The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 08, 1896, Image 3

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pine mnUwnory at Lolglvton'a.
juiiI-t ilutffl wore duo todny.
pr. J. McNny, leading dentist, 1130
OstM'i'i- ...
B V. KlnR hns gone to Chicago to see
Sni'ali Hornhnrdt.
fonumny A Is planning to have a
bami'l'-i In tho noar future.
Tin Knebnll team will play another
pniin" n' Omnha n week from next Sat
urday. .
ri'ni Norton and Hurt Wilson will
ri,i, i . lvru this week and spend Sun
Ii shiro. ,
WHMid Olnpp spent Sunday with his
par-MiiK in Hlmwood. Ho mnde the trip
o'i hi "' , ,
jl.iliMi is making some line finishes
In il' i"Krnph work. Kxnmlne them.
i'H o -noot.
r,Mint Superintendent Clarke of
Snun.t. f -ounty visited his son, Edgar,
In,! Saturday.
C,iv frown has been on the sick list
au w,,k He Is reported as much Im-
pro, A today.
,lmfdn.v ovonlng the Political
Economy club listened to an address
by Col. u. C. Pace.
The !at English i class this yir
was hold last Tuesday. The last theme
, ,iu. i.vst Tuesday.
V ll McLucas had to move for home
WYdn.-fday. He was taken wtlh a se-
m-tv .1 it ark of fever.
Yu will find Lolghton' a reasonable
ami reliable place to got stationery, 202
and a South Eleventh.
Edward G. Wyckoff has decided lo
build a boat nouse for Cornell univer
sity that will cost $20,000.
Profissor Bruunor and his assistant,
V. D. Hunter, are up on the Platte
collecting Insects this week.
.1 Crabtreo attended the state
hiph mhfK.l declamatory contest ai
A hi and last Friday night.
K-nlf Hauahton, ?u, mixed up with
a tdiilt-m last week. He says every i injured but his appetite,
An h-r Urge pane of glass, this
tlm.- In the door of the European hls
i i department, was smashed this
The superintendent of the Friend
h'in will bring a delegation of his
cui.ntu do visit the university next
Mi Itobbins and Miss Jones will
1 1 I' go to California together af-1-1
' itmnetieement. Miss Jones will b
n ' until September.
Tin at field between the walks ha
I. ii enclosed with a neat wire fence.
ml the old boulder will rest in soll-
u i the rest of the year.
Tin Lincoln Frame and Art company
ii ttled In their now quarters at 12
- ii i h Eleventh. Its time you were
) J- in that group framed.
JdiK Barnes spent Sunday at his
N iliJlt home and brought his father
i a K with him Monday. Jack ordered
u ii' we parade for the occasion.
w illiaxn lled Dunroy had one of hts
i inn in the last Issue of the nam'
1 1 n It was profuely illustrated af
i he unkjue f ashion of this paper.
Esm irPi arrt In Ii J?M
Our negligee shirts nro the latest.
'I He chancellor spoke at Beatrice
i ii. sday, April . before the literary
iu'i of that eity. He will speak at
j Cloud Friday and Franklin 5a:-
uounclng the action of tho authorities
In depriving them of bath privileges.
Mr. and Mrs.W. a. Langworthy Tay
lor will give a reception to tho stu
dents In tho polltlcnl economy depart
ment ot their home, Cll North Six
teenth street, next Tuesday evening.
The Pnlladlan debating club will
meet ns usuul Saturday evening. Thu
question for debate will be: "Hosolved,
That the existence of parties la neces
sary In a free, democratic govern
ment." An excursion will l.o made to Woop
Ing Water next Saturday by some of
tho students, presumably to get bot
any specimens. The crowd will leave
In the morning and eonio back In the
There will be a meeting of tho do
bating association nest Saturday after
noon at C o'clock. Every member of
the association Is asked to be present
ns there U Important business to be
Tho Y. M, C. A. boys have been
soliciting subscriptions this week for
the fund which Is usod In sending dele
gates to the summer school at Lake
Geneva, Wis. Several of the boys ex
pect to go this year.
The commltte on field day have suc
ceeded In getting a. number of good
prizes. Besides the articles usually of
fered, such as sweaters, shoos, etc.
medals will Ik; given to those who mnke
new university records.
