The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 08, 1896, Image 1

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Voi. iv. No. 20.
Pmck, r Cents.
Hs Four Points to Spnro-How tho Boyn
Tftlkod And What Thoy Said
-Tho Marks.
Tl,p annual Joint debate with
Kant wk Held nt tn0 Funke 'nf,t
Friday V 'nrK crowd was present
undmir did woll.
V J Hryan noted ns ohnlrmnn. Tho
.lladiMlon was oponod hi 8:40 Ity B. 11.
MoTnll fi"'" Knnsns, who defined tho
initiative mid referendum, and pro
posed t" introduce It Into our country
tl, overcome fnultH In the present ays
tern. The Initiative wns described ns
an Institution by mentis of which citi
zens wh" wish to see some monsuro
placed In the form of law, may propnro
a draft and submit It to the legislature
to be enacted. The referendum Is n
veto vested In tho people. Mr. McCnll
s a very pleasant speaker, and won
tirt plui in the debate.
A J Weaver followed with an argu
ment convinced tho Kansas boys
that shev were beoten before thoy hnd
icnrcvly lieitun. Ho used n few mo-meiif-
In rebutting the argument of
hl opponent, and then presented sta
tistics to show that tho Swiss system
l nnt entirely successful, and that It
would not be adapted to our country.
Mr McMurruy, the second speaker
from Kansas, ihon took tho floor
nnd spent the most of his tlmo In try
ing to make fun of Weaver's nrgumont.
He maintained that our greatest evil
was the ignorance of the people In log
Iclatlu affairs, and that tho Initiative
and referendum would overcome this.
Mi MoMurrny Is n pleasing speaker,
but lie failed to produce the right kind
of argument.
Neuhi.tmh took tho Hnmlltonian
M.nxl lie held that government should
lie (.! he people, hut It must come from
th. select men. Mr. Newbranch had
KM h1 t hi 'tight and his speech showed
care In preparation.
I' s Ciiyer did not lose much tlmo
with points that hnd boon brought
ut K previous speakers, but pr
ceeileil to show how, under our present
systi m, the minority often ruled. This
he ilni w ith good effect, ns lie used No
iiraskii i-tiitlstlcs to prove It. Ho also
dwelt mi the corruption of our munl-
ciphl politics, whloh would be ovoi
i urn under the Inlt.atlvo and refer
endum yuiiintnnee won applause In the wnv
he disnim.,1 of Guyer's nrgumont. Ho
propi . . a to give tlio debate a now
aspei : n held that there were three
uir. - in the development of govern
ment rim, government by force;
sk.iii i i lie form of tho Swiss system,
and I'uhi, the representative govern
ment The referendum was shown to
lie a i.iilure in Switzerland, nnd, from
Mati-n , ho demonstrated that the
sym in Lould not bo applied In Amor
Ira Mi McCnll, In oloslng for tho af
II i nu ,w, mndo tho best of his time,
"iid nduded by saying that tho col
let!' i 'iiHHors of our country aro la
fa i . t th Swiss system, nnd thnt
he i..iid that the United States
wuui i i.iupt It before many yoars.
Mi W'-nver's oloslng speech was
xtmiiL' nnd It was without a doubt the
hem i ilk of tho evening. Ho polntod
"tit iy dourly how tho systom had
been u-eti in Switzerland to thwart the
will i the people, and showed thut It
wnuld in no wise overcome the llllt
era. i,f our country. Although
Weuwr won first place throughout
tlu- d it.iti'H of lust your, nnd hud wo.i
list idncc in tho prollmlnurtos thin
eui, in vvns awardod sooond place and
Quaiiitunce llrst Friday night.
WUiilutiinee won the Mundorson prize
"f $-' and Weaver, tho Estorbrook, of
lu. The Judge, woro Professor I... A
Loon of Iowa university, 1'rofossoi
Tlumms will of Kansas agricultural
college, and Judge. Koysor of Omaha.
Tneii markings gave Nebraska the
victory by four points.
