The Nebraskan. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1892-1899, April 24, 1896, Image 1

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Vor, IV. No. 27.
PllIOK, fi Cunts.
Funko Opora Houso, Friday
Evoning, May 1st.
Woavor, Quaintanco, Now
branoh, Our Spoakors.
IBnthuMnnin Running High tHudonts,
Faculty, Patrons, Frlonds, Hoolollon
and Fratornl ion Have Arrang
ed to Attend In n Rody.
Tim university linn reached a degree
nf progress which renders It unnoeos
wiry to "enthuse" over an Inter-eollo-Klnte
dphnte. No unnatural Ktlmului
has hoon required to turnnlloyostownrd
i hi great Inter-collegiate event of the
yenr. The students nre Impatiently
awaiting tho dny May Day Friday
iXi'nliiK. May the II rat. Tho state and
national pross have recognized tho
K a Msn-Nebraska debate on a par with
th. great eastern Intot'-colloglnto de
bates. Willi Interest In oratory declin
ing, the attention of the students nat
urally turns ao thlH moro practical,
more prolltnblo mode of development
in tin- arts of dally life.
The fact that Messrs Estnbrook And
Manderson have offered prizes of $20
nnd $10 to our host sponkors adds an
other element of Interest In the debate.
ThlH formal recognition of tho utility
nf debate by two of Nebraska's fore
most citizens nt once glvos standing
and dignity, and plAces rondy, power
ful Argument at a premium as com
pared with oratory as It has boon prac
tn d hitherto.
Our unlvorslty Is to bo represented
by Messrs. Weaver, Qualntanco and
Ni wbranch, who have already demon
strated their ability In a hotly con
tested local debate. Thes men are
making adequate preparations. They
Y.m -in th:imrtr"vw"nnmmr mm.
As yet the names of the Kansas speak
ers have not boon olllclally forwarded,
but the press account of tholr local de
bate spoke of the three winners as men
of unusual ability. This will Insure a
lively, warmly contested discussion.
Kansas alllnns the much discussed but
little understood question: "Resolved,
that the Initiative and Referendum
shuold be Introduced Into our form of
government after the manner of tho
laws of Switzerland." Nebraska,
through her able representatives, will
un Jo .lo.vuj uj oip owjo.j
proposition. .
President Matthews of the university
debating association has arrangod to
bold the debate In the Funke 9pjjf
house. Rcsorvod seats may bo haoyiy
time next week to any part of tho house
for the small sum of 2." cnts. Tho
management have thus placed the ad
mission fee within tho roach of all tho
students. If every seat Is taken and
there Is no doubt about that tho ex
penses of tho donate will Just bo mot.
Do not wait until the last moment to
secure your tickets, but secure thorn at
the llrst opportunity, and bo on tho
safe side. The Indications aro now that,
rain or shine, tho house will bo crowded
to overflowing. And It should be, as a
fitting recognition of our loyalty to Ne
braska and tho unlvorslty, and as a
token of hoarty support to those who
represent us.
If you aro a frlond or patron of the
university, lond support and oheor
by our prosonco. If you aro a mem
ber of the faculty, bring your wlfo and
family and lond holpful oncouragomont
and dignity by tho recognition of your
patronage. If you aro a loyal student
but you nre, If you Are a student at all,
so we need not urgo you to bring your
In st girl, colors, enthusiasm and efful
gent spirits to witness Nobraska win
the crown. Tho fact that Kansas won
the debate last year only Induces a
firmer determination on our part to
win back tho laurels, and to give Ne
braska state unlvorslty tho place sho
has so richly merited by the almost un
precedented growth of real, efficient,
permanent debating enthusiasm.
The namos of the Judges have not yet
been Announced, but the constitutional
provision that "Three Judges shall be
selected by tho chancellors of the two
universities. No ono shall bo chosen
judb'Q who Is a resident of either state
represented, or who has an Interest In
cither university," Insures that Impar
tial Judges shall bo ohoson and a fair
decision rendered.
