Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899 | View Entire Issue (May 15, 1896)
rni i' LOCALS. ptnMonery at LclKlrton's. roturnod from .M..11M TI1O1MIW0I1 " ,,,1i, T.m HflKi will give an mil 1'inv lonlutlil. Infnr. Ti. .onloro ordered tholr comnioneo- i in nations Monday. ,., f, ,,r Plliw will deliver llio com-,rn,-Miunt addict n Mvotor, Noli. Tii, om'cuHvp commit tot of tlio board f , li.-titi met Wednesday. T 11 pi, nt l'lUfiillm! will lioltl tliolr iminml in Lincoln l'nrk next Baturday. T, iirlitn him tit lntost In line sttr- 02-0 South Kloventh. llolli'M Tli- Moii't i.v i bland club wnn postponed -veiling owing to tho rnln. Oomo iitul look nl our Huo of nookllos, Our iiogllgie shirts nre the lntOHt. Anna liuimwn for Hesperian hoard for niiMulitMH ,if thi tho coming your. Tho iV.Mis, Itollnns nnd Pnllndlnns will hot'l nlcnlc nt Uncoln park next PituiHy Thrro will ho n mooting of the nthlotlc board Friday nt 4 i. m. In the physical director' ollloe. Company 11 hntl n company Inspection Momlnv Tho rlllos nnd accoutrement were In excellent conilltlon. Florence nnd John Farwell will give n dancing party .at the Lansing hall FrMny evening, May 1R. The ball team will go to Omaha to ,1nv (Friday) to play two gamer, with the university cluh of that place. F W. Taylor left Fr.ilix on huslnoss. n,t Friday. for Chicago bst Ho will return The Mngllsh cltth will moot tomorrow ovonlng with Meaars. Abbott. May 80. 1'rofcHHor Hhcrnuin will address the eluh on tho "Short Story." Tho next number of tho magazine will ho pub lished .lune 1, "1 toll you." said a hoy with llory locks, " It Isn't what It Is ornoked up to be, this being on a ladder with tho night watch trying to pull It down and Uhle nt the other end trying to pull It In the window." The University Mounting association hold Its annual election of olllcers Sat urday afternoon. The following olll cers were elected: 1 evident, It. S. linker; vlce-prosldont, Klnton, and secretary-treasurer, F. 12. Kdgorton. Tho l'hl Kappa Psl fraternity enter tained A. C. lSllason nnd C. W Horn camji of the Minnesota chapter the first of the week. Mr. Kllason was the Minnesota representative at tho Intel -stnte oratorical contest held nt Topekn, Kns., last Friday. Another practlcnl drill north of town was scheduled Monday, but the heavy shower before tho battallllon could be formed prevented It, Tho colors wero taken out encased. No salutes or hon ors nre rendered when tne colors are enensed. Mis Nellie hntl -puny or friends In manner lust Krldny nt- i tallied a emu n ninut delight rul v nlng. When u Al Conirdon Is not attending clnssos on account of an extra lot of cheek, exiimvl by the mumps. The botany excursion to Wrsplnc Vntrr. In spite of tho rnln, wns very Miecofiil. A number of now collec- lions 'vere gnthorod. We are now doing business nt 212 South Eleventh street. Haven't yon a pn-iip to be framed at reasonable pr'tc' Lincoln Frame & Art 0N ) The l.nin'bill players nro worrying be-,-uo their eastern trip cmos nt th" ime time as the endet onenmpment. The imv of the gymnasium class will c',' th lr exhibition next sntuniny nirht AilmlMlon will bo by ticket. iiu Hose and the Kuhlmnn boys will l i- f.r home next Saturday. They xx III 'bond jrnng of hands" on a beet fnim this summer. l'rof-niinr limner nnd Dr. Tetors will make n trip through tho state this week. Th. v 111 tnrt Wednosdny nnd return uin ilny. m Th, Hinlor class held a meeting on MinUv to arrange for tho olass piny. Pnrii were assigned to tho different m mliera. leorge Hnrtlott will glvo n lawn party smiirday evening. It Is supposed that hammocks xvlll dock tho shadowy cor n is of the yard. The nse of Delta Tnu Doltn chaptor house has been granted tho Y. M. and Y W. P. A. for a rocoptlon some ovon Ine before college closes. The xvorst frlghtonod people on tho gioiinda Inst Tuesday during tho storm n the girls In company Q, which was drilling in tho armory. It' member that on the night of the - ii or prom. W. O. Forbes can furnish ii with reliable hack service. Tele j U .in- 31; olllce 131 North IDIeveiUh. I'.ineh work hud to bo suspended for th In week. If we have another blow Ilk.