.LOCA-LS. ono month of agony yot. W fll.P U iKhtmi'B Uno of Htatlonory. a ii. Thomas spont Humlny In Har- vaul . Ti. n.-ilniiH nfo having tliolr ploturon m1'' . , , Tli. will " yum ladles' "gym" exhibition lnyD. . , , Ti. in-t 1'iwny in dully thomas la due ,.t Tiii-Htlny. a t . jl,.m Schick, Policy niul Joci-H ,',.nr Sunday In Howard. llnr llwilil lm roturnod from ft ,,i W'.kH' visit to OHCOOlll. ,MImm minting will spoilt! 1 stiii'l.O'H t her homo. Saturday Our negligee Bhlrts aro tho latOBt, Huit!T9nxisIXi!ti7tFFn imnWMi WMMJLMll neckwear; iiIho tho latest collars, and hp e tlioin, Call am IK.' 1"' lmil niikli . bus liocn suffering from a tin" past two wookH. Th. n lnM cinHtliin associations will give , ml Honiutlmo this month. Tlicrnln tho lsl wook has Interforod ul:li teim' and bnsobull practice. Tho Piillndlans arc arranging for ,,lelP t.) bo hold at Lincoln park. a (j,.,.i p- Klndlor has boon oloctod ns !lst.ini innnanor of the baseball loam. MW rnolil spout a part of lost weok In ."lilui'l with her sick grandmother. ,r. ..r Sherman will give tho nn .i.l.li ohh boforo t'io Y. M. C. A. thlfl P. iiu.il '-" . . . "AJi" Weaver nnd Sid White oc-oui-i ! box at the democratic oon- Ollt 'II Mt Lulu Burrows, who has boon i..i. lung at Tooumsjli, visited at homo lxt w.'oK Th' class In art history hail an ex amination Tuosday, something now for tllllt CUIMH. A number of new specimens have be, n n.lleoted by the class In prepara- t,.i imtany. Professor Owens and Want luiuretn .pent Saturday shooting on tho Platte near Aslilnml. .Mr HII88 has left school for the re mainder nf tho yonr, but Intends to re turn net year. Charlie Jones. Wlllnm King and nert Coki,.." rode down to Ashland Sat- unla afternoon. Chancellor MnoLenn delivered a lec tin, before the people of Randolph V ,im dny nlKht. Th. lovely nights last week caused the library to take on a rather lone- nie appearance. A number of the young lady riders of th university held a bloomer party l.it Tuesday evening. c . Sbuff nnd Maurice Hyde have be, -i ii, minted to the rank of corporals in Hi- Pershing Hides. Ll -l- and Ted Wilkinson have been call ,1 to their home in Norfolk by the ilea Mi of their mother. I. Khton's prices on stationery are rea .n.iblc. See what they have to offer, -'"' South Eleventh. 2o Tt, Rl. Inn i Phi Kappa Psl fraternity will hi informal party tomorrow ovon- their chapter house. Th iv is some prospoot that the game of I ak-t ball will bo Introduced Into the KMiinaslum next year. m m I'i. .feasor Wolfe's psychology classes are ii, iw struggling with their papers on "Illusions" and "Dreams' Th- 'gym" girls wero never quite so Popular as now. "Gym" exhibition tick, ts me. in iiomand, you know. A number of tho Phi Kappa Psl fra ternity went down to Ashland Friday night and attendod a leap year dance. Mi and Mrs. Dr. Ladd will enter tain the Kappa Alpha Theta fraternity nil their young gentlemon frlonds this evening. P- E. Strain, who has been seriously 111 for several weeks, has Improved so iiuieli that he was able to go home thin week. Will Haywood returned from his home in Nobraska City this week, where ho was called by the Illness of hla father. The Ewlng Clothing company have Jum received tho very latest styloB In Wnltor Morrow, formerly of the uni versity but now of Atlanta, Cla was thu guost of the Phi Kappa Psl fra ternity this wook. Dr. Wolcott asslstod In conducting tho program of the fourth mooting of the Lancaster County Toaohors' asso ciation on Mny 2. Already tho enthusiasm of compotl tlvo drill la rousing tho cadotn. Extra drill tlmo will be put In noxt wook In preparation for the event. The European class In middle ngas hns comniuiiod Its paper for tho som aeter. It will bo In tho form of a story Illustrative of monastic life. The sclontlflo students, especially thoso of tho department of botany, ofo planning to go to Weoplng Wator to collect specimens next wook. Somo one loft a window open In the history seminar loom Monday ovonlng. The wind blow In and smashed tho