The murks gave the following totals
rank: Qualntaince 8, Weaver tl,
Ntwinnnoh 11, McCnll 0, Guyer 9, Me
Munay 17, making the totals, Ne
braska 28, Kansas 34. The total per
centages given the Nebrnskn speakers
were. Wuuvur 277V4, Qualntaince 277,
Newbrnnelj 271.
Wednesday morning and afternoon,
May 6, a very Interesting lecture wnB
given to the young women In tho hy
giene course, by Miss Adelo L. Wade,
n graduate nurse, whose home 1h In
Lincoln. Miss Wade Is In great de
mand as a skilful nurse. She was a
student In tHe university In '88 and '89.
Her course In nursing was taken at the
Homeopathic hospital of Pittsburg, Pa.
The lecture was a very practical one
A small bedstead completely furnished
nnd a onc-nrmed doll were used for Il
lustration. Tho best method of chang
ing clothing, sheets, ndmlnlstorlng
baths, the making of hot appliances,
etc., were shown before tho oyos of the
olnss. Such lectures cannot fall to be
of advantage.
Following Is tho program of tho fifth
annual exhibition of the young women
of the department of physical training,
which takos plnco tomorrow night in
tho armory:
Dumb bell drill, Lender, Miss Spurck.
Indian club drill.
Figure marking and circle work.
Apparatus work.
liar bell drill. Loader, Miss Elliott.
Rag pnsslng contest. Advanced nnd
first year classes.
Mass drill. Miss Charlotte Clark ac
companist. Music furnished by courtesy of Uni
versity Cadet band.
Advanced clnss, white ties.
First year classoss. colored ties.
Vocal Solo "The Violets"
Miss Irene Davison.
Story "A Tale of tho West"
Mr. S. W. Plnkerton.
Pnrodj "A .Freshman's Soliloquy."
Miss Mnrguerlto O'Connoll.
Recitation "Drifted Out to Sen"..
Mbs Marguerite Johnson.
Soliloquy 'Mr. Snm R. Slonn
Vocal Solo "The Linden Flowers"
"Open Now Thy Blue Eyos"..Mnssnnot
Miss Helen Sundonn.
Accompanist, Miss Florence Worley.
Resolved, That college graduates a
n class are superior In montnl attain
ments nnd culture to self-educated
men. Afllrmatlvo, Mr. II. P. Loavltt;
negative, Mr. Porry.
1. Music.
2. Poem J. A. Sargent
If. A farco Hans Von Smash
Dramntls Porsonao:
Hans Von Smash.
Mr. nutoh.
Katlo (Hlbornlan).
Suslo Rntch.
Mary Ratoh.
Henry Dnshor.
John Prottynonu.
4, joem P IL Thomson
fi. Tablonu A Dellan Roy's Room.
An order was rend before tho battal
ion Monday night tlutt hereafter cadots
could not have free use of baths; that
no one except thoso connected In some
way with athletic work, such as mem
bers of the lawn tennis association,
could have this prlvllego. It seems
that the cramped condition rondered
some restrictions necessary, and ufter
consultations among regents, tho chan
cellor, Stownrd Dales and Dr. Clark. It
was left with the Judgment or the direc
tor or tho physlcnl department to make
the necessary changos. This was fol
lowed by the above order, but It raised
such discontent among cndols thut U
was thought advisable by the director
to "loosen up" a little. Accordingly
Wednosdny It was announced that by
making the proper application for
tlckots, thoso taking drill would be nl
lowod one bnth per day.
The corps surgeon nnd -the endets are
yot on speaking terms.
Miss Anna Lytic will entertain the
PI Reta Phi fraternity next Friday and
Saturday at hor home In Greonwood.
Saturday tho young ladles will drive
over to the Plutte near Ashland and
spend the day fishing.
Tho Members Porfobtod n Prmnn.
ent OrgnnlzUlon-Dr. EiiRron
linn Boon Mndo Donn.
A meeting of the Graduate club was
called to order by J, R. Rocher. with
olght members prosont. The purpose
of tho mooting wns to net upon tho re
port of the committee on constitution,
which was as follows!
