The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 15, 1896, Image 1

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Vou iv. N--
Prick, fi Gknts.
Nebraska Takes LMt With Ease-How
tho World Will Ho Formod-
Knnsns Hospitality.
Tl interstate colloglnto oratorical
ft,nl,t was held In tho grand opera
mire r T.-pokn, Kos., on Thursday or
last week.
A. M ,'",l(1 of I'cnox college, Hop
klnsioii. M.. was awarded first place
with thr iw-tat of $100. His subject was
The Policy of Metternlch."
Second place, with $50, was given to
Fred Klllot (if Monmouth college, Illi
nois on "Mob and the Law." Kansas
received third honor, with Jmllnnn,
Minnesota. Ohio. Mlssourl.Colorado and
Nebraska In the order named. Tho
Judges were: Manuscript, President
James B. Angcll of university of Michi
gan. Russell II. Conwell of Philadelphia
ana Jolt" Temple Groves of Georgia.
On delivery, uev. .uyiuu ". --v
Denver. William Warner of Kansas
City. M . and Infnyette Young of Des
Motne. 'B
The majority of the orations dealt
with our present social problems. The
spirit of altruism was frequently
touched upon, nnd a tinge of socialism
also pervaded a number of the orations.
Mthough most of the orations dealt
with Ideas and tendencies of the pres
ent, nevertheless. Magna Chnrta was
granted and regranted. Runnymede
and Austerllz wero fought again and
again with an astounding loss of life.
Paris, with ruulter boots, waded
through "suiters of blood." The old
saw about keeping a good man down
it always exemplified in oratorical con
tent. Havnnrol scarcely got'n cat-nap
the wlmle evening, and Martin Luther
:.iil. I up his theses at least five times,
.ni'1 ih.-n. with commendable porsls-:.-i ,. i,c!ii(- present at the
Dl. t .if Worm.
Th- winning: oration had twenty
thr. I.'.'inet h' t -ucnl referonces, and
''; ii.i.. mail' a fairly concise pre
face I., h hlntory of the world.
Mr ri.unl rame Inst on tho program,
anl t'l.niKh his stage presence was far
fr.m irnt.-.-fiil, Jio suceeedod In MirtlalIy
r -u- nc h! audience with a forcible
-laMl' ,in received considerable op
Iiau !! was tho youngest of the
""n. -i.nitH. Ixlng a sophomore barely
tw-nt-..n.- years of ago.
Fr.-l Klllot of Illinois had by far tho
finest production of the evening. Ills
manu.rlpt indicated scholarship of
high i. uree. and his dollvery wns the
nr-t M.nslstent and sustained of all - He received two firsts and
"n.- thlr.i on manuscript and ono first
on .Mi.-r; but Itev. Heed of leaver
clearly forgot the pcrogatlvo of a Judge
on .1. i..iy ,,nd became so biased upon
the fui,j,-ct matter that he gave him
ninth place on delivery. It was
n'th.' -a tlmn a butchery.
X liaska was unfortunate. Tho sub
Jen 'Litu-rof Mr. House's oration was
v-r unlike any of tho rest, being of the
naiur. of a theological discussion. It
d i.. heavy, it was too orthodox
fr .-v.n John Temple Groves. Mr.
Horn, had a careful and studied de-"v-r.
hut lost the confidence of his
au4i..)lv at the very start through the
mUtak.- of pitching his voice too high.
He m ..lufated somewhat later on, but
hl au.ili-nce bad forgotten him and
hi . livery was thon purely mechani
cal. It was perhaps tho least Intelligent,
leant sympathetic, most ropulsive
audlen. anyhow boforo which any
orat..r eer tried to speak. The upper
Rall.iicH wore filled with hooting,
whirling idiots, whllo perhaps sevonty-flv.-
occupied the first floor.
The delegates from other states were
left to find tho town and amuse thom
elves as best they could. There was
no reception committee. No one would
have supposed that Topeka had even
a high school. The association! lost
awnit $200 and only got revenge by
paislng strong resolutions of censure
the next morning.
The next contest will be held at
Columbia, Mo.
Tho department of elocution and ora
tory nt tho state university gavo an
excellent recital In tho chapol last even
ing boforo a largo and approclatlvo au
dience. Tho program, which was qulto
pleasingly arranged, opened with a
plnno solo, "Spinning Wheel," by
Schultze, played with daintiness by
Miss Ethol Galley.
