The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, May 01, 1896, Image 1

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ou IV. No. 2S.
i'ltiCK, fi Cknts
Prospects for a Royal Turn
The "Dauntless Throo" on
They nro Good Mon and Will MaVo n
Hnnl Fight-Thls Evonlng's Contest
- Tho University Orchostro. Will
Furnish tho Music.
T nicht In the Funke oporn houso
tv i! uiiir one of tho most hotly con-
i debates over participated In by
I ni- ( uir unlvorslty. Two years
,i -i. Kansas-Nebraska debating ns-
v , iitioii was formeil. Last year the
I'inual Joint debate was held at
, m . under the auspices of Kan-
n,erslty. The decision of the
. - u.i a tie, there being only two
,,!. . j.i.s.-nt. Kansas was decided
t be the winner. Tonight the
t annual Joint debate Is held.
1 the very evUlont nnd widespread
- asm among our students, n
p larger audiece will greet the
h is than at Lawrence last year.
I i itirest seemingly has been
iR n in debate the great mass
f students in Kansas university. Here
Just th- ..pp-lte e mdltions exist. Our
pr '. miliary debates attracted much do
's r i attention
i , . durational Institution west of
M -i,j,i has the genuine de-
S nt been widely propagated
i n unuersity. In no other
!-. tutton ar- s many and so
l"rtunltie for high nttnln-
. 1. bate ffere.1. To every loyal
this hil 1 be a matter of hon-
m n chown to represent Kansas.
- MeOall. MeMurrny. and Guyer,
e if the strongest students In
-r university. They come fully
I t.. elucidate the grU leg1-
tem, known as the "Initln-
1 Referendum." The reawakened
t' interest In this question ren-
n.- uf profound Importance to
i.ut al'e all. we. as students, are
i an Invaluable Inspiration In the friendly "clash of arms"
n the two sisters. Let us all be
mptly and show Kansas not
jat debating enthusiasm Is. but
uuine. whole-souled college splr-
fests itself here on such occa-
presentatives, Messrs. Weaver.
and-, and Newbranch, are llke-
' jlly equipped for the occasion.
-Tand together an Invincible trio,
launtles Three." who shall
ihe bridge" and add honor to
erMty. We are all confident of
our enthusiasm Is based on
fidence in the innate ability of
akere. They are men we oan de-
H- n. With such representative.
ith a confident, enthusiastic stu-
njdience to Inspire their best ef-
' '- must avtn.
t ' "me to the debate to sit quiet-
t 'u were not a student, as If
t' sum had never heaved with
'- college spirit. Ue students
ly Interested and hilariously en-
- atl- Let us all bring colors and
" n profusion; let us come with our
iii baseball and oratorical en-
anm united In one unbroken flow
Ib-ge spirit which shall adequately
x ur estimation for the highest
nm-nts In debate. Greet our
fty KansaB brethren most heartily;
i th-m credit for every point made.
' t them after the debate, get ae
"i 4 u wj. anj ghow them all courtesy
i ur power. Uut stand up for the
I'duntlejsH Three." Give them the
nng and support they most highly
" ' ' And after the Judges decision
' '-why. Just form a procession and
"onthuse" over the victory. Yoll for
the "Dauntless Three" nnd for our unl
vorslty. No Htudont wlio Is anxious to make
tho most of his college opportunities
can afford to miss this ono of tho
most Important events of tho year.
Almost all arrangements for Hold dny
have been completed. It will be hold
.lune S. Monday of ooinmencoinont
week. The list of events Is ns follows:
One mllo run; one-half tulle run: 110
yard run; 220 yard run; 100 yard run;
one mile walk; 120 yard hurdle race;
running broadJump;ruuulughlgh Jump;
standing broad Jump; hammer throw;
shot put; football kick; polo vault; one
fourth mile bicycle race; one-half mile
bicycle race; two mile bicycle race.
Twenty-tlvo cents wll be charged for
each entry, but this will bo refunded If
the contestants compotes fairly. For
further Information see J. K. Pearson.
The Pnllndlnn gills gave a special
program last Friday. Tho hall was
crowded, many being e 'mpcllcd to
stand. Tho program, as printed In last
week's Nebrasknn. was carried otit.
After the entertainment was over, tho
boys took the girls down to one of tho
loading caterers nnd gave thorn a treat
of Ice cream, strawberles and cuke.
Toasts were responded to by S. J.
Corey. H. S. linker and W. H. Martin.
There were about thirty of fprty
couples In the crowd. Everybody
seemed to have a good time.