- that of Tuoadny we shall hnve to pi nit some trees to shade the benches. The athletes of the university ar w tking hard to get Into condition for tl l.l d.iy. Shue find H. D. Hancock nrc I ' h lame on account of over-training U. P. Teele xvlll lend the Y. M. C. A. "ilng in Dellan hall Sunday after- ii" n. Every young man in the unl-"-lty la invited to attend the meet- iht; k ft The IT. ii. d.C. boys will debate the iiiitlon: "Resolved. That nil descrip tions of homicides nnd other spnsatlonnl material should bo pnohibltod from the 1'iess." "This," said Tabar Toolo as he stood looking at tho delnpldated condition 'f the armory after tho wind storm, "Is Jum retribution for taking away tho Mlvllege of equality nt the bath tub." Tlie PalladlaiiB, at their special busl nes meeting Wednesday afternoon, se lected S. J. Corey, E. 1-. Mooro and Mls I Editor of Nebraskan: In your last week's Issue there ap peared n reply to a letter of mine, In tho Hesperian of April 27. regarding Phi Hetn Kappa. Had the gentleman seen lit to publish his communication In tho same paper In whloh my letter appeared 1 would not felt called upon to reply. Hut as he did not, allow mo to correct a few orroneous Impressions his article convoys. 1 do not exactly see tho application of his smnll-boy-nnd-a-quarter-of-nn-orange story. I simply used Donne for comparison bemuse most of our stu dents nro familiar with its standing. 1 could have made tho comparison equally 'well with tho gentleman's be loved Howdoln, and then 1 suppose he would have exclaimed: "How might ily doth Howdoln loom up!" 1 did not state, nor did 1 have any intention of stating, that twenty-seven of the P. 11. K. schools rank with Doano, ns he would have us believe by bunching the names of the colleges. Twelve of those schools rank fnr nbove Donne nnd Howdoln. too, by the way, but they also rank about as tar below the uni versity of Nebraska. Tho gentleman snys Howdoln hns graduated nearly 3,000 persons. Well, what of it? There is a normal school In Indiana thnt has graduated nearly G.000; according to such logic tho normal sohool Is twice ns grant a college ns Howdoln. Hut, Mr. Editor, we are willing to let such arguments ns tho nge of tho olm troes about "a grand old campus" go unanswoied. Any intelligent person must know thnt elm-treos do not hold membership in P. 11. K., and James Howdoln could have slept xvlth Hen Jamln Franklin for fifty yenrs with out making Howdoln n great collage. And what If Howdoln hns a bettor classical course than Doane, it could have a better classical course than Harvard and still rank twenty or thirty notches below the university of Nebraska. As to his list of great men Howdoln has graduated well and good. I mentioned two of the same names in my letter. Hut I congratulate Mr. Fling on hav ing the courage of hie convictions in expressing his views the recently elected P. IJ. K. member hnve not shown much of this spirit. Again he call. P. H. K. a fraternlo : thnt Is ex actly tthat it ! 11" eM'i.imy nan iiui recelfd the qui ui "f the P H K. ring up here, for In th. unlei-it these gentlemen neer mint ion the xxmd fra ternity In connection with it The or organizntion Is only a great and glor ious seholaiihlp society with them. Mr. Fling Inform us thnt "every un piejudlced, fair-minded student with the interest of the unhers-lty at hiart Will see the advantage to be derived from this cultured, scholarly fra ternity." No less than two professors, xvho are both ndvocntes of P. H. IC. have admitted to me that even they be lieved P. B. K. an aristocracy. If the gentleman thinks an aristocracy all rluht that Is his privilege, he can bestow nil manner of praise on It. As for me, I do not be lieve an aristocracy Rood, and I feel sure th,ie are "fair-minded student i having the interest of the university ui htarf who agree xvlth me. LUTHER J. AUHOTT. JR person enters thnt .lnneing hnll on the third Hour of iho i.u lesideiioe or llio balcony adjoining xx it it a merry couple, audi as wns tho one Kiblny night, he can't help but have n gr, at llmo Those enjoying this tnro item were Mr. and Mis. .lunge, Missis UleUeltH, Lowe. Hiildwln, lloaton, On nip, Richards Ulsser, and Messrs. Cosmmvo, Lang worthy. Forbes, Adams, Helniro.l. Dnvlil Murks, .lames Murks, llartlgan and Liui. Suroly It wasn't pride wlion Profes sor Caldwell took a tumblo, yot tho good iiiofoaior had unite n fall Tuos ilny. This Is how It wns; Whon tho wind and rain caino