The Nebraskan. Wecklr Ncwcpnpor ImiioiI livery Krlilnj Noon at tlio University ol NolirAnka, Kntriikd a 8KfO.NifCi.AM Mail Mattkd, T. IIILKT, MnnnRlnR Kdltor AS0C1ATI. lf J) LottrlllRO, C. 1.. shtiff. J. P. lllti'lunnn, C. 15 A lining, 11. S. linker, -8. II Slnnn. 11. S. Murllcr, Soclflty Military I.ocnl I.ocnl IMItntlnl Heportft l'xelinngr, RTArr AIITIilT' C 0 Culver, V. 0. Wnlllngford Trlco per jenr. ,, by mnll l'rlreper innnlh, AdurtM nil Commiinfrntton to Tun Ni'.num'AX Unlvernlty of Nelirnkn. About nftoon mlnutOF of olght ovory evening, wliflo the extra power Is bo ing switched on, tho electric current Is momentarily turned off. .lust why the snino people every night think it is nerossnry lo whistle, rnp on tho tnMea, i'tr., has not yet been made plain to us. It was all right tho first night-it appeared merely foolish it has doveloped inlo idiocy. Democratic organizations arc still eing undormlnod about tho univor- Ity. That "lying and intriguing aris- ocraey," Phi Beta Kappa, is un- oubledlj roaponsiblo. It la umlur- stood that H. 13. Xowbranch has prepared another of his famous roasts on this organization, becauso "barb" wire wns not used in tho construction of tho now fencos. Somo intorostod porson should answer tho request for slang phrases asked by tho dialect club of an eastern collogo. It would tal;o very little work and tho accommodation would undoubtedly be appreciated. Tho uni has some neat colloquial torms and it would br an interesting task to collect thorn, it is safe to say that tho university of Nebraska world not bo far bohind in this feature of collogo work. Every sophomoro knows that his class is to bring out a junior annual next spring that will put all previous ones on the back shelf. The Som brero is a university publication and deservos and must have the interost of every one in collogo. You may not hear very much about It just now, but it is here all tho same, and its board editors is pushing it along. To inoroaso intorost in the matter 1 to soouro tho very bost available terlal tho business managers pro se to offer two mam prizes. A ze of $10 is offered for tho Leu original story, not exceeding two thousand words in longth, and a prize of $10 for the bost original poem. The story and poom rocoiving sec ond place will be published in tho nnnual with honorable montlon. Any registered student of tho univorsity is at liborty to compoto. The produc tions will not bo roqulrod until next fall, when a doflnito time will bo Bet. Let the Htorios and pooms como in, the more the merrier. If the mem bers of the class of 'DC cannot write Htorios, they are free to write out Btib seriptlons to the next junior unnuul nntl sure to draw u prlzo. Some of tho profoBBors lmvo a habit of locking tho door of thuir rooitatlon room aB soon as tho Hooonfl boll rings. This 1b not to bo coimurod either, as it is ovcccUingly annoying to hirvo student eome struggling In after the work of i be hour bus begun. Under ordinary Hreunibtunres there is no lson why n student Bhould be ten nutoB, or five mlnuteB, or oven one nute late. "ono of tho fair mlndod studontB tho least blamo thoir instructors iur looking tho door. But once In a whilo it happens that tho professor iB late himself. It 1b tho most nat ural thing in tho world that a room full of lively students should think of turning tho tabloB. After a littllo bunterlng und daring, sonioono goes to the door with an air of gront bold neBs and snupB tho lock. When the professor arrives a fow moments later and tries tho door and flnully has to ubo his key or porlmpB call the jan-, itor, does he have any right to look like a thundor cloud all through the hour? Ought ho to assume an nlr of offended dignity, and niuko tho class feel uncomfortably guilty or hysterically funny? Tho clnss meant no harm, and it would show n much broader spirit If tho professor would take an innocont Joko for what it Is worth and laugh with the class. Tho N'ebnisknn wns greatly pleased with tho soul and onthuslasin the stu dents manifested in tho Kansas-Nebraska debate. Our appeal for n hearty outburst of college spirit nnd a friendly corporation of the stu dont body to Insuro a royal success of the crowning ovont of the yoar was certainly not mndo in vain. The stu dents know a rich treat. A friendly intolloctual rivalry botweon tho two great vosten unlvoraltlos deserved our loyal support nnd we rondodwl it with a free heart. Nothing was spared to glvo our guests a hospitable welcome. In so doing wo showed our co-opemtlon with tho most fruitful and instructivo of all intercollegiate undertakings. Even the faculty was awakened to the significance of the event. Thoy joined alike In reviving tho collogo spirit of old. Tho weight that eastern colleges nro giving to de bate places it to tho foro In collogo rivalry, nnd tho good will with which overyono greeted tho Kansas-Nobras-ka debaters demonstrates our fealty to a noble and worthy causo. Tho charge of "no college spirit, refine ment nnd culture" cannot be placed at our door. A losson may bo gathered from victory as well as dofoat Then lot us profit from the morits and demerits of tho Kansas-Nebraska debate, while rejoicing ovor a well-earned victory. Tho earnestness and zeal of our de baters and the showing thoy made arc certainly praiseworthy qualities and deserve merited