LOOAX.S. Junior ithomofi nro duo May 8. Miss Umlly Vco1r was nUo HI to first of the weok. The out bud In the front of tho campus Is coming on nicely. i m Tho next mooting of tho lOngllsh club Will bo hold May 2. 4 Harry Shedd spent Hominy with his parents In Ashlnnd. Tho second batch of nrgumontntlvo thomos went In Tuesday. m Tho senior prom. Is tho noxt big uni versity hop to look forwnrd to. Jlmmlo Sonrson will tonch In the Snundors county institute this summor. "Shorty" I.ohnhoff, who has leen laid up with n sprained nnkle, is out wwiln. Lincoln, future. n. Thayer hns returned to whet ho will reside in the Miss Kredn Schell entertained n num. lior of university students Tuesday evening. Miss Conklln will offer n spockxl course in beginning Froneh of six weeks this summer, Miss Alloc Slnughtor Is contemplating permanently tnkliiR up hor residence tn Omnhn. The fnmlllnr form of "Umptle" Gard ner Is missed nboul tho tonnls courts this sprlnp. O. 11. Allon wns n delegate io tho free silver convention held In this olty last Wednesday. Clyde Peneost, a dental student of Iowa university, was visiting about the campus Tuesday. Another military hop. this time at Burllngto beach, by the ."non-coms" Is being talked of. Mr. Taylor will lend tho regular do votlonnl meeting of tho Y. M. C. A. Sunday at -1 p. m. In Dollan hall. A number of the botany students went to Walton Saturday forenoon. The trip back was made on foot. a KniajSUyinarfpm EBBMSiJlnlilflPlwIMlBMBg PimmMpig'?jMKWT .f??5tlrhreTn tflMbflKW.'?- v- .-mm IB w -BMBft v shc a Tho Christian associations pave a re caption to the young people In the as sociation's cottaRO last Thursday oven- ,n- . . . Mrs. Manning's dramatic class Is pre lmrimr a farce play, which will b& ,,u.n in he ehanol about the mldille of May. Wo are going to move May 1. See what we can offer you before that time. Lincoln Frame & Art Co., 220 South IDlevonth street. D. S. Dusonbury, county superin tendent of Nuckolls county, has boon thu guest of the Phi Kappa Pal fra ternity the past weok. Tonnis has commonoed In earnest. Tho counts are finished and aro con coded to be the best In Lincoln. They aro full of players every evening. Burt "Wilson, Fritz Korsmeyer. Clint Norton. Harry and George Shodd, Ed- ( gar Clarke and Ernest Wlggenhorn will spend tomorrow fishing near Ashland. Professor McMillan of the Minnesota university, and a graduate of our own university, will speak boforo the botanlonl seminar n weok from tomor-row- . , . Captain Guilfoyle very heartily en dorsed the petition uslcing for tho ar mory for university "dances. One of the frnt mon has proserved the petitions as sou van Irs. A .masauorade was ihald at the con servatory of music last Monday even ing by the student of music. After tho affair wns over the maiueraders hud their picture taken. II. L.. Piorson, who left college the tlrst of the semester, writes from Iowa that prohibition is ulte in harmony with his theory, but nevertheless he will bo In tho university usuin noxt yoar. Tho non-coms of company "A" have begun to put in tholr delinquency re ports 1o oount on the records of the members for the prizes offered by Cap tain Rood and tho ex-captains of the company. The Dollan girls held an enthusiastic mooting Wednesday afternoon and or ganized a debating club. Miss Horn was elected temporary chairman, The organisation will bo perfected In tho Menr future, Professor Ansloy's father has boon vory 111 for somo time. Mr, Ansley went to his Illinois homo during tho early part of last week, but his father had died boforo ho t cached him. Pro fessor Shortnan has taken his class. Tho Indies' Vacuity club cordially Invites ' students from nil dopnrt monts of tho Mnlvorslty to a reception nt tho homo or Mr, nnd Mrs. V. M. Hall, corner of lCloVonth nnd 13 streets, Saturday evening, May 2, from 8 to 11. Tho hoard of rogeuts appropriated money to hnve tho campus watered and taken care of this summer. Thoro Is no doubt that this will Improve tho gen eral appearance of everything about the university. The adjutant ha published the fol lowing ortlers: "The cadets are requlrad to provide themselves with duck trous ers before May first. Said duck trousers to be made from material having been shrunk before making." Professor Kllng delivered two nil Ureases