Miss Sarah Mulr costumed to repre
sent a charming old lady of "ye olden
time," recited Cora Vandurmark's
"Grandma at the Masquerade." Her
selection wns well suited to her voice,
which was ery sweet and clenr. She
was free from the restraint that some
times troubles amateurs, and this
Joined to her other merits In the rendi
tion of the selection, made the num
ber one of the best.
The farce entitled "The Mouse Trap,"
which Howells wrote In a jovial mo
ment, to make light of the fear which
men suppose women have In tho pres
ence of mice, wns carefully rendered.
Those taking part were It. H. Mnnley,
Marie Pollard, Jessie Spurck, Phoebe
Gerard, Annie Stewart, Alberta Spurck
and Jean Tuttle. The fair ladles rep
resented by these names succeeded well
In keeping rather difficult positions on
chairs and tables through the trying
Hugh Walker read from "The Bon
nie Brier Bush," the deathbed scene of
Dr. McClure, entering thoroughly Into
the spirit of it. Ills bonnle Scotch
brogue needs no praise.
"The Fatal Message," a farce by
Bangs, closed the program. As an Imi
tation of amateurs by amateurs It was
excellent. Those taking part were R.
II. Manley, Josephine Lottrldge, Henry
Nelnhuls, Norman Shreve, G. 10. Ha
ger, Sadie Smith, Eva Rolofson and
Jean Tuttle.
If an accurate i decision were made
probably Mr. Man y would be counted
the best In both fi rcos, although there
were commendableApolnts In each one.
The Chicago papers report that the
university buildings were blown down
nnd badly wrecked b.V the storm last
Tuosdny. Tney say that It was the
worst tornado that we have over had
in the west. This Illustrates how accu
rate news Is reported. Tho storm did
some damage, but nothing like the nc
toimt given In the castorn papers.
President Davis of tho Y. M. C. A.
says the association will send six or
fceven dogates to the Lake Gen-r
summer school this year If enough
money Is rained. Those who havo been
soliciting for the fund have beeon quite
successful thus far. Several of the old
members of the association have made
The results of tho Knnsns-Nobruska
debate are already noticeable. En
thusiasm enough has been roused to
start talk of a debating club this sum
mer. It promises to be a reality, as
many who will stay in Lincoln during
the summer have promised to Join. It
is proposed to hold meetings every two
weeks and at oach meeting every mem
ber will have an opportunity of speak
ing. a
A premium of $250 is offered by Un
scientific Amorican for the best essay
on "The Progross of Invention During
the Past Fifty Years."
This paper should not exceed In
length 2.500 words.
Tho above mentioned prize of $250
will be awarded for the best essay, and
the prize paper will be published in the
special 5th anniversary number of the
Scientific American of July 25. A selec
tion of the five noxt best papers will be
published In subsequent Issues of the
Sclontlflc American Supplement at our
regular rates of compensation.
The papers will bo submitted for ad
judication to a select Jury of throe, to
be named hereafter.
Rejected MSS. will bo returned when
accompanied by a stamped and ad
dressed envelope.
Each paper should be signed by a
fictitious name, and a card bearing the
true name and the fictitious name of
the author should accompany each
paper, but In a separate sealed envolopo.
All papers should bo received at this
office on or boforo June 20, 1830, ad
dressed to
Editor of tho Scientific American,
301 Broadway, New York.
Tho BoyH do Somo Flno Lnddor Work
Thomsolvos -Audlonoo Testod
tho Araory'B.Cnpaolty.
Tho long looked for gymnasium exhi
bition enmo ofT last Saturday night and
everyone who could beg, steal or buy
a ticket was on hand. Some of the
boys who were not able to procure
tickets any other way bought them of
their loss Interested classmates and
others climbed In the windows by the
help of ladders. By S o'clock the gym
nasium was packed three deep with
expectant people. There were fond
fathers nnd mothers, admiring glrlj
and ultra appreciative boys who had
bribed their best girl or bullied their
sisters Into giving them tickets. The
faculty was well represented In the gal
lery. The animated scene gave quite
the appearance of a circus, with the
rows of people lined aVound the open
space, the scattered apparatus and Bob
Uhle and Jack Best rushing the mat3
around like a couple of tent hustlers
In starched shirts. The girls wero clad
In tasty gymnasium suits with white
cuffs and collars and large ties, which
were white or colored, 'according as
they belonging to the advance or first
year class. From the first to the last
all the drills had the closest attention
of the audience and the applause was
frequent and hearty. Tho marching
executed by thirty-two girls was es
pecially taking and during the execu
tion of the many figures there was an
almost continuous round of applause.
This drill was as fine as any ever given
In the city, some of the figures being
very clever nnd very difficult.