Lot us each one then see to it that
so far as wo aro both Individually and
collectively concerned no Interest or
enthusiasm shall bo lacking to make
the coming May Day conflict ono long
to be romombored as ono of tho most
Instructive, enjoyable, triumphant In
tercollegiate events of tho year.
sohedulh'of games.
Tho manager has beon busy latoly
goltlng somo good gnmett sohodulod,
Denver will play us at Denver on Sat
urday, November II, The following
Monday the team will play the univer
sity of Colorado at Moulder. A gamo
has been sohodulod with Crete, but tho
dato has not been dotormlned upon
yet. It Is said that an amusing con
versation took place between our mali
nger and Manager Lea of Croto nt tho
conference of the two. As Is well
known, our manager refuses positively
to be bluffed. If any appearance of
bellgerency Is exhibited by tho opposing
party, he Is likely to meet with the
same a little more emphasize!. Lea
mot Mr. oury. lie told him how Doano
would not come to Lincoln for a guar
antee less than $l2fi. They could not
think or plnylng Tor less, etc., etc.
When he llnlnhod ho was quietly In
formed that Doano had not bonton tho
university looently. The unlvorslty
wns not scheduling games for the
health of a few Doano studonts; that
on the whole. If Doano wanted to play
with the university she must play at
the university's figures. Beforo Mr,
Lea returned to Croto ho had scheduled
a game with the unlvorslty of Ne
braska, said university to pay Doano
$7fi for oxponsos.
Undoubtedly a date with Grin
null will be sot for Lincoln. Owing to
the miserable schedule that was made
out, Nebraska will have a hard time
next fall. The mnnngor figures on
clearing $500 on the prollnilnary games.
Nothing definite has yet beon done
toward securing a coach.
' Tile flrst nnvflial hbpoTflvB PoTShlng
Rlllos was given at the Lincoln hotel
Friday night and It was a success in
every sense of tho word. The members
of the crack company showed their
loyalty by turning out almost unani
mously, There wore fifty couples pres
ent, among whom wore a great
many couples from outsldo the
university circles. It Is a no
ticeable fact that the university
dances are becoming so popular that a
great number of town people nro glad
to attend whenever they have tho op
portunity. The hall was decorated In
an original and strictly military fash
Ion, sabres being hung around the
walls, llagenow's orchestra furnished
the music. Tho dance began At ton
minutes after nine. Captain Gullfoylo
and Miss Richardson leading the grand
march. Eighteen numbers wore danced
and tho party broke up shortly after
one. Tho committee In charge of tho
dance comprised John Dixon. Ed
Adams, Phil Russol, Charley Pulls and
Fred Clements. Ed Adams made a vary
etllclont master of ceremonies.
llo has Just roachod tho library, re
turning from tho chapel. He throws
hlmsolf against ono of the heavy swing
ing doors, passes through and about
to let tho door go when he 300s Miss
Smith coming. lie waits, smiling and
bowing for Miss Smith to pass through
and Is duly thankod. He n&nln Is about
to let go of tho door, when ho soos An
other girl coming. Tho waiting, smil
ing, bowing and thanking Is again
gone through with. Another girl. Moro
girls. Will a boy never come? Yes,
here Is one now. Rut see, the coming
boy goes through on the off side of a
girl and still tho victim dutifully holds
the door. Another girl 0110 ho doesn't
know. How many girls there nre In
school. More girls. "Ah, at last"
and he lets the door bump spitefully
up against a fellow man, who In turn
does service for the next fifteen co-eds
to come.
The chancellor's reception to tho sen
ior class was somewhat of a departure
from tho old rule. In the first plaoo It
camo when the seniors woro not hust
ling around getting ready to graduate,
or worried to death over credits.
The class accepted the invitation of
its honored member In a body.