commendation. Wo recognize thoy had to do tho best they wore capable to pluck the laurel of victory from such a worthy foe. May we not make a just and, wo hopo, a timely criticism? Lot us ac knowledge our weaknesses as woll as our virtues. Tho truth must bo known. It is conceded by ovory fair- minded observer that tho Kansas de baters bad a more commanding, pol ished and graceful stage bearing than our boys. Thoir ease upon tho stage, their solf-possossion. gesticulation and fluency in language wore quite noticeable, showing the care and skill of a trained and ready debater. A sound, logical, clear-cut argument, polished with a graceful delivery go hand in hand. And we can say to the crodlt of our boys that thoy used the former with much offeot, but sadly failed in tho lattor. To what shall we attribute this falling? Is it due to a want of practice and careful training In public speaking? There cortalnly must be more caro and rigid discipline oxoroiBed in our local debating associations to romovo this deficiency. This is very ossontial to glvo force to argument and to com mand tho good will and attention of the audionco. One of our professors spoke ad risodly whon he said, "Tho froquont use of roparteo and the apparent in cohorency In the argumont weakened the offeot of tho debate." Yes, we woro bettor ontortalnod than instruct ed. It 1b safo to say many failed to got a dlcar or oven a crude under standing of tho import of the subject In Ub two phUHOB, owing to tho frag mentary and rambling manner the Bpoakors advanced and refuted argu ment. ThlB may be eaBily avoided. But whon persisted in it becomes a pornioioiiB habit. Lot us not sit down and console ourBelves with the laurel honorably won nor lament over the mistakes, but bogln now to prepare for tho noxt local dabate, and we may safoly prodlct that wo will have not only tho logic but a polish and grace that will bury the jayhawkora be yond Gabriol'B trumpet of resBurroc tion. Have you seen ithe new model No. 2 Smith Premier typewriter? If not call in ait 13D Boutin Eleventh street aiul examine dt. C. W. Eckerman ac-ent. Tou will find a complete line of sta tionery at Lelfrhton's, 202-20G South Eleventh. Our prices are reasonable. Our Fountain is Started. Come and Look Over Our List of Fancy Drinks, $kfciA$o$x$d Mnkcrs o( Delicious (Ecnifcics, 3ce iream. Always open after society meetings. 12th and 0 Sis. Funko Opera Houso 01k. l)c Ctrcafcc Sl)oc SI)op Moved Acrss the Street 301 So. Uth St, SHOES REPAIRD AT HARD TIMES PRICES. FIRST CLASS Tailoring Vt Reasonable Prices FANCY SPRING GOODS. ALSO picijde SUils CHEAP. GEO. W. FRASER, 131 North 11 St. Hohmann's Music Depot 1140 O St. CLOSING OUT. Fjifdnl Trices on nil Lines. SHEET MUSIC ONE-HALF OFF. W. E. BURL1NGIM, 135 So. 11th St. BOOKS, TOYS, STATIONARY, FANCY GOODS, Fire Work, TIhrh, MnnkR, Gtimcs, Athletic Goods, Etc, Etc, Orders laken for fine cncruvlnp; nnd printing, copjier jilute wltli your nntno engraved and 100 cards lor $1.50. The Funke Opera House Block is the place to get vour Choice Ameri ca Beauty and Hoses of any shade. Carnations and all floral work guaran teed. Decorations a specialty. FHEY & FltEY, Florists. (M'MJlUf-Cl5J!-dMJJiBJ4 v, f Goto California in a ftonrist Sleeper It is the RIGHT way, Pay mor: and you are extravagant. Pay less and you are uncomfort able. The newest, brightest, cleanest and easiebt rid ing Tourist Sleepers are used for our Personally Conuucted Excursions to California, which leave Lincoln every Thursday 12:15 p.m.,reaching SanFran cisco Sunday evening, and Los Angelos Mon day noon GEO. W. BONNELL, City Ticlcet Agent, Cor. loth and O Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Aslc for full informa tion, or write to J. FRANCIS, G. P. A., j Omaha, Neb. ttM.wuiw. &.(. tM.mai See us. Ifor Nobby, Neat, nnd Now SPRJN& SUITS, Everything in Bicycle Clothing, ME BEST TAILORING AT REASONABLE PRICES, Paine, IDarfel, & Bumstcab. Summer Soon Will Come Again Therefore Get Your Pick of Our Line of Tan Shoes for $5, and be Hnppy. We Also Have Good Ones for Less Money. -1D&?is rlUCIMInWe11i HC rDT torD VIA THE UNION PACIFIC . . TO . . "The Italy of America," Southern California has very truthfully Veritable Summerland. StudontP, when you want to go home either to points on the main line or to A1LBIOBJ, ETC Always take UNION PACIFIC. s City Ticket Office 1044 O Street E. B. SL0B60N, General Agent. FREY & FREY, FLORISTS. Funke Opera House Block, Corner 0 and 12th Street. CHRIS' PLACE" TURKISH MASSAGE BATH VAPOR Hot & Cold 7! N. B. Have you tried one of his it SALT GLOE II BATHS. Call and boo him about them. Basement-K. W. Corner 11th & V Btrooti. H, W. BROWN, DRUGGIST. Books and Stationery, College Text-Books. And a Complete Block ol Standard and Miscellaneous Books 217 SO. ELEVENTH ST. m ...1213... O - treet been called; with its fruits niul luu-i-s a J. T. MABTIN, ICity Ticket Agent. jftrst Hat'l Banft, I..1NCOL.N', NE. Capital, Surplus, $400,000.00 100,000.00 OVinCllKS: N. S. HAKWOOD 1'iwUdent. CHAS. A. HANKA. Vlce-1'refildent. y. M. COOK. CwljMir. C.S. Ul'MNCOrr, and H . S. HIEliMAN. Ass'l Cat), 'er HUTCHINS & HYATT SELL ALL At Reduced Rates. 1040 0 St. Telephone 225. C. A. SHOEMAKER, M.D., ID. OK KM BB.) jjitj X mzfm"A ft J Office, Mo. 1134 L St., Ground Pboi k HOURS, 7 TO O A.M.; 1 TO 3 HD 7 TO B P M.