior class has broken the eld tlmo custom In more than one way. This time, through tho ordor of the chancellor, they are excused from attending clnsses while preparing and training for tho class day exorcises. Although tho prlvllgo has never been heretofore grantnl, It Is a departure which is commendable. Every mem .ber of the class rejoices In the recog nition that tho exorcises arc receiving and In the hearty co-operation of the university authorities to make thorn a fitting memento of tho clnss' college career. To prepare nnd render a play creditably Is no slight task, and It Is only n timely recognition of the work each membor of tho class has dono in their college course, to lighten their labors as tho day of graduation draws nigh. Much Is gained by this depart ure. Do not keep the seniors grinding up to the last moment. Let us keep their good will nnd enable them In every possible way to show tholr ca pabilities in tho class day exercises. The Nebraskan believes that a fit ting remark may bo made at this time upon tho prospects for the university In the next session of tho state legis lature. This is certainly an all-Important matter. It Is too early, of course, to say just what tho legislature will do for us. That It will act con scientiously no ono doubts. That It will feel duo responsibility for the suc cessful work of tho institution cannot be questioned. Then It behooves us to see that ovory candidate for the legis lature is fully Informed as to our needs and of the vigorous nnd healthy man and womanhood which Is hero being developed. Never in. tho history of tho univer sity has the result of legislation in re gard to it been of as vital Importance as at present. Tho mnrvollous growth of the Institution hns placed It whoro it is unablo to stop or to recede. The increase In tho number of studonts, the highor and more efllclont educa tional methods of teaching, tho splon did laboratory facilities, and the ad vantages of a large and well selected library, all attest the wonderful ad vance nnd the splendid possibilities in store for tho university. Every citizen of the stato, and es pecially the coming members of tho legislature, should know tho value of educational training. Everything that can bo dono muBt bo dono to make them familiar with even tho details of the workings of tho several depart ments. Then what Is plainly the duty of tho loyal student? It Is evidently to let every candidate understand tho exact status of affairs in this Institu tion Do not go homo and think only of enjoyment and of tho noxt year's work, Hut toll your parents, your nolghbors, and most of all, tell your prospective legislators, of tho "prldo" tho university Is to tho stato, of tho Important work It Is doing nnd what la necessary to Inoreaso Its prestige. The visitors' reglstor will show names of persons who como from all parts of tho stato to sen what la being dono. All aro satisfied and plenscd at the re sults and proud of tho Institution they aid in supporting. With tholr co-operation, tho Htudonts, whllo at homo, may wlold n mighty Influence, not only upon the leglslutora, but for higher education. Whon tho people arc aroused to the importance of univer sity work wo will not havo to pas3 through 'trlnlB nnd tribulations" ovory two years In order to got mtlllolent rovonuo. Lot us seek to spread that honored, timely and Immortal saying of our o.v-Chancollor Cnnllold, "It la not that tho university wants numbers, hut numbers want tho university." With that truth as our watchword, we must triumph, and tho unlvorslty will inarch onward and upward In the gn at cause of highor education. Wo nro confident that tho unlvorslty will rocolvo a liberal appropriation from tho legislature next year. There Is no reason why It should not, there Is every reason why It should. It Is a slmplo fact that tho revenues of the unlvorslty aro not sufficient for Its maintenance and normal growth The totnl enrollment this yenr Is over twelvo hundred. True, abolishing the preparatory departments mny decreas i the numbor slightly, but not material ly. The advance In highor education, the nucossity for the most efllclont In structors and provision for tho boat educational advantages require reve nue, nnd so far tho appropriations havo fallen below the demand for a healthy and needed Improvement In college and post-graduato work. To hinder a normal growth of tho ninny depnrtments for the sake of funds Is purely educational suicide. Tho In structional force must bo kept up. The hundreds of young men nnd women who nro ready for college work should be accommodated with the best of facilities. No taxpayer In Nebraska will ever regret the mlto lio spends to aid the freest and fullest development of a typical university. Give us ample room, good laboratory and library fa cilities, the most efficient nnd com petent instructors nnd wo will sond forth Into the world young men nnd women who will be a prldo to their parents and an honor to their state. WHAT THEY