After a general reception Chancellor
MacLtan, In a neat little speech, asked
the guests to adjourn to the third story
whore- they wore most elegantly enter
tained by a muslcale. Addresses by
President A. S. Raymond of Union col
lego and tho chancellor followed.
Mlssos Jones nnd Conklin served refreshments.
Vlotor RonowfUor Introducon a Praotloal
ltoHolutlon Whloh Will Bnvo
4,000 a Your.
Prosldont Raymond of .tho Union
College Sohnectady, New York, nd
drossod tho studonts In tho chapel Mon
day morning, April 20, nnd although tho
prosldont claimed to have no patent on
either poetry or prose, ho hold tho oloso
attention of tho studonts for nn hour.
When ho wns introduced by the chan
cellor, he was greeted by the college
yell, and when he htrt lltushod his ad
dress he was lourtl applauded and
nnd again cheered with a honrty uni
versity yell. Following Is the address
In substance:
Everything Is modrtert After a pattern.
The flowers and plftJts of the Held nro
made after perfect. Although hidden,
patterns. The dofoffts of a plant aro
duo to environment The llfo of man
Is molded In tho same wny. For this
reason every young man and young
woman should hnvof. high Ideal. Fail
ure Is due as a rule not so much for the
want 01' an aim as'Jt Is to low ideals.
There aro two clashes of young men:
Those with a purpoK nnd those with
out a purpose In life. The flrst alms
somewhere nnd usually gains what he
sets out for; the other alms everywhere
and generally comatf out with nothing.
The president conyratnlated young
Americans, because they have bettor
chances than othor young people. They
havo a bettor change to make money,
hotter chance to make a name and to
mnko tholr Influence felt In tho world.
Ho said ho had often known of people
coming to America to better their
chanceg, but ho had never heard of nn
AmorloaiTgoIng to Another country to
Increase his prospects for rising In llfo.
Mathematics and tho classics woro
highly commended? by tho prosldont,
il lifc-wipolKllySTllfrtinnlCTTTl tltc 11ml
of a thorough education for n basis In
the law profession. He spoke of llfo as
a constant change of values. Every
thing a man accepts takes the place of
something lie glvos up, which ho thinks
of loss value. Honor Is the greatest
value, it cannot bo soon, nor felt, nor
heard, and yet It Is worth tho most of
all things that exist. Ills advice to tho
students was to bo honorable, and
never to think of themselves as excep
tional men.
Ambition Is tho main-spring of nil
human progress. Through ambition is
roachod that Hold of broader And hotter
llfo. Llfo Is the correspondence with
environment, nnd tho moro extensive
n mini's knowledge tho deeper nnd
sweeter Is his life. Ilo closed his ad
dross by beseeching the students to
seek loarning to Impart again to hu
manity. Many comniendnblo words wore hoard
on the prosldont's address and It Is tho
opinion of students that occasional
talks of that kind would be a great
benefit to vhom.
'00 Putting tho Now Idea Into Prnotical
Tho following; Is the proposed consti
tution of tho class of 'IC. All seniors
please examine nnd bo prepared for Its
consideration In next class meeting:
Article I., Name The nnme of this
orgnnlzntlon shall bo tho Class of '9C
of Unlvorslty of Nebraska..
Article 11., Object To malntnln tho
organization of tho class and to furth
er the united efforts of its members
In supplying a permanent fund for the
relief of neody students In our alma
Aitlclo III., Membership Tho mem
bers shall bo tho members of tho grad
uating class of '9G and tho chancellor.
Article IV., Section 1, Ofllcers The
ofllcors of this class shall bo one prosl
dont, one secretary and one treasurer.
All ofllcers shall bo chosen for a term
of five years.
Sec. 2. Piesldont shall bo presiding
ofllcor at all meetings of the class and
chairman of the managing committee.
Sec. 3. The secretary shall keep ac
count of all matters of Interest to tho
class and especially of the condition
and use of the fund. He shall furnish
a yearly report of these items to every
member of the olass. Ho shall have
charge of all correspondence relating
to the fund and shall seek by every
means In his power to Increase the
Interest In Its success.