nl Aahkind Inst Friday. In the afternoon bespoke to tho Woman's club on the study of historical evidence and In the evening nddressed n largo nud ence on the rotation of democracy to higher education. The Commercial Gazette, the Clncln nati owner on which Mr. Pates Is employed, will be found on sale at tho Lincoln news ngency, lSleventh nnd O. Tho resignation of professors Allen nnd Wilson, as well as that of Miss Bobbins, wcro nccoptod. Captain Guilfoyle hns suggested that hereafter the name of tho winning company, with the date on which tt won Its victory, be placed on tablets Instead of being put on n pennant thnt may easily up uestroyeo. isi mm hereafter the prize sword be given tor some other quality than attendance. The Pnllodlons will celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary some time next fall. Circulars which have been Issued nnd sent to old members of tho soolety state that It will be "tho blggost event In the history of the Institution." A committee was appointed sometime ngo b make preparations for tho celebration. iSaf'lUMaB 1 engln- feTTtpoiislMe ror cr In position before the library ulldlng and before Professor Wolfe's "bay window," an electrical plant and a "current bush" Wednesday. Although the electrical plant resembles a good, healthy tree. It Is given out that It Is a plant nevertheless. None of thf other clnss organizations celebrated the holi day, as college work went on as usual. The Y. M. C. A. hnd n meeting Satur day evening in Its room in the base ment of university hall. The meeting was called for the purpose of electing a corresponding secretary o take the place of Mr. Kuhns. who has resigned because of his inability to be in college next year. C. W. Taylor, one of thb ac tive workers In the association, was elected to fill the place. Plans for mak ing the work of the association more effective were also discussed. lar feature of the meetings, are much appreciated by the members, for so far all select Iomh and performers havo been unusually good. Ices wero served by way of refreshment after tho pro Rram. At tho business mooting Miss Henry of tho Freshman clans wns elected to tho club membership. Alto Rother the ovonlng was one of tho most pleasant of the year. PALLA1MAN PUOGUAM. The Palladlau girls will rIvo tho fol lowing proRrnm Friday evening: Piano solo Nooturn. Chopin, Miss Mno Colson. Fan drill Misses Day, Cook, Sun dean, Anthony, Wnllnee and Hutlor. Vocnl solo "Ovor tho llonlher," Lyons; Double Loss, llolmoud, MIPS Beaver. Tablrau. Violin trio Seleoted, MIsbos Post, llutchlngs and Olanvsr. Itecltntlon "The Ms,rrtage of Flow ers," Miss Mnryott. Piano sole Selected, Miss Portor. Play "The Comedy or Queens." Vocnl duet "Whon the Wind niow. oth in From the Son," Smart, Mlssos Smnlls and Pollard. I UNION PUOOUAM. BIXBY PUOGUAM, Instrumental solo Selected, Lillian Newbrnnch. Heading Selection from "Drift wood." Mr. Lien. Chnraeter Skotoh Ned Abbott, Vocnl solo "Scotch Song," Burns, Mr. Lehmer. Blxby by Proxy Bertha PInkorton. Vlollnn solo "Morcenu do Salon," Herman, Mr. Chrlstonson. Joko genealogy J, W. Searson. Blxby Ballad-Annn Anderson. I Ladies' Cloaks Ladies' Underwear Ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Gloves Gents' Underwear Gents' Hosiery Gent's Gloves MILLER & PAINE, 1235 to I239 O St. Jeweler, Optician, and Engraver. DEALER IN WATCHES, DIAMONDS, CLOCKS, SILVERWARE, JEWELRY, ETC., ETC. All goods sol 1 fiiqravcd froo f charge, and no chargo mnrto for examining tho oyos. Run Over. 1 1 will pay you to run ovor to Frank M, Bector's, 1211 O street, nnd see his window dlsplny. Mr. Friedman, his new candy maker from Philadelphia, Is proving himself n export In the manufacture of sweots, nnd has on dis play as fine a lino of toon bons. choc lates, carmels. ota, as can be found in the lending stores of the largest eastern cities. Mr. Bector's Ice crem parlors arc the finost and most comfortable In tho olty. Tho expert In chnrgo of his ele gant soda fountain is dispensing some thing entirely new in fancy drinks. A flood ClK'P.o. How true it is that fnmo and fortuno both hinge on some trivial clrcum BtnnrpB. The most J.VepR,!fiil Jrtlct at tho annual exhibition of the French Salon one year wns a young gentleman named Baldwin Sowers. Mr. Sowers' particular lino Is tho de lineation ol still lifo, and so ho painted a cheese. After it was hung somo malicious person slipped Into tho gallery the night before tho exhibition nnd cut a round hole in tho canvas, completely romovlng the cheese. When tho exam ining committee were on their rounds they came to the defaced picture and angrily sent for the artist to give an explanation. An ordinary individual would have been ovorcome with despair at the outrage. Not so Mr. Sowers. When tho chairman said, sternly: "Where is the cheese?" he responded calmly: "Alas, gentlemon! I perceive I have painted it with too great fldollty. The mlco havo eaten it." Exchange. 