1. It shall be tho object of the Grad
uate club of the university of Nebraska
to promote good fellowship nnd brond
scientific Intorost nmong grnduato stu
dents of this Institution.
'.'. All students registered for gradu
ate worK nhall bo Ipso facto, and at
their option, members of tho Graduate
olub. Aifo tho chancellor nnd nil teach
ora giving actual grnduato Instruction
In tiro gratluato department shnll, by
courtesy, be members of tho Grnduato
1. Tho ollloors shnll ho a prosldont. n
vice-prosldent, n secretary, a treasurer,
and a historian.
2. There shall be nn executive com
mltteo of four members and the presi
dent or tho Graduate plub.
.1. An ofllcer shall be elected at the
llrst meeting of the Graduate club.
1. The club shall moot regularly twice
a year, viz., on tho first Saturday of
October and February, for tho purpose:
a. Of electing officers, ns stated
b. Of transacting suoh other business
ns may come up for consideration;
o. Of listening t IBTpons on scientific
2. It shall bo the object of tho papers
road at tho meotlngs of tho Graduate
club to prosont In comparatively un
technlcnl form a brief resume of the
mnln advances made during the yor
pnst. In the science treated, and thus
jalntl- to aid In kooplng studonts In
touch with general scientific progress,
nnd In promoting n brond community
of scientific Interest.
3. In accordance with this aim, not
less than three such papers shall be
rend at each meeting.
Amendments to this constitution may
bo made by a vote of two-thirds of
those present at the second (February)
mooting of tho year. Rut notice of
such amendmont must bo Incorporated
In the call for the meeting to be made
at least two weeks In advance.
Your commltte would further recom
mend that nn effort be made at the
first n eetlng of the Graduate club to
provide for the organization of as many
spoolnl scientific clubs as may seem
advisable, by selecting members willing
to take Into their hands this Interest.
Ry way of experiment, your committee
would suggest that, with due regard
to Hlmllar organizations already ex
isting, an attempt he made to organize
now the following spoclnl scientific
clubs, viz., of
1. Rlologlcal Sclonces (Rot. Lore).
2. Mathom. and Phys. Sciences.
3. Philological Sciences.
1. Historian and Philosophy ScloncM:
these clubs to be farther subdivided Jn
to sections ns conditions and future de
voloptnonts may warrant.
On moIon tho constitution wns read
through by sections and finally adopted
as a whole.
Professor Edgron explained that In
section 2 of article III. the idea was
that no teohnloal papers be read for
the reason that they would not be In
taste and could not bo understood by
the greater number of the club.
In accordance with the recommenda
tion of the committee those prosont
were Instructed to take stops towards
organizing clubs In the departments
In whloh they were studying.
It was voted that tho executive com
mittee see to arranging the program
for the October meeting.
On motion of Professor Edgron, It
was vowd that the constitution be
published In the university papers.
The club then adjourned.
To the Editor of the Nobraskan:
An article has Just appeared In tho
Hesperian, under the bond of "P. H.
K.," In whloh the author nttempted to
place fifteen of the thirty-five chapters
on tho roll of p. u. k. on a level with
or just below the plane of our little
Doano. Tho comparisons which ho de
clares ho made "with considerable as
sistance," strike me as being so nbsurd
that I would like to correct any wrong
Impression tho article may have loft.
As an ox-student of one of those "puny
P. H. K. colleges" nnd nn alumnus of
the university of Nebrnskn, It shall be
my endeavor to mnke n fnlr compari
son. I do not Intend to enter Into any
discussion ns to the desirability of P.
R. K. Every unprejudiced, fair-minded
student with tho Interest of the univer
sity nt heart will see tho advnntage to
bo derived from this cultured, scholarly
fraternity. Chancellor Cnnfield. though
by no means a fraternity enthusiast,
was an earnest promoter of It.