Sec. 4. The trensuror shall havo
charge of nil funds of the clnss. lie
shall ho required to niako nn annunl re
port to every niemb of the class of
the state of tho c, i nuances. He
shall glvo bYind for such an amount
as the class shall havo llxod at Its last
preceding reunion. During tho flrst
term of ofllco this committee recom
mends Hint this bond be fixed at $1,000.
See. r.. All ofllcers shall bo residents
of Lincoln,
Soo. 0. All business connected with
tho fund shall be entrusted to the mnn
aglng oonunlttoo. This committee
shnll he mnde up of tho three members
of the class who are Its ofllcers, tho
ehnncellor and three members of the
faculty, one onoh from tho Industrial
and uoadonile colleges md one op
tlonnl. This committee shall have ab
solute power in nil mntters concerning
the fund which do not directly con
flict with the spirit nnd letter of this
Article V.. Sec. 1. The ofllcers of the
class shall constitute a nominating
committee for naming candidates for
the different positions on the commit
tee. They shall always name at least
two candidates for enoh position to he
filled nnd shall thomsolvos always bo
considered ns candidates for re-oleo-llon
unless they shnll decline to be con
sidered such. The secretary shall send
out the names of the nominees to every
member of the class nt least one month
before the day of reunion and all mem
bers who ennnot attend the reunion
shall have the privilege of sending
tholr votes by mall and having thorn
counted. All voting must bo closed nt
tho hour of election.
Soc. 2. The managing committee
shall have power to submit nny ques
tion thoy soo lit to the members of the
class, to be voted upon by mall. Any
decision ronohodl;,3-iniOority o suc-h
votes (provided two-thirds of tho whole
class shnll have voted) will bo as bind
ing as though passed upon in open class
nicotine. ...-. . ... ..
Soc. .1. The managing committee shall
have power to fill all extraordinary va
cancies on tholr committee.
Article VI., Socv"irjH first reunion
of our clnss shall be held during com
mencement week, 1S9S, the second dur
ing commencement week of 1001. From
that time on they shall be hold regular
ly every live years.
Article Vll.. Soc. 1. A fund shall bo
created, known as the '"OC Memorial
Fund," by subscriptions, gifts or be
quests from every member of tho class
who feels so disposed.
Soc 2. That the fund so raised Is
to bo loaned to such studonts ns aro
In need of assistance and are unable to
obtain help from Any othor source, as
tho committee shall see fit.
Sec. 3. Such loans to bo made only
to those students who hnvo spent nt
least ono yenr in the university boforo
receiving aid (mm our class. Prefer
ence shall always bo made to studonts
of ndvnnoed clnssos.
Sec. I. Loans made In this way shall
bear 6 per cent Interest per annum dur
ing tho school years of tho student, nnd
ono yonr succeeding and 10 per cont for
all subsequent tlmo.
Soc. 5. That tho mnnnglng committee
shall havo full powor as to tho amount
to be lonned to the different studonts
nnd also ns to whom the loans shall be
Article VH1., Sec. 1. This constitu
tion may bo amended on the recom
mendation of tho managing committee,
submitted six months before being
voted upon. Three-fourths of the
votes onst shall be necessary to amend.
Soc. 2. Quorum In all ensos in voting
by mnll alono shnll be two-thirds of
the members of tho class, whoso where
abouts aro known.
Article IX., This constitution will be
come opemtlvo whon throo-fourths of
the class have declared thomsolvos, by
their vote, to bo in favor of it.
The third illustrated lecture on Eng
lish cities was glvon by Miss Mary
Tromaln Monday evening in the ohapol.
It was Intondod for the benoflt of the
history class, but nevertheless tho
ohapel was half full of Interested stu
dents from all classes.