The bag passing contest worked the
audience Into a'rugTi pitch of excite
ment and seemed to revive some of the
enthusiasm that has lagged since the
football games. During tho progress
of the game the girls on either side
became so worked up that the dropping
of a bean bag would nearly cause a
stroke of nervous prostration. At the
close of each game the ployers on the
winning side would Indulge in the
most Jubilant manifestations.
The rope climbing contest wns well
appreciated while Cora Cropsey and
Xnnmah Lowe did some clever work on
the lndder. Miss Spurk won hearty
m-plause by her work on the ring..
About tin- middle of tho program some
of tho boys who weic disappointed In
getting tlckots put a ladder up to one
of the windows nnd began piling In six
abreast. It required a great deal of un
gentle muscular Inducement on the
part of Bob Uhle to persuade them to
get back. As It was, nearly fifty of the
boys got In that way. The exhibition
was brought to a close by a mass drill
by all the young women participating.
Thoy gave their "gym. yell" In a timid
sort of way and marched out. The audi
ence was so large that it took nearly
ton minutes for them to file down the
Much credit Is due to Miss Bnrr for
the excellence nnd precision of the
work. The efficiency which "our girls"
have acquired Is certainly to be praised
nnd It Is due to Miss Barr's energetic
efforts, thnt the exhibition was the suc
cess it was. The assistants. Miss
Anna Spurck and Miss Stella Elliott de
serve credit for acqulttli.g themselves
so creditably. Their leadership showed
careful and systematic training.
NOTICE The gentleman who kindly
sold me his gym. ticket for $1.50 will bo
good enough to redeem the lead quarter
he gave me In change. O. W.
FOR SALE OR TRADE I will trade
my annual window pass to tho girls'
gymnasium exhibition for a gonoral ad
mission ticket for next year, the fam
ily doctor having objected to further
ladder climbing. R. II.
FOR RENT I have a pair of large
flold glasses (such as I used nt tho ex
hibition Saturday night) which I will
ront on easy terms for similar func
tions. BILL GRiSN.
WANTED Some self-sacrificing
youth with nerve and peralstonco who
will obtain a ticket for the next girls'
gym, exhibition. Having never yet had
tho opportunity to witness one, I do
not wish to bo deprived of this osson
tlal part of a college education. G. T.
LOST While rubber-necking In tho
nrmorylaatSnturday night someone ex
changed hats with me. My hat was a
"Barbers Delight" stiff hat, costing
$1.41 when new. Tho head gear left in
Its plnco was a low-crowned, fried-egg
"dicer," which has not been In style
since tho time of George I. It had a
Sir Walter Raleigh brim and cost no
more than two bits when now. Tho
mnn who exchanged will please leave
my hat with Short Louhoft or someone
else whom It would not lit.
The senior promennde promises to be
by far the greatest event of the uni
versity this year. C.ollege work will
practically bo completed by tho 22d and
on that evening the care-worn nnd
prof-oppressed will gather and forget
or relate their troubles 03 things of tho
past. Better prospects for a general
good time could not exist for the com
mittee, assisted by tho class, is pushing
things to accomplish such an end.
The number of tickets to be sold Is
sixty, so thnt in the large representa
tive hnll tho dancers will not be
The hnll admits of a good circulation
of air so that, although the weather
during the day will bo warm, yet the
evening, nnd especially tho part con
tained within capital walls, will be
cool enough.
For patronesses of the party the fol
lowing have been secured: Chancellor
nnd Mrs. MncLeun, Mr. nnd Mrs. Morlll.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Gere, Miss Ellen Smith,
Captain nnd Mrs. Gullfoyle, Professor
nnd Mrs. Richards, Professor and Mrs.
Taylor and Professor nnd Mrs. Fling.
The grand march will take place
promptly nt 9 o'clock.
The members of the Political Econ
omy club nnd the students In the po
litical science department were given
a reception Tueslny evening by Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Langworthy Taylor at
their home, fill North Sixteenth street.
The Inclement weather kept a good
many away who would otherwise have
been there. Those who were there
nevertheless enjoyed the evening.
There was plenty of music and lively
conversation to mnko tho evening a
pleasant one. Late in the evening deli
cate refreshments were served. Miss
Miner, n sister of Mrs. Taylor's, who is
visiting here until after commencement,
wns an honored guest at the reception.
Do you know that headaches and
mnny nervous affections are duo to eye
strain, nnd can bo curd by elentlfl
cnlly fitted glnssos? Examination nnd
consultation free. Dr. II. M. Belts,
graduate of Chicago othalmlc colloge.
Hours, 10-12; 2-5. Richards block.