Tho comparisons the writer makes
In his article on P. 11. K. Is on the prin
ciple of the small boy who gives his
sister a quarter of his orango nnd then
positively doclnres he hns done the
"equitable thing." Ho continues: "Sev
en of these r. R. IC. colleges rank lower
than Donne; eight rank with Doano;
twelve more are bettor than Donne."
In other words he sets twenty-seven
satellites revolving around Donne;
How mightily doth Donne loom up!
Tho twenty-seven colleges he thus
humbles nre: Kenyon. Mnrlettn. Will
Inm nnd Mnry, Lehigh. Lafayette,
Rutgers, Dickenson. Hobnrt, Colgate,
Hnmllton, Union, Trinity, Tufts, Mld
dloburg, University of Vermont, Row
doln, Dartmouth, Williams, Amherst,
Rochester, Wesleynn, Western Re.seive,
University of New York, Brown. Do
Pauw, Evnnston, College of City of
Now York. These colleges haven't the
number of studonts and In- many de
partments can't do the work of our
university. They do not pretend to do
It. They are colleges In every sense ol
tho word. Nebraska, however, will
never suffer from such companionship.
I would llko to compare Bowdoln,
one of tho score of "puny schools," with
Doano. Bowdoln wns Incorporated In
1794, nnd consequently Is the 11th cen
tenarian In the United States. (Will
iams was tho 10th). The college was
named after Jnmes Rowdoln. n gov
ernor of Mnssnchusetts and valued
friend of Benjamin Franklin.
Its nlumnl list contains nearly 3,000
names. It has twelve substantial
buildings spread over a grand old
campus shaded by aged elm trees. A
glance at the catnlogue will reveal tho
fact that In the classics Doane would
just about admit to the junior class.
Bowdoln sent forth such men ns Long
fellow, Hawthorne. Cheever, Gen.
Oliver Howard, Chlof Justice Fuller
and cvon big Tom Reed before Doane
took its first stops. Yes. such talont
ns this wns "shut up in college wnlki
for four yonrs," we nre told.
Pootn nnscitur, non fit, nevertheless
Longrellow shows his college training
on every page of his works. He Is Just
full of classic loro. If one doubts
I,ongfollov's debt to his college, he hns
but to rend .JMorlturl Salutamus nnd
Imbibe n little of the feeling there ex
pressed. It Is not nocessnry to carry
our eompnrlson farthor. What Is true
of Bowdoln applies as well to Williams.
Dartmouth, Amhorst. Union. Rochester
and others. Nebraska is In the choicest
company. A. C. FLING. '91.
Nobraskn City.
Not all who pre Interested In nth
lotlos and bicycling know what an ably
conduoted department on thoBo linos Is
tto 1)0 found from week to week In the
Young Men's Era of Chicago. The ed
itor of this department U C. E. Pat
terson of New York City. A brief ac
count ns well ns n portrait of him can
be seen In the Issue of April 10, whloh
by the way. Is tho bicycle and outing
number. Mr. Pattorson has beon tile
odltor of the amateur athletic dopart
mont of the Era since August, 1893.
Since 1879, however, he has attended
all the leading atnletlc meets in the
oast, and haB become vory familiar
with tho names and records of all the
principal nthlotes, ns well ns with the
porflonnol of nil the lending towns.
Evory one wishing to keop traok of
eastorn athletics should look this over
from week to week.
A full line of itypewrlter supplies at
the Smith Premier office, 135 South
Eleventh Btreot. Tel. 143. C."W. Ecker
itnan, agent.
Rut Thoy Qavo Thorn a Hard Tusslo-
Lot by a Closo Scoro
Tho Summary.
Tho university of Nebraska basoball
team wns defeated by tho unlvorslty
club of Omaha by a score of 0 to 6. Al
though our boys were beaten no ono
nood fool tllscourngod at tho result and
tho Omaha boys were strong oppononts.
Their club is composed of old bnlt play
ers from Princeton, Ann Arbor nnd
other onstorn colleges and Is acknowl
edged to bo ono of tho best amateur
teams In tho west. Last year they
played Mlohlgnn n closo ganio and do
feated the unlvorslty of Chicago with
tho famous Stagg In tho box.