SAY. "I will now give you n correct imi tation of a duck," said the fair mnid, as she rnn from the main building to the library In the rain. "This may not bo strictly truthful," said Eddie Adams, as he told a fresh man from Jaytown that there were to be five quadrilles and a Virginia reel on the program for the senior Prom., "but It Is certainly a stroke of busi ness," and he sold him a ticket for $2.50. "The day for hero worship Is over," sighed Ralph Haggard. "Why. the other night I risked life and limb and Bob Uhle's anger and scaled a wall twenty-five feet high and yet I haven't been presented with a medal or any thing that could answer to that descrip tion. "Yes," said Phil Russell, dreamily, "I enjoyed Carl Tuckers muslcale very muoh. I didn't llko Carl's part of It very well, and I never can enjoy Instru mental music, but parts of the program struck me as being mighty fine." PERSONAL. NOTICE I will give an exhibition of scletlfic ladder climbing for all those who seriously contemplate taking up this branch of work noxt year. TOM MAPES. RECEIPT I have an original receipt for hair varnish which I will import for a small consideration to those wish ing for such an article. PHIL RUSSEL. AUCTION SALE I havo a standard array of threadbare Jokes and puns 'that I will auction off. I can vouch for their stability, as I have given them all many personal tests for the last three years . GEORGE B. NOTICE I will take pupils for pri vate Instruction In tho five-step. As I myself am unusually successful In this dance (having accomplished everything but tho step and the time) I feel Jhat I am competent as on Instructor. O. G. W. Best regulation whlto cadet gloves lOo ait the Ewlng Clothing company. 1115-1117 O street. Our Fountain is Started. Conic and Look Over Our List of Fancy Drinks, $kfahAi Maker ol Delicious (EauMcs, 3cc Cream. Alwnys open after society meetings. 12th and 0 Bti. Funke Oporix House Blk. ClIk Ctrcafcc Sljoc Sljop Moved Acrss tho Stroot 301 Sj. 11th St. SHOES REPAIRD AT HARD TIMES PRICES. FIRST CLASS Tailoring A.t Itcnsoimblo Prlcos FANCY SPRING GOODS. ALSO CHEAP. GEO. W. FRASER, 131 North 11 St. Hohmann's Music Depot 1140 O St. CLOSING- OUT. Eprclal Trices on nit Lines. SHEET MUSIC ONE-HALF OFF. W. E. BURLINGIM, 135 So. 11th St BOOKS, Tbrs, STATIONARY, FANCY GOODS, Fire Works, Flags, Masks, Gomes, Athletic Goods, Etc., Etc. Orders taken for fine eDKrarlnR nnd printing, copper plate with your nnmo engraved and 100 cards for J1.50. The Funke Opera House Block ia tho plnco to get vour Choice Ameri ca Beauty and Hoses of any shade. Carnations and all lloral work guaran teed. Decorations a specialty. FREY & FREY. Florists. VMLf&t-1&fataMV&M w ? !; (50 tO i California ' r 'j in a tourist Sleeper i. It is the RIGHT way, u Pay morn and you arc ,; extravagant. Pay less , and you are uncomfort- a able. The newest, brightest, , wivmiivwv vuail3, IVA A ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our I ' ' I t ; Personally Conducted Excursions to California. which leave Lincoln every Thursday 12:15 p.m., reaching SanFran cisco Sunday evening, and Los Angelos Mon day noon. GEO. W. BONNELL, City Ticket Agent, Cor. loth and 0 Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Ask for full informa tion, or write to I J. FRANCIS, G. P. A,, Omaha, Neb. MvtidA lyjjjjl uithaM.ihUf.ito4j, See us. For JVo, Neat, " Now SPRING SUITS, Everything in Bicycle Clothing, TIJIS BEST TAILORING AT REASONABLE PR10ES. Paine, IDarfel, & Bumsteab. Summer Soon Will Come Again Therefore Get Your Pick of Our Line of Tan Shoes for and be Happy. Wc Also Have Good Ones for Less Money. J&Q$S u&itttyi ...I2I3... 9PfT7) o VIA THE UNION PACIFIC . . TO . . "The Italy of America," HJj Southern California has vory truthfully been called; with its fruitB and Hum-n, n Veritable Summerland. Students, when you want to go homo oithor to points on tho main lino or to i"CjiLxE:,T,ci?wr AI.BIOM, ETO. Always take UNION PACIFIC. City Ticket Of flee 1044 O Street m E. B. SLOSSON, General Agent. FREY & FREY, FLORISTS, Funke Opera House Block, Corner 0 and 12th Street. CHRIS' PLACE" TURKISH MASSAGE BATH VAPOR Hot & Gold 3m; N. B. Havo you tried ono of his SALT GLOE" , BATHS. Call and boo him about them. Baiejnent-ir. W. Corner Uth & P street. H, W. BROWN, DRUGGIST. Books and Stationery, College Text-Books. And a Complete Stock of Standard and Miscellaneous Books 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. MLifiSiiiiiliH $ 5, yH sssssssLHsflT'v 011 eei. 4CCEuJsv J. T. MASTIK, IClty Tieket Agent jfivst ftat'l Ban!?, LINCOLN, NEB. Capital, Surplus, $400,000.00 100,000.00 OFFICERS: N.S.HARWOOD President. CHAS. A. HANNA. Vice-President. V. M. COOK. Cashier. C.S. LIPP1NCOTT, and II. S. FREEMAN. Ass'tCsshlers HUTCHINS & HYATT SELL ALL At Reduced Rates. 1040 O St. Telephone 225. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., (D. OF N 6.) Office, No. 1134 L St., Ground Fljor HOURS, 7 TO O A.M.; 1 TO 3 ND 7 TO 8 P.M. Tulepk .e nQg ...... .... II w