Students are Inveterate punners. We
expect It of them. But when It comes
to profs. Well, this Is what Professor
Wilson rung In on a Virgil class: "If
you think the te refers to-Eutellus.
Miss P., we want you to tell us so."
airs. Archie Eggert of Chicago, well
known In university circles aa Miss
Anna Aldrich of the class of '9i, Is vis
iting her aunt, Mrs. Crandall, on South
Fifteenth street. She will remain for
a month. Her little boy la with hev.
Dr. W. B. PU!dury of Cornell, a
graduate of the university of Nebras
ka, has been offered the position of In
structor In philosophy. His work at
Cornell has attracted considerable at
tention among those Interested In
For ten days Dr. H. M. Betts will give
students a discount of 20 per oent on all
optical work. If you are troubled with
headaches you had better have your
eyes examined. They often cause It.
Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.. s to s p. m.:
Blchards block.
The NarragaiiMtt Machine comiwny
of Providence. It. I., hai contributed,
for the advancement of athletic in
Nebraska, a thirteen-foot spruce vault
ing pole as a field day prize. This is a $5
lole and as fine In every respect as can
be made. It Is worth hard practice
and should not be won for a vault of
less that nine feet. Two othe: poles
twelve feet long will also soon be her
for praetlce.
The Union Pacific will change time
Sunday. May 10. No. 42 will leave Lin
coln at &-M a. m.. making connection
at Valley with No. for all points on
Albion. Cedar Baplds and Ord branches
and No. X (fast mall) for all points west
on main line. No. it ivill leave for Be
atrice at C.S7 p. m. instead of C:M J.
in. The Stromsburg branch will have
a passenger train and will leave Lin
coln at :10 p. m. and arrive at 10 a. tn.
An liitflrofttlnf Oiiuvnriintlnii,
Mother Did you ivy to tnttlcc your
self agreeable tit Mis. lHghtono's?
Iilttlo DauKhtor Yus'm', I told hor
ill the funny things our callers snld
about her, and she scorned to bo real
I.cnrno)l a Lomoh.
Mother Horrors! Did you run
against u barbed wire fence?
Little .lohnny No'm. 1 was nlolriu'
at ti organ urlnder's monkey an' the
monkey jumped on me.
"H.unph! I hope you have lenrued
n lesson."
Yo.s'in, I've learned never to buzz
siiw with n monkev."
Four good mon are employed at Con
atnncor's barber shop, 1010 O street,
where you got tho cleanest shave o.nd
neatest hair out.
A t)nnKO?itii MoTotnont.
Manufacturer And whnt do von
nt your Thirteen club?
Member Oh! dine thirteen nt table,
spill the stilt walk under ladders
everything to break down till those
absurd old superstitions. Will yoi.
join us?
Manufacturer No. sir! Why. If such
idons pet popular. whnt'U become of
the protective tariff?
Kxtrrtntlnn Surpimoil.
Parker I huvc received very grati
fying news of my son who recently
went to college.
Barker Yes? What news?
Parker--l!e,! i'
Ladies' Cloaks
Ladies' Underwear
Ladies' Hosiery
Ladies' Gloves
Gents' Underwear
Gents' Hosiery
Gent's Gloves
1235 to 1239 O St
Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver.
A Notabto Cusp.
Marigold Yhat an interminable
time it does take a woman to say
Clover Yes; just look at Patti now.
Diamond SIIU Trump.
Mayden Layne How docs your
father pass his time, now that he has
retired from business?
Maicus Sparks. Jr. (lards are a
gTcadt-gomfort to him. He basses dor
time blaying solitaire mit himself.
ltiirnrd Her.
"That was real rude of Chumplcigh.
He dropped a lump of ice down that
Boston girl's back."
"What did she do?"
"She screamed 'Fire!''"
OfT Color.
Pentweazel I, didn't notice your
feci ant in tho parade
Cobwiggcr He has the yellow jaun
dice and was afraid to show his face
outside the door on St. Patrick's day.
All goods sold engraved free of charge, and no clmrgo made for examining
tho eyes.
1 1 43 O Street.
Lincoln, Neb.
Is tho Proper Place to got your Meals.