Orllo Thorpe deserves groat credit
for tho superb game ho pitched. Tho
Omaha club Is composed of vory honvy
battcr.t and It Is certainly somothlng
remarkable for such a young pitcher
to hold them down ns ho did. The boys
all fielded well, but woro a little weak
at the bat. This Is a common falling nt
the beginning of the season and will no
doubt bo remedied as tho season ad
vances. Fred Rynns did tho host stick
work for the university boys, getting
three hits out of five times nt bat.
Roodor put up a fine game In loft field,
but he still needs practice at batting.
Score by Innings:
University Club 3 10104000-
Unlvorslty of Neb... 2 10000012-
Raso hits: Unlvorslty club 12, Ur
verslty of Nebraska 5.
Ratterles: Jellen and Kayos, Thor
and Frlel.
liases on balls: Jollon !, Thorpe G.
Struck out: Jellen 15, Thorpe 10. Wild
pitches: Jellen 1, Thorpo 1. Passed
balls: Froll 1. Tlmo of game: Two
hours. Umpire: Keith.
Tho Phi Kappa Psl fraternity on
tortelned their friends Saturday ovon
Ing nt a ploasant dancing party. The
chapter house was tastily decorated
with colors and flowers. Miss WI1
loughby's orchestra furnished the mu
sic. The young people woro chaper
oned by Mr. and Mrs. Gero. Those
present were: Misses Frances, Ellen
nnd Mnrlel Gere, Mao and Adelaide
Whiting, Richards, Garten, Polk, By
ors, Griggs, Hnrwood, Weeks, Vancll,
Randall, Carscudden, Mabel and Gene
Tuttle, Hammond, DuRoIs, Korsmoyer,
Jessie nnd Mne Lansing nnd the mem
bers of the fraternity, Rrown, Rowe,
Kimball, Powers, Georgo and Harry
Shedd, Wlggonhorn, Clarke, Reed,
Thompson, Wilson, Christlo, White,
Korsmoyer, Barber, Sedgwick, Spor.cer,
Hlldreth, Elliott. Mapes.
Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Ladd entertained
Kappa Alpha Thcta and tholr friends
vory pleasantly at tholr home, 1045 tt
street, Friday evening. The house was
prettily decorated with the black and
gold colors of the fraternity nnd tht
fraternity flower, tho Amorlcnn beauty.
Those present woro: Prof, and Mi.
F. M. Fling, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hardy,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Burr, MPs
Knthorlne Weston of Beatrice Miss '
Olive Latta, Llda Millar, Llola Vane
Jessica Morgan, Emily Weeks, Joa.i
Tuttle, Nellie Randnll, Dona Looml,
Lulu. Bertie and Charlotte Clark, Anna
Barr, Saruh Harris, Clura Buokstaff;
Messrs. Tom Wing, Russoll Thorpe Jr.,
Peter Luti, Frod Cooloy, Ralph Hag.
gurd, Chorles Weeks, Ed. C. Adams,
Karl Randall, J. G. Sedgwick, Sherman
White, Dr. John White, Clinton Nor
ton, Alox Sheldon, T. L. Lyon, Ward
Hlldroth, W. Morton Smith, John C,
Jones and J. F. Gullfoyle.
The English club met last Saturday
evening nt the home of Miss Prey. The
program given consisted of stories by
Misses Bruner and Smith and a paper
by Mr. MoLood. A story by Mr. Bates
which hud beon loft In bis dosk was
road by Miss Mellok. It 1b ono of the
llrst tho club has evor listened to. The
Union boys' quartet favorod tho club
with a selection and oncoro and Mr.
Lehmor played a violin solo, after which
loos were served and the business of
the club carried through. The newly
elooted officers, with Mr. Abbott aa
president, wore duly Installed, the first
meeting In May bolng the date for tho
change. It wan docldod to secure an
address from Professor Sherman for
the last meeting of the year, If possible,