The chief subject of Interest wns
the great university of Oxford, which
was made doubly Interesting by slides
produced from hor own or purchased
photographs; the collection comprised
nlso views of the college town. The
leoturo was very interesting as well as
Ilo OIvoh Somo Praotloal Advlco-PrMnoa
tho OlftHtilon and Mnthonnulos-Sub-
etanoo of His Romarkn,
Tho board of rogents finished a rath
er short session Friday afternoon. The
full board wns present ns follows: C.
II. Morrill, Lincoln; C. W. Kaley, Red
Cloud; E. A, Hadloy, Scotia; Charles
Wowton, Hay Springs; II, L. Gould,
Ognlalla, and Vlotor Uostwnter,
After tho reading of tho minutes of
the lnt mooting, President Morrill an
nounced thostnndlngeommitteos ns fid
lows: Executive. Messrs. Morrill, KAley
And Weston; courses of study, Weston,
Undley nnd Rosewater; llnnnce, Wes.
ton, Knley and Goold; university and
library, Hndley, Rosewater and Goold.
It was decided that the first term's
work In 'the proposed school of ngri
culturo should consist of Instruction in
nnlninl husbandry, horticulture, com
mon parasitic fungi chemistry, Insects
Injurious to crops nnd a condensid
course In mathematics. Second term:
Diseases of farm animals, English,
plnnt pests, mnthomntles, structure and
physiology of cultivated plants, car
pentry, blncksmlthlng and chemistry.
The third term will be a course In soils,
crops nnd tholr relation, English, agri
cultural engineering and hydraulics,
agricultural mechanics, carpentry nnd
blncksmlthlng, political economy, farm
accounts, farm darylng and agri
cultural zoology.
Tho flrst year's course In the school
of mechanical arts comprises mathe
matics, English, free hand nnd mechan
ical drawing, shop work nnd lectures on
machine practice. The second year's
work includes mathematics, theme
writing, physics or chemistry, mechani
cal drawing and shop work. The third
year glvos political economy, lectures
OP elementary engineering. .mficiiaJiicaL.
drawing nnd shop work. Those schools
will bo organized by having the heads
of departments from the faculty of each
school with powers the same ns a stand
ing faculty committee.
There were several petitions pre
sented to the meeting to remove the
bar against using university buildings
for dancing. Mr. Rosewator presented
a resolution authorizing tho use of the
armory for dancing, subject to the
regulations of the chancellor and heads
of the departments Tho resolution was
lost by a vote of live to one.
A detailed and extended consideration
of the two annual budgets, that of
wages and salaries and of current ex
penses, resulted in their practical adop
tion, Item by Item. No advance In
salaries was permitted.
In the matter of equipment, material
and current expenses, $10,000 loss was
appropriated than was originally asked
by the different departments. The cus
tom of preceding years was re-established
of appropriating $1,500 from the
spocinl fund for the library.
Tho following resolution Introduced
by Rogent Rosewater was passed:
"Whereas, There Is In the university
and agricultural college, funds to the
sum of $161,510.07, of whloh only $72,500
is invested in interest bonrlng securi
ties as contemplated by the constitu
tion and tho satutos, and
"Whereas, The university is thereby
losing tho Interest on $70,010.07, or more
than one-half of its permanent endow
ment funds, which at 5 por cont would
yield a revenue of nearly $4,000 an
nually. "Resolved, That tho rogonts urge up
on tho board of educational land and
funds tho desirability of Immediately
Investing the Idle money in tho unl
versty's endowment In interest bear
ing registered state warrants or United
States bonds so that tho rovonuo of the
university may no longer suitor from
this cause."
Regent Morrill preferred a personal
donation of $200 for a geological expe
dition to the "bad lands" next year.
And still another organization has
sprung up within the walls of the uni
versity. The Bohemian students have
formed themselves into p club both
for pleasure and profit, electing Emll
Podelsak president and E. E. Plank
secretary and treasurer. It Is intended
to include all Bohemian students In
the city and their object Is to adver
tise the Lincoln educational instltu
thelr friends.