We met. With hair as dark as night,
Her eyes outshone the sun,
A dainty, fairy little sprite
Whose smile wns novor gone.
This little maid I would possess;
We'd go thro' life togethor
Thought I, enraptured by her gaze,
And then I met another.
She was divinely tall and fair,
With head poised ns a queen's,
And when she moved she seemed on air,
I saw her in my dreams,
"And now at last I've found my choice,
With her all happiness llos;"
"Handsome Is as handsome- does"
My better part replies.
With this old proverb much Impressed,
I took time for reflection,
And when I found this priceless flower,
My thoughts changed thoir direction.
A noble soul and heart as well,
Shone from her eyes of blue,
She held my fate In her sweet hands;
1 would to her be true.
Alas! for him who needs must choose
A Jewel from so many;
You'll find it's very hard Indeed,
For you may get not any.
One more with arms around my neck,
A warm kiss speaks of love;
She said she'd always lovo mo, and
I know she'd keep hor word.
And after seeking till I'm old
I now am satisfied;
A curly-headed three-year-old
Says she will bo my bride.
The spring tennis tournament will be
gin on May 10. All who wish to par
ticipate are asked to pay their dues bo
foro May 15.
Mnny Phynloinns Wero Among tho Hour-
ors-Qivon a Holontlflo Tnlk That
All May Understand.
On Inst Wednesday evening Professor
Brace of tho department of physics de
livered his talk on X rays. The chapel
was for tho time being converted Into
an electrical laboratory, as no other
room In any of the buildings would
havo held tho largo crowd which was
attracted by tho advertisement of the
The professor opened his tnlk with a
description of the apparatus which had
been used In nil experiments carried on
at the laboratory, and which had, by
continual experiment, been found to
give the best results. The nlr pump
used was of tho Sprengel pattern, by
which he had been able to obtain a
vacuum of about one millionth of an
atmosphere. The vacuum tube used
Is the result of continual experiment,
most of the experimenting having been
concentrated on this part of the ap
paratus with a view to obtaining the
best results and overcoming several
difficulties which have heretofore hin
dered the progress of photography by
X rays. The tube Is a radical depart
ure from the original Crookes' tube and
dirfers not a little from those now being
used in other institutions. The prin
ciple change consists In tho introduc
tion into the tube, of a metallic reflec
tor, which Is so placed as to receive the
rays coming from the cathode, and In
thus becoming the source of X rays,
projects them out of one side of the
tube. Before this reflector was Intro
duced the iithodc rays were projected
against the glass so forcibly as to heat
It to redness, whereupon It would melt
and tho vacuum be lost.
The Induction coil Is of a rather an
tiquated type and tho professor stated
that with a larger and better coll he
thought he -..ould be taki almost
Instnntnneous pictures.
During tho llrst part of his talk the
professor had several pictures taken,
which were afterwards devel.ipel and
shown at the end of the lecture. The
pictures and time of oxposuro were:
A hand, flvo minutes; a pockot-book
containing several metallic articles, ten
seconds; a metallic screen, one second.
Pictures wore also shown which had
been taken under an exposure of one
third second. Views of all the pictures
taken at the laboratory wore projected
on a screen by moans of a stereoptlcan.
Not the least interesting part of the
exhibit was the fluoroscope, which was
used by one of the assistants. By
means of this he was enabled to see
coins placed In a thousand page book
and many other objects otherwise to
tally Invisible. The principle of the
fluoroscope Is simply this that certain
chemical compounds are excited to
lluorensconce by X rays. If a screen
bo coated with any of these, such as
barium, platinum, cyanid or tungstatc
of calcium, and then brought In the
vicinity of the rays, tho compound will
fluoresce and any object placed be
tween the sourco of the rays and the
screen will cast Its shadow. The more
opaque the object, tho more clearly de
fined Is the shadow and thus objects
may be quite clearly distinguished.
The lecturo closed with some advice
to physicians regarding the apparatus
to be used for experimenting with X
rays in surgery. The professor recom
mended the use of a Bunsen battery
of fifteen to thirty cells; an Induction
coil which would give a four-inch spark,
and tungstatc of calcium for the fluoro
scope. Professor Brace oxpressed his
thanks to the electrical engineering
students who had helped him in pre
paring for the exhibit, and tho audience
was then allowed to Inspect photo
graphs and apparatus, etc.
Tho succoss and progress of pho
tography by X rays at tho university
of Nobraska Is duo In no small dogive
to Mr. Bert Sponcor of tho physical
laboratory, who, under the direction
of Professor Brace, has made all of the
vacum tubes used in tho experiments.