1 1 43 O Street. Lincoln, Neb. THE PALACE DINING HALL la tho PnoPEn Place to pot your Meals, SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS ALL TOOn FELLOW STUDENTS BOAHD HEHE. TRY US, 1130 N ST, A. G. OSMER, PROP. EiiniiiiiuuiiiniiiiuiiiiitiniiiiiiiiiiimiMiiutiniinBiiiiuiniimuiiiiimniiiiiiiniiiw I RIPANS I zz sz H ONE GIVES RELIEF. E MJiiitninwiHiiiunMiBtiBtiiniinmiuiniiiiiniiniiiiniiHiiiuniiiimiimumiinuiii COAL COAL COAL CHARLES B. GREGORY, Dealer in all kinds of C O L H-i' Professor Burnet cnlls attention to another recognition of the strength of one of our professors. Tho following is a translation of a comment of S. Toorensen upon Professor Edgren's work upon comparative philology. "It would be a mattor of just regret If tho author by reason of his present position (In the university of Nebraska) should be prevented from completing it. What has appeared so far Is so well adapted to Its purpose that a con tinuance is very desirable." Not very long ago a young lady of Lincoln, who is treading the stony path to Mahatmashlp In the Thoosophloal circle of the olty, having hoard of tho organization of a club bearing the name of the WJsdam-rteligion In the university, sent In on application for membership. The city club, she avarrod, was too far anlvancod for her under standing; fllie would like to start lower down. Hut when the member applied to replied with laconic, "Can you play whist?" the application was not pushed. The Kngllsh club met last Saturday evoning with Miss Julia Wort. 1317 13 street. The attendunoe was unusually large, several visitors being present besides the club members. The pro gram consisted of a poem by Miss Mor rlesey and stories by Misses Wort and Smoyer and Mr. Alexander. Miss Maud Hammond favored the club with a piano solo and Miss Abbott sang a dainty ballad. Thaso muslo numbers, wbloh of late have been made a regu- Flne stationery at Lelghton's. A Gourmand. MIsb Gushab My lord, during all your American tour, which of the belles has proven the most irresistibly alluring? His Lordship The aw dinner bells, I assure you. i:i)lulni(l. Wife What do you mean by coming home in this condition? You promised that you would only drink two fingers of rye this whole day. Hubby Right you (hlo) are! I drank it out of a (hlc) baking-pan. Aci'oulilixl for. Willie What does Chawloy walk with his face In the air like that for? Is his neck stiff? Hoggy No; he's in love with a chorus fay, and has occupied the front row steadily now for a whale month. Rack Springs, Pittsburgf Wier City, Lexington, Anthracite, Hurricane, Semi-Anthracite, Canun City, Peerless, Manna. Office, 1100 0 Street Richards' Heck. Yards, 14th fc Y Sts. Teleaheaes Nns. 343 & 345. ANNEX RESTAURANT 133 SoUth 12 SL Calls special attention of the readers of The Nebraskan, to the fact that they can gat the best and cheapest meals there of any place in the city. A square meal 15 cents Short orders at all hours. 1 0 Per cent off on $3 Tickets L C. Holaday, Prop. J.H.EVANS, President. O. O. QTJiaG-LTS. Secretary" force and dl artlole I left Hit Dill. Poet Did you feel the reotness of that pointed for you this morning? Editor (fuilously) So it was you who put that bent pin tn my ohalr, was it. you scoundrel? Undo Heuben Them's the most ex pensive scarocrows I ever seen, and they hain't no better than one made out of old clothes and straw neither. N. Y. World. A Hint to Doctor. Invalid I don't believe that this med icine Is helping me at all. Wife What makes you think so? Invalld-.lt does not taste bad enough to do me any good. EVANS ' LAUNDRY COMPANY Telephone 199. 327-331 North Twelfth St. 6 l A 1 r V. (1 ' ' 2 V4-. PS-.'