down on ua onu of tho swinging wost windows In tho Aiiieri'iu niniory room mow ill. suv oral student hold tho window shut while 80vctnl others bogun a quota for tho janitor and nails. Now Professor Caldwell Is llttlo hut ho has grit, and whon ho saw tho window blowing In in splto of tho boys, ho pushed with tho rost. Hut the wind turned tho pro fessor a fienil-siunmcrsuult while ho still clung to tho window. The profes sor and Tabor Tcole camo out of tho fray with skinned fingers, but no lives wcro lost and you'u iimi American history nt Its old stand. J. H. Holmes, '84, Is slnco May 1 tho father of a llttlo daughtor that camo to his homo at Newton, Pn where ho ! Instructor In science at the George acouol. The rain Tuesday proves conclusive ly that tho windows in tho west end of tho library building arc N. G. They take wntor liko a catch basin In n sower. Miss lluliboll (of lloston, ns tho ball goes over tho fence, and Holelianty makes a home run) Now, what do they cull tluif.' Her Kscort A homer. MKs llubbell (delighted) Homer! Homer! Why, this game can't bo so awfully vulgar, when they nnmo one cf llio points nftcr tho greatest poet i lint ever lived! Puck. Four good men arc employed at Con-st.-vneer's barber shop, 1010 O street, where you get the cleanest shave and noaitcst hair cut.. Tim Congregation Itiferroil. Whon tho bellows gave out nnd the organist In a Rooklnnd church wns un ablo to get anything but a few groans from the instrument, and the pastor re marked: "The organist has failed us at a vital moment; lot us rise and sing 'Praise God, from whom all bless ings How.' " some of tho people xvon dered Just what he meant. Lowlson Evoning Journal. rreat Im- I'or lliiiiiuiilly. "What may I do for humanity'" Her bosom heaved with l he emotions thnt filled -her honrt. "I would save lives," she cried, petunusly. She wns somewhat uncertain whether she would achieve more by becoming an army nurse or by having a trolley jar fendor put on her bicycle, Detroit Tribune I .topis tKBSabBXmar, nUi SiilTl II e Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 to 1239 O St EL HALiIjEiTT, Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All noods sold cugravou fren of ohnrgo, and no charge tnado for examining t'.c cyea. I 1 43 O Street. Lincoln, Neb THE PALACE DINING HALL Is tho I'noPEii Plaok to got your Mouls. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ALL TOOIl FELLOW STDDUVTS BOAHD UERE. TitTUS, 1130 N ST A. G. 0SMER, PROP. iriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiis I RIPAN S I H ONE OIVKS UKI.tKP. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii COAL COAL COAL CHARLES B. GREGORY, Sealer in all kinds of O O A JL- Dan Cameron's lunch South Eleventh street. counter, US I.utd'ii Vniinc Drniti Molllnnis You wcro in lovo with lint beautiful Miss Jones before bho 1 nrrlod old (toldbiif;, weren't you? tins Do Smith Don't talk about her. y lv for hor lies buried in my K'KOItl Mcllinnlb Well you niiht as well Mirr'iot your burled love, for thoy r tro njj o plant old Goldbug. llo lii-d of apoploxy last nijfht. Rock Springs, Pittsburg, Wier City, Lexington, Anthracite, Hurricane, Semi-Anthracite, Canon City, Peerless, Hanna. Office, 1100 0 Street Richards' Block. Yards, 14th & Y Sts. Telephones Nos. 343 & 345. oil A l.lltlo Niitunt l.iri. "Unnatural child," moaned the man. She wept. "Have you made up your mind to pi on the stage?" he flercelj demanded. "No. fath-r." she faltered. "The does not call for it." "Forgive mi. You" He gathered her to his bosom. "are not quite so unnatural ns I thought." Detroit Trlbuno. ANNEX KESTATJKANT 133 SoUth 12 St. Calls special attention of the readers of The Nebraskan, to the fact that they can gst the best and cheapest meals there of any place in the city. A square meal 15 cents Short orders at all hours. 1 O Per cent off on $3 Tickets L C. Holaday, Prop. MiiHli'itl Item. Mr Neighborly 'What ore you go ing to mnko out of your son? Mrs. Fondrnothor "We are going to make a great piano player out of him. "How far has he got?" "He hasn't commenced to take lei sons yet, but wo nre lotting hli hair grow." H. FVANS, President. CO. QUIGGrLK Kecretarv ED YOUNG'S Cigars and News, 1207 O Stroot. Telephone 1. EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 827-331 North Twelfth St.