Dr. U. A. Clark entertained the mem
bers of the boys' gynnslum classes at
his home Wednesday. He furnished
pleasant entertainment for them In
way of new games. Fuller won the
prize a dozen lead pencils for making
the funniest face out of a circle, by
four strokes of a pencil. A. D. Kyle
was presented with a hand mirror the
reward for his ability to recognize the
Inrgest number of portraits of famous
Imilvliliinls. Sides were than chosen
and a regulation gnn?e of looTbaTft
played. A blown egg served as the
pig skin two tumblers at each end of
tile "Held" for the goal jtosts. The
force necessr ry to push the ball over
the line was breath from the lungs.
Everylrody got down on their hands
and knees nnd "blowed" till they were
dizzy. The score did not assume the
dose figures a well played game on the
campus would. Strawlterry Ice and
cakes were afterward served. The doc
tor talked about the coming gym
nasium exhibition nnd made all the
members of the class enthusiastic
over It.
Professor Nicholson has been re
cently elected a member of the council
of the American Chemist society. The'
jtositlon is an imiKirtant one and his
election Is a recognition of the profes
sor's standing In the scientific world.
The society is one of the strongest
scientific organizations In the country
and its olllees are filled almost exclu
sively by eastern men.
The Christian associations will ha?
a Joint missionary meeting Sunday a)
ternoon at 4 o'clock. Mkg Birdie Pol
lock will lead. Answers to the objec
tions to foreign missionary work will
be given. The speakers will be Messrs.
Thayer and Hunt and Misses. Wood
ford and Heynolson. A double quartet
will sing. Every student In the univer
sity is Invited to attend this meeting.
Answeis to objection to foreign
missions will be the subject of the
V. W. and Y. M. C. A. Joint missionary
meeting Sunday at I p. m. In Dellan
hall. Miss Pollock will lead. Mr. Hunt
will discus "The Want of Money;"
Miss Matthew. "Ned at Home;" Mr.
Ttiayer, "Why I Decide Now;" Miss
It.ynoldson. "Not Called." You are
Invited to be present.
A bureau of publicity has been estab
lished in connection with the univer
sity. F. W. Taylor is ehe director. Ho
ha made arrangements with the news
paper unions and the city and Omaha
papers to um much of the work of the
Journalism class. This will be prepared
In the way ot bpecJal articles on what
the different departments have accom
plished and university incidents of in
terest to the people of the state.
Four good men are employed at Con
stancer's barber shop, 1010 O street,
where you get the cleanest shave and
neatest hair cut.
Making Hontly for UotmnonoMiiont
Wook -Arrangements for tho
Senior l'romonndo.
Tho senior class mooting Friday wns
umimtnlly well attended. The order of
business was the reports c.f various
committees. Those committees that
wore able to do so gave definite reports
nnd tho more unfortunate ones re
ceived a slight reproof and were asked
to make haste speedily. The most Im
portant committees to report were
those on class play, fund scheme nnd
permanent organization, and senior
The reiwrt of the fund committee
was placed In the Nebraska n and ac
tion will bo taken upon It nt tho next
meeting. .All non-subscribers of tho
Nobrasknn were furnished with copies
of last weok's Issue, so that Intelligent
action nt least can bo taken on the re
port. The promenade committee, having
held several well organized meetings,
was able to rejjort In good shape.
A committee to arrange dates for
commencement week wns appointed,
nnd the meeting adjourned. A great
denl of credit Is due this class for the
amount of work It did In about four
At a meeting of tht senior promenade
committee, very definite arrangements
were arrived at. it was decided to
hold this dance at the state houso on
account of tho peculiar advantages of
the hall of representatives and be
cause It will be able to give due dig
nity to such an event.
The number of pieces of music and
hc programs were decided upon.
V. U. McLucas war elected master of
ceremonies and Ed Adams, treasurer.
No action was taken on the box
scheme, but It wns 'unanimously con-ct'ted't''bi'-a
good -os.
A number of boxes. It Is planned, will
be erected In the hall. These will be
sold at auction to the different organi
zations or individuals of the university.
The boxes are Intended to be the par
ticular stamping ground nnd feed
trough that evening for Its particular
purchasers, and are to be decorated ac
cordingly. The number of tickets will be strict
ly limited to sixty, the price of which
will be J2. On sale at present writing
by the committed. Misses Hnrwood,
1 ticket ts and Taylor; Messrs. McLucas.
Pulls. McCarthy. Pollard. Adams. Reed,
Warner. Schwarz. Dixon and Abbott.
Senlo- class met Tuesday at 1030. The
class has all kinds of business to at
tend to and it keeps our worthy seniors
busy. They have teei a little b.t slow
through all their college course and now
are realizing that there is but one
chance left. Commencement time Is al
most upon them and you had better be
lieve they are hustling.
Chancellor MacLean addressed this
meeting. As we all know the chancellor
Is an active member of the class of '9C.
He spoke of his desire to become better
acquainted with the members and pro
posed several schemes to accomplish
this end.
He also asked the members of the
class who desired to teach next year
to call on him, for already he had been
approached In his tra veiling .over the
state by school trustees asking for
recommendations. Hence the neces
sity of a better acquaintance. The
chancellor was rather handicapped In
that he has had but one year to learn
all about his classmates, but we trust
they all know him.
The fund committee's report was
then considered. No amendments to the
constitution as published In last week's
Nebraska were made, and the scheme
was voted adopted provided that the
committee obtained the signatures of
two-thirds of the clasB, which virtually
means thai the class will be perma
nently organized.
Mr. Ernest Haughton entertained a
party of young people In the room of
the Sigma Alpha Epsllon fraternity
Friday evening. He was assisted In
entertaining by Miss Alice Slaughter.
The evening was passad In whist play
ing. At 11 o'clock some mpst palatable
refreshments were served. After that
dnnclng wns Indulged In, Mr. and Mrs.
Whoolor very kindly furnishing tho
music. Those present were: Messrs.
andH Mesdnnies Whoolor, Low Marshall
and C. L. Hurr; Misses Mario Marshall,
Alice Slaughter. Mabol ltloliards, Lucy
Grlfllth, May Monro, Itlanehe Garten,
Henrietta Holllbunh, Mno Hurr, draco
Oakloy. llolen Nance, Fannie Hector,
Mary Fochet. Florence Farwell nnd
Myrtle llrown; Messrs. Harry Hurley,
John Fnrwell, John Lottrldge, Ted
Winger, Homer Honeywell, Fred
While, John Dixon. Joe Mnllalleu, Matt
son Haltlwln, Kobert Joyce, Elmer Mer
rill. J. C. Mason. Sid f;orby, Sid White
and 13d Morrill.
The students of the nlvorslty con
servatory gave the seventh recital of
the year In the chapel Wednesday
evening. The program was ns follows:
Song, "Past and Future," DelCoven,
Oda Closson.
Song, "Little Silver Ring," Chnmln
ndo, Jessie Lansing.
Piano solo Two Pastoral Scenes from
op. 1C, Nevln, "A Shepherd's Tnlo,"
"Shepherds All tho Maidens Fair,"
Nevln, Jessie Schultz.
Arln, "Dost Thou Know That Sweet
lnnd" from Mlgnon, Thopins. Nina
Violin solo. "Legendo," WIenlnwskl.
Inn Ensign.
Song. "She Wnndered Down the Moun
tain Side," Clny. Im gene Clinton.
Plnno solo, "Gondellled." "Spring
Song." Mendelssohn, Edith Shaw.
Aria, "O Fatlmn" from Abu Hassan,
Weber, Ethel Galley.
Violin duo. Fourth Symphonle Con
certante. Dancln, Misses Inn Ensign,
May Relle Hngenow.
Song. "For All Eternity." Maschoronl,
Edith Rlsser.
Arln (a) "Jerusalem Thou That Kll
leth the Prophets" from St. Paul, Men
delssohn; (b) "An Irish Folk Song," Ar
thur Foote, Amelia June Smalls.
The Instrumental numbers were
more enjoyable than the vocal. There
seemed to be a hesitancy on the part of
most of the singers so that tholr work
wns slow and labored. This was less
noticeable with Miss Closson and Miss
Rlsser than with the others. The violin
numbers were especially good.
Prof. Conway McMillan lectured be
fore the botanical semlnnr on Friday
He entered Into a profound discus
sion of each part of his thesis. His
subject Is one that is agitating the
botnnlcal world for the first time.
Professor McMillan Is one of the
many of whom Nebraska should be
proud. He lived In Lincoln from boy
hood and graduated from the univer
sity In 'STi and took his second degree In
the following year.
He has for some years occupied
the chair of botany In the
university of Minnesota and has
done considerable excellent work in his
chosen line.
The professor Is staying at the home
of Chancellor MacLean. He will re
main In the city a number of days.
Members of the senior class will
please leave orders for commencement
Invitations at tho Co-Op at once. The
orders must all be sent in by Monday.
May i.
A party composed of Ex-Governor
and Mrs. Robert E. Pnttlson, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Rradley and Dr. C. S.
Mlddleton, all of Philadelphia; Mr. D.
C. Ammldon of Raltlmore. and H. God
lard. editor of the Engagement Ex
press, iwld a visit to the university
Tuesday. The chancellor entertained
the visitors and showed them all the
advantages of the Institution espe
cially the library building.
The Palladlan Debating club will
meet as ubual Saturday evening.
"Should Divorce Laws Be Strict or
Liberal'" Is the question for debate.
The speakers on the affirmative will be
Pearson and Burleigh, and on the neg
ative, Countryman and Sayer.
Professor Urace has been wearing a
broad smile lately. It Is the result of
a successful experiment with the X
rays. A large photograph of a cat was
made, every bone of Its skeleton being
clearly defined. Even the eyes of the
two needles employed to hold the flaps
in position are discernible.
Don Cameron's lunch
South Eleventh street
counter, 118
Hold up tho Union lloys-Thy Woro Do
foncoloss Tho way Donno Re
turns a Courtsoy.
The second In tho series of Joint de
bates between Donno college and the
Union Roys' Debating club was held
In tho tastily decorated Congregational
church at Croto last Saturday evening,
under the auspices of Donno college.
About llften couples of onthuslnstle
Unions took ndvontngo of tho reduced
rates to attend the debate. Immedi
ately after arriving at Crete tho merry
company were escorted to the parlors
of the Cosmopolitan by the Donne re
ception commute, after which they en
Joyed a delightful stroll through tho
vlllngo and about tho campus In the
fragrant evening air.
President P. J. Magulro called the
meeting to order nt S:20, and appropri
ately Introduced tho debate ot tho even
ing on the question: "Resolved, That
too much weight has boon given to
precedent in Judicial decisions in the
courts of tho United States." Donno
wns represented In the nlllrmntlve ot
the question by Messrs. Kenogy, Reed,
Hotye nnd Leos. Tho U. II. D. C. speak
ers were Messrs. J. A. Magulro, Mr
Guffey, Rnker and Rnrr. In substnnce,
Donno maintained that the observation
of precedent dulls tho faculties and
shifts the responsibilities of Judges.
Judges both abuse nnd misapply prece
dent. Crime seeks refuge behind it;
Judges fortify themselves against ab
solutely wrong decisions behind prece
dent, nor do they often enquire Into the
precedents presented by the bar. A
number of specific cases were cited to
prove the folly of slavishly following
In refutation, tho U. B. D. C. showed
that of the three great systems of law
despotic, codification, and precedent
r.ystems the precedent system had
made possible our national life and
growth, nnd Is the only system In keep
ing with our progressive system of hu
man thought. Precedent Insures uni
formity, maintains consistency, and In
sures stability in laws relating to
contracts. The question of certainty
In legal contracts Is tho most vital prin
ciple of organic law. Precedent may
violate Isolated Individual rights, but it
crystallzes the vested rights of the
whole community. This system taxes
all the common sense of the present
Judge and Includes the common sense
of all the supreme court Judges gone
before. Precedent precludes and In
duces the healthiest progress.
The U. R. D. C. then gave specific
citations to a large number of cases
proving their position, and gently re
minded the Doane boys that in all their
citations they had given but two defi
nite, specific references.
On the whole, the Doane boys did not
show a thorough acquaintance with the
question In its widest significance, while
the Union boys showed a more careful
understanding, and greater resources
at ready disposal.
The fact that an admission of 15 cents
was charged limited the audience to a
very small number. Not even the Doane
students turned out as they should.
Little enthusiasm was shown on the
part of the student body of the college
and manifestly less on the part of the
patrons of the city. This Is not as It
should be. And It Is not as it will be
when the spirit of the few faithful there
gradually inspires the whole student
The Union crowd needed no exhorta
tion to "enthuse." With colors, cheers,
and yells they appropriately "backed"
their worthy representatives. Their
spirits were not even dampened by the
15 cents admission. On the whole the
kindliest of feeling prevails toward the
"Little Brother" and the Union boys
look forward expectantly to the next
year's series of debates.
Albert Watklns entertained the class
In Journalism by a very entertaining
lecture Tuesday. He took the atten
tion of the members from the financial
part of the profession and talked of
the type of manhood different phases
of newspaper life developed. He set
everyone thinking about this Important
feature of the work.