heavy, frosted glass In tho transom. You will llnd tho Lincoln Krnino and Art company at 212 South Elovonth street uftor today. Got that football plcturo framed bofoio college closes. -.mms ..t.o inoqu .toj pn3uu,uv nal o.mi Botuua Ua ltiti JO mum lH -.10AUU JIJ tt. .tuniif u Xuitl oj .up.ui -?ug -utiutuo ol cfl . unioi un oLb Tho Ladles' Fnculty club will give a reception to students on Saturday ovonlng at the home of Mrs. E. Z.T. Hall, 1020 D street. AH studeP's aro Invited. The PI Bota Phi fraternity enter tained a very select number of their gontlomen friends at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Morrill last Saturday even ing. At 1214 O street you will llnd Hny den's photograph gallery. We aro ready to handle tho rush at the close of the college year. Examine some of our work. Professor Harbour gave an Instruc tive and Interesting address before the Microscope club last Wednesday even ing on the use of various kinds of microscopes. Miss Kathenno Morrissoy was given a reception Wednesday ovonlng at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sawyer be fore leaving for California, where she will teach. rrofessor Fling is going to give his freshman history students nn extra fifth credit for finishing the history papers which cannot be done before college closes. The graduate club held a meeting Friday afternoon. A constitution was adopted and plans lnld for the forma tion of clubs In the dfflorent depart ments of work. The Alpha Tau chapter of Beta Theta Pi gives Its third annual ball at the home of Ernest C. Amos, South Twentieth and Sumner streets, on Fri day evening, May S. A luckless freshman In "cribbing" his essay, happened to strike an un signed article which had been written by the Instructor. He Is not now wear ing his accustomed smile. Do you know that headache may be causod from trouble with your eyes? Better consult a specialist. Dr. II. M. Belts, room 32, Richards block. Hours, 2 to 5 p. m. Examination free. R. S. Baker encountered Bill Dech at the Social Science elub Sunday night. Xolthor ono was satlsllod and nrrange monts are now being made for a Joint debate botwuen the two statosmen. Tho greatest bargain sale on late style spring suits Is at the Ewlng Cloth ing company's; the $7.50 and $10 suits they are offering this week aro the best values ever bofore offered In Lincoln. Tho Palladlan boys will glvo their special program May 1G it was post poned a week on account of tho Kan-sas-Nobraska debate. All tho literary societies will suspend exorcises this ovonlng. Did It over occur to ou, when you wore talking to a friend In tho library, that the follow opposite was fooling exactly as you felt when ho wns talk ing to a frlond and you were trying to study? Prof. A, C. Klffor, special agent of the agricultural department at Wash ington, has boen superintending the planting of trees at tho state farm for sovoial days. Ho loft Wednesday for South Dakota. Tho dopartmont of botany hns re cently received a specimen of tho now kind of cottonwood, which Is found In the wofitern pnrt of the state, It was discovered sometime ago by Mr. R!d burg, but It hns not yot been fully do- flcrlhod, "Willie wr.fl not plnylng In front tho houfio ns usual. Tho father iuIbooc the usual kiss and "Hollo, papal I'w glad you've como." Ho ascended tho stops. Ho saw whlto crano on tho door boll. Ho rcolod and gimpod for breath, and saw nothing but mist. Then recovering himself, h( opened tho doof, nnd with moist oyo entered tho hotttio. What wns It ho saw? Was It Willie'. Yen, It wns his little son who merrll 3houtod: "April Fool, papa; April Fool!" Ami pnpa didn't do -, thing to Willie S. R Egor In New York World. I r Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 to I239 O St SHE DID IT. Not Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN vVATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. Ail goods sold ongrnvod free of chnrgo, mid no chnrgo nmdo for oxnmiuitm tho oyos. 1 1 43 O Street. Lincoln, Neb Wlmt Ho Wn hi'iit for, Thotiuli What lln Imported. Ho wns young nnd enthusiastic, anc ho lovod hor to distraction. "If I could but servo you," ho snltl to tho object of his adoration, "I would indeed bo tho happiest of mortals. Com. mnnd mo." And tho damsel blushed and said she would. "Stay hero a moment nnd I will give you a noto to tao to n friend. You will bring back n package," and she smiled, oh! so sweetly, as she gllied from tho room, She returned In a few moments and hnntled him the prcclou3 message. Away ho Hew. Distance was no oh' Ject to him. Ho reached his destination. The letter wan opened and roturnod with tho rcmnrk that tho package ho wns to fetch was at another remote part of tho town. Ho flow thorn, only to bo referred to the sergeant of police, at tho nearest station. The norgcant rend tho mes sr.go nnd directed him to another official, who in his turn sent tho young man four miles out of tho city. But tho elusive packago was not to bo found. Ono sent him to Brooklyn, another to Jersey City, until nt length, weary, footsore nnd unable to go further, ho sunk upon a doorstop and tearing open tho mlsslvo read these words: "Send tho fool further." Tho dawn of April 2 was brenking. New York Journal. ED YOUNG'S Cigurs and Nows, 11107 0 ritroet. Tolophnno 1. THE PALACE DINING HALL la tho Propeu Plage to got your Moals. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ALL YOUR FELLOW STUDENTS DOA.tD HERE. TRY US. 1130 N ST. A. G. OSMER, PROP. xmituimiiimimimmmimiimmiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiM I RIPANS I ONU GIVES ItELinF, M w-i mm HiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH COAL COAL COAL CHARLES B. GREGORY, Dealer in all kinds of COAL Rock Springs, Pittsburg, Wler City, Lexington, Anthracite, Hurricane, Semi-Anthracite, Canon City, Peerless, Hanna. Office, 1100 0 Street Richards' Block. Yards, 14th & Y Sts, Telephones Nos. 343 & 345. Tabor Teal says ho Is going to strike for 'better wages. He earns $2.50 per month looking after the B. & M. rain gauge. Ho says that Is not enough to pay for the kind of weather ho Is dls. peiiHlng. Tho Ewlng Clothing company aro showing summer underwear In soft balbrlggans from 25c up; tihe finest lino of negligee shirts In the city will bo found in their furnishing goods department. A Hood Ono on Mr. ninnk. Tho host April-fool joke of recent times was played on a Chicago commis sion merchant a few years ago. Chi cago commission merchants are not al .vayi good natured and Mr. DIank was no exception to tho rule. In fact, ho was unusually gruff, and was never known to take a Joke as such. That la probably tho reason that ho was a fav orite mark for tho practical joker. On March 31 ono of his friends caused the following ad to appear in tho columns of a Chicago paper the following morn ing: Wanted Fifty Maltese cats at once. Highest prices paid. Bring them along. Blank, Commission Merchant, S. Wa ter street. When Mr. Blank arrived at his storo ho was surprised to see a lino of boys in front of his Btoro each with a cat under his arm. When ho learned what it was all about ho became a verltablo madman. It was many weeks before ho recovered hla composure ANNEX RESTAURANT 133 SoUth 12 Si Calls special attention of the readers of The Nebraskan, to the fact that they can gst the best and cheapest meals there of any place in the city. A square meal 15 cents Short orders at all hours. 1 0 Per cent off on $3 Tickets L C. Holaday, Prop, Burlington's personally conducted excursions to Utah and California. A Pullman tourist sleeping car will leave Lincoln every Thursday at 12:15 .p. m. for Denver, Salt Lake, Ogdon, San Francisco and Los Angolcs. Only $5 for a double berth Lincoln to Los An geles in one of these cars. Remember there is no change of cars. For full in formation and tickets apply at Bur lington & Missouri depot or city ticket office, corner Tenth and O streets. G. W. Bonnell, C, P. & T. A. J-L EVANS. President. O. O. QUIGQ-LE, Secretarv EVANS LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St,