1130 N ST
Don Cameron's lunch
South Eleventh street.
counter, US
The IlrlRlit Mdc
Friend Where are you living now?
Illuck Since 1 lost my money I
have been renting- a little house in the
"Too bad: You cau't keep a car
riage, either, 1 presume?"
"N-o-o-o. 1 can't afford a carriage;
but in the hou-e I pet the Mimo kind
of a motion when the wind blows."
Sealer in all kinds of
A Sinecure.
Henry Xcivedd drew his young wife
to hie bosoni. His face was radiant
with joy.
"1 wat successful, my darling." he
said. "I secured the clerkship I ap
plied for on the board for securing
immediate rapid transit facilities!"
A sweet smile of serene happiness
wreathed her dainty lips. She knew
then their future was assured. He
bad secured a position for life!
0 O A X--
Reck Springs,
Wiir City,
Canen City,
Office, 1100 0 Street
Richards' Black.
Yards, 14th & Y Sts.
Mas. 343 & 345.
I- T. Mrrill end G. Jv. Bartltt were
' 'i trut of Captain Webster of For.
1 midha lut Saturday. Cajtaln WJ
i i i ui old time Blgma Aljriia
The university wheelmen will meet In
'li law room at 11 o'clock Saturday.
Alter Hie meeting they -will take a run
10 Heatrtce. The club will be headad by
'"fcptaln Bui Jib.
Th- Aalilarid club will meet next
Monday evening with Miss Lena lled
foid, 4U8 Suuth Sixteenth street. They
ll) if addrtissod by Dr. Lees of the
iek department.
I'ruioelan college will commemorate
Ji 160th anniversary next October.
After that itlme the "college" will be
'hanged to MuulvtirUy and will be
-luiown as "Princeton University."
The Nebraskan was furnished with
lotB of "copy" this week In the way Of
Mgned communications from cadets de-
A supplemental oolleetlon of rooks,
minerals and ores has recently been
r&eetred fm Kev. L. V. Rowland of
Grand Rapids. Mich., In exchange for
gjweimens he reelvd from the Mor
rill eoMeatkMJ. This te one of the most
valuaW eolleortoos v received by
the state museum. U ootwiat of very
large and chotae ores of Iron, natural
eopjer. jwre silver and sliver and na
tural copper fused. The collection will
fill a. ease or two.
In the light of training and entries
for Held day, attention is ealled to the
article of the constitution of the athletic
board, which says that no student slan
Don Cameron's lunch
South Eleventh street.
counter, 11B
engage In any athletic contest without . ever saw
a physical examination, 'ine reguia
Mnn -was made solely In the Interests
nt aftv. and even- contestant should
attend to it before the last minute.
nv.Q ,i.Kifwi director will make ap
pointment after May 10 with all who
wish measurements.
Cigars and Tfewa,
1307 O Street.
Telephone L
Trouble I" 1'arlt.
M. Worth's Assistant I am grieved
to hav that Madame Van Hank of New
York lias ordered a creation from Te
lix. Monsieur Worth Morbleu! I do
not understand it. And we have done 1
everything possible to please that
woman! Is it, perhaps, that our prices
are not high enough to suit her?
No luiprrti.lou.
Father ineaningly) Want a new
sled, do you? The other day I saw
a beautiful sled tliat a boy no older
than you had made himself.
Small Son Wot a awfully mean,
stingy father tliat poor boy must have.
A IJttjr llof.
Teacher You arc the laziest boy I
How do you expect to earn
133 SoUth 12 St.
Calls special attention of the readers of
The Nebraskan, to the fact that they can gat
the best and cheapest meals there of any
place in the city. A square meal lb cents
Short orders at all hours. 1 0 Per cent off on
$3 Tickets
L C. Holaday, Prop.
a living when you grow up?
Lazy Hoy (yawning) Dun no.
ill leach school.
Lenten IJlver.loun.
Little Dot Let's invite some little
girls here, and have a party.
Little Kthel This is Lent
Little Dot Oh, m it is. WelL we'll
tell ztin to bring their dolls, and zen'
it won't be our party, it will be a
doW party. Dolls hasn't any souls to
feave, you know.
Telephone 199.